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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Dr. Suess bad, teaching 6 year olds about Trannies and forcing them to participate in gender reversal role playing, good!
  2. It might be some sort of trap to see who checks them out. You see these far-left liberal PhD do-gooders are crafty and sneaky little twits. They can find out what "racists" are checking out and reading them and then take the appropriate action to enforce their strict absolute moral code. Is it just me that finds their behavior, while offensive and annoying, also comical in many ways? They waste all their time and energy meddling and getting into all kinds of things that don't produce anything. If they are disappeared overnight they world wouldn't notice any difference the next morning with the exception of dealing with less BS. Its like large number lawyers and lawsuits. The reason we have so many lawsuits is because our universities are graduating so many lawyers. They all need work so the generation of lawsuits no matter how frivolous is necessary for the creation of employment for all of them. Like water seeking its own level. In the case of the wokesters they have all kinds of useless degrees like gender and women's studies, and sociology. What business that produces real good and services needs to hire a lot of them? None! So we get all these unemployable and useless graduates running around looking under every rock and behind every tree for some social evil. And presto, they keep finding them. This little moral and ethical quest keeps them all busy.
  3. A lot is determined by the concept of comparative advantage. You do something better than me and I do something better than you. Rather than both of us doing both things we each do the one thing we're best at and trade between ourselves the goods or services one or the other make and don't make. That makes sense. But regarding the USA I think there are a few questions that needs to be asked and answered (maybe not by any of us): 1) What are "we" good at making? What do we have a comparative advantage in doing over trading partners? 2) What do we want to be good at making? What future or current manufacturing or technology areas do we want to develop a comparative advantage in? Like robotics or medical devices or EV's? 3) What national or local policies and programs might be needed to accomplish this goal? What are we doing now? What else needs to be done? 4) What private sector innovations or inventions or expertise is there to leverage and nurture? 5) What are the skills needed to support these industries and areas? Does our population have these skills? And if not, why not? 6) What targeted educational programs or paths do we have in effect now to support this goal? What more is needed to do? While there might be other questions or issues I think the core problem is the USA has nothing that might be described as a plan or strategy whatsoever. At any level, with a few exceptions in business and government there is just no vision and there is a lack of visionaries required to pull it all off. Other international competitors are eating our lunch because they do have plans and are executing them well. But Washington and the business community, and the American people are focused and engaged in a lot of fools errands right now. Like sitting in the living room of the house and arguing about racism while the house is burning down around them. The thing that might facilitate a lot of positive things happening at some point unfortunately needs to be a disaster that will be the crash and burn of the current system of political, social, and economic con-games and hustles. Which I think is coming fast. And the Phoenix will rise from the ashes!
  4. I ran across this blog which I think is relevant to the topic and the current state of the country. To me its spot on as to the source of all the anger and conflict we are witnessing and in some cases participating. http://charleshughsmith.blogspot.com/2021/02/what-normal-are-we-returning-to.html
  5. My message to the mentally ill psychotics pushing CRT is they can shove that crap back up their rear-ends where it came from. Its not a theory but rather some race baiting fairy tale (are fairy tales racist too?) And parents and taxpayers need to go to school boards and aggressively inform the school board they will no longer tolerate these curriculum's or teachers or administrators pushing some political or social agenda of any kind on their children. Its not the job of the schools to socially indoctrinate children in any belief system. This is something for parents to decide with their children. If they refuse then they should be prepared to suffer any and all consequences that might fall on them. And let the politicians who push and support this nonsense that they're next. After listening to all this garbage masquerading as some kind of science or fact (which none of it is) that these kooks have been puking up on everybody for some time now I've concluded it is senseless to try and reason with them. You need to get rid of them by neutralizing them by striping them of all social and political power they now hold. No debate, no compromise.
  6. The basic flaw of the "race hustle" is it fails to accept the concept of the individual. Individuals don't exist, only groups of like individuals. The concepts of diversity are themselves laced with race bias and stereotypes. They place everyone is a specific group, you're in the white group, you're in the black group, you're in the Asian, group your in the Hispanic group, you're in the Native American group, etc. Everyone belongs to a group and by definition assumes all the characteristics and traits the movement associates with that specific group. The "group" and that determines everything about them. Exceptions to this groups norms or behaviors or traits are not recognized. You could be a millionaire but if you're in a group the "program" identifies as "oppressed" you are oppressed. You could be dirt poor living below the poverty line but if you belong to a group the "program" identifies as "oppressor" you are an oppressor. In order to eliminate racism, bias, and stereotypes the practice of judging and grouping people by their race needs to be to eliminated and people need to be judged solely on the good and bad of their individual self. I've attended several diversity and culture workshops. At some point during each of these everybody in the room gets a couple minutes to tell the "group" about themselves. What I find is that while people come for diverse racial and social backgrounds the stories are pretty consistent. There is not a lot of difference in what people want. No "race" has a monopoly on any positive or negative human traits and actions. Society needs to be "color blind". Highlighting differences causes differences. There needs to be a common culture. An obstacle is the political process. If you notice one thing about politicians is they take up causes of a "group" of victims and set themselves up as some sort of champion or voice of the people in that "group". I want to help the poor, I want to help immigrants, I want to help unemployed farm workers, etc. All groups need to be seen as victims of some other group. This creates conflict between the two groups, the victims and the targeted oppressors while the politicians slip through the system. The funny thing is they never seem to "help" anyone except themselves. Poor people are still poor, immigration still faces the same issues today as 40 years ago, unemployed workers are still unemployed. But politicians of across the political spectrum magically become wealthy and powerful as they exploit the suffering of others.
  7. Frankly I don't recall some big movement on "the right" to bury the allegations made against Kavanuaugh by Ford. I believe the push back was generated from the left and their lapdogs in the press declaring a guilty verdict without due process, without hearing witnesses, without having yet held any hearings. And calls for the President to withdrawal the nomination or for the judge to withdraw himself immediately when the allegation surfaced. I suspect the MSM will dare not pre-judge Cuomo to be guilty starting with tomorrow's stories and things like "The View" talk show (if they even mention it). And it would surprise me if there is any mass movement out of the left for him to immediately resign. One thing seems clear the story can no longer be pushed to back page like it was most of last week. At the confirmation hearings Dr. Ford was given the opportunity to tell her story of alleged sexual misconduct in the case of the Kavanaugh. But her testimony and recollection of events was contradicted by all other witnesses providing statements that she identified as present at the time she stated the assault took place. None of them recalled any such get-together even occurring. Even her "best friend" at the time did not collaborate her story. And she could not identify the location of the "party" which I found strange since logically you'd expect it would be at a home of one of the individuals she indicated was present. It seems like the women accusing Cuomo of misconduct will also be given the chance to tell their story. This is the right thing to do. I don't see any political problem here. Its a case of alleged misconduct by a State governor and these women should be given a fair chance to tell their story without fear of consequences. Most likely some anonymous fringe alt-left terrorists will threaten them in some way. What I love most about these cowards is how their self-professed moral superiority is contingent on how well being moral needs to conveniently align with their agenda for it to be expressed.
  8. The Saudi's might get upset and sell all their Treasury Bond holdings. I believe the Saudi's are the 3rd largest holder of US debt behind China and Japan. Or they might threaten to end the petrodollar agreement made back in the early 1970's for settling all oil trades in US dollars (note: oil producing countries that have recently tried to do this had their governments overthrown or were attacked). maintaining this petrodollar arrangement is the number one Middle East national security interest of the US government. The US dollar status as world reserve currency and trade settlement provides special privileges to the US no other nation can utilize. This system is already becoming compromised as the percentage of reserves and settlement in dollars is falling but a it is happening slowly and in an orderly fashion. This would speed it up considerably and create a lot of chaos if foreign holders like oil producing countries suddenly decided they do not need or even decided to dump dollars. They would all come home and that would result in the dollar losing a of of its "value" and hence purchasing power via foreign exchange markets. That would result in all of our standards of living dropping and lots of inflation related to import prices. I guess the government could hand out more worthless dollars in more relief bills but they wouldn't be worth much. But if the Saudi's do this the US would threaten to stop the protection racket the US provides through military muscle that keeps their brutal and oppressive regime in power. Without the supply of US weapons, intelligence, and support the population would soon overthrown the monarchy. So they would be forced to pivot to either Russia or China as a new protector. In summary, there's a lot of potential for trouble and turmoil in the foreign policy area and virtue signalling might have a cost here. A problem in people's thinking with many issues is they fail to foresee or entertain there may be consequences or response to all actions taken. So yes, a change for the better! Edit: I should add that of course we all knew the crown prince was the force behind the killing. It was obvious at the time. But its not clear what the motivation is at this time to state the obvious. Perhaps this has been forgotten by President Biden or whoever is performing the tasks and duties assigned to the office of the President.
  9. I disagree with your disagreement of my assessment of the left (if that sentence makes sense!). Frankly, I see them as a very real threat to our freedoms and rights. I see big government led by the Democrats, media, big tech and intelligence agencies working in cooperation and coordination to shut down any ideas or discussions or opposition to any of their views. Fact checkers, sensors, all kinds of methods to suppress what I consider essential acceptance of diverse views and opinions feeding into an environment where critical thinking and intelligent expression and free exchange of ideas are healthy. For example, I may not agree with everything or anything other posters have to say here but I support their right to speak their mind and respect them for stating their views. After all, why should I assume I am right about everything and others are always wrong? But that's the essential argument of the sensors, that they know better than anyone else what the absolute truth is about everything. And other voices should not be allowed to speak for whatever rationale they decide to apply. The current political and social environment is not healthy. Its a sign of a sick society.
  10. Trump ran on a populist message but never really delivered on any of his promises or stated objectives for the people forgotten by the Democratic party a couple decades ago and never really represented by the core of the Republican party. That's working people, people that mind their business and do their jobs, small business people, fly over state citizens. People that hold what liberals view as quaint and outdated views, people that are tired of being blamed for all the ills of society. His other message was that of a swamp infested Washington federal government. A government more concerned with its own needs and power than serving the citizens that put them there, intelligence services spying on their own citizens. An unaccountable government out of control. Watching the Democrats 2021 vengence and revenge tour just confirms and reinforces these beliefs in the 75 million voters. The left is simply a political cast of sore winners that seems to revel in punishing their opponents. So much for the voices of reconciliation and coming together. All this will not be forgotten nor will it be forgiven when the tables turn. What is the saying on how to treat the people you meet on the way up and why? But I don't see Trump running again for the top job. What I do expect is some other leader or leaders that will present themselves as a more polished and refined version of Trump appearing on the scenes. And the realization that to defeat and drain the swamp you need to come at them from all angles. So expect lots of candidates at all state, local, and federal levels to begin appearing on ballots in most States. Winning just the presidency isn't enough.
  11. Somebody that sees thing coming as I do. The entire thing has been in motion for maybe 20-25 years now. It's all unavoidable given the circumstances. Inflation and perhaps the greatest financial and economic disaster in all of history. That's why I think the Democrats and Biden did Trump a great favor in winning the election. I saw it described best that becoming President now is like "replacing the Captain of the Titanic after the ship hit the iceberg". Its going down. It will all play out but too late to have the blame stick on the previous administration. As prices of everything rise along with unemployment and living standard fall its most likely the Democrats will lose control of both the Senate and the House in 2022 and then the presidency in 2024. Along with the abandonment of a lot of foolish social policies and beliefs that will look absurd and ridiculous in the context of the coming calamity. Buckle up, make some sound investment or savings decisions, and develop or foster social and community arrangements and relationships that will help as cooperation and not conflict will be required to get through things. Current labels like liberal, conservative, democrat, republican, and other associations will not seem to matter. What I don't quite get to this point is the elite's know their system is going to crash and burn and a lot of their wealth and power with it. So what's their angle to keep control? Some draconian enforcement of some new order of tighter controls on freedom?
  12. So you're saying detainees were tortured and murdered in these camps while Trump was President and now that Biden is President they are something like Disneyland?
  13. If you keep making rational statements and push some common sense approaches you're going to get banned from speaking. Yes, it would make sense to perform a thorough and complete assessment and investigation of all the events that occurred before, during, and after the Jan 6th riots along with motivations and suspected causes. Who was there, what they were doing, how things escalated, why there was no additional security given a known potential risk for violence. Who failed to act, why? etc.. But let's not confuse the search for truth and facts with the desire to put on a political show, reach some per-conceived conclusion, and then take some actions disguised as "protecting democracy" that have the true intention of enacting measures to restrict political and constitutional freedoms. Targeted at the majorities political opposition. Only convenient "facts" will be allowed by the Congressional majority and anything not supporting the already tried and convicted case laid out in the press will be suppressed or disregarded. Its coming, Patriot Act 2.0 from the Committee for Public Safety.
  14. I started to watch the first video but I could only deal with it for a couple minutes. I suggest adding these videos to interrogation and torture techniques. After being forced to watch a few minutes of these idiots in action you'll be willing to tell the interrogators anything and welcome death as an alternative to viewing the entire video. Frankly, I can't stand these intellectuals and academics. They live in a sheltered fantasy world completely disconnected from the reality. They push a lot of "theories" that are presented as "science" and validated statistical facts but their ideas are really nothing more than subjective and anecdotal opinions and viewpoints. Irrational and delusional viewpoints. Their main concern is feelings and emotions. They view words as harmful as a punch in the face (if you've been punched in the face before you know this is not true). They have no concept that people outside of their sphere of existence in this academic fantasy actually work at jobs that produce goods and services they depend on for their existence. Without the support of all the people they view as oppressors and undesirable they would quickly die of exposure or hunger. I'm slightly familiar with Critical Race Theory. Its more sociological nonsense. From what I get the bottom line of it all is white people are inherently racist and black people are always their victims. The idea is white people need to change or be marginalized in order for the "system" to change. My alternative interpretation of this is to say that the only way an African American person can be successful is if the white man allows them to do so. More or less gives them permission to be successful and not be "racist" towards them and hold them down. This is complete nonsense. I can't imagine any successful African American person buys into this ridiculous theory. I expect they'll attribute their success to what all people do. Which is a lot of hard work and effort. The theory also fails to accommodate the existence of mixed race children. Several of my nieces and nephews are mixed race. So what are they? 1/2 racist and 1/2 victim? How do you reconcile or deal with that? My overall observation about the systemic racism narrative is that proponents of this are trying to convince us that we all still live in 1860 or 1950 America. And while racism and bias do exist it is not something the overwhelming majority of Americans either actively practice, condone, or believe in. The race hustle believers will take one or two examples of bad behavior and extrapolate it to conclude the entire population is acting in the same manner. Simply preposterous. For all its alleged faults, America is the most tolerant and fair society in existence. Now or at any time in human history. The fact that so many people of color desire to come here invalidates the entire concept of systemic racism. Why would a person of their own free will come to live in some country where they'd be subject to constant and consistent racial discrimination? After all, this country elected a man of African descent as President for 2 terms. With a majority of white voters casting votes for him. Did they somehow ignore their inherent racist makeup and vote for him anyway over his opposition which happened to be a white guy? What does CRT say about that?
  15. If you've ever been caught up in any kind of corporate downsizing or budget crunch and lost your job then you know there is absolutely no moral issue here. You are an input cost that needs to be eliminated. Plain and simple. You're gone. Its stylish now for businesses to preach the "team" concept and all the diversity concepts but when push comes to shove that all is going to fly out the window with a lot of your fellow employees as the bottom line is the bottom line. This is reality. Like it or not. It happened to me a few times and it sucks. But I dealt with it and did what I had to do to move on to other ventures. Most others in the same situation did the same. Labor is like any other cost input. And when you raise the cost of labor or business conditions worsen there needs to be some sort of adjustments. Just what those specific adjustment are and in what combination or composition is not always clear. If you raise labor costs to any business they'll need to adjust in some way. There's no avoiding that and morality has little to do with the outcome. The fundamental problem with a lot of people's thinking is that your cost of living has absolutely nothing to do with your ability to generate income or be productive. Your cost of living and maintenance of your lifestyle is not your employers problem to solve. You own it.
  16. A friend of mine runs a moderately successful engine repair shop. He doesn't have any advanced degrees nor does he subscribe to any specific economic theory. He employs 5 people in the operation. These 5 employees have varying levels of skill and ability. Some can do a "standard" repair job in a couple hours. Others are not as skilled or proficient and therefore take longer. In one of our conversations he told me about one of his relatively new employees. This employee had approached him asking for a raise. What he told the employee was interesting and insightful. He told the employee he would give him a raise but only when certain conditions were met. Those conditions being his skill level and experience allowed him to do the job more effectively and efficiently. In other words, when his productivity improved. The problem at the time was the employee wanting the raise needed 5+ hours to do the job vs. a senior highly proficient employee needing 2 hours. And to do the job in 5+ hours he also needed to consume the time of the boss and the senior employee. Taking them away from their work and making them less productive. So my friend told him "when you can do the job in less than 5 hours and do not need any of my time or the time of the other employee I can give you a raise". If my friend was required to pay this employee some "minimum" level of compensation that exceeded what he could produce he wouldn't have hired him. His unskilled status wouldn't have fit his businesses "cost model". Nor would that employee have been provided the opportunity to gain proficiency at the task and increase his earnings potential. I think that nicely supports your premise of "pricing" low and unskilled workers out of the employment market. Also, I think we (you and I) would agree minimum wage jobs are not intended to be lifetime employment. They are basically entry level jobs where employees can gain experience and expertise to increase their earnings potential allowing them to climb up the job and skill ladder. But like I said in previous posts the rungs on the ladder above the minimum wage are broken. Policy makers should concentrate on fixing the broken steps on the job ladder and not on the bottom rung.
  17. Thanks for the well articulated response. I actually have an undergraduate degree in economics. I spent some time earning an okay living in the discipline before moving on to other adventures that in all honesty paid a lot more. I can tell you the most important thing I learned is that you can design a study or some economic model to produce pretty much any result you want by tweaking the inputs and jiggling the assumptions. I'll wager the study you cite was paid for and run by somebody advocating a raise in the minimum wage. No surprise our beliefs are confirmed by the study! Conversely, I can find studies that show it will drastically raise unemployment sponsored by people against raising it. No surprise our beliefs are confirm by our study too! Lying with statistics is one thing its been called. But don't get me wrong. I'm not saying I'm correct and you're incorrect. However, if the minimum wage jumps to $15 or some adjusted level of $25 be prepared for a real-life outcome much different than any studies predict pro or con. I think it was Yogi Berra that said "In theory, theory and practice are the same, in practice, theory and practice are different"
  18. The pattern is game "back on" as Trump's not President anymore so nobody is going to piss and moan about this or raise any concerns.
  19. If it was only that simple as the problem is the dynamic nature of changes in business conditions. And how it impacts the people running and working in these businesses. Its about changes to the "rules", in this case the minimum amount of pay per hour you are required to pay out, and what adjustments are necessary to stay in business. So you need to adapt to the changing rules of the game. Businesses constantly face these issues. Input costs like a restaurants food costs rise and rarely fall for example. But the root of the problem isn't about what the minimum wage should be as I'll get to at the end. Although labor costs are a big component of the "costs" of running a business there are other factors. Other inputs, fixed and variable costs, taxes, regulations. specific costs and attributes of the business, along with specific costs and attributes of the market. The simplest response to raising the labor cost would be to raise prices to compensate the business for the additional costs. Or shrink the product and hold the price like make the Whopper smaller. Absent that you'd need to either increase productivity (measured in the value of output per hour) or cut costs somewhere else. A fundamental question is how do you pay somebody that generates $10 of value per hour a pay rate of $15 per hour? Over the course of a year you'll lose about $10K per employee. The more people you employ the more you lose. Its like being in business to sell a dollar for 90 cents. So the challenge is to get at or above a $15 value generating level per hours per employee. Most likely you'll try to pass on the additional cost by raising prices and if that doesn't work then you'll be left with the undesirable task of letting somebody go. Or given a rise in labor costs entertain the idea of some sort of automation which now becomes more attractive from a cost perspective. IMO the minimum wage debate is an exercise in political misdirection under the guise of helping the unfortunate minimum wage worker. A distraction because it avoids any discussion of a fatal structural problem with the US economy of today. These minimum wage jobs aren't designed to be lifetime jobs for people. But for many that is the current reality. This is entry level work to get people into the labor force to get experience and skills that can be leveraged to move up the ladder. But the rungs above minimum wage in the employment ladder have been removed by outsourcing and eliminating these opportunities through one way or another that are too detailed to go into here. So just by looking at the large number of people stuck at the bottom there's no where to go for most of them. They are stuck here without a lot of viable options. Rather than devolving into a debate about the governments plan to dictate wage levels to small employers maybe they should focus on the things that the government and their corporate master have enacted and done in order for powerful corporations and Wall Street to strip mine US workers of their jobs and dignity along with putting millions of small businesses out of existence while raising their profits and incomes to obscene levels?
  20. You're insinuating some racial motivation to stop people of Latino decent, specifically Mexican to enter the country although most of the recent "undocumented" are from Central American countries. Countries where the US spends billions supporting unpopular and typically oppressive and corrupt regimes. Assuming they really care about human rights vs. acquiring political power by bitching about things but taking no action to stop bad policy maybe the left should focus on eliminating the dictators our government bankrolls and supports which abuse human rights and inflict suffering on their people. But what you're suggesting is that because most Canadians are white they get a free pass. The go-to move of the left. Have no proof or facts or hard data, pull out the race card. That we all know explains everything when facts are inconvenient. But I think the reason there's no talk about a norther border wall is because there is no problem to address. Unless there's some problem with a big number of Canadian street gang members sneaking across the border and politely forcing American's to watch Curling and eat donuts. I don't think so.
  21. In principal I tend to support the idea. But I'm not really sure why a study is needed. Most likely the committee will be packed with like-minded individuals already concluding reparations are necessary and a good idea. I doubt a single voice expressing any reservations or concerns about the proposal will be heard. So with the outcome never in doubt the only reason to assemble a committee is to provide "cover" for politicians so they can say it wasn't their decision but rather that of a group of "experts" on the subject. So their recommendations need to be accepted and the country needs to move forward with the committee's recommendations. Plausible deniability in case something goes wrong one way or the other. As a skeptic I expect the most likely outcome of the government enacting the program that pays out several trillion dollars in reparations is noting much changes. After a historic spending spree by recipients of the payouts almost everyone is back at the starting line with the exception of the most industrious of the recipients that use the funds for endeavors like starting a business or pursuing higher education goals. There could be a lot of social benefit all around for targeting monies to productive outcomes like these and not some consumer buying binge. So in the end almost everyone will be no better off and they'll come back to the wishing well demanding additional handouts for perpetuity. Along with this the parties behind the "end systemic racism" movement will never admit that the goal has been achieved. Even if I am wrong and it all works out great. Never. Because achieving the goal will mean the battle has been won and therefore there is no legitimate reason for the group to continue to exist. So the group will disband and surrender all the power and influence they have built up and acquired over the course of time and call it mission accomplished? Yeah right.
  22. I hear what you're saying and think you're on the right track here. And from the posts we don't usually agree. A distinction to our views might be you may perceive this as some type of negligence rather than how I see it as a conscious choice. In my view you get what you pay for? Right? If you want to live in a state that provides its citizen's "more freedom" from government oversight and over-reach and interference in every day life and as a result has little regulation and low/no state income taxes and a cheaper cost of living vs. liberal nanny state States and limited government authority which leaves a lot of things to the private sector to sort out and determine then you need to at least understand and acknowledge what potential risks and rewards that set up might produce. So if the residents of Texas want to pay for the "risk mitigation cost" of taking the precautions of insuring this condition never occurs again they can do that by putting up the funds in one form or another to eliminate the risks. Reminds me of what we say in project management, good, fast, or cheap. Pick 2.
  23. Please spare us all the plug on the virtues of socialism. People help others on their own. They don't need the government to tell them or force them to do it. They do it on their own. Voluntarily. As witnessed by many charities and other non-government sponsored ways citizens help other citizens. I know people in Texas and many with power and water are taking in friends and relatives that have neither. They didn't need some government official to advise or direct them to take action. It doesn't matter that the people they help are Democrats or Republicans or Liberals or Conservative. The core principles of Socialism are not about "helping people". Its been an abysmal failure everywhere. Socialism is an economic system that in theory seeks to divide the output of society in some "equitable" fashion. In practice its a two tiered system with "insiders" are more equally treated than outsiders. Outsiders being the common people not affiliated with the ruling class. In that respect its fundamentally the same as our current system where DC insiders set all the rules we rock and roll to without much input from the peasants. The failure of the socialist system eventually falls to a fundamental problem. While it focuses on an equitable distribution of consumption or rewards it avoids any mention of an equitable distribution of production and work. Which at some point raises the question, if I work hard and produce 20 units of output then why do I only get 2 units of consumption which is the same as the guy that products 1 unit of output and gets 2 units of consumption? Why am I working so hard for nothing? I'm going to dial back my work to 2 units of output. That way I get out what I put in. Pretty soon everyone that's productive gets the same idea and the whole thing goes to hell and people have to eat zoo animals and their pets like what went down in Venezuela. So if you're really into socialism don't forget to hang on to those grill Husky recipe ideas. In a couple years you'll need them..
  24. Based on specs I've seen an average solar panel can produce 1.5Kw per day. And in Winter the number of panels needed to produce some "base" level of power increases with a lower Sun "angle" and less daylight hours available. So far its use has been limited to supplementing base power loads or home based systems that benefit from generous subsidies and tax credits to replace a portion of power coming form the grid or even going back into the grid when surplus power is generated form these arrays. Plus a few times our power was knocked out by storms the solar panels were useless. Because they generate DC power and there is a need for an inverter which convert that power to AC. As the inverter runs off the grid when the power is out the inverter is out. In my opinion rudimentary solar and wind power is never going to replace the power produced from natural gas, coal, and nuclear power plants. There needs to be some big jump in efficiency. If the decision is to go that route with current technologies then some major downsizing of civilization is going to be required. Ideas like replacing the entire internal combustion fleet with EV's is a fantasy unless there's an expectation of lower levels of mobility and use. As 1 gallon of gasoline produces 44Kw of energy and 1 solar panel produces 1.5Kw of energy and we currently consume about 9.3M barrels of gasoline a day the mathematical result of how many solar panels would be needed to replace all that gasoline consumption is staggering. Along with all that petroleum and petrochemical inputs required for the manufacturing process. I don't know but do solar panel and wind turbine factories run on solar and wind generated energy or do they run on things like natural gas?
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