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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Absolutely. The Fed isn't going to raise rates because they know it will tank the markets and the economy along with it. They've been trying to create inflation for a while and are getting their wish. They claim it is transitory and that will be the excuse to not act. When they act it will be too late. And as most trading is program trading algorithms that "read" headlines and then trade accordingly these news events can trigger big swings for good or not good reasons. My main thesis is buy energy and precious metals shares for starters.
  2. Because "good news" on the economy can cause policy changes which result in rising interest rates and restrict/eliminate liquidity (read: money and credit) entering the financial markets which will lead to stock and bond market values to fall and end the party. So a low number jobs number is good news for markets. It means party on. My guess at this point is both the economy and markets are headed for 70's style inflation, which has already started, but we're in a lot worse shape to handle it now.
  3. Now we have 6' 7" Greg Rousseau with a 70" wingspan, 11" hands, and prior football experience at WR to employ under these circumstances on defense and maybe offense.
  4. There's a different Diggs in Buffalo than the one that played on the Vikings because the Bills and Diggs have been open and honest with each other about everything from the beginning of their relationship and the environment around the team is mostly positive. It doesn't appear that was the case in Minnesota. We see that with other players that are embracing and buying into the teams new culture demonstrated by several free agents choosing to re-sign rather than go elsewhere for what likely would be more compensation. Diggs has bought into the culture too. And while I expect Diggs to be looking for a bump in pay along with term at some point it doesn't appear he's demanding anything or concerned about it.
  5. I'm telling you the other guys are just as dirty if not more so. But you're playing the cleanest pig in the mud hole angle all the time. I think I'm wasting my time here as you'll likely never even consider the reality that all the players in this system are corrupt. None of them give a hoot about you or me no matter what we think, agree on, or disagree on. The Biden's looted Ukraine while Joe player US overseer to all the cash handouts and got his "customary 10%" while also taking millions from China. The FBI is corrupt and crooked and the DOJ runs a protection racket for the political elite. All Barr did in reality was stonewall any action against the people inside the government that we're subverting the Trump administration. On a side note, are you watching the Maricopa recount? I find it comical that there's so much resistance to the exercise from the people that are constantly telling me there is nothing to find. So what's the worry?
  6. I have a lot of experience "helping out" family and friends when they needed some support. Too much experience. If you've been in the position to lend a hand and done something similar I expect my story will resonate with you. I'll wager the proponents of these social handout programs have no such experience. This experience has formed the basis for my objections to most of these life-long public assistance programs. I've welcomed several friends and family into our home when they needed some help. I've accommodated them by providing them with use of some empty bedrooms and other living space, even their own private bathroom. And full use of the house and common living spaces. And I've never asked or expected anything in return. My only request was that they use the time and the opportunity of not having to pay rent or a lot of other living expenses to get their life in order and come out of this back on their feet with some cash in their pockets. That's kind of how I view public assistance should work too. But over time it was the same story. They get comfortable and complacent. They turn my offer of assistance into a "stay-cation" for themselves. I go to work and come home and they are more or less hanging around enjoying their freedom. As time goes by my disposition changes as they are goofing off at my expense. This happens every time. At that point I find I need to confront them and ask what the plan is here? I tell them my offer was to help them get on their feet not to provide a carefree lifestyle. They generally get mad about this and when they do leave they are pissed at me. This is what all these social programs do to people. They kill their will and desire to take care of themselves. They become complacent and dare I say lazy along with developing an attitude of entitlement and expectations of more. In my view there is a big difference in "helping" and "doing it for them". I could go on. My wife was a office manager of the temporary placement firm. Many of the people coming in looking for work were people that gamed the social assistance system for a living. That was their occupation. Their only purpose in looking for work was to use the job as a means to qualify for more assistance when it become necessary. Once the additional assistance was secured from the state or federal program they either quit or created some situation in order to get fired. I'm not saying there aren't people that need this kind of help. But there is a lot of abuse of the system out there.
  7. You my friend are the one that's brainwashed and presenting an argument devoid of facts. But facts don't matter when you believe in fantasy conspiracies like collusion with foreign governments do they? Are you on Joe's and Hunter's payoff payroll?
  8. So what? The guy got fired for refusing to do his job investigating corruption in one of the most corrupt countries on the planet.
  9. Trump is not the enemy of the republic. But I'm not going to defend him. He's a load mouth buffoon and detestable person for sure. The enemy and the threat to our democracy is the self-serving intelligence community and the embedded neocon and neoliberal assets inside the government that created and distributed mis-information and lies for four years to undermine the duly elected administration. Now the idiot voters have put these sociopaths back in power with the election of their puppet President. If you can't see that problem you are the problem.
  10. Through my working years I've attended and participated in numerous cultural and diversity workshops. At some point during all of them every participant is asked to provide a little background and story about themselves. What I found insightful is how similar everyone's story is regardless of their race, background, where they grew up, and other things specific to their experiences. One thing everyone cites is a strong family environment where parents instilled a work ethic and discipline in them that carried into their adult lives.
  11. Asians as a group hold and adopt the cultural values and norms that facilitate and support successful behaviors and attitudes in our core culture. And African-American's that are successful also adopt those cultural norms and values. So do people of any race, gender, or any other slice of the population you want to take. African-Americans that are not successful either refuse to or cannot adopt those cultural traits that define success. This is true of any race, gender, or any other slice of the population you want to take. Interestingly, recent immigrants from Africa are more successful as a group than their domestic counterparts. One reason is they already possess or are more willing to adopt the traits required to succeed. A much higher success rate that race does not explain. For me when people talk about "systemic racism" I think what they are really taking about "cultural norms".
  12. I'm pointing out the governments constant abuse of power. So maybe you should educate yourself on how the law works instead of pretending you know what you're talking about? Try and comprehend this. You search somebody's home with a warrant. You charge them with something. They're arrested and arraigned in court and enter a not guilty plea. They go to court and file discovery motions contesting probable cause along with motions to suppress evidence. The prosecution needs to reveal their sources and evidence that resulted in the issuance of a warrant. Based on how good or flimsy the justification for probable cause is the hearing may result in a motion to reject the probable cause used for the warrant and any evidence seized during the search. Pay attention here, this is the tricky part. In the case of Guilani the government would need to reveal their sources and information that supported the issuance of a warrant to search and seize his property and offices. And either the don't want to do that because they don't want to reveal things they prefer to keep out of the public or they generated some false pretense to support the warrant. So they are never going to indict or charge anyone because they have no real case. Lastly, you should do some historical research on the roots of liberalism. Used to be liberals didn't trust the government and stood against big government and big corporations and their oppression. Now they worship them and serve their needs.
  13. I absolutely guarantee the Feds are not going to go after Trump beyond harassment like the raid on Guiliani. They are not going to take any legal action or file any charges. You know why? One simple term.... "Discovery". Discovery requires the prosecution to open up their files and folders to the defense and provide evidence and information that backs their charges. And provides the defense legal grounds for filing motions to support disclosure of anything they deem required for their defense. Information the government doesn't want to expose. So the government and the agencies won't do that. They want to keep their dirty laundry in the dark. What do you think all the harassment of the former administration was all about? Keeping all their deeds and activities under wraps. But apparently you are incapable of objectively comprehending what's been going on here. Hopefully you'll figure it all out before its too late. And if not you'll make an excellent drone in the service of the State when called upon.
  14. I completely agree with Greenwald and Lewis. These news agencies have devolved to performing as agents for US government dis-information operations for the disseminating of stories aimed as political dissidents and critics of the government and threats to their power and control. I get all that. The sociopaths running the government want to grow their power over everything. And what I don't understand are people on this msg board and elsewhere that endorse and applaud the continued and growing use of State power to control and hinder the freedoms and rights of the citizens of our nation. Truth being they care no more for them than they do for the people they directly attack. They are acting solely in their interest.
  15. One possibility is the Biden's want to know what dirt Rudy collected on their grifting and payoff activities in Ukraine. Some they drum up some flimsy charge to get warrants. Doubtful any charges or indictments will follow as those would generate discovery motions from the defense team which necessitate the government to open up about evidence. That's something nobody inside the agencies and departments wants to air.
  16. I guess it all depends on your definition of racism. Which to this point in our national conversation has yet to be defined. In my view racism is taking deliberate action to harm another person based on their appearance and race and genetics. While words and thoughts can be hurtful I don't see those meeting the threshold of tangible harm. And I don't think it proper to seek to regulate and control the thoughts in each person's mind or the words that come out of their mouths. And while I try to respect and value everyone that's my personal choice. I don't look to impose my view of morality on others.
  17. And... Its education that has the highest correlation to poverty. How many Phd's in electrical engineering live below the poverty level?
  18. Not percentage of. Absolute numbers. And if racism was the "cause" how do you explain that any white people live below the poverty level?
  19. You hit on the central theme of the game played by the advocates of "race is the root cause of everything". What the advocates of attributing all disparities to race do is ignore and dismiss, w/o examination or consideration, other correlating factors and statistics that can better explain a condition or disparity in a more logical manner. Factors like disparities in income and education can explain poverty rates. Facts like there are more white people living below the poverty level are facts that need to be conveniently ignored or discarded to support their conclusions that racism is the cause of povety among minorities. And these facts cannot be allowed to enter the conversation. A fundamental flaw with their thinking, assuming the genuinely want to solve the problem, is that if you operate with blinders and continue to identify the wrong root cause of a problem you'll never fix anything. That's what we've had with all the social programs and plans of the past 50 years. Not addressing the real causes. And what's the answer today? Do more of what's not working until it works.
  20. For the most part all these draft evaluators are information accumulators rather than talent evaluators. They determine the scores of each team based on their predetermined value of the players metrics and stats and the closer a team's draft is to their personal evaluation the higher the score. If they are so good at the draft its a wonder teams aren't rushing to hire them for their open GM slots. Maybe except for Mike Mayock who hasn't exactly set the world on fire with his picks with the Raiders. So I don't listen too much to these "experts". My view of GM's is past performance IS a predictor of future performance.
  21. No, I'm talking about jobs that require highly skilled people with specific experience and advanced degrees in life sciences. That's why my suggestion is ridiculous. And that's why ultimately diversity hiring is ridiculous. Because the bottom line is what's required for an effective and efficient organization or company is to hire and employ competent people rather then keeping score of the genetic profile of your company.
  22. I hear you. When I suggested we hire a few inexperienced high school drop-outs to improve our diversity profile in the areas of experience and education nobody seemed to get the comedic value of my statement! Such is the plight of virtue signalers as there is no room for humor, joy, or happiness in their world. While such a move would negatively impact the team's performance in all possible ways our social justice score would stand out and perhaps qualify us for some recognition or reward.
  23. Yup. Refusing and evading quantification might be systemic too. But in the year 2021 what's the system being referred to (is it public or private, covert or overt, formal or information, organized or individual acts), what attributes of the system are racist, what are your statistical benchmarks, and how are you measuring and counting it to validate and support the theory there is "systemic racism"? Otherwise, you're just arguing and advocating subjective data points vs. some objective theory backed by what might constitute proof. Right now "systemic racism" is more or less a marketing campaign slogan. But I'm willing to be educated. If anybody's got quantification vs. one or two anecdotal stories or some history lesson from the 1860's or 1950's I'd be interested. To add, I'm hearing more and more corporations, including the one I work for, bowing and praying at the alter of systemic racism and saying they're going to change and do better in things like minority hiring. I don't know about how anyone else looks at this but if I was a minority candidate that was passed up for any job opening or promotion at any of these firms that are prostrating themselves asking for forgiveness I'd sue their asses for everything I could. They're more or less admitting they screwed you.
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