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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Now you're just pulling my chain here. Which party do CRT believers and proponents support? And which party do administrators and other officials that are pushing this into public and private education and training curriculum support? And which party do cancel culture enthusiasts who attack people that don't buy into this CRT support? There you go! Can it get any more obvious what the connection is here?
  2. Believers of Critical Race Theory are judging people by the color of their skin. They believe all whites are racist oppressors and all blacks are victims of that oppression. Am I wrong about this?
  3. I share your plight. I grew up in a staunch union & Democratic household but this party no longer represents working people. Working class American's and immigrants seeking a better life through hard work and values. No longer. The core constituency are "victims" Victims of all types and all kinds of things. When do these people ever play anything but the victim? When's the last time any union leader was invited into the White House to meet with the President? It might be Jimmy Carter. And internationally why are they so eager to engage in all types of confrontations everywhere when the consequences of these policies is anything but beneficial to the country and our people? Its disturbing that some fringe element has taken control. The problem I have is the Republicans do not represent any of my values and beliefs either. So where can I turn? While as I've aged and gained more life experience and my views have changed, I still hold those core values of the old party. Unfortunately the current leadership has gone off the rails. If their goal is to ruin the country then mission accomplished. I find myself wishing for the Greater Depression that will surely hurt all of us but will rid us of these idiots by burning down all the dysfunction they have created and replace it with some new vision based on the old traditional values of the party . Expressing such "extreme" views might get me labeled as a "domestic terrorist" by the new party visionaries. That's have sick and twisted these sociopaths are at this moment in history.
  4. The law says all people that meet the legal requirements to vote can and will be able to vote and will be afforded assistance to do so such as obtaining required personal identification. The law says all people that do not meet the legal requirements to vote cannot and will not be able to vote.
  5. The problem is you are attempting to address the issue of racism as defined in today's social setting with logic and rational thinking. And making an effort to understand real tangible problems and harm that racism may cause. I am guilty of that too. But in order to make complete sense of it we need to look at the environment from the perspective of social justice warriors, virtue signalers, woke, and people pretending to be woke so the woke don't attack them. To these people, racism is is in the eyes of the perceived victim. All that matters is that emotionally and through their feelings somebody thinks that another person is acting in a racist manner against them or against somebody else. Emotions and feelings along with constant judging of words and language drives all outcomes and is the basis of woke philosophy. In this case its applied to race issues. No proof of any kind is required. Guilt by accusation is equal to guilt by trial. Guilt by association, taking specific events and extrapolating it to society in general. Facts don't matter, logic doesn't matter, critical thinking doesn't matter, or the fact the oppressor denies it. Denial, especially by whites only proves they are a racist in denial of their actions. The worst kind of racist. A dishonest racist or a racist that doesn't know they're a racist.
  6. Its events with Ukraine that have gotten my attention. Since taking over the Biden administration has been transferring a large amount of weapons and equipment to the country. And Biden and the State Dept. have not been shy on expressing their intentions to bring Ukraine into NATO as part of the effort to encircle and contain Russian plans to expand influence over Europe and the Middle East. On March 24th President Zelensky signed a decree, which is similar to an executive order here, declaring the desire to retake Crimea. Hostilities have also increased in the east of the country where "rebel" forces exert some control. Internationally, this is being seen as Zelensky given the "green light" by the US administration. This week Russia moved tanks, aircraft, and large troop contingents to the border between the two countries and into Crimea. None of this has really shown up in the MSM but my suspicions are it will very soon. The global concern when war breaks out is this will escalate beyond a regional conflict and result in direct confrontation between US and Russian forces? And where it might spread to? The Middle East, Asia with Taiwan and Korea, war in Europe, potential to escalate into a nuclear exchange. Bad things like these. Most likely all of this would have happened in 2017 if Clinton had won the election. But she didn't. Trump never warmed up relations with Russia but he didn't escalate them much either. The Russian collusion narrative was really all about trying to associate Trump's administration with Russia and Putin to make it impossible to improve relations and de-escalate tensions between the two countries. Tensions and plans which were established by neo-con and neo-liberal war advocates earlier under Bush/Obama. The Mueller investigation provided cover here. And when Trump dared to mess with Biden and the Ukraine connection, looking to engage the government their to investigate the connection, the deep state war machine had to act as their most vital interest and plan was being threatened. They had much more to hide than just some payoffs and bribes involving the former VP.
  7. The gunman in Orange California has been identified as Aminadab Gaxiola Gonzalez. Apparently a disgruntled former employee of the firm targeted. You can bet your last penny many on the left will characterize him as a "white" Hispanic. If the lefties are one thing they are predictable..
  8. Yes it is absurd. But what I find most troubling is a focus on all the wrong details. Names and words are offensive but the fact their children are "graduating" from these schools as functional illiterates is not offensive and apparently much less of a concern.
  9. There's a lot of grey area here so its not like just getting rid of the law. So let's say you can sue gun manufacturers. Okay, so lets say five armed robbers break into my home and threaten my family and I shoot them all dead. The police investigate, refer the evidence to the prosecutor's office, and they determine it was self-defense and decline to press charges against me. Under that scenario do you think the families of my "victims" that intended to harm and rob me are entitled to sue either me or the gun manufacturer? I say Hell no to that..
  10. Plus product liability law is very complex. For example, differentiation of circumstances of intentional misuse or accident. Assumed and implied liability of the user and the supplier. But that's why lawyers love passing new laws. It keeps them all busy, well compensated, and employed!
  11. That's absolutely true to the "woke". What's important to them is words and language and the emotions, feelings, microaggressions, and offense those words and language generate. Reality, logical and critical thinking, reasoning, facts, intent, and objectivity don't matter. They are emotional and mental weaklings. If they read my post it would trigger them and make them cry.
  12. Well I did put "asylum" in quotes for a reason. My point is the Mexican government appears powerless or unwilling to stem the flow so send forces across the border into Mexico and conduct "sweep and clear" patrols to weed out and eliminate smugglers and cartel members. We're spending over $800B a year on defense and military spending and this seems like the biggest national security threat out there. And if you're afraid to use that power when threatened, and this is a threat, then why spend the money?
  13. Part of the tragedy here is how the people seeking "asylum" are mistreated and abused by these smugglers. It obvious the Mexican government at all levels is unwilling or unable to take any actions to protect life here. Everybody it seems is in on the take here. My view, we should inform the Mexican government of our intent to cross the border to arrest, detain, and eliminate these smugglers and cartel associates by whatever means are necessary and at our disposal. And if they get in our way we shoot them too. Basically let them know if you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem. Is that too strong a message?
  14. You may have friends and family like my father-in-law. He's one of those people convinced the virus is waiting outside his living room window just looking for a chance to get into the house to kill him. Like it roams freely in the outdoor environment and acts with some sentient intent expressed by higher forms of life. I can provide him with all sorts of science about how viruses live and spread along with specifics about COVID but he's convinced CNN is right and I am wrong.
  15. Yes, and taking it one step further it could be reasoned that the practices and polices enacted in response to the pandemic did more to harm the economy than the pandemic itself. The classic outlier referenced is Sweden which didn't lock down, took precautions to protect the most vulnerable, didn't experience high death rates, and saw minimal disruptions to their national economy. I'm not so sure that would have worked in the US because I think a lot of it had to do with demographics. Sweden has a much more "relatively" healthy population than the US. We have what might be characterized as a national health crisis with a high percentage of overweight and out-of-shape people with lots of other co-morbidities which makes for a target-rich environment for the fatal aspects of the infection. A lot of it is just common sense since if you are in good physical condition and have a strong immune system and haven't experienced the degenerative impacts of aging to any degree you'll experience less severe symptoms of almost any virus or bacterial infection.
  16. The election in 2020 played out pretty close to how 2016 played out with the exception that Trump lost a significant number of swing voters in key contested states he won by slim margins in 2016. A lot of analysts believe the handling of the pandemic was the cause but I think its simply because he failed to deliver on any of his populist promises and these voters defected to Biden who they ultimately decided to pin their hopes on after Trump basically failed to deliver for them.
  17. DOES THEIR HYPOCRISY HAVE NO LIMITS. Democrats used the filibuster 257 times in 2020. But since they were doing battle with the forces of evil it will be justified by the believers. And now that the forces of good and all that is moral and just have the majority there is no use for this procedure as the minority must be disarmed in order for there to be no resistance to the program.
  18. Tell me how many of the 600K that died had no serious pre-existing conditions that compromise their health or were very old? Do you know the average life expectancy of people with these conditions? How many people die from obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, cancer annually? Bottom line it was a big mistake to lock down everything and we are all going to pay for a long time. What don't you get? There is no "back to normal" coming.
  19. I didn't say do nothing. I'm saying respond to the threat in a manner consistent with the impact of the threat. Thanks for your brilliant insights! I eagerly await more..
  20. A big difference between the Spanish Flu of 1918 and COVID 2020 is governments did not lock down entire populations and close the economy in 1918. The lock downs did more harm than the virus. Unemployment, closed business, rampant depression and suicide, needless isolation of young adults and children combined with careless and ineffective policies to protect the most vulnerable. And the general public still seems uneducated about the relative risks associated with COVID. The mortality rate is about .03% with almost the entire risk of death in the over-60 age demographic where commodities or pre-existing conditions exist. In my county the over-60 accounts for 20% of the cases and 95% of the deaths. Yet its treated like the Black Death of the 1300's where a little over 50% of the world's human population died from the plague. I don't see any big economic boom coming out of this. The lock downs destroyed an untold number of businesses and jobs and most are never coming back. Money creation/capital formation has been totally disconnected from productive activity. Handouts and "stimulus payments" increase demand and do nothing to create supply. The administration talks of raising taxes but what's the difference? About 80% of the Federal budget is funded by borrowing. Why not make it 90%? Yet, a bankrupt government is dreaming up some $3T "infrastructure spending bill" where I expect most of the money will end up in the pockets of political cronies and their associates via sweetheart contracts while the peasants get thrown a couple pennies. Trade deficits continue to rise. Simply put, we over consume but under produce and depend on foreign trading partners taking IOU's in exchange for the difference. How much longer is this going to last? Entire segments of the economy are dependent on low rates staying low forever. I'm buying inflation hedges like energy and metals along with foreign stock funds to get a lot of my funds out of the way of what should be a tremendous drop in the purchasing power of the US dollar as inflation heats up and the Fed sits idle pretending inflation doesn't exist and knowing they can't raise rates without torpedoing the entire system.
  21. And the award for best actress in a political drama goes to Nancy Pelosi. Accepting the award for Nancy is her former hairdresser. While accepting the award she stated "Even though Nancy threw me under the bus we're still good friends". And the award for best crying scene goes to AOC for her famous kneeling and crying in front of a fenced off empty yard at the border scene which left no dry eyes in the theater. Somehow she is absent from the current fenced off facilities holding lots of unaccompanied minors. And the award for best liar in a committee hearing is Adam Schiff. Accepting the award is the Russian ambassador to the US saying "he talks about us so much I feel like we share the award". And the award for best actor is Chuck Schummer for his faking sympathy and outrage in episodes in a political satire and comedy.
  22. I'm not certain about your conclusion that riots, looting, property destruction, and attacks on people in the streets won't take place because the Biden/Harris team is going to keep a lid on any blowback of a "not guilty" or least serious charge conviction. But they will somehow contort the outcome to blame Trump.
  23. Some tidbits of what the defense might site: When called to the scene due to Floyd allegedly passing counterfeit money, Floyd denied using drugs but later said he was “hooping,” or taking drugs. The autopsy did not conclude that Floyd died from asphyxiation (though a family pathologist made that finding). Rather, it found “cardiopulmonary arrest while being restrained by law enforcement officer(s).” The state’s criminal complaint against Chauvin said the autopsy “revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation. Mr. Floyd had underlying health conditions including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease.” He also was COVID-19 positive. Andrew Baker, Hennepin County’s chief medical examiner, strongly suggested that the primary cause was a huge amount of fentanyl in Floyd’s system: “Fentanyl at 11 ng/ml — this is higher than (a) chronic pain patient. If he were found dead at home alone & no other apparent causes, this could be acceptable to call an OD (overdose). Deaths have been certified w/levels of 3.” Baker also told investigators that the autopsy revealed no physical evidence suggesting Floyd died of asphyxiation. The toxicology report on Floyd’s blood also noted that “in fatalities from fentanyl, blood concentrations are variable and have been reported as low as 3 ng/ml.” Floyd had almost four times the level of fentanyl considered potentially lethal. Floyd notably repeatedly said that he could not breathe while sitting in the police cruiser and before he was ever restrained on the ground. That is consistent with the level of fentanyl in his system that can cause “slowed or stopped breathing.” The restraint using an officer’s knee on an uncooperative suspect was part of the training of officers, and jurors will watch training videotapes employing the same type of restraint as official policy.
  24. From the set up it sounded like a 3rd degree manslaughter (not murder if I got it right) is the most likely conviction. Whether or not that's enough to appease the mob is an unknown.
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