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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Looks like a high ranking Chinese defector is spilling the beans on COVID and other topics. Which in part could explain the sudden about-face on the lab theory. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9699221/Has-Chinese-official-defected-Rumors-swirl-diplomat-told-DC-Wuhan-lab.html https://redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2021/06/17/breaking-chinese-defector-confirmed-as-top-counterintelligence-official-n398374
  2. Anyone along the political spectrum that thinks conflict or war with Russia, or for that matter China or any other country, is some desirable and positive event is more or less insane and shouldn't be in any decision making capacity much less be listened to for their views. For starters the majority of these "hawks" never saw combat and if you speak to combat veterans you'll find the majority view war as a last result based on their personal experiences. I'd like to ask these war advocates how many "boots on the ground" their families are offering up for the cause? They always seem to ask others to do the dirty work of the actual fighting and dying. My view is any time you can de-escalate the risks of a potential lose/lose scenario conflict its a good thing. And even though I'm no fan of the Biden administration he appeared to do that much to the surprise and disappointment of the war-monger sect.
  3. From what I've seen the Biden/Putin meeting was constructive and productive. Which is a good thing when staring down 100's of nuclear ICBM's and contending interests. But is would seem the MSM is disappointed the encounter was not the contentious and hostile interaction they and all the Russia-phobes were demanding. Rather than one as described by the participants as having been constructive and civil.
  4. Well there are really two separate issues going on. The first is the "need" to lower greenhouse gas emissions to manage global temperature changes. The second is the "need" to replace hydrocarbon based energy sources when the cheap and easy to find oil supply starts to run out. The solution to replace oil and gas with electricity is a convenient and handy answer to both questions. But that leads to another issue which is the objective of electrifying all applications of hydrocarbon produced energy in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining the currently living arrangements, growth trajectories, and continuous increases in energy consumption required to support that growth (not even to mention advances in developing nations) is a pipe dream and a dead end. There is no way this is going to happen through the deployment of solar panels and wind turbines. The resources necessary don't exist on the planet or reside in countries or regions where there is resistance to developing them. The capital expenditures will exceed current estimates by many multiples. And our society and population are not at all equipped or ready to handle the radical changes to lifestyles and living conditions that will result. And counting on some yet to be developed technological breakthrough in energy production isn't much of a strategy either. The oil age provided a one-time bump in growth through a very efficient and cost effective means of producing large amounts energy and driving growth and progress but once its gone the human race will revert to trend unless something is found that produces more energy more efficiently and at less cost. Wind and solar and other renewables at current efficiencies at current cost just won't cut it. We need to stop fooling ourselves and work to find an effective long term solution.
  5. The problem is they won't stop. Because to true believers of CRT its not a theory or "teaching tool" its an ideology, a belief system. And ideologists or people of faith are not driven or moved by logic and facts. Debating with believers that racism is not the core and primary driver of American culture is like arguing with Christian Fundamentalist that God does not exist. Debating with them that we do not live in 1860 but rather 2021 is futile. Trying to convince them that White people don't sit around all day in groups thinking of ways to discriminate against Black people is useless. Whatever the issue or cause, Its just simply impossible to reason with ideologists and fanatics. But their ultimate goal is not to bring an awareness of history or eliminate racism but rather to replace and eliminate the core cultural beliefs and values of America with something that aligns with this ideology. To impose the values of a specific sub-culture on the dominant culture. Through coercion and if necessary through force. This isn't about racism its about power. Transferring power and control of society to them and people that hold similar views. Its about using the concept of racism as leverage to gain power. Its deception at its best. How stupid and weak are people that either buy into this or remain silent against their best interests? Either compromise your values and or fight them. For me, I don't see anything there I particularly care about going along with so the choice is pretty clear.
  6. Is what's happening climate change or climate cycles? After all the Earth was a lot warmer and lot colder at various times in many cycles for billions of years. Without any humans around. 715 million years ago the entire Earth was covered by ice. About 100 million years ago the Mid-West US was an inland sea. Then cooler, then warmer, then cooler. The last ice age ended about 12,500 years ago. CO2 concentration is now a bit over .04% of the atmosphere. What about the other 99.96%? Does that have any impact? Seems not as CO2 is all that matters. And what about water and air pollution? Misuse and mismanagement of land? Respect for the habitat of other species? The alarming extinction rate of animals on the planet? Destruction of coral reefs and the pollution of the oceans? Over-fishing of the oceans? All kinds of stuff that "environmentalists" appear to have forgotten about while chasing big grants and paychecks for "green" energy. But that's what happens when political ideologists take over the cause.
  7. OK, the story I saw indicated about 50% of CDC staff had been vaccinated. But "assumed" the remainder either refused or had reservations. Assumed. So most likely less.
  8. Lithium is but one element that is needed to support this conversion. But geology shows that resources are finite and there are just not enough accessible materials on the planet Earth to convert all applications that use hydrocarbons to electricity. Which is the basic premise behind the Green New Deal, to electrify things like the motor fleet. Just plug everything into the wall outlet and go our merry way into a future of continuous improvement and growth without missing a step. The entire idea is a dangerous fantasy.
  9. But vaccinated people have died from COVID. Virtually, I say this. And more people have died from adverse side effects from the COVID vaccines than all deaths from all other vaccines administered in the past 25 years. If this was a "normal" time the CDC would most surely stop the vaccinations. But its not so the "safe and effective" narrative continues to get played. Here's the other thing. About 1/2 of all workers at the CDC have declined to get vaccinated. The CDC. Think about what that means. These are not uninformed, uneducated hillbillies running around touting conspiracy theories. These are medical professionals that are among the most informed about COVID and the vaccines. So what exactly is their concern? Wouldn't it be beneficial to listen to what they have to say? Rather than flippantly dismiss anyone with a concern. Same thing with a large number of first responders and hospital workers that have been on the front lines since the beginning of the pandemic. Why are they, once again, among the most informed hesitant to get vaccinated? Its not because they are uninformed. Quite the opposite. Its because they are informed. Instead of just swallowing the official message hook, line, and sinker maybe people need to start doing some thinking for themselves? And start asking critical questions to official and experts and demanding answers not just more double-speak and evasive slogans. As for me I thought long and hard about it but eventually decided to get vaccinated with my second shot about 3 weeks ago. But that doesn't mean I accept the idea there's no risk to it. I just decided to roll the dice. Like the rest of you that got vaccinated whether you realize that or want to accept that there is a risk. When you got vaccinated with these Moderna or Pfizer gene therapy experimental vaccines you took that risk just like I did. If you want to pretend or believe or fool yourself into thinking there's no risk then that's your choice.
  10. "Likely his iPhone" is speculation. And the alternative is some Russian operation or some other organized mis-information campaign planted the PC and also created thousands of fake e-mails, files, photos, etc. is also speculation without any hint of proof or facts made available to the public. Amazingly people actually believe this or choose not to believe the simplest explanation. Might this be a scenario where Occam's Razor could apply? You might be embellishing here by inserting Rudy here in the chain of custody. The chain of custody was Hunter to the Repair Shop to the FBI. The simplest and most logical explanation is the machine belongs to Hunter and all the contents are genuine and he was into some unethical and illegal stuff along with his dad. And the FBI buried it. Case closed.
  11. The problem with CRT is it isn't a theory at all. Its not based on facts or data or statistics that have been tested or validated. Its based on an ideology derived and supported by beliefs. The core ideological belief is that "race" is the primary determinant of everything. Its a faith-based opinion expressed by the authors and creators of the "Theory". You can't debate facts or logic with people that are ideologically driven. You are just talking past each other. Speaking a completely different language. CRT isn't a theory, it ideological nonsense, an opinion at best, and it needs to go into the dumpster. And in regards CRT (and other things too) I am not compelled to explain or justify my views to political and social ideologs as their brains are just not "wired" to think objectively.
  12. While I still don't see any conclusive evidence that vaccine immunity is "better" than natural immunity and therefore recovered COVID patients should still get vaccinated this is how the scientific method of discovery is supposed to work. It can be applied to a lot of things but in this case COVID. I or someone else, presents some position or conclusion and others provide and present information, data, or facts that may support, change, or invalidate the initial argument or conclusion. That's how we arrive at sound and prudent decisions and policies. That's how "experts" both inside and outside government and the medical community should be interacting. But that's not what's happening. We get edicts from high up that appear to conflict or contradict previous announcement without any explanation or reason why the "official" policy has changed. And anyone that disagrees with the now established and inflexible official position is dismissed or ignored. That's not the science method. That's an idealistic approach to making medical decisions. One other thing I might add is we don't know how long either vaccinated or natural immunity might last but have accurate and easy COVID antibody tests that can provide anyone with the ability to know what types and amount of antibodies they have in their system. Both from natural and vaccinated immunity. Knowing this for yourself might be a good piece of information to have when evaluating your specific situation.
  13. Now... if this was the Republican debate our leftist buddies here and their delusional minds would charge the candidates were giving a "Nazi salute".
  14. If you are vaccinated then anyone that is not vaccinated cannot get you sick. So what are you afraid of? Also people that have recovered from the infection but are not vaccinated have "better" natural immunity than those of us that have been vaccinated. Why should people that already have natural immunity get vaccinated? These people cannot get you sick. So what are you afraid of? Why isn't the CDC or anyone recognizing these people have immunity. They do not care to explain and as a matter of fact nobody seems to care to explain this. We should not be focused just on the number of people vaccinated. We should focus on the number of people with immunity. Which is vaccinated people plus people with natural immunity. Remember, "follow the science". Or does this quote apply? "For the left, science is not a process by which someone advances a hypothesis, conducts a rigorously controlled and carefully observed experiment to test that hypothesis, and then admits honestly whether the hypothesis lived or died. On the left, science is a thing in which you “believe” (kind of like faith), and it invariably supports one’s political beliefs.
  15. Recipients and senders of the e-mails confirmed they were real and had copies on their own machines to provide physical evidence and to collaborate the authenticity of the e-mail on the laptop. Fact. The repair shop owner has a receipt with Hunter's genuine signature. Fact. This proves the laptop is Hunter's and the e-mails and files are genuine. 2+2=4. Fact. The FBI isn't investigating anything. Their objective is to bury the story. The FBI leadership is corrupted by politics and no longer serves the public interest. The FBI's primary mission is to identify and harass critics of the government and the political opponents of specific polices inside the government. These groups they target are generally right leaning. Because in general conservative groups want less government and see growing government power and control as a threat to freedom and liberty. Left wing groups see the government as a tool to enforce and enable their agenda and do not seek to limit the power of government. They seek increase government power and control and to gain complete control of the government to achieve their objectives.
  16. When the economy blows up before the 2022 Congressional elections the era of "transformative change" will be over. So enjoy the show while it lasts..
  17. Nigeria banned Twitter because they blocked tweets from their President. Trump is right about Twitter. Screw that a-hole Dorsey. Meanwhile, China currently tells Twitter, Facebook, and Google what they can and cannot do along with insisting they collaborate with the CCP to identify and apprehend any dissidents or critics of the government. Which these companies do willingly because for all their virtue signalling they could care less about human life if it gets in the way of their profits and arrangements. This is something the tweet from the twit you posted either ignores or fails to comprehend. I guess most of these clowns are on the CCP payroll somewhere. Are you okay with China telling these platforms what to do?
  18. Wow. You really need to get some help with that Trump obsession. Like mentioning Trump somehow de-legitimizes my views. it doesn't. It has nothing to do with my view. And when you do that it tells me I'm spot on truth with my comments. So thanks for that.
  19. And at the end of the day poor inner city kids still can't read, still can't do math, still don't have the necessary skills to participate in the broader economy. So what's the point? But through diversity programs and preferences lets put unqualified people in charge of things they have no skills to do. Better hope the neurosurgeon that is going to perform brain surgery on you was not a diversity admission to medical school. I think the overall theme at play here is if you can't make some people smarter then the next best thing is to make everyone else dumber. And then declare the ultimate goal of equality has been achieved. The movie Idiocracy comes to mind of the liberal future Utopia. The most fortunate among us will be old enough to die before all this all happens and then watch the unfolding comedy here from the after-life. The left will say don't worry. We've got this guy named Not Sure that is going to fix everything!
  20. I get sandwiches from a local Sub shop a couple times a month and I noticed they've raised their prices again. It was a dollar more about 6 months ago and another 50 cents a couple weeks ago. Their input costs are quickly rising and they are "passing on" the cost increases to their customers. This is happening almost everywhere. The simple answer for what we're experiencing is the 40 year long cycle of dis-inflation has run its course and we're entering the initial period of an inflation cycle and more importantly inflationary expectations. This means higher "nominal" costs and supply disruptions and changes in the behavior of consumers and producers as everyone adjusts their expectations of the future. While there is debate about the amount of inflation and many economists believe its "transitory" a new cycle of higher prices appears to be starting. One lesson I've learned from life to this point is that everything is cyclical while people tend to believe everything is linear. If you know what I'm saying. I think its more circumstances than Biden's fault but the guy in charge always gets the blame and everyone always wants to identify cause and effect. And while blame will be applied its just something that can't be avoided given the circumstances. I think I've said it a dozen times already that the Democrats did Trump a favor by stepping into the drivers seat at just the right time. For a not-so-smart person Trump seems to slip out of town at just the right time, like he did with his name branded casinos in Atlantic City, along his way through life. So now the Biden administration is cast in the role of what's called in the investment world a "bagholder". The guy that buys in last, or refuses to adjust their strategy to new circumstances, and takes the big loss after the smart money leaves the market. So what can you do? If you are an investor you should look at "hard assets" and avoid companies that have a lot of "intangible" value or "goodwill" on their books. And companies that can easily pass on price increases to their customers and have little to no real competition. And in your personal life stock up on things you need that appear to be increasing in price. Start thinking about "luxury" purchases you make that you might be able to cut out of your life if things get tight with spending money. Like do you really need that $5 cup of coffee from an "up-scale" coffee shop when you can make it at home for 20 cents? I expect those discretionary spending type companies are going to take it really hard and a lot of them will close. The good news is if you've got debts you'll be able to pay them off with cheaper dollars in the future assuming you've still got an income stream to do that. We're about to feel the pain of having to pay for all that "free" stuff debt and borrowing has provided.
  21. Even this softball interview was a disaster. Her performance in just 5 months as VP has pretty much already disqualified herself as a viable candidate for the 2024 Presidential election. As I expect President Biden to expire before his term she'll get a dry-run in the big chair but that will just reveal a higher degree of incompetence.
  22. The big worry of governments, in this case China and the U.S., is what if the lab origin theory proves to be true? And the virus was engineered in the Wuhan lab with an assist from the US NIH. And lax safety protocols caused 3 scientists that reported COVID like symptoms and went to the hospital in November 2020 to become infected. And then the virus spread from there with the knowledge of the Chinese government and some elements inside the US government and the scientific community. And its revealed a lot of people knew this to be true but worked to suppress the story out of self-interest? So what now? Are we going to attack China? Are they going to admit guilt? Are elements inside the US government and scientific community going to be arrested, tried, and convicted of some series of crimes and locked up for 20 to 30? Is China going to pay restitution? Will they be isolated? The lab theory was suppressed and discredited because governments just don't want to deal with the undesirable consequences that will come to bear if it is proven to be true. They would rather just pass it off as some natural mutation and go on their merry way. And let it fade into memory as time passes.
  23. We might want to get an explanation why Biden canceled the State Departments Lab origin investigation shortly after he took office. Was he directed to do this by his Chinese handlers? Why did he ignore this assessment from 2020? (requires WSJ subscription) "According to the report, US allies have been providing evidence since the beginning of the pandemic. Australia, a member of the so-called Five Eyes partnership which also includes Britain, Canada and New Zealand, has strongly promoted the lab-leak theory. And while US intelligence agencies are reportedly coming together "around the two likely scenarios," a former State Department official says the evidence to support the natural origin theory is virtually non-existent." "We were finding that despite the claims of our scientific community, including the National Institutes of Health and Dr. Fauci's NIAID organization, there was almost no evidence that supported a natural, zoonotic evolution or source of COVID-19," said former State Department official David Asher in a statement to Fox News. "The data disproportionately stacked up as we investigated that it was coming out of a lab or some supernatural source." https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-report-concluded-covid-19-may-have-leaked-from-wuhan-lab-11623106982
  24. Stop avoiding the question. Take a guess. What did Burisma get in return? And why didn't they former administration investigate and dig into it? Because when they tired digging into the pay offs and corruption inside the US/Ukraine relationship the Democratic controlled Congress tried to remove the President, that's why. But you're smart and you know that already. So why ask?
  25. You continue to misrepresent what I'm saying and avoid to main points. Parents should be aware of school curriculum's and understand what their kids are being taught in the schools and be able to provide their input. And if necessary vote out school boards and fire teachers that push their own beliefs and views contrary to the way those parents want their kids to be raised. You know Democracy. The people don't exist to serve the government. The government exists to serve the people. Whether you agree or not with those last sentences is the source of a lot of contention between what people believe. And when did Critical Race Theory become history? Its a plagiarized knock-off of Marx's Communist Manifesto. Capitalism (White Supremacy) enables the Bourgeoisie (White People) to exploit and control the Proletariat (Black People) in order to enrich their class at the expense of the other class. The means of production and output of society is a result of the work of the Proletariat (Black People) to the benefit of the Bourgeoisie (White Privilege). Its a cleverly disguised con advocating Communist as a solution to the shortcomings of society. CRT fails to account for the fact there are more than 2 races. It fails to account for and explain mixed race people. It fails to account for the fact that Native Americans got a lot worse treatment, genocide, than any other group. It fails to account for disparities in how different classifications of Whites were treated. Northern Europeans, vs, Irish vs. Southern Europeans. It fails to account for the existence of Asians, Middle Easterners, Hispanics, and native Africans. Many of which have joined the ranks of the Bourgeoisie, the upper and middle classes. The theory would render such moves between classes and races impossible. It assumes a zero-sum-game of oppressor and oppressed struggling to divide the pie. It suggests that conflict among the classes, like Marxism, is the only viable solution to the distribution of power between the oppressor and the oppressed. And that cooperation and mutual benefit, the foundations of free expression and trade and relationships is not possible. It's theory that is proven to be false as a result of the application and examination of facts. But facts are inconvenient to the advocates of this nonsense. Its a road to nowhere. Its complete Horse Crap.
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