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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. 45 of 50 GOP Senators agree with the position the Trump impeachment trial in the Senate is unconstitutional. On the grounds Article I Section 3 of the Constitution providing Impeachment powers to the Senate applies only to a sitting President. Assuming with 100% certainty all 50 Democratic Senators vote "yes" on impeachment they'll need 12 of those 45 to vote "yes" too. Does anyone believe 12 GOP Senators that concluded the trial is not "legal" will vote to impeach? So this is going to the same place the 1st impeachment went which is to defeat. On top of this proving a charge of Inciting Insurrection is difficult. It implies some direct control or instructions or command. Legal case study shows courts hold the burden of proof to the highest standards. Convictions are extremely difficult. In this case some highly subjective interpretations of insurrection are cited as "evidence". This case is flimsy at best and perhaps completely absent. This charge will go absolutely nowhere. Much to the displeasure of the left Trump is likely to escape once again. When this happens, queue the obligatory protests, outrage, and calls for Constitutional changes.
  2. What annoyed me most in the AFCCG was that the Bills coaches upon seeing how it was being called didn't direct our defense to rough up and abuse the Chiefs receivers in the same manner. And dare the officials to call it on us but let them continue to get away with it.
  3. Great players have the ability to elevate the play of others. For whatever reason, Mahomes didn't do that last night even though he benefits from being surrounded by highly skilled athletes at every skill position on the field. With the exception of Diggs, Allen does not. Josh just seemed to will his way to wins at times during the season. And his leadership attributes are clear. The team rallies around him and feeds off his energy. The team has assumed his identity. While the QB is the de facto leader of the team I don't see Mahomes as having the same leadership qualities. That's not to diminish his style, leadership, or play which is outstanding. But if I had to choose one going into 2021 I'd pick Allen.
  4. The counter argument is the women is "hosting" the fetus/child and that although dependent on the mother for survival that organism is a distinct and separate living entity. And therefore, not of the "woman's body". I'm not advocating either side of the issue just pointing out a counter view for the sake of argument and suggesting the issue is not so clear cut as some might see it. The core of the disagreement on abortion is at what point in the 9 month gestation period do you consider the fetus to be a sentient person.
  5. A former President cannot be tried by the Senate. Taking the view to an extreme, under this interpretation former Presidents Clinton, Bush, or Obama can be tried for "crimes" committed during their terms. And if this is true then all these lawsuits and charges against Trump working their way through the Court system should be thrown out and referred to the House for consideration of indictments. Only a sitting President can be charged and tried. That's the purpose of the Article/Section in the Constitution. But you have your interpretation and I have mine. I expect if the issue is pressed it will be up to the Supreme Court to provide their interpretation and ruling of Article I.
  6. "Nothing is over until we say its over!" John Blutarsky Animal House (1978)
  7. A more extreme approach might be to refuse to mount a defense based on the argument the legislative branch under the Senate has no authority to "try" or "impeach" a private citizen. Therefore, any legal actions must be entertained in Federal court under the authority of the judiciary branch. As the articles of impeachment were delivered from the House to the Senate after the Biden term started and the Trump term ended this position has some validity as the law is one part legality and two parts process. Article I, section 3 of the Constitution states the Senate has sole power over impeachment proceedings of the President. But he's not the President. So the issue may be destined for a Supreme Court ruling. And let's not yank each others chains here. The sole purpose of the impeachment is not to address some "insurrection" charge. It's politically motivated to make sure Trump cannot hold any office, or specifically run for the presidency in 2024. That possibility scares the crap out of the Democrats and many Republicans who want to see him gone. I really can't foresee that happening but I guess they figure if the opportunity comes along to prevent it why take a chance?
  8. The Bush administration pushed the WMB narrative and everyone bought it, Dem's and Rep's alike. Officials like Rumsfeld and Powell testified to Congress about the WMD peril. Committed perjury but nobody was prosecuted or held accountable. No hearings, no nothing. Deep State 1, Truth 0. If it was Trump, an outsider to the Washington establishment and power that did this imagine the uproar from the deep state and their media shills. Along with this was the suggestion Saddam had something to do with the 911 attacks which was completely false. While brutal his regime keep the religious extremists under control. And contained the ambitions of Iran. The fact almost all the hijackers in 911 were Saudi nationals and the US government refuses for 20 years under several administrations to declassify or provide answers to questions surrounding the plot and co-conspirators in that Middle East nation says all you need to know about how much our government values its citizens. As a results 100's of thousands of Iraqi's died while millions were displaced. Thousands of US service men and women were killed, wounded, or left with PTSD. $100's of billions were wasted on destruction and war and sweetheart deals and contracts for well-connected companies and big corporations. Also, Iran with their natural enemy removed by America is now free to roam the region. A global refugee problem resulted. Then Obama continued this while F'ing up Libya, Syria, and almost Eqypt. Trump supporting the Saudi's in Yemen. And currently Biden is filling out his team with former Obama war hawks. Guess whats coming? I wish everyone would get it and see there are insiders with power and outsiders with no power. Not Democrats or Republicans. We have one party rule where 90% of what happens, happens no matter which party is in charge while the other 10% moves left and right. We all fight and debate over that 10%. What's needed is some critical questioning and push back about the 90%. Instead we have national debates about gender pronouns and other insignificant nonsense. Issues generated by the elite to keep the plebs focus off their activities.
  9. Those few words hit the nail on the head. How long before this video is removed from youtube because its tagged as "hate speech? Ironic isn't it. The woke movement is fake because its main objective is censorship and control. The idea is the path to create a tolerant and just society is to be intolerant to all opposing views or ideas. They must require the reading of 1984 from the view that the government is the protagonist. Or listen to 2112 from the perspective of the priests who protect knowledge and truth. The woke movement is just the iron fist of fascism and oppression covered in a soft cuddly glove.
  10. Here's the thing. If we apply the standard of behavior that is being used to make these evaluations then I'd argue that almost every historical figure or culture that ever existed would fail the test. Human history is fraught with a lot of bad behavior and moral depravity. Regardless of what these crybabies think our society is much more civil and fair than an other in the history of the human race. The fact that there's millions of people worldwide banging down the door trying to get in here is proof enough. So maybe instead of worrying about such nonsense like making sure nobody ever cries again or has their feelings hurt the people of SF should take a look at why a once great city has turned into a total crap hole under their current administration. Because the people the elect suck.
  11. Why should Bernie be interested or care? He's been screwed in the primaries by the Democratic party's political machine in 2016 and again in 2020. He got torpedoed against Hillary and pushed aside to hoist up "moderate" Joe. I give him credit just for showing up.
  12. I work in an analytics organization. We support many internal and external clients. We generate what we call "insights" rather than decisions or strategy based on analytics and data. Its one input into the process. The idea is to supplement your management team's abilities and experience with data and statistics. Not replace it. My thinking is the debate over the strategy to be more aggressive or not is irrelevant. Not taking a FG at halftime would result in getting 7 or getting 0. What was the probability of getting 7 there given the circumstances? Greater than 50%? Would that be enough for you to gamble? The problem is we don't really know for sure what the probability of each outcome is here. Would it have made a difference in the outcome? Why debate a series of hypothetical situations that cannot be proven or disproven using the analytics tool some cite as supporting their claims? My conclusion is the Chiefs just have more talent than the Bills do on their starting 22. I don't think this is debatable. I think its supported by facts and data. You can use analytics or just your own common sense and tell me how many Chiefs would you select position by position to fill out a 22 man starting line up? Maybe 15 Chiefs and 7 Bills? Or something close to that. I'd be hard pressed to say anyone would select a majority of Bills players if they were being objective about it. That's why they lost. No amount of strategizing is going to over come that gap. We need to upgrade the starting line up and close the talent and speed and skill gap to defeat and compete consistently with that team.
  13. The fundamental problem with a 3rd place game is the winner-take-all set up of professional sports. In the NFL there's one successful team each season and 31 unsuccessful teams. This is also true in college sports such as the structure of the NCAA Basketball tournament. And recently the BCS for football. Pretty much who care which team finished 3rd or 4th. You both lost. If you want to decide which team gets 3rd a coin toss would be enough for me. In the Olympics there's the practice of gold, silver, and bronze metals. In college football there are dozens of post regular season bowl games but these at this point these are mostly revenue generators and an opportunity for alumni to take a trip during the holiday break. Youth sports are different in this country. These are developmental leagues where the main objective is to train players and gain experience and proficiency at some sport. Although you still get some over-invested parents and coaches making it out to be game 7 of the World Series with the score tied in the bottom of the 9th. Its amazing how somebody can get so worked up over an 8 year old youth league game to the point of getting kicked off the field or out of the building. But these are generally set up as activities to play. As for 3rd place, who will remember? Maybe the parents who get to drag themselves out of bed on what would otherwise be a free Saturday to drive 45 minutes or longer to some soccer field to play some game for a 3rd place trophy.
  14. Its going to turn out to be ironic but the Dems actually did Trump a favor by beating him in November 2020. Biden is a figurehead middle of the road moderate hoisted up by the marketing guys that determined he would get good public support as opposed to one of the more liberal candidates. In many ways I feel story for Joe that he's been forced into this position by circumstances after a long career. I suspect he would prefer the leisure lifestyle of a comfortable retirement. Something I read elsewhere described it best to me. Winning the Presidency now is like taking over as Captain of the Titanic after the ship hit the iceberg. We're in for severe economic and civil disorder. Its going to unavoidable. Most of the jobs lost to COVID aren't ever coming back. The new administrations program is not going to change that outcome. What's the plan? Pay everyone to do nothing forever? Printing a lot of money for all kinds of programs in the left's agenda isn't going to work. Its been a long slow process but America is failing and the soft social enlightenment agenda is not going to save the day. At some point nobody is going to give a hoot about calls of racism and social justice. Frankly, its going to sound ridiculous given the gravity of other problems we'll face like survival. Cooperation is going to be needed and this administration isn't off to a very good start in establishing that need. Quite honestly the left needs the "deplorables" more than the deplorables need to left. Who do you want to hang with in a crisis? A bunch of people with hard skills and survival skills or a group of gender and race studies graduates? And with war mongers like Nueland, Powers, and Blinken heading up policy and initiatives in the administration its guaranteed we'll be in one or more new foreign wars or entanglements in short order. The only question is where. If you're in the military or have family serving I suggest you prepare. I didn't vote for either Trump or Biden but if you voted for Biden enjoy the win while it lasts because the honeymoon period is going to be real short. I don't think Trump will be back but I do expect some smarter, more refined and polished versions of Trump will appear out of the populist movement to provide a challenge to the Democrats in the future.
  15. A couple comments on coaching and Edmunds: Defensive Coaching: All defenses schemes have an objective of forcing the offense into making mistakes. Its a matter of how much pressure or emphasis they have on forcing these errors. Ir might be something like missing a blocking assignment or the QB throwing the ball into some disguised coverage or maybe forcing a lot of turnovers. Another element is defensive players making positive plays, winning their one-on-one battles, outplaying their opponent. The problem with the soft zone scheme is that its almost totally dependent on the offense making mistakes rather than your defensive guys making a play. The idea is I'm going to make you effectively execute 10 to 12 plays in a row without making a mistake and I'm betting you can't do that combined with a low-risk defensive approach that avoids making the big mistakes on defense. Sort of like a low risk, low reward scenario. The problem is no soft zone strategy is going to ever beat an elite offensive executed effectively. That's what the Chiefs did. The Bills defense as set up and with the defensive roster are not capable of playing an aggressive pressure defense. If you want to get more aggressive your going to have to change not only the scheme but also the players. That takes time so I don't expect much to happen here in the short term except trying to plug in some players the coaching staff and front office think are upgrades. But the improvements, if any, will be incremental and not some extreme improvement into next season. My assessment is the Bills are not going to consistently win against a team like the Chiefs that has great talent and great execution unless they alter their base defensive strategy along with targeting players with a different set of skills to match a more aggressive style. At this point its a case of sitting back and letting them pick you apart. Swapping out one or two players on defense isn't going to change that outcome unless the Bills offense upgrades to the point of matching KC point for point and makes it something like a last team to have the ball wins situation. Edmunds: This is a tough one. One problem is the Bills use nickel most of the time as their base defense, 4-2-5. So really there is no MLB in a classic sense under a 4-3-4. I agree with other posters that Edmunds might be a better fit under a 3-4 system. But the Bills aren't going to change their entire defense to accommodate one player. So either Edmunds adapts and becomes proficient at playing in this system or he doesn't. In 3 years he has had his struggles. One other possibility I haven't seen discussed here is to trade him to a needy 3-4 team. Maybe get back a 2nd rounder and use that draft choice elsewhere or to draft a MLB that might be a better fit. I propose this because for some reason the league values his play more than most here as evidenced by his selection to the Pro Bowl. His trade value at this time would seem high. Better to move a player a year early than a year to late when his stock might be a lot lower. The risk is that its highly likely you have to watch him excel in that 3-4 with his new team and you'll look like an idiot for the next 5 to 8 years. The other approach is to give him another year and hope the light goes on. To me that seems unlikely to happen. Maybe the coaching staff needs to use more 4-3 and drop the emphasis on the 4-2-5 nickel which has its own issues. The other thing is what to do with Milano. He's important to the Bills defense but I'm hard pressed to consider him a top LB relative to the other players in the league. Is he even in the top 5 of players at his position? I don't know. But the issue is paying a lot vs. finding a comparable replacement in the short term. The other possibility here is to use the one year franchise tag and give yourself another year to decide what to do longer term.
  16. Three guys on the D line will probably get released once the 2021 off-season starts after SB55. None of them played up to their 2020 contracts and carrying them under their 2021 cap number isn't a good allocation of cap money. Mario Addison 2021 cap hit 10.163M, dead cap hit $4M Quinton Jefferson 2021 cap hit 8M, dead cap hit $1M Vernon Butler 2021 cap hit 7.8M, dead cap hit $1M Plus John Brown 2021 cap hit 9.53m, dead cap hit $1.6M Other possibilities Tyler Matakevich 2021 cap hit 3.7M, dead cap hit 350K A J Klein 2021 cap hit 6.4M, dead cap hit 4M Moving those players off the roster would free up around $45M for signing Allen to an extension, a couple impact free agents and mid-tier players, and some raises for others on the roster.
  17. My gripe with the mainstream media is they're simply a mouthpiece for the narratives and agenda of the 1% and powerful that make all the puppets dance from the shadows. Like the Davos crowd. Did anyone here get an invite to that gig? They should just call it what it is. The Globalist Worldwide Control Forum. The press has disintegrated into a propaganda machine which would make Joseph Goebbels blush with envy. Unless its Trump, I don't see any push back on questions and investigations into the actions, statements, and views of any politicians. A couple examples from the election cycle. They treated the Biden China./Ukraine deal connections like they didn't exist, and still do. Its all real and his family has taken millions in payoff and bribes from foreign entities. If anyone is going to suggest they'd have given Trump the same pass on that then you're a liar. The Antifa and BLM protests were "mostly peaceful". Clever use of language, mostly peaceful. What does that mean, 50.1% peaceful? Tell that to the people that got beat up, intimidated and threatened, and had they property destroyed or damaged. Pretty much they filter and mold stories to tell you what they want you to know from a perspective they manage. And most people watching or listening swallow it all hook, line, and sinker. Me? I'm old enough to understand its all a bunch of horse crap but young enough to be optimistic it is going to all come crashing down on them at some point soon.
  18. I didn't take the loss to the Chiefs too hard. Mainly because the Bills offense didn't play their "A game" in either of the previous 2 playoff games against the Colts and Ravens. Although I have to also say the defense had a decent outing against the Ravens. To me it seemed like this team was just out of gas playing a very tough regular season schedule and getting to 13-3. Against the Chiefs Sunday they just seemed flat in every way imaginable. What would have devastated me beyond recovery would have been advancing to the Super Bowl and getting beat by Brady one more time. That guy just has our number or made a deal with the Devil to always beat the Bills. I just couldn't bear to go through that so when Tampa beat Green Bat earlier the thought of that match up in two weeks was in my head.
  19. And don't leave out what I view as the biggest priority to address. A defensive line that can neither effectively stop the run or pressure the QB.
  20. Hill is signed for 2 more years with a cap hit of $15.85M in 2021 an is a UFA in 2023. Kelce is signed through 2025 with a 2021 cap hit of $13.25M. UFA 2026.
  21. The Chiefs are a superior team and they played that way. The only thing that might beat them in the long run here is the salary cap. And to beat a superior team they have to make a lot of mistakes. KC made a few but not enough and the Bills played far from perfect. Still I was not too upset with the outcome. If you're old enough to remember, the Kelly-era Bills also lost their first time in the AFC conference finals to the Bengals in 1988 before making their run. From what I expected this Bills team arrived a year ahead of schedule. I think the plan starts with a major overhaul of the defensive line, a couple upgrade on the offensive line, getting a big power back to share the load in the running game. From a scheme perspective more run/pass balance on offense and less of the soft zone approach on defense assuming they can generate a decent pass rush with some upgrades and consistency. One more thing on defense from last night. When the Raiders beat the Chiefs this season they filled in some 3 man rush fronts on third and longs which had good results. Putting 8 into coverage. I was hoping the Bills brain trust would watch that game film and fill in some of that in their game plan. But they didn't.
  22. My final thought is this.. Its one thing to speak out against something. As the saying goes talk is cheap. Its another thing to do take action and to back up the talk. As we know most of these violent demonstrations, destruction of property, clashes among opposing groups, and events took place in Democratically controlled cities and states where the entire apparatus of government was controlled by the party. But police were ordered to back off, prosecutors released those arrested (who got re-arrested and re-released) and refused to press charges in most cases. Mayors abandoned their citizens and allowed the streets to be taken over by anarchists like in Seattle. They refused to cooperate with Federal agents and officers at all levels. Organizers bused and flew in professional agitators to various cities all over the country to cause trouble. Nothing was done to charge these groups with anything like inciting riots or dare I say "insurrection" against the government at one level or another. Governors held back on utilizing the Guard and State Police resources. More or less nothing was done and ordinary citizens and businesses were left on their own subject to attacks and destruction of private property. And now the politicians got the balls to take a law and order stance per the violence at the Capitol as it suits their needs for power. Are you really comfortable with a government that acts in its own interests as dictated by the circumstances and has little regard for its citizens? I am not. No matter which party is in power as I expect the other party would do the same in similar circumstances. A few weeks back the grand jury in Louisville declined to bring charges against any of the cops in the Brianna Taylor shooting. Yet the outrage and street demonstrations you'd expect from such a ruling didn't take place. That seems odd. If it was before the election we would have seen massive street protests and perhaps more violence and looting. But we didn't. Why? Because there's simply no political points to score at this point since the election is over. We're all getting played here and pitted against one another in some manufactured conflict of ideologies and beliefs. I get it, a lot of other people do to, but a lot more don't. The real enemies aren't you and I disagreeing on interpretations and opinions on events and politics. Its the .1% running the show and calling all the shots.
  23. Like I said right around the time when violence impacted polling numbers that saw Biden's lead being eroded. https://news.yahoo.com/recent-surge-violence-impacting-2020-225306636.html So perhaps you should do some critical thinking and examination of both the motives and the timing behind speaking out. And for the record. I am neither a Trump supporter or a Republican.
  24. I've given your request some thought. My problem is you're asking me to do a lot of work here but I'm willing to give a short-version in the paragraph below. I'm skeptical that anything I post on specific violent events and the lack of any reaction to condemn or denounce the use of violence and intimidation will do anything to sway your view one way or the other. Plus, if anyone that's paying attention to events doesn't know who the liberal establishment is at this point I can't help them. And I take exception to characterizing my writing as semi-coherent. It is very clear, worded well, and syntactically correct. I could ask you to find references to any statement from officials such as Pelosi or Schumer in denouncing left/liberal violence. There just aren't any statements until the Capitol violence and then they couldn't keep their mouths shut or their faces away from the cameras. Circumstantial outrage for political points at its finest. But they were too busy kneeling and bowing in the Capitol to say anything before this. Or any other Senator or Congress person. Or liberal activist media personalities on the networks. I'm hard pressed to find any statements from current President Biden or VP Harris. Or former President Obama either. Those are powerful people that command a lot of attention that chose to remain silent. The only statements or actions taken against violence by the left came from Mayors Lightfoot in Chicago and Durkan in Seattle. And those were spoken out of pure self-interest when their homes and families were directly threatened by the mobs. Attacks on the little people in the streets and their property didn't seem to matter. And on the media side I recall liberal mouthpiece Don Lemon decried the violence not because it was bad or wrong but because it was negatively impacting Biden's polling numbers at the time and needed to stop.
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