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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. I could say "show me the evidence" like my liberal friends suggest when they want to evade discussing some uncomfortable or dangerous topic when you make accusations about the Trump clan profiting from his Presidency but I won't. And to summarize I think you're saying its okay electing someone with no integrity or moral character, someone that takes money from foreign entities, someone who might be beholden and even blackmailed by those interests and someone who may be a national security risk. But in your view is the lesser of two evils. I'm not so sure your assessment of the lessor of two evils is correct. After all, Trump might be a loud and obnoxious buffoon but he's not a career politician. (I think of the joke about the politician that fell into shark infested waters and they didn't eat him. Why they asked? Professional courtesy). Frankly I'm not happy with the choice that was presented to the voters. I said elsewhere if there was a year to insert a line on the ballot for "none of the above" this was it. But as for the Democrats I suggest the voters had the opportunity to select among several other candidates of good ethics and integrity during the primary campaign. But for some reason they gravitated to an unexceptional 40 year political veteran who never had any vision or ideas rather than one of the others that might have provided such vision. So far the only vision that Biden has presented is to use his political office to feather the nest of his family members and himself. Good luck everybody.
  2. I totally align with your thoughts. My issue isn't whether Biden or Trump won the election. Frankly, for me and my current situation it won't make much difference. The issue is how much are you willing to let the political class get away with along with their agents like the social media and MSM giants and multinational corporations? How much of your freedom and right to decide your own course and fate are you willing to surrender to the government? Why are people in such a rush to give "The State" and its agents more power and control over their lives? Why is the political class so afraid of the truth? What happened to investigative journalism? Why are people so happy and delighted to eat the narratives they create? And on top of it defend it? What happened to the art of critical thinking? As for the media, after the Hunter Biden laptop revelations it had to be obvious to anyone in the known Universe that Biden was tainted. The Times, the Post, and all others. Yet they suppressed and refused to report the story and instead acted to suppress it as much as possible. Never, ever, did the Biden camp make any statements claiming the E-Mails and files on that machine we fabricated or false. They constituted real and genuine correspondence and information on deals made with foreign entities (such as CCP connected companies) to provide influence of our government in exchange for payoffs to Hunter and other family members including potential President-elect Joe Biden. At a minimum he was complicit in knowing of the arrangement and most likely a willing participant. So now here we are. With a likely President elect that has taken payoffs from the Chinese Communist Party and others. These are crimes and a lack of integrity. A disregard for America and a blatant statement that they are above the law. This is the guy the majority want to be President? And the media remains silent still. And all the drones go along with it like their brains have been removed or they are medicated to the point of being unable to produce a single clear and lucid thought. The whole situation is so sad because they are the ones that most likely will suffer most from what is going to come about in the coming years. The elites pulling the strings behind the scenes will escape unharmed and more enriched and powerful than they are now. The political elites are the real enemy. Meanwhile they create the circumstances where 1/2 the country is at odds with the other 1/2 while they flourish and everyone else suffers. At some point maybe Biden supports and Trump supporters will realize they are each other's enemies but merely being played against each other by political and financial forces of wealth and power that crave more wealth and power at their expense. Everybody wake up!
  3. Let's push to de-classifiy and release all the unredacted Russia intel and information from the alleged interference and collusion investigations so we all know the truth. Wouldn't you agree it would be in the best interests of everyone to know the complete truth?
  4. Because the Washington Post and the New York Times for that matter are acting as extensions of the Democratic Party and the resistance since Trump came to office. Most of the reporters working for them are not journalists or newspaper people in the classical sense. They are political activists.
  5. And guys like Clapper are crapping their pants now because they're afraid Trump is going to de-classify and order the release of all notes and information on the Russia hoax in unredacted form which will implicate the former CIA director and many others in crimes. Of course his concern is "national security". Code for we're hiding a lot of illegal and unethical crap that we don't want anyone to know about. Clapper has suggested the VP and cabinet execute a coup against the President to keep this information secret. The guys a total scum bag. This is going to be a wild ride for the next 2 1/2 months..
  6. This is getting us nowhere. Asking for evidence here is just a game to shut down conversation. What "first hand" evidence do any of us have that the process was free and fair? Nothing. What "first hand" evidence to any of us have that the process was tainted? Nothing. How would anyone have any "evidence" unless they are an election officials charged with vote counted or monitoring the results or someone directly performing an investigation? We know what we are told to know and we believe it or not based on many things such as the credibility we assign to the source. You evidently are willing to believe what you are told without question because it either suits your position or you trust the source. I am willing to entertain the idea that things need more examination and that it can't hurt to take a look because I think the entire system is corrupt and due for a reset. And Biden ain't no reset.. And frankly I don't care who won because I can say with almost 100% certainty that no matter who won it isn't going to impact anything important in my life one way or the other. This is the same boat most of us are in. I'll still need to pay my bills, work my job, take care of myself and my family, pay taxes, and keep trudging along. Trump didn't help me and I think he's an idiot. In fact his tax law changes totally screwed me. And Biden isn't going to help me either unless he wants to pay my bills and mortgage for me and other than that just leave me alone.
  7. That's funny. You will make an excellent drone. The only thing flat going on here is your brainwave pattern..
  8. I don't disagree but I think we're very early in the process to issue a blanket dismissal of all potential improprieties. After all its only been a few days. And its that quick and immediate dismissal that creates a lot of suspicion and generates distrust of the process. The fact is we don't know all the facts. So the scientific process of discovery for developing a hypothesis or theory and then performing investigations and analysis, gathering facts to either support or dispute a potential conclusion is invalid without evidence that you are right to begin with? Which eliminates the need to perform any investigation? Wow! If we used that line of thinking we'd still be living in caves and sitting around campfires being hunted by Sabertooth Tigers..
  9. My assessment is the objective was purely focused on getting rid of Trump. And this view was shared by many Republicans such as the "never-Trumpers" and other members of the professional political class that steered clear of supporting, endorsing, or campaigning for Trump. Trump is not a member of the professional political class. He is a loud and abusive party-crasher that for all purposes, good and bad, interrupted their racket for almost 4 years. So the bosses met and made a deal to keep hands off the Senate races.
  10. That's a good question. How do we get people working together again? I've thought about that too and how it likely won't happen after another contentious Presidential election that played out under the circumstances we have now. But here's where I think it needs to start. The most important thing right now is that people believe in the legitimacy and fairness of the election process. And that every vote of every citizen cast is counted correctly by the rules, procedures, and laws governing the electoral process. In the big picture of our republic and the democratic process it really isn't important if Biden or Trump won. What matters is the established process and procedures are followed to the letter so we all understand the results are legitimate. But now we have the second election in a row where about 1/2 the country thinks the electoral process isn't fair. If we walk away from this event without producing a result of legitmacy and fairness were doomed from the start again. So what to do? Well, the first thing is to embrace the truth, the search for the truth and resist any efforts from anyone to suppress to truth. The contention here is there were voting irregularities. Dead people casting ballots, poll workers denied their rights under the process to observe the vote counting process and cast objections, and abuses of the mail-in ballot process. These allegations are focused on several "battle ground" states. To name a few. The most likely scenario is the supporters of the declared "winner" will resist and dismiss these allegations. But should they? And is it really in their best interests to do so? First, there are allegations that the votes of "dead people" have been cast and counted in certain State and Counties. And since dead people are incapable of showing up at the polls and casting a vote in person or filling out and mailing a mail-in ballot logic leads to the conclusion that some "live person" not authorized to cast a vote in the name of the dead person either showed up at the polling place and cast a ballot or filled out a mail-in ballot in violation of the process. Shouldn't we all be interested in understanding how the votes of dead people found their way into the electoral process and have those voted invalidated and removed from the count? Shouldn't everyone be interested in the truth and the validity of the electoral process and the result? And shouldn't everyone with a shred of integrity and moral character be interested in the motivation of people that cast illegal votes in the names of dead people and hold them accountable and have them suffer the consequences of their actions? And if these allegations prove to be false shouldn't we all be satisfied that the alleged violation of the electoral process was properly investigated and found to be false? Should we all be satisfied that the truth was found and the process was found to be fair? Allegations that poll observers were refused their right under the process to observe the vote count and object to specific ballots that could potentially violate the count process? Should we all be interested in why poll observers were inhibited from observing the vote count process and understanding the motivation of those violating their right under the process? Shouldn't we all be interesting in knowing if they were hiding something or what other process and procedure of the electoral process that might have been violated? Shouldn't we all be interested in knowing the truth and insuring all votes were properly counted? Allegations that mail-in ballots were back-dated to allow them to be counted have been made. Shouldn't we all be interested to know if and why back-dating of ballots is an issue? Shouldn't we all be interested that the ballots were counted and cast properly? In closing everyone needs to ask themselves. Is the result so important that I'm willing to compromise my personal integrity and moral beliefs and overlook violations of the electoral process? Am I unwilling to give people I might disagree with a fair and impartial review of their grievances simply because we disagree on specific issues? And what happens when the shoe is on the other foot? Will I think I have a "right" to something I might deny to others? I think the biggest problem we face is that everybody is afraid of the truth. Lying seems to be so much more convenient and easier. But "the truth will set you free" as Dr. King said. For a long time I didn't quite understand what he meant. But I think I do now. What it simply means is if you deal with the truth and facts and ignore and dismiss everybody's BS you'll see things as they really are and this will eliminate the power and control that the system and other people have over you.
  11. Because they've been pissy little cry babies for the past 4 years but expect you to be some kind of gracious loser. I hope they're all going to be happy with the disaster that awaits us all with the "election" of a demented and senile old white guy. What's the over/under on how long old Joe lasts?
  12. I'm not too concerned about the media and their expectations or assessments of the Bills or Josh Allen. With maybe an exception or two every one of them picked the Seahawks to win yesterday. But the Bills prevailed and Allen had a memorable game. Maybe a break out game when we look back after the season. Tagovailoa was a high first round pick with high expectations. He played within the system in two starts and yesterday he made a few mistakes (one of them was a terrible interception) but the team was able to overcome them and avoid OT because usually reliable Zane Gonzalez shorted a FG attempt. Given how the season always goes its certain he'll face some adversity at some point so how he handles it will be telling.
  13. I could find a few other Presidential actions I consider "more" dishonest. Andrew Jackson screwing all the Indian tribes by hustling them out of their land and personally profiting from the sale of land tracts in place like Georgia. Just to name one. And isn't dishonesty a prerequisite for being a politician in the first place? After all, every election you need to pretend to care about the voters. I'm not a Trump supporter or a Biden supporter. I hold out hope we can do better but with each passing election I lose a little faith in that belief. There will certainly be legal challenges to the results in several "swing" states. Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Arizona. PA will by all accounts end up at the US Supreme Court. In October the PA Supreme Court ruled that ballots received after 8 PM on Nov. 3rd should be counted citing extraordinary circumstances caused by the pandemic. This contrary to PA election law which states ballots received after that deadline are invalid. Some might call this judicial activism. The US court will likely rule those ballots invalid and they've already instructed PA election officials to segregate those ballots. In PA and MI postal workers have reported they were directed by supervisors to sort-out ballots received late from other mail and manually pre-date them with a postal stamp prior to Nov. 3rd. You can call it some conspiracy or whatever you'd like but workers have agreed to testify to this under oath if required. And manual and mechanical stamps can be visually identified if needed on ballots. What was the reason and source of such a directive? In the contested states vote counts were stopped in counties that officials knew would go large for Biden. Why stop counting? In order to know how many fake votes they need to stuff into the ballot box to eek out a close but comfortable win is the explanation I read from election rigging "experts". Cook Country Illinois is 1960 is a classic example of this strategy. Most likely Biden will be declared the winner, serve a few months, and then step down as Harris assumes the Presidency. But in the event these challenges are successful and Trump is declared winner chaos will break out everywhere as many will simply refuse to accept the results regardless of the illegitimate and illegal vote fraud. As mainstream and social media spin it all as you do - sore loser reactions. The uninformed public will buy the narrative hook, like, and sinker. They're either incapable of comprehending the situation or too intellectually lazy to follow a complex set of intertwined circumstances. Conversely, Trump's most loyal supporters will also refuse to accept the outcome and they can do a lot of damage too. Either way we're in for a wild ride in 2021 as the "not my President" mantra lives on in a slightly different form. And most ironic to me is the pontificating hypocrites lecturing others on accepting the results of an election where they have refused to do the very same thing for almost 4 years.
  14. Or a 3rd or 4th party. Neither party represents the interests of the majority of the voters. For me there were several Democratic primary candidates I would have voted for but one of them isn't Joe Biden. He's simply a lifetime political grifter. And I couldn't vote for Trump either. He's a complete BS artist. There are also a couple people in the party I might have supported. But the way it looks to be is Biden in the White House, the Republicans maintain the Senate majority, and the Democrats hold the House although it looks like they might lose about 10 seats from their current majority. All this subject to potential changes as the counts get finished. Expect court challenges and all sorts of legal maneuvers for the next couple months. I'll tell you who loves the results so far, Wall Street. That should give us some clue about who is going to be sitting at the head table once again. That never seems to change. So what's changed at the core? Nothing..
  15. My hope was they'd come out against the Patriots with man-to-man on the outside with a high safety and a "spy" in the box on Newton. No such thing. Soft zone with lots of space between the receiver and the defenders to comfortably throw the ball to the receiver waiting all by himself. One things for sure. If they come out next week against Wilson and the Seattle offense with this vanilla, first week of pre-season defense they are going to get shredded all day long.
  16. The Nazi's are too stupid to understand they are the Nazi's. But that's part of the game, right? Accuse others of what you do. I guess they think its not the tactics and actions but only the "cause" that matters. But I didn't ever think these street drones had any brains to begin with, just a lot of free time on their hands. After the election they might be surprised to face different circumstances. And storming the White House or trying to start fires and break stuff in DC isn't like protesting in Portland or other cities where the police are ordered to stand down by sympathetic local governments. The Secret Service will not be as "nice" as the local police have been to the rioters and anarchists. If they attempt to breach the White House grounds they will most like be shot dead or at best arrested, and charged, and convicted, and will serve time.
  17. Except in the SB the Bills stubbornly refused to run the ball down the Giants throats and force them out of their light front and DB heavy defense. Thurman had just 15 carries for 135 and a 9 yard average. I would have ran him until his legs fell off that day. 30 years later I still cannot understand why a guy as smart as Marv is couldn't see the futility of attacking that scheme through the air. And why he didn't direct Kelly and Marchabroda to run more and move up and down the field all day. One of the most blatant examples of not taking what they give you in the history of the game. Yesterday the Bills didn't repeat that mistake. Now we just need the defense to do some quick learning.
  18. My poll question is which couple takes the Halloween costume contest? Don and Melania as the Orange Umpa Lumpa and a Zombie or Joe and Kamala as The Mummy and The Bride of Frankenstein?
  19. To me a Biden victory will speak more to the stupidity and limited intellectual capacity of the voters. First in the Democratic primary where they nominated and then the Nov. 3 general election where they expect to elect Biden who is clearly too old and too feeble (both mentally and physically) to do the job. If he lasts 6 months it will be somewhat of a miracle. Enter President Harris who dominated the primary season with 2% of the vote before dropping out. She will have absolutely no mandate for anything despite general rhetoric that urges people to pull together and stand with the new President (most likely following the playbook by trying to brand any dissent as racist, sexist, or some other "ist"). Its going to be a disaster of epic proportions. I hope everyone is preparing for economic and social problems domestically and internationally at a level unseen in our lifetimes. Worse I say than Trump has been or likely could be. The left wanted chaos and they're going to get it but not in the way they wanted.
  20. Its hard to describe the feeling of apprehension I have this morning before the game today. Something like driving to the Dentist for a first ever root canal appointment. You hope it goes well but there might be a lot of pain involved. This is the moment of truth. No excuses today. No excuses for a slow start, no excuses for not being prepared for what they'll do on both sides of the ball, no excuses for nothing. I see this as a must win not for the standings or the division lead but for burying the past and putting it firmly to rest. A win will do that. Based on what I saw last week I am nervous. After two straight convincing defeats the Bills came out flat against a terrible Jets team last week. If that game was against anyone else in the league it would have been a loss. The Patriots have no receiving group to speak of today. Their best DB is out. Their QB looks to be in some sort of slump. We all know what they are going to do. They're going to run the ball on offense and stack the box on D, bring pressure on Allen to keep him in the pocket and force quick throws, and force the Bills to win through the air on a windy day. The BIlls have guys coming back healthy and the line up is as close to full strength as its been all season. The coaches better have the players ready and playing start to finish with a game plan that addresses what everyone knows Belichik is going to do. And the players should be over the top motivated to take this today. Bills 24-13.
  21. Without reading the study my first thought is that unless they performed accurate and measurable contact tracing they must be making big assumptions to draw that conclusion. My guess is something like identifying the location of the rally and then measuring the level of infection in that location over time and assigning causality to any increase in the numbers to the event. That doesn't prove anything. So count me skeptical as with all things lately the core objective is more political than scientific in nature. I expect its a statistical certainty the people doing the study are Biden supporters which establishes expectation bias from the start. I work in health care analytics and have access to billions of data records of all kinds. EHR, claims, Rx, providers, hospitals, labs, procedure and diagnosis records. You name it. And I say this with confidence, we have much more information and data than anyone at Stanford. We've performed numerous de-identified COVID studies, reports, and statistical analysis's for client companies and government agencies. And while general studies can illustrate distribution and spread patterns of the outbreak to date there is no validated study by anyone that has identified specific events that have traced forward to identify the pattern and level of the outbreak. To do this you need rigorous contact tracing data which I am certain is not available for the rally events. The lesson with studies is you can conclude most anything you want but when applying general statistical principals and testing the assumptions most fall flat on their backside.
  22. This sounds like the same exact strategy I use for avoiding arguments with my wife. So as someone with a lot of experience at it I'm all-in for entering the 2024 race!
  23. The weather looks to be rain with 20 mph wind. So passing may be difficult but I have to believe Allen will have a slight edge over Newton if for nothing else than being familiar and more comfortable playing in those conditions. No 300 yard day for either passer is a sure bet. With no credible WR group for Sunday NE should be even more run heavy. We all know stopping the run has been a major weakness for the Bills defense. So the Bills might be smart to go heavy on "D" with a 4-4-3 or a 5-3-3 defensive alignment but I'm likely asking for too much thinking and creativity. Bills run game must pull its weight. Allen needs to limit hero ball moments and absolutely protect the football. Felicano coming back should boost O-line play. In the end Bills 17, Patriots 9
  24. You really don't get how things really work do you? The wealthy and elite that bankroll everything, buy off politicians, and direct everything from the background are not going to allow that.
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