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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. You're response here. Got to tell you. Not your best work. Maybe you're feeling a little tired from weekend socialist camp where the lefties, SJW's, and hard core virtue signalers spend their time reading and discussing quotes from the Communist Manifesto or playing the ever popular "guess my pronouns" game. I suspect you'll be back to yourself come tomorrow morning. Given the senseless rebuttals I've gotten here I'm thinking of starting a new topic, titled "What makes liberals happy other than trying to impose their intellectually and morally superior views on everybody else?" I really can't think of anything else that makes these complete buzzkills happy.
  2. Oh, it's all there for sure. You just can't bring yourself to admit it. But its definitely there. And I do feel good today but that doesn't have anything to do with leftist neurotics that are afraid of life.
  3. Without Trump hard-core leftists are finding it difficult to piss and moan about how terrible everything is in the country. They need counseling or some strong anti-depressants. Like a jilted lover that keeps driving by their ex's residence they just can't let go. And now with the CDC issuing guidelines on mask mandates that recommend loosening the requirements they are losing a huge symbol of virtue signalling, the mask. It will soon be impossible for them to tell the difference between mask-resisting Trump supporters and vaccinated citizens. This has them panicking. I've been watching discussions on the usual liberal media outlets about the recommendations and its comical. But, but, but, but, but, how will everyone be safe! By getting vaccinated or generating antibodies from previous COVID infection or being in a low risk group, that's how..
  4. When they are forced to because the rest of the world has had enough of taking paper IOU's in exchange for providing real goods and services for American's to consume which results in the dollar losing its status as reserve and trade settlement currency. its share is already eroding. The dollar quickly plunges against other currencies, gold, crypto, hard assets like land, and we all suffer a serious decline in our standard of living with the exception of the wealthy that are already hedged for such an event. Guys like Bill Gates who is the biggest private owner of farmland in the U.S.
  5. Because the corporate financial institutions have been pushing for carbon taxes credits for year's so they can create and run trading markets and make a bundle of cash off the idea of buying and selling carbon credits. They've been on the financial networks discussing the idea and they're drooling out of their mouths with excitement over the chance for this to happen. And globalists love the idea because it provides them another vehicle for un-elected and unaccountable of control over sovereign nations and their citizens. Governments and bureaucrats love it because more taxes means more programs and more power. The 99.9% that comprise working people and the ordinary citizens of the world get to pay more taxes that suck more money out of their pockets and pollution levels remain the same.
  6. Send community activists, diversity trainers, and critical race theorists out to the street gangs and drug cartels to demand they turn in all the weapons. Now that would be permanent cancel culture. LOL!!
  7. You need to let go of this Trump obsession. Your failure to move on here leads me to believe you might be secretly in love with this goofball. After all you bring him up in all your posts. Face the truth, he's gone now. Maybe get some grief counseling or something?
  8. Here's my problem with all these pronouncements. And what's more important than what they're saying is what they're not saying. Taking this last piece of the article, "it was necessary to keep wearing masks in crowds, when people are near others whose vaccination status they don't know". So I got the Moderna vaccine and I am puzzled why the vaccination status of strangers matters to me? Because the premise behind getting vaccinated against COVID is to not get sick from the COVID virus. So even if there are un-vaccinated or COVID positive people in "the crowd" if the vaccine works I should not get infected. So why should I care about the vaccination status of everyone in the crowd as long as I know I am protected? I've done everything I can to make sure myself and everyone I have a responsibility for is protected to the best of my ability. I've done my part here. If others choose not to do that then that's the risk they take and that's their decision. Free will and the right to choose. I'm not responsible for them and its not my concern. So what are these epidemiologists implying here? Are they saying the vaccines do not work? Are they saying I can still carry and incubate the virus in my system even if I am vaccinated and have antibodies in my system that stop the virus from replicating? Does the vaccine actually stop the virus from replicating or does it simply stop it from producing any of the symptoms of the infection? We need more information than just opinions, conclusions, and recommendations of epidemiologists. We need the details on the facts and the information they're using to reach their conclusions.
  9. There is a known association between the NIH and the Wuhan lab where the virus is suspected of escaping containment. Some $3+M contract funding of some undisclosed gain of function viral research. At a lab where bat research with viruses is known and documented. The deal run through some 3rd party, a firm called EcoHealth. Which coincidentally was hired by WHO to investigate practices at the lab. Guess what they found? The potential for a variant of coronavirus to escape the lab, which has been sited by inspectors for lax procedures, is not some far fetched "conspiracy" but rather a conclusion that is backed by a lot of facts, associations, and fingerprints of the virus itself. This is not a new conclusion. Several viral experts came to a similar conclusion early last year but got shot down by the thought police at the time. Funny how all these censors and fact checkers know so much more about things than the actual people working in the field for their entire lifetimes. These conclusions were also based on the assessment it was a Powerball winning odds chance that the genetic makeup of the virus could have been some natural mutation that originated in Bats and jumped to humans. Helping to debunk the bat theory is that researchers have found the virus more effectively attaches to human cells than Bats. If it started in Bats the opposite would be expected. The belief that Fauci knows more than he says and is hiding something is not some far fetched unsupported conclusion.
  10. Everything you mention is pure conjecture. There has never been one shred of evidence submitted or presented in any court of law in the US to validate any of these contentions. Mueller investigated this thing for over a year with a team of Trump-hating lawyers bound and determined to nail him to the wall and came up with absolutely nothing that would support any formal charges. And intelligence community agencies opinions that "conclude" anything do not constitute proof. And signing private business deals is not proof of collusion in matters of State. Most of the views along the political spectrum are based on hearsay and speculative and planted stories backed by nothing. All of us, whatever our beliefs or views need to demand more.
  11. Here's the thing. The government doesn't have much of a case on "insurrection" charges . They've got 1000's of hours of video that document all the events from every angle inside and outside but haven't released anything that supports their case against any of the defendants. They don't want the defense counsel to see them either. If the video evidence supported the charges we'd be seeing it all on the evening news and the media outlets 24/7. So the idea is to drag this out as long as possible to keep the "guilt by accusation" narrative in news cycle for all the usual reasons.
  12. Not blaming Joe for any of these things since he's just a figurehead ruler, a puppet getting his strings pulled reading scripted answers off a teleprompter. A "moderate" put in front of the voters. He's no more making key decisions on policy and actions than the Queen of England is ruling the UK. As VP Harris is doing nothing much than taking a few meetings and standing by to break any tie votes in the Senate its a mystery who is really running the executive branch of our government. Expect things to get much worse as more items are added to your checklist.
  13. I think you have it wrong. Quite the opposite on the 1st the goal of critical race theory to indoctrinate whites about their "crimes" so maybe camps are the easiest way. I'm sure some of those nutty professors in the race studies department can get on board with that idea. As long as they can get somebody else to do the dirty work of rounding up the victims lest they get their asses shot off in the process. And the US constitution protects against the 2nd with its freedom of religion articles along with separation of church and state. But for over 50 years US Middle East policy through both Democratic and Republican administrations has been a balance between the objectives of protecting Israel and the Saudi monarchy. Appease the political block and keep the oil flowing and maintain the use of the US dollar to settle oil transactions. So what's happening in Jerusalem and the West Bank should come as no surprise to anyone. The US will issue some statements about defusing and de-escalating the conflict but take no action whatsoever.
  14. Comical. Our democracy is already destroyed. You guys just refuse to see it..
  15. I don't know if they'll find anything or not and neither do you. But I find the drama surrounding the effort interesting. Like why did the DNC send their top-gun lawyers to Arizona to stop it? And that failing the DOJ is getting involved. That seems odd. Why do they care? If the state wants to waste time and resources that;s their business. But instead DOJ is throwing out all kinds of excuses to try and stop it. It would seem logical that if there is nothing to hide there is nothing to fear. But there seems to be a lot of fear and perhaps a hint of panic. So given the chance to prove their contentions all is on the up-and-up but declining to support an effort that would produce real tangible proof of their conclusions, what other way to explain all the resistance? Like Hamlet "methinks the lady doth protest too much"! What makes you 100% sure of that? Like I said above if its so absurd why all the effort and resources sent to try and stop it? Maybe somebody is crapping their pants worried about something? Or crapping in his adult diapers more than he normally does? You guys are funny. Pushing the integrity of elections narrative but scared of any attempts to prove it.
  16. Well there is currently a recount and audit happening for Maricopa County in Arizona that is getting a little attention.
  17. I have no desire for things to be "bad". And is it "silly" to suggest people prefer leisure time over work time given a choice? Well, that would depend on your options, wouldn't it? If you have skills and experience that can command a higher rate of compensation you have some control over the situation. If you are an unskilled worker with no experience then you have less flexibility.
  18. I have no idea what your response means but its basic human nature to value leisure over work and if you pay people more to do nothing than they are paid to work they will choose to do nothing.
  19. You continue to meet my low expectations with your responses. If you are incapable of presenting an intelligent argument to support your views or counter mine then silence might be the correct approach.
  20. Just a few months of enhanced unemployment payouts has discouraged workers from looking for work. Now imagine what generations of welfare and social handouts have done to the motivation and spirit of people receiving these payouts? "Help" people in need, yes. But "take care of them", no..
  21. I'm not talking about business boycotts or political influence. That's an entirely different thing. I'm talking about leftist attacks that are personalized and targeted to specific individuals. Attacks that seek to ruin people's lives. Coerce their employers to fire them. Cause them tangible and personal harm. Attacks driven by some belief that their "safe spaces" are being violated. There's a big difference between the two. Its about exerting power over the livelihoods of people that dare to oppose their views. People like the lone editor or writer at the NYT's or other papers that dare to write or publish an article or interview someone expressing views the mob doesn't approve. Its about controlling what people can do, what people can say, and what people can think. Its a dangerous threat to democracy and free expression. And pretending it doesn't exist doesn't make it disappear. Frankly, I'm growing tired of anyone that continues to give these mentally weak and emotionally immature "victims" a pass. My guess is they were spoiled little brats as children that mommy and daddy didn't have the ability or the stomach to discipline and now they've grown into spoiled adult brats.
  22. I don't think our left-leaning friends will ever admit that cancel culture exists on the left. Its an exercise in futility to engage them in that effort. To admit the left has power to harm others through cancel culture is to admit the left wields powers assigned to the oppressor and therefore is the oppressor. This would conflict with the perpetual victim narrative and invalidate their entire belief system. Therefore, leftist cancel culture cannot possibly exist and it is just a false narrative created by the right to further assault them. Psychologically I think its what's called "cognitive dissonance.
  23. Point is cancel culture is not equivalent to criticizing or questioning what politicians or private citizens are doing or saying. That's been around forever in both civil and uncivil forms. Much of it protected free speech. But other than voicing displeasure and the expression of political implications in future elections which is the right of voters to express, I'm not aware of any actions to immediately remove Liz Chaney from office or ruin her ability to make a living or force her to change her views to something other than what she's stated or believes. Cancel culture seeks to ostracize and cause tangible harm to people that express views or take actions in conflict with the beliefs or views of SJW/Woke cultists. They seek to intimidate or coerce others like employers to harm or blackball their target in order to cause tangible harm to their victim. They seem to get off on it too. At some point this will all come to an end as the majority will tire of their antics and cancel them, perhaps permanently.
  24. If Trump had a "good" 2020 economy to run on he would have easily won the election. No President that losses an election leaves things in great shape for the other party. And truth is Biden has made a few self-inflicted gaffs already. The border fiasco is a big one with the policy and optics looking bad. Like it or not Biden/Harris will be judged by the voters based on pocketbook issues and if things are in the tank come November 2022 the Dem's will lose control of both houses of Congress. Same goes for 2024. I think it was James Carville during the Bill Clinton campaign that coined the phrase "its the economy stupid". That still seems to be true. I'm sticking by my original view of things from before the election that whoever won the Presidency was going to face difficult circumstances as the entire economy is a fragile house-of-cards arrangement and hustle. The price to be paid for all that is coming due fast. And what Biden did was really do Trump a favor. Its like relieving the Captain of the Titanic after the ship hit the iceberg. Basically this administration is screwed. They might be able to blame Trump for another month or two but the honeymoon period is about over.
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