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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. That's good advice. One thing you don't do is practice law in the streets. Or engage in a confrontation with armed police. If you think your rights have been violated then taking it to court is the best recourse. I don't know what the cops or Wright were thinking here. Its seems like a unique situation and a real tragedy. I've been involved in several traffic stops by police and in only one instance did I get a ticket. This, for a bad inspection sticker. I handled them all the same way. Cooperated and made sure I didn't communicate any hostile or confrontational message. Provided my documentation as request, and then drove away no worse for wear. I suspect Wright didn't follow my example here. But I'm not taking the cops side here either. A few years ago I left a party across town about 11 PM for what's about an 8 mile ride home. About 1 mile into my trip a patrol car appears in my rear view mirror and follows me all the way home glued to me about 10 feet back all the way. Left turns, right turns, right behind me all the way. I wasn't drinking or speeding or doing anything improper. He didn't pull me over but the only thing the cop didn't do was pull into my driveway behind me and tuck us in for a good night's sleep. So I know what people mean when they say they're getting hassled for no reason. But during the ride home I resisted the urge to pull over and ask what the problem was here? That I told myself would be a mistake in judgment. My buddy Stan was working late at night and got pulled over the local cops for DWB down the street from our office. A black man driving around a wealthy suburban generally white community can draw attention. Stan being a smart guy acted consistent with what I had done and left the scene of the traffic stop for home. Its a certainty he was pulled over because he was black but he was situationally aware. He could have raised a bias case through the legal system afterward but chose not to take that route. So the cops are far from perfect too. And just like any other profession there are great performers and poor one's too. As oldman said in his post there's a lack of trust and I'll add what I see as no willingness on the sides to come together for a heart-to-heart sit-down discussion to reach some kind of compromise and objective understanding to ease tensions and bring back some sense of civility.
  2. I'm right across the border from you in NJ and its the same here. From the beginning the governor has stated all policy decisions will "follow the science" (which I believe was the case at the start) but as the situation has unfolded and more information becomes available the state cannot articulate how the current science aligns with what appears to be outdated or questionable policy. Press releases from the State indicate over 2 million residents have been vaccinated. Yet the vaccinated and recovered COVID patients that have antibodies against the virus are told they must still adhere to mask and social distancing mandates along with all other restrictions on gatherings and activities. Why? One premise I heard was vaccinated individuals can still infect others in a manner consistent with asymptotic transmission. How is that possible? Because if some living viral material enters my nasal passages in the case of being vaccinated or recovered I have antibodies that prohibit the virus from making me sick and attaching to my cells. And if the virus can't attach to my cells it cannot live off me as a host to grow and multiply. And if it cannot grow and multiply it cannot survive and it will soon die. And if it dies I cannot pass the infection to anyone else. So either: The virus functions in a way that's unique to other viruses we've encountered in the past. Like influenza which I have never once heard can be passed from a vaccinated symptom free individual to a non-vaccinated individual. (no evidence of this) The vaccine is much less effective than we are being told or they doesn't work. (officials claim its effective) The vaccine works but the developed antibodies from vaccination and recovery don't provide protection any against current strains. (some suggest this) The officials running the program don't know what they're doing and are incompetent. (not likely) The State is insisting we conform to these restrictions for reasons they do not want to disclose. (labelled conspiracy theory)
  3. LMAO? I'm glad to bring a smile to your face. But I've come to learn that my liberal friends have no sense of humor and find nothing funny about any type of comedy as the concepts of comedy are offensive to them. It reminds me of the worst business idea ever. Woke comedy club!
  4. What's comical about the voter rights issue is the left thinks Republicans are working to suppress the voter rights of legitimate voters and the right think Democrats are working to ignore and eliminate voter verification requirements in order to allow anyone and everyone to vote regardless of their ability to meet legal requirements like being registered or citizens. What this all reminds me of is a quote which says "there's three sides to every story. Yours, mine, and the truth".
  5. Some have suggested a recommendation of term or age limits for Supreme Court justices which a lot of lawmakers might get behind. Personally, I could entertain the idea as long as the changes are extended include term limits for members of the House and Senate.
  6. Hey, I didn't have my morning coffee yet and I'll admit it when I got my facts mixed up! But I hate the ruling regardless. And looks like the proposal here is to add 4 justices. But as it requires 60 Senate "yes" votes it doesn't appear to have chance of passing..
  7. Let's stay on point here. I don't care who said it or where is was published. Truth is truth. The Democratic left for lack of a better word "hates" Asians because their work ethic and success with many with average incomes higher than whites in many areas puts a big dent in their white supremacy narrative they continue to peddle. It sounds like a ridiculous conspiracy theory. How anyone can believe all that BS is a testimony to the ability of the 1% elite masters on the left to brainwash weak minded and mentally slow liberals. They think they are "woke" but they are asleep. Unless you have something intelligent to add I suggest you refrain from responding and digging a bigger hole for yourself.
  8. Against Asians. I lifted this from a story I read but it seems applicable here. In education too many Asians are getting into better schools and crowding out other "minorities". To quote.. "There is anti-Asian discrimination in America, but one of its main sources is a principal bastion of the left: elite universities. Asians are discriminated against in seeking admission to Harvard, Yale, and other elite schools. For example, it is four times more difficult for an Asian to get admitted to Harvard than for a black with comparable high school grades and test scores. And the left is urging the same discrimination against Asians in admission to elite public high schools." Now that's racism in action! Totally busted on this one dude!
  9. All I can say is I'd like to borrow your time machine and experience what life was like back in 1950's Mississippi some 70 years ago.
  10. And I suspect the reason is Charles refuses to be cancelled. Agree with him or not he stands by his convictions. Got to respect that. He might be the most honest person in TV/Media. And if they try to cancel him they know he ain't going to back down, no way, no how. The cancel crowd might be vindictive and sadistic but they won't pick a fight they can't win. Like how criminals choose their victims better to move on to other easier and more compliant targets than to get in a rumble with a tough street fighter.
  11. Link to FBI statistics for 2018 arrests by racial classification. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2018/crime-in-the-u.s.-2018/topic-pages/tables/table-43
  12. There are two sides to this coin when it comes to police encounters. People, including whites, that engage in confrontations with the police during encounters or traffic stops suffer the same fate. Maybe people that cooperate with the police when they get stopped, don't engage in physical confrontations, and don't have outstanding arrest warrants don't end up getting injured or shot. Maybe we should consider the concept of assigning some responsibility to the suspect rather than the innocent victim model which has become the popular view? I've been stopped by the cops about a dozen times in my life and my first thought is to make sure I come out of it alive. If you want to suggest we can ever develop some kind of policing model where the margin of error in the population of all traffic stops is zero then that's not possible. No system or process has a zero error rate. Anywhere.
  13. No more incarceration. So let the Capitol insurrections go she is saying? Let all the rapists and murders run free? No police she says? Its easy to shoot your mouth off like that when you're hiding behind thousands of armed National Guard soldiers in the Capitol surrounded by a fence with sharpshooters and personal security details. But when you have to directly deal with this crap its a different perspective. What people like this mentally ill hose bag don't say is Dwight Wright was the subject of a traffic stop by police, had an outstanding warrant, refused to comply with requests from police, and continued to ignore the instructions from the cops, went back to his car for some reason unknown to them, and tried to drive away. Shooting victim? Yes. Innocent shooting victim? No. He did everything wrong here and no more excuses for stupidity. Anybody with half a brain and no street attitude would have walked away alive from that. Reality.
  14. Of course there needs to be election integrity but in Georgia the basic premise of voter identification is being cast as some sort of race issue where polls taken of American citizens reveal a majority of citizens of all races across the political spectrum support the concept. And objections based on the ability of voters to get ID can be easily resolved. Stating the legislation is racist is purely subjective opinion. There is no explicit mention of race such as those found in "separate but equal laws of the past" in any shape or form. Many are inferring race for many reasons. Mostly self-serving. Why do white liberal thinkers believe they need to play "Nanny" to minority voters? Are minority voters inherently incapable of having valid ID's or navigating through the process here and somehow white voters are better equipped to understand and act here? That's pretty insulting (and racist too!). Article 1 Section 4 of the Constitution grants the States the right for setting election rules, times, and places and while many believe as you do in some national standard any such legislation would likely makes its way through the courts through various legal challenges.
  15. I have to call out some inconsistency. The liberals among us here are always preaching about democracy and the rule of the majority. Like eliminating the filibuster in the Senate because it gets in the way of "democracy". The will of the people should not be blocked by the minority is the argument. So in the case of Georgia voting law isn't this the will of the majority? Isn't that what you guys want? Democracy consistent with majority rule. And fact is a majority of Georgia voters elected the Governor and members of the State legislature. You likely have no protest about the HR 1 Federal voting legislation trouncing on the States Constitutional rights to set election law but you're going to argue its not proper for the State of Georgia to override county officials? I don't mind anyone arguing against the law under the pretext it is somehow unfair but I smell the odor of duplicity when it comes to the democratic process. The message when it works for you then you like it and when it doesn't work for you then you don't like it.
  16. My issue with the Zimmerman case was the interpretation of the Florida stand your ground law. After calling 911 about a suspicious individual the police through the dispatcher gave Zimmerman clear instructions to stay in his vehicle and do not approach the suspect. But he chose to ignore this request, left his vehicle, and confronted Martin. A physical confrontation followed. My contention was that you cannot initiate a confrontation, specifically disregarding police instructions in this case, and claim self-defense when the other person engages in what they logically believe is defending themselves against an attacker. In this case Zimmerman being the attacker of Martin who for all purposes had no idea what Zimmerman was up to here. Given these circumstances I thought Zimmerman was guilty of at a minimum negligent homicide. The left has a hard-on for the police because local law enforcement is one of the few, or maybe the only, large public institution they do not control.
  17. This is a good thing. It will remove all the gratuitous, constant, and dramatic invocation of racism as the cause of everything and facilitate legal examination of legislation. Debated and decided in the courts through rational and fact based evidence and testimony rather than through public and private virtue signalling supported by constant one-side subjective MSM propaganda.
  18. As the new Summer collections and fashions are in the stores its a great time for looting. Why not look you're best this Summer? Sarcasm aside, the loud and clear message in the aftermath of these incidents is the government refuses to perform the most basic function of the social contract between its citizens and the government. And that is to maintain civilized order. I'll bet gun purchase and background check stats go through the roof during the second half of April when they're reported next month along with membership increases for militia groups. Simple cause and effect. People see these responses as a potential threat to their safety and respond to it. And on another issue these rioting mobs provide gratuitous examples for the need of automatic weapons. As local, state, and federal officials everywhere have demonstrated they have no desire or will to maintain some semblance of social order the message is clear to businesses and residents of these communities along with the rest of the country. You're on your own and they are not fit to govern.
  19. The good doctor's NIH was funding secret "gain of function" virus research at the suspected Wuhan lab. Genetic research that is banned from being conducted on US soil. Because it is deemed too dangerous. Research on viruses such as Coronavirus. Connect the dots here between his consistently wrong advice and his connection to the lab. My conclusion.. he's working hard to cover his ass and mislead while also covering for China's complicity in the virus escaping containment as a result of poorly defined and run safety protocols.
  20. Further the administration responded: "To produce a figure would require performing some mathematical calculations and as math is racist this cannot be provided as we will no longer be using quantifiable figures or facts for any purpose going forward".
  21. I wish I had the answer to those questions. But I do wonder if critical and logical thinking are becoming a lost art. The link below is timely to this topic. https://brucewilds.blogspot.com/2021/04/stimulus-and-covid-19-attitudes-reflect.html
  22. The fatal aspects of the virus are concentrated among the elderly with immune systems degraded by the aging process and among people having a pre-existing condition that also degrades the immune system. Such as diabetes and obesity. Two very common and systemic conditions among Americans. Almost all patients that died had some other pre-existing condition. My county has kept good statistics on the outbreak since the beginning. There have been 21,147 cases confirmed by testing with 703 deaths. 97% of all deaths occurred among the 50+ population against 40% of the cases. 30-49 reported the other 3%. No deaths were reported among the 0-29 age group. The breakout is: 80+ 6% of cases, 54% of deaths 65-79 10% of cases, 30% of deaths 50-64 24% of cases, 12% of deaths 30-49 29% of cases, 3 % of deaths 18-29 20% of cases, 0% of deaths 5-17 9% of cases, 0% of deaths 0-4 2% of cases, 0% of deaths State and national statistics show the same patterns within a small range of deviation. These numbers show which age groups are most at-risk of a fatal event. Part of the problem of isolating the oldest and most at risk is the fact that family units might comprise individuals from several of these age groups and not just one. But we could have done a better job of protecting the most vulnerable and given our understanding of the virus and the at-risk factors provide a custom individual assessment for a person given their specific condition. And let life go on as close as possible to "normal" for those at close to zero risk of death. Fortunately there are some promising treatments coming out of the clinical trial pipeline that should gain FDA EUA approval that give doctor's better treatment options to significantly cut the fatality rate going forward.
  23. While I agree with some of your posts and disagree with others I disagree as many suggest that the motivation behind any real or alleged bias in the GA bill is some implicit or explicit attempt at racism. Any and all motivations real or imagined are political. And the fact that the majority of African-Americans in the districts you suggest are disenfranchised by the bill vote for Democratic candidates is the only motivating factor. The fact the majority of the voters in these districts are black is coincidental and irrelevant to the motive. If the voters in these specific districts cast their ballots 90-10 for Republican candidates do you think some racist behavior meant to hurt minority citizens would be a motive for the specifics of the bill?
  24. If you've examined the specific details of the audits I'll take you word for it. But to my knowledge all they did was count the votes and verify the counts with a re-count. Not confirm or validate all the ballots cast were valid. Not cross reference the votes cast to voting records. If you think that's sufficient then okay but I don't. All it proves is they are proficient at counting.
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