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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. That could be dangerous. What will happen if Russian hackers break into the earpiece feed and tell the President to "hop on one foot and cluck like a Chicken"? I'd be curious how the White House press secretary explains that one away.
  2. We need to be careful. Any criticism of the all-powerful imperial leader will be met with harsh punishment and cancellation from the left. All kidding aside our country is run by a shadow government hidden from view directing a figurehead President. Something not lost on our allies and enemies around the planet. I await Biden's initial "Press Conference" where all questions must be pre-submitted and screened while answers are crafted by staff members then displayed on the teleprompter for the President to read as he is unable to comprehend and answer ad hoc type queries. The greatest country in the world has a "fake" President. Now there's a story!
  3. Read your posts and you hit on a lot of the key concepts in play here. The concept of "get your own house in order" before you start trying to fix everything is appropriate. My view of the immigration issues is we got no plan along with no way to pay for any of it. If anyone hasn't been paying attention the US government biggest debtor in the history of civilization with no way to pay any of it back. Sure you might want to "help" people but your flat broke busted. So maybe help yourself first? We have more than enough problems, do we need import more problems? But given the government is going to rack up debts until they can't do it anymore, I'd like for starters from the new administration some clear and consistent articulation of the key objectives of America's immigration policy. Right now it looks like the plan is to flood the country with "asylum seekers" from Central America and deal with the consequences later. Is the only goal a humanitarian effort to "help" people? That itself generates a lot of other policy questions such as which people do you decide to help and in what manner? What are the costs and consequences of such a policy. Looking at the failure in handling the surge in asylum seekers it seems the administration ignored, either by design or incompetence, the issues and conditions that would be generated by their "all welcome" signal. It was obvious to even the uninformed that the ability of the system from capacity and capability standpoint would be overwhelmed by the influx of people. To the point here. What's needed is a systemic solution to immigration issues, both legal and illegal (or documented and undocumented if you prefer) that balances humanitarian needs along with economic, social, and border security objectives. A comprehensive and complete plan that addresses the concerns and needs of all parties. Accomplishing that is difficult under the best circumstances but given the extreme polarization of politics of the present it seems nearly impossible. Unfortunately, neither the Democrats or Republicans are capable of reaching that kind of solution. When you're engaged in a "winner take all" contest there's not much room for compromise and cooperation. My first suggestion: get new leaders.
  4. Maybe just stop letting people in might work for now? This cluster f***k administration is one big comedy act in action. Blocking the press from seeing conditions and facilities and dismissing any concerns about COVID as that's convenient. I'm LMAO just watching these clowns screw this up and dig a deeper and deeper hole for themselves. Total fail. The only people dumber are the voters that elected them. In just a few short months they've turned America into one big joke. Trump was no prize package but this crew has already exceeded the level of incompetence achieved by the previous administration. Well done. The entire world, enemies and allies are laughing at us.
  5. The new administration throws up a sign that says Party tonight, free booze, food, games, prizes, and music. All welcome. How many people show up?
  6. I expect his advisors are doing more than advising. They are taking on tasks and functions which are duties of the office of the President. VP Harris is taking calls and meetings with world leaders which is a role reserved for the President unless he is unable to perform the duties of office. I've argued the party leadership knew of Mr. Biden's compromised physical and mental health but needed a "moderate" candidate that could move far enough to the right to gain enough votes in key swing states to win the Electoral College vote. All the other candidates were viewed as too liberal and none of the them polled well and would have most likely lost to Trump in 2020. The Democratic party handlers trotted out JB and fortunately enough were able to use the COVID pandemic as cover for keeping him out of sight and limiting his public appearances to minimize any gaffes or "senior moments". And it worked. Now the question is when will his usefulness as moderate leader be outweighed by the political costs of his obvious health impairments? That remains to be seen based on how events play out. That's the point in time they pull the plug and elevate VP Harris to the Presidency.
  7. Truth is I'm a registered democrat and grew up in a pro-democrat union household. But this isn't the democratic party of my youth. This is an entirely different animal here. The current crop of leaders doesn't much care about union people except for getting their votes one day in November each year or for that matter working people in general. I'm just trying to see the humor in the tragic comedy that is unfolding before us here. Quite simply they're leading this country down the crapper both socially and economically and by 2022 there isn't going to be much support to keep that "permanent majority" in place. And admit it. Do you really believe Biden is anything more than a front man for his handlers in the shadows? 50 years from now historians will be wondered what collective insanity took place during this period.
  8. Clear sailing for the SS America to go over the falls and crash on the rocks below. I think we saw the high point of the new administration on inauguration day. Its been all downhill from that point. How much worse can things get? My guess is we'll all be surprised. Today your glorious leader fell on the stairway leading up to Air Force One. An anonymous source reported to the Washington Post they saw former President Trump pouring oil on the steps just minutes before President Biden appeared on the scene for this flight out. House speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority leader Schummer are already scheduling a press conference to condemn this latest act of insurrection intended to "destroy our democracy". The House plans impeachment proceedings on the former President which will commence over the weekend. CNN and MSNBC are rushing reporter, uh I mean political activists, to the scene while facebook, google, and twitter bring on more fact checkers and censors to ensure the public gets the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help them God.
  9. The US is past-peak Empire and headed down. What better "leader" to have for that at this point in history than Joe Biden? A man of deteriorating mental and physical health which perfectly represents the state of America's moral and social decay championed by the left. A uni-polar world order is transforming to a multi-polar world order and American and its citizens will experience the impacts of that change. Most appear totally oblivious and in denial of this transformation and the effect it will have on their lives going forward. As for American foreign policy we're at the point in the process where nobody is afraid of the bully anymore but the bully has yet to realize that fact. Maybe the lack of any progress from this weekend's US/China talks will make that clear? Cooperation and not conflict both internationally and domestically is required going-forward but cooperation has never been the strong suit of the progressive/war party mindset in charge at the moment.
  10. They are sad, unhappy, depressed, and most likely mentally ill people that should be ignored. A bunch of Buzzkills..
  11. All this coordinated and controlled from Trump's secret Moon base with support from aliens from the Orion constellation.
  12. Left can't make much political hay out of this tragedy as the perp looks to be some sex addict and pervert. Being sexual perversion is something they wholeheartedly support it might be a no go for any of their favorite issues.
  13. Its all scripted and rehearsed. Some anonymous source plants a derogatory story in the media. Saying they heard or saw something "illegal" or "unethical" or the mother of all concerns "unconstitutional threat to democracy". The media doesn't bother to do any legwork like verifying sources or following up to confirm anything. So the media runs with it. Then, queue all the outrage. Which has already been prepared as they've been clued in on what story is going to break and when. Everyone starts running around raising concerns about "threats to our democracy". This routine goes on for about a week or two monopolizing the news cycle. All kinds of deep state scumbags express their concern to like-minded press outlets. Here's the fun part. Later, when nobody is paying attention, the said media issues a retraction on the back page or on a 3 AM show as facts trickle out which conflict with the story planted by the anonymous source. The story provided by unnamed sources proves to be BS. But that doesn't matter. The objective is met and the damage is done. Rinse and repeat as necessary. What never happens is this. Never, ever does anyone go back and confront or "out" that anonymous source or question their motivation or bring any kind of charges or exposure to them. The real "crime" isn't what initially happened or what supposedly happened. Its the false story planted in the press to fabricate and manufacture a crisis or issue. That's the real threat to our democracy. A compliant press more than willing to assist political operatives in creating false stories. And to boot having "fact checkers" in place to ensure their false story is not challenged by anyone, heaven forbid, with real facts and knowledge or just the brains and common sense to sniff out all their BS.
  14. The Pegula's need to give Beane a shot at the Sabres GM job. Or at least get the GM's and coaches into the same room and say (pointing to the Bills side) "this" works and (pointing to the Sabres side) "that" doesn't. Do more of "this" and stop doing "that".
  15. Move diverse and dumber. Look at falling SAT test scores and "racist" standardized testing over time and tell me that focusing on diversity is working. Its cultivating an increasing larger number of idiots and mental incompetents that can't even do basic math or speak or write a simple sentence with correct syntax. More and more people have no tangible skills. The average kid in Baltimore high school "graduate" for example can't even read at a 6th grade level. That is sad. This country is going down fast. Soon there will be nothing to fight over. But by all means keep on believing your BS. Hurray for diversity! The battle cry of social decay and failure.
  16. Market research showed that none of the Democratic primary candidates would beat Trump in the key swing states as they were all seen as "too liberal". So the party trotted out poor old Joe Biden and positioned him just far right enough to score enough of the moderate votes in swing states to gain the required electoral votes. But hiding his failing mental and physical health was necessary and conveniently the COVID pandemic situation provided a perfect excuse to limit his public exposure. Only the mentally challenged or the most devoted followers of the party can claim they see no issue with his mental condition. Its obvious. For all purposes VP Harris is assuming and carrying out many duties assigned to the President and by all accounts seems to be doing a good job. At some point Biden will step down or be removed via the 25 Amendment.
  17. Math isn't racist. Mathematical principles have been a foundation of civilizations for 1,000 of years. Babylonians, Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Mayans, Chinese, Asian Indians, and so on. All these civilizations developed and used math. Math has no race. I suspect if alien civilizations exist somewhere out in our Galaxy they use math and the fundamental principles of it. The people denouncing math as racist are failures. They are responsible for developing and educating children in various basic concepts. Like math. They are academics, education administrators, and intellectuals. They and their programs and curriculum have failed in providing children the necessary training and education to succeed in life. To blame themselves or point a finger at each other is to admit failure, to admit they are not somehow intellectually superior. So they find another target. The inert and non-sentient discipline of math is the target. And they develop some crackpot idea that somehow children of color are different and that they are incapable of comprehending the concepts of math. Not only is this insulting but the very foundation of the idea is racist. So really why are we even listening to these people?
  18. So what happens when rates go up? The 10Yr US Treasury is at 1.635%. All this additional supply (1.9T) will put stress on rates to go higher. Who is going to step up and buy all this supply? What astute investor or fund wants to "loan" the US government money for 10 years at about 1.6% when they can put their funds into the equity markets and pull down 10, 20, 30%? That move is a guaranteed loser. Plus inflation is on the rise and pretty quickly. Most likely the Fed will step in through additional QE purchases to hold rates down by increasing the size of their balance sheet. A likely consequence will be a weaker US dollar. So pick your poison. Higher rates or a loss of purchasing power in your paycheck denominated in a currency that is losing value. This will all happen rather quickly. I hope people are preparing for this likelihood and not ignoring the obvious risks. Because there won't be anybody left to bail anyone else out when the SHTF.
  19. While a strategy of some economic or cultural isolation is an interesting perspective I think it necessary to look at things from the perspective of each of China's trading partners. What would compel them to get on board with such an approach? The 5 oil exporters for starters. Russia - 100% certainty they would have no interest in any actions taken against China in the oil market or for that matter anything that would support US strategic interests. What would the US offer in return? Cease to add NATO members in Eastern Europe? Removing sanctions? Withdraw objections to NordSteam2 gas pipeline to Germany? Saudi Arabia - A major US arms purchaser although the new US administration has indicated a desire to dial back those sales. With US fracking all but eliminating the US market they sought markets elsewhere. China was an obvious buyer. The Saudi's are strategic masters playing a balancing game with the US., Russia, and China and other factions and interests in the region. What would the US offer in return for cutting back on China bound exports? I don't know and would they want to upset or introduce another variable into their balancing act? Iraq - This to me is a big kick in the face of the US. US blood and treasure eliminated Saddam and China appears to be a top beneficiary with Iran taking the lead spot there. Maybe the US offers to a firm schedule of force draw down to leave the country in return for more cooperation? Angola - Although its given little exposure China has made significant economic and cultural inroads in Africa. Its almost a secret it seems. With major migration of population into Africa which some might characterize as "economic colonization". The thrust of which is to secure access to nature resources. But with a lot of direct investment in places like Angola it seems doubtful they'd be willing or perhaps able to align with US interests. Brazil - As part of the BRICS "alliance" its hard to see them pulling the plug on a source of trade. Along with this their government is a rolling dumpster fire. My perspective is none of this happened by accident or overnight. China's been playing the "long game" for decades. And kind of boxed the US into a corner. One step at a time in a methodical manner. All that's happened recently is the realization of it all. To get out of that corner requires thinking and planning on that same strategic level. But is it too late for that regarding the sovereignty and independence of Taiwan?
  20. Of course China will not stop at objectives aimed at Taiwan and Hong Kong. They have greater ambitions. But what does it mean to protect Taiwan alt all costs? All costs? Such as committing to military action? Engaging is an armed confrontation with China? Perhaps starting World War 3? And what consequences, risks, and threats will such a policy of "all costs" present? Beyond some vague China containment policy it might make sense to have some clear and credible articulation of US strategic interests from the administration before committing to some "at all costs" program.
  21. I'm not sure why the US would object to anything China is doing as their government seems to be the operating model our government aspires to. Creating a surveillance and thought control state through the melding of government force and coercion with technology oligarchs and the corporations they control. But aside from that China is simply not afraid of the US anymore. What are "we" going to do? Impose sanctions? I'm sure Pres Xi isn't spending many sleepless nights worried about that prospect. Diplomatically our state department's approach to international affairs is consistent with the "gun boat" policies of past eras. Look at the number of places where force is either being directly applied or threatened. The problem is the world has changed and while I question China's motives as less than transparent and genuine their more "cooperative" economic development approach to affairs is leading to a lot of arrangements around the world that are slowly squeezing the US out of a lot of places.
  22. I'm sure all the street gangs and drug cartels will be lining up early to turn in all their weapons. And given how safe the streets and cities will become as a result all politicians will be obligated to eliminate their private and public security details because they will no longer be necessary. Because more gun control legislation has passed. People getting robbed or assaulted by an armed assailant can soon inform them they are breaking the new gun control law. I expect they'll apologize and move on! Truth be told here the pols and their government agents want to ban weapons held by people they expect to be hassling sometime in the future for doing or not doing something they will make "illegal". Things like thinking for yourself, and doubting all the BS they feed you. So they want to disarm them now so they don't end up getting their asses shot off later. Got nothing to do with public safety. They don't care about you or me getting killed by an armed gunman. As long as their back sides are safe. Street criminals will still be killing people in the streets. Homicide, armed robbery, and other crime stats will not be impacted. Just more BS posturing for their followers. Nothing will change and then cries for more... wait for it... gun control.. And the cycle of failure to address the core problem will continue..
  23. The similarity is in both cases the federal government didn't have the money to fund either and both added/will add to the federal debt.
  24. I understand the theme will be to recognize the signing of the COVID Relief bill and communicate some other "priorities" for the remainder of the year. I think the big question in the minds of most is are we all going to get another check?
  25. Its not just government wages. Its generous pension and retirement benefits. Here in NJ nepotism in government is a tradition and generally accepted practice. Towns and cities hire relatives and friends (not so much the most qualified people) that take somewhat less challenging jobs then those offered in the private sector, work them for the required period of time and begin drawing pensions. Some I'm told retire drawing three pension pay outs. Its a sweet racket while taxpayers foot big tax bills and the government borrows money on their backs to fund payments to all their buddies for perpetuity. I suspect its the same in a lot of states, many of which have severely under-funded pension plans. These state plans are the beneficiaries of COVID Relief funding which doesn't seem to have much to do with COVID. People working in Washington for the Federal government get an even sweeter deal. Many draw close to $100K or more annually while also receiving fully paid health care benefits. Those of us in the private sector with the exception of old line companies that still have some sort of pension fund must fund their retirements through smart 401K and IRA investments and social security rather than some guaranteed income courtesy of the suckers called taxpayers. What I detest about government more than any of these social issues we banter back and forth about taking one view or another is that its a big blood sucking leach sucking the life out of me and every other taxpayer. And funneling that money to themselves and their favored constituents. Frankly, I feel like I am getting absolutely little to no benefit from the tax money I send to the State and the Federal government and I am far from affluent. If you want to limit government power the only thing that will have any effect is to cut off their funding.
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