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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. You touch on a lot of history here. Some of it I have forgotten. I thought Wade was a decent coach. He wasn't the greatest thinker of the time but his teams played well and were usually prepared. And he had an overall winning record in Buffalo. He was done in by the Johnson/Flutie debate of the time and his refusal to fire an assistant which led to Ralph Wilson firing Wade. In my view, after the heartbreaking playoff loss, this was the event that sent to Bills into the abyss of the NFL basement for the next 15 seasons. Donahoe was a good personnel guy but he was very sensitive to any potential incursions on his turf and power within the organization after what looked like being odd-man-out in Pittsburgh. Enter Gregg Williams, a successful defensive coordinator for the hated Titans of the Illegal forward pass era. A guy described at the time as very well prepared and ready to assume the head coaching job. He just seemed to be an over-bearing authoritarian type coach that might play out in certain situations but over time wore out his welcome with the players. Especially when all the bravado and talk didn't translate to winning. He was let go soon after. Good managers or coaches learn and adjust their styles and approach over time to fit the situation. But Gregg doesn't seem to be one of them. His routine doesn't play well to the current crop of players. They are more vocal and opinionated on how the team should be run. This can be both bad and good. I think part of their outspoken character is driven by the huge gains in compensation and player freedoms compared to previous era's. Simply, a guy with $20M in guaranteed money is going to be feel a lot freer to provide his view than a guy on a non-guaranteed minimum contract. The other part of it is the current players are more aware and informed on what's going on around them inside and outside the game. In summary I don't expect any team will come calling for Williams about any head coaching vacancies, ever.
  2. Well he won't be convicted if he wins because the new administration will crush and end any and all investigations. He'll likely be removed within 6 month through the 25th Amendment and Kamala Harris will become President. When this happens she'll get a call from Hillary Clinton who will suggest Kamala name her the new VP. So now Hillary is the VP. Next in line for the top job. After a couple weeks Kamala is getting nervous and realizes she might have made a mistake. Suddenly she has an epiphany. She's in danger of getting "Clintoned"! The cause of what many believe is other mysterious deaths. Like the guy that committed suicide by shooting himself 8 times! So now the job of President doesn't seem that great. She doubles her security detail and makes sure her doors are all locked and secure every night. Is afraid to eat anything, get near electricity, or start her own car. Hillary sits back quietly thinking to herself "that's okay, sooner or later you'll let down your guard and then I'll finally be President"!
  3. The Ravens always seem to get value in their trades and picks. They picked up Calais Campbell for what I recall is a 5th rounder in the 2020 draft. The front office and the coaching staff identify a deficiency, perhaps from their earlier game against the Chiefs, and then look for ways to correct it. In this case improving the pass rush while allowing for more defenders to drop into coverage. The Bills are quite a bit behind but so are almost every other team. Well done Ravens..
  4. Not sure what the big deal is here. Was it a little weird? Yes. But the guy didn't break any law and the women is 24 years old. So who cares? Doesn't the liberal left support all kinds of sexual deviates and perverts? So they should embrace this event as a normal and beautiful thing. The idea here is to bait and switch the story away from Joe and Hunter by discrediting the messenger. And at the end of the day even if Rudy is a total sleaze ball that doesn't mean Joe and Hunter are not. And it doesn't mean Hunter's files are not incriminating evidence of criminal payoffs and official corruption at the highest levels of our government. Sadly, most Americans are so stupid they'll support Biden and the media is jumping all over the Borat story while whitewashing and suppressing the Hunter/Joe story as nothing matters other than getting rid of Trump.
  5. I'm not laughing at anything but if you must know, and I'm sure you do, those photos you refer to were from the Obama era. But your refusal to answer a simple question about the Biden's and their personal vices is telling. Why can't you admit they are what they are? Which is something very disturbing. When your position is devoid of facts it is difficult to provide an answer. So deflect, change the subject, accuse the other person of something. Anything to get the conversation off the main topic or point of contention. At the end of the day its fun, right? If you keep pressing them it can go on forever. You'll never get a straight answer.
  6. As the Biden's are the pedophiles then you are by definition supporting the perverts. Why can't you just admit it? Joe's as dirty as a pig in a mud hole and his son was caught red handed with his own personal correspondence that he was selling access to his then VP father. With the knowledge and consent of the VP. That combined with sexual perversion and an affinity for under-age girls. So let me ask. Would you trust either of these characters to watch your daughter for the afternoon?
  7. Which candidate and his son are pedophiles? Hint: the guy that's on video sniffing hair and fondling women. And the son that's banging his dead brother's wife.
  8. The defense of the last two games is giving me flashbacks to consecutive games in 2017 against the Saints and Chargers. 47-10 and 54-24 losses. Somehow they managed to pull things together down the stretch and qualify for the playoffs. They need to do that again.
  9. Hypothetically speaking the Bills score a go ahead TD but leave enough time on the clock for the Chiefs offense to shred a shoddy Bills defense and score the winning points as the game clock winds down. Another scenario is what if Bass makes the end of 1st half FG which he missed by a mile and the Chiefs lead 26-20 when the Bills get the ball back late in Q4. Being down just 6 does the game end differently than the floater from Allen which gets picked? I note that Hauschka missed 3 end of 1st half FG attempts in games last year too. All games the Bills lost and all games where those 3 points might have made a difference in the outcome. So the pattern missing in the clutch half-ending situations continues.
  10. I re-watched several plays and to me it looks like his throwing mechanics, release, body placement have been impacted by the left shoulder injury. The support brace/sleeve he had on also looked to be greater than the week before. They won't say it but I think the Chiefs knew this and tailored their defensive strategy to crowding the line and daring Allen to throw knowing his physical form is compromised by the injury which is altering his delivery.
  11. I think Allen's left shoulder injury is a lot worse than the team is saying. To me it looked like his throwing mechanics, his footwork, throwing stance, and release were are compromised by the need to compensate for the injury. This will come out at some point but for now he's taking a lot of criticism.
  12. if you really believe the left holds the moral high ground here all I can say is you must not be paying attention to what's been going on with things like cancel culture or suppression of non-conforming beliefs by the intellectual left. Truth is they're simply intolerant bigots that are scared to openly debate the merits of their views and the views of others. Also, by avoiding the primary topic I suspect you know Biden is as dirty as a pig in a mud hole.
  13. Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said this morning when asked about the Russia angle: "Let me be clear. The intelligence community doesn't believe that because there is no intelligence that supports that." "We have shared no intelligence with Chairman Schiff or any other member of Congress that Hunter Biden's laptop is part of some Russian disinformation campaign. It's simply not true." "And this is exactly what I said I would stop when I became the director of national intelligence, and that's people using the intelligence community to leverage some political narrative." "And in this case, apparently Chairman Schiff wants anything against his preferred political candidate to be deemed as not real and is using the intelligence community or attempting to use the intelligence community to say there's nothing to see here." "Don't drag the intelligence community into this. Hunter Biden's laptop is not part of some Russian disinformation campaign. And I think it's clear that the American people know that." Bye, bye Russia hoax.
  14. The Biden's are totally busted here so now the mission of their buddies in DOJ and the media is to fly cover through the election. An elected government official that betrays the trust of Americans and his oath of office by embezzling millions in bribes and payoffs from foreign entities for favors and sells out his country and his citizens should go to prison not the White House. But all these useful idiots that are defending and supporting him are so naive and brainwashed they'll vote for him anyway as no morals or ethics are as important as removing Orange Man from office. There's something seriously wrong with them. Most hilarious is they hold themselves in such high regard for their outstanding and superior moral character. A complete self-delusion.
  15. Watch and listen this week. Defect, defect, and deny. Unable and unwilling to address the facts the media and the Dems will roll with their Russian hoax story. This should be met with the response it deserves. Laughter and contempt. Its more likely the Enterprise traveled back in time from the 24th century and Captain Kirk and Mr. Spoke beamed down to the surface and provided the shop owner with the hard drives and records of Hunter created by the ships matter replicator. The MSM should go with this story. Its much more plausible than the narrative they are going to push.
  16. No. You guys are to stupid to believe it. The guys got receipts signed by Hunter. So they're fake? He placed numerous calls to him informing him the machines are ready for pick up. So the call records are fake? Several of the e-mail have been verified as real by the sender/receiver. So they're all lying? There are compromising videos on the hard drive. So they're fake too? C'mon people. Face the truth. Your guy is dirty. A party to bribery and payoffs. A criminal and a threat to national security. A guy who got rich along with his family selling influence. Has and is wIlling to sell us all out for a buck. To China, or Russia, or anyone else wiling to pay.
  17. Their commie leaders and the activist media can feed them any B.S. story they can dream up and they'll believe it. From all the institutional brainwashing they've received they're incapable of critical or logical thinking. In this case the Russians manufactured e-mails to frame Hunter and Joe. Hilarious! Tomorrow right on queue we'll probably get stories that hint at implicating Trump in some plot. These guys are so predictably stupid. Maybe the simplest explanation is the most likely which is all of it is legit and these guys are stuffing their pockets with payoffs and bribery money? The truth is Joe is a old demented crook caught red-handed with tons of evidence his "friends" at the FBI and the media are trying to bury.
  18. When you can't refute fact use the old go-to move here? 1000% BS on the Russia story here. Aren't we bored with this narrative yet which has zero, absolutely zero proof or facts to drive it? The facts show the source e-mails and data are legitimate. BIDEN TOTALLY BUSTED. GAME OVER!
  19. Well, it seems the evidence points to Hunter Biden using access to his VP father to receive payments from foreign entities is 100% true. China, Russia, and Ukraine to name a few. And the current Democratic nominee for the White House was a knowing accomplice. The former VP claims to not know or heard of "clients" that provided payoffs even though photos and e-mails suggest otherwise. A chronicle of these events was published in the NY Post last week using the abandoned PC's that the VP's son dropped off for service and a local PC shop and later abandoned as the source material for the story. All week the story was totally ignored in the MSM and suppressed on social media platforms by political activists embedded in these firms. Unable to keep the lid on the story further the debunked Russia narrative has been revived. This time alleging the FBI is investigated potential Russian meddling. Unfortunately for the pumpers of this narrative the facts show the FBI was apprised of the existence of the incriminating evidence in September of 2019. And the source and ownership of the laptops and the legitimacy of the e-mail has been verified. All this is documented by the shop owner along with holding a receipt in hand signed by the before mentioned Hunter. Only after the Post story broke did they FBI respond with any action. Which begs the question, what exactly is it the FBI does other than suppress investigations of corruption, bribery, and payoffs that involve prominent and powerful politicians? And now word is Hunter's former business partner now incarcerated as a result of Federal law violations is ready and willing to roll-over on his former partner. The fact that social media platforms would blow their cover story and openly reveal their bias and objectives shows they see this story as fatal to their interests and worth the risk or they simply feel they are untouchable.
  20. That's true. A mask will help prevent you from infecting someone else so it can serve a useful function. But the majority of people infected with COVID report wearing a mask all the time when out in public. And still got inflected. One conclusion is the infection is most likely to be transmitted among family members in their living space, at other social gatherings, or between people living in close proximity to each other like in high density housing but not so much in general public settings like at the local supermarket.
  21. That's an interesting insight. So simply "I might not mean it but I'm going to tell you want you want to hear so vote for me".
  22. 35-40% seems very high to me. But don't you think that estimate says more about your thought process than it does about the suspected 35-40 percenters?
  23. I said most people. Do you see anyone campaigning for more poverty, or more hunger, or more bias? If you have I'd like to see it. The difference of opinion is how to achieve these things. Like the Green New Deal. I'm all for it if you can support base load power requirements without interruption or variance in output at a cost that is competitive with current and conventional power generation sources. But if you're going to tell me my power bill is going to be 4 times higher and we'll experience rolling blackouts every day then I'm against it. Like all ideas and objectives the "devils in the details".
  24. The thing is generally everybody's for: better education better health care eliminating poverty less people in prison eliminating racial bias income equality equal rights for everyone eliminating hunger a clean environment solving student debt problems good housing for everyone good paying jobs for everyone The contention is generated from differences in how to accomplish these goals. So what are you willing to do in order to accomplish these objectives?
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