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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. But other districts are "teaching" cultural indoctrination. And maybe its a good thing that something is causing parents to pay more attention and hold school boards accountable? Especially in under-performing school districts where kids are just shuffled through the system without acquiring any basic skills.
  2. But there's a major difference between teaching critical thinking skills and imposing a theory of social concepts through indoctrination training. Specifically, on school age children. And imposing it in unilateral way without communication or debate with interested parties like parents. And then frankly seeing proponents of the idea cop an attitude when questioned. They don't seem to be open to any critical thinking and examination of their ideas. Critical thinking seems to be one thing proponents don't want to see as questioning the ideology in their view is forbidden. My personal view is if we had a population of critical thinkers our society would dismiss this "theory" as non-scientific and non-factual opinion and subjectivity. I'm 100% certain that if some school board and teachers union somewhere decided to teach some fringe white supremist race theory that indoctrinates children in the belief that whites are inherently superior to blacks and other races the supporters of CRT would have a much different take on the teaching of "history" and your critical thinking angle would go right out the window. What we have here with CRT is plain and simple. Ideologists imposing their view on children and adults that may or may not be open to it all.
  3. Now imagine the much better world we would be living in right now where our public debate and focus was centered on the concepts of value and uniqueness of each and every person treated as an individual rather than as some stereotypical member of some "group".
  4. The Governor will soon issue an executive order banning all criminal activity. Problem solved.
  5. As the administration made such a big deal about it I was wondering how did everyone spend their extra 16 cents from the cost drop of a 4th of July cookout 2020 vs 2021?
  6. Do you get some sort of royalty payments every time you post these same pictures or copy/paste other people's tweets? I am beginning to think so because you do it a lot. Did you happen to see any "white supremacists" out and about over the weekend? I hear they are everywhere and a big danger to democracy! So be careful. LOL..
  7. Weissman is an acknowledged Trump hater that spent over a year of his life proving absolutely nothing about the Trump campaign and Russian collusion. Mainly because the relationship between the campaign and the foreign government was non-existent. But then again they knew that from the beginning. And in the process he received some nice fat government checks via the taxpayer during this investigation. So the guys clearly got an ax to grind. While I'm not a big Trump fan I am still in awe and amazement of how people can "root" for the government when it comes to anything. And its mostly liberals that seem to get off on displays of government power against private citizens. Traditional liberals used to distrust and dislike the "establishment". I guess its a case now that they are the establishment and absolute power corrupts absolutely and your principals and ethics go out the window. That they still seem to believe they hold the moral high ground is testimony to the extent of their delusions.
  8. Straying back to the main topic, 92 people shot in Chicago so far during the three day 4th of July weekend with 16 of those victims killed. NYC follows as a distant 2nd place with about 30 shot. No reports or video evidence of any White Supremist perps so far. We must remain vigilant as that's the biggest danger we face! Also, no deaths due to Climate Change have been reported yet.
  9. That's not what saying and I could care less about the who or what about cap and trade. That's just a Wall Street hustle to monetize the carbon trade. Its not a solution to anything except the goal of keeping Wall Street bankers generously employed. And I'm not criticizing anyone's efforts. I'm just saying the popular solution isn't going to work and by the time the majority realizes this huge amounts of finite resources will be dumped down the rate hole. And the clock is ticking. As a society and civilization we need to come to grips with the idea our current living arrangements are not sustainable if there is a real desire to do anything about the environment, land use patterns, pushing out other species to extinction, cleaning up the oceans and the air. Taking our current arrangements and unplugging the system from hydrocarbons and plugging into renewable energy sources and continuing on our merry way isn't going to happen. When people talk about climate change they're really discussing two issues. The global warming concerns and the need to find an alternative to finite hydrocarbon resources. Conveniently the renewable energy movement checks all the boxes for both and joins a couple different political and social forces together. My contention is the solution will provide no solution to either problem. Like I said do the math. Take all the oil and gas energy consumed on a daily basis, identify the BTU output, and then calculate how many solar cells or wind turbines you'll need to replace all that output. Then identify the capital and resource materials and facilities to build all that generation capacity. When you derive the answers you'll get what I'm saying.
  10. One thing pinko-commies don't seem to be good at is math. We're just not going to build out enough generation capacity, domestically or world wide, to produce enough energy output from solar and wind generation and other alternative sources to electrify all the vehicles on the road minus some drastic change in energy consumption and driving habits. And as I've said in previous posts the resources, like lithium, are just not available in quantities necessary. Especially in countries like the US where supplies are finite and these same environmentalist block new mining projects. They just can't have it both ways. Plus most identified lithium resources are in countries where water is scarce and people there would prefer to utilize their water resources for personal consumption and agriculture rather than destroying their environment to satisfy the needs and habits of pampered Americans. What do the virtue signalers propose? To force them to produce the metals? Or to provide incentives to them? But incentives sounds a lot like Capitalism which appears to disgust them. I suggest the use of force sounds more appropriate for socialist or communists. History and observation is clear on this point. In short once the one-time benefit of millions of years of stored sunlight in the form of high energy output from hydrocarbons is gone its "lights out" for civilization as we know it unless some more efficient source of energy is developed or discovered. Impacts on lifestyle and living arrangements is something I don't see any of the so-called "environmentalists" discussing or willing to discuss. Its an inconvenient fact of physics and the limits of the planet that is better left in the dark. "Real" environmentalist understand this concept. Your average social media and celebrity proponent does not as they are motivated by virtue signaling rather than the desire for real solutions. Lifestyle changes and compromises are going to be necessary and they won't be made by the elites running private jets all over the planet preaching about the danger of climate change. They'll be imposed on people like you and I. The other problem I have is people extoling the virtues of socialism and communism. Both systems are demonstrated failures everywhere. The two biggest proponents of the system the USSR and the PROC both have moved significantly away from the system. What's left? Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela? Places people are banging down the door to get into. The main problem is simple. They socialize and attempt to "equalize" consumption and "need" but ignore that equity when it comes to production. So pretty soon the person that's busting their ass to work hard realizes that the guy doing absolutely nothing gets exactly what he gets. So why bother? Soon enough nothing gets done and the system flops. Flops every time. So do yourself a favor and drop the freshman year theoretical Marxist economic system nonsense and get with how real life works. From my experience the people pushing this nonsense are generally sheltered academics and students most of which have never worked a "real" job in their lives and have no experience running any kind of business. They are just unqualified to speak about how an economic system should work as they really don't participate or produce anything of value worth trading for with them.
  11. Sure, Trump's response plan was far from perfect. Nobody should deny that. As for PPE we discovered too late that China was stockpiling this gear until they could no longer keep from communicating anything about COVID, as they acquired all the PPE they could at the expense of the rest of the world. This was a failure of US intelligence. An intelligence community that waged a war against the administration for 4 years. You can produce a lot of takeaways from examining that relationship and specifically when our agencies likely knew about COVID, the timeline, and its origins. And now Biden's bumbling bunch of fools and idiots are benefiting from the work put in place by the previous administration in response to the virus. Oher than ferment social discourse and let 100;s of thousands of poor and unskilled immigrants into the country Biden's list of "accomplishments" is blank. And with few exceptions, like South Korea, Singapore, & Sweden, everywhere else across the world shared the same experience as the US. You many disagree but if you could please provide the extensive list of left-leaning progressive governments across the world that resolved the COVID pandemic in their respective countries in some effective and efficient manner substantially better than the US? Along with any that produced any initiative to develop and deploy vaccines and treatments more effectively? Here's my list below. <empty>
  12. Its one thing to withhold evidence from public view and another to ignore and resist the disclosure process in the legal system. There's something like 14,000 hours of video taken during the day from various cameras in and around the Capitol and to date the government has refused to disclose through the legal system a single minute of any of this "evidence" to defense attorneys. I'm sure you'll come up with some flimsy excuse other than the common sense reason that the video doesn't support the governments cases against the defendants or the "insurrection" narrative. And can we all stop pretending this has nothing to do with politics. Its has everything to do with politics. A bunch of politicians who could give two craps about law and order when it comes to the citizens in the streets across the county feigning outrage about a mob "attacking" the Capitol. Maybe if they showed a little concern for the rest of us I'd be more inclined to believe the Democrats BS.
  13. Well there are only two elected official in the Executive branch of government and we know its neither of the two. Biden served one purpose and one purpose only and that was to present to the electorate a candidate that was "moderate" enough to beat Trump. As the primary results started to pour in it became obvious to DNC leadership that none of the frontrunners had a high probability of doing that given their far left positions they needed an alternative approach. Enter Joe Biden. Out of nowhere taking the lead and winning big on Super Tuesday (perhaps a dry run for rigging the general election in November 2020?). Given his age and failing mental faculties somebody that can be easily controlled. Somebody that after elected wouldn't actually rule from the middle. So front man and puppet Joe Biden gets elected. Mission accomplished. How effective or how he is perceived is irrelevant and with the main stream press and social media running interference for the party they can maintain the charade as long as the party leaders decide is necessary. The fact that our allies and enemies alike know the President of the United States, the leader of the "free" world is mentally compromised and not calling the shots is problematic. I suspect there will be a lot of unpleasant consequences to this as we move forward. When its time for him to retire they will tell him to step down. VP Harris, a candidate that drew about 3% of the primary vote, checks all the boxes for diversity. But just what does she stand for? Its hard to know. She doesn't appear to be anyone with a strong conviction one way or the other. Her performance to date confirms she is totally unqualified to hold either office. And like Mr. Biden, she is somebody that when called to serve as President will not cause any trouble by bucking the behind the curtain rulers at the DNC by attempting to impose her own views on policy. As she has no identifiable stance on anything this should be clear. In short, she can be expected to do what she's told. Enter front woman and puppet number two. When she becomes President the media will be aglow with the glories of the first woman, and woman of color President. Never mind she's unprepared and unqualified for the job. Her reign will clearly mark the end of the US led unipolar world order. All this leads to a process of elimination exercise which leads me to conclude its the old Obama crew running the show. But as they're intelligent sociopaths I don't understand how they can't foresee this ending in some sort of disaster. So maybe disaster is the objective in some way or form?
  14. So we can agree to disagree here. I don't see it like you and I don't think I'm getting what I'm paying for here. Quite the contrary. A lot of higher income people agree with me and are exiting the State on a consistent basis. These are people that pay the majority of the State's income tax receipts. Over time this is eroding the tax base and will force State and local governments to make some hard choices. Hard choices they've avoiding making for a long time. This is true of a lot of States. And frankly, you sound like my niece. She's a net benefit receiver of the system and thinks its just fine. While I don't know anything about you personally I suspect your situation is closer to hers than it is mine as I've yet to meet a homeowner that is elated to pay the highest property taxes in the nation. Taxes which if you own or rent you pay directly or indirectly. Or maybe you directly benefit from out of control government spending?
  15. All 3 million are in reality government workers hired to spy on citizens to identify and report on extremists behavior. Extremist behavior like people turning their A/C down below 75 degrees or expressing concerns about rising food costs or not praising the President or questioning the virtues of CRT.
  16. She does suck at her job. The only people that suck more are the voters of Chicago. They deserve what they get like other cities that keep elected these incompetent idealists. Get rid of the police and encourage and make excuses for criminals. Enjoy the 4th citizens of our great cities and when you hear gunfire hit the ground hard and fast.
  17. Sure "private" costs are significantly more equitable but you are omitting the impact of the cost of government and taxes which are higher in "liberal" states like NJ. Is a homeowner in Raleigh paying $14,000 a year in property taxes? NJ has the highest effective property tax rate at 2.49%. NC is .77% about 31% of the NJ rate. Add in some of the highest personal income tax rates and motor fuel tax rates and there you have it. Higher cost of living. To add insult to injury the Trump tax "reform" screwed everybody by limiting deductions.
  18. Call it a consequence of consistently electing virtue signaling idiots that have no clue on how to run the city.
  19. Sky-high rents and housing costs, outrageous state, local, and property taxes, and a generally high cost of living absorb that regional wage differential and then some. The NJ economy is so great that it has one of the highest rates of young adults living with their parents (Pre, during, or after COVID) because its too expensive and almost impossible to live on their own. Seeing almost every house in the neighborhood with 4, 5, or 6 cars in the driveway is a consequence of that. The state has a net-negative loss of population on a regular basis. And you do realize those great wage costs get passed on to the customer? So there is really no benefit to higher wages when your cost of living is even higher. NJ? You picked one of the worst examples you could.
  20. Never did like the Bush II team and Mr. Rumsfeld was a key player. The WMD allegations was masterful in that Saddam would never disclose he had no such weapons as that admission would have emboldened his enemy Iran. While also peddling the idea Iraq was somehow connected to the 9/11 terrorists when it was obvious to anyone with just the slightest bit of knowledge all signs point to the Saudi's. It was deceit vs. deceit and set the stage for his demise and the deaths of 100,000 of thousands and the start of the migration of millions out of the Middle East to mostly Europe. And the US being stuck in Iraq for forever. And the removal of Iran's main obstacle to acting on their regional ambitions. All around a lot of bad consequences. May he RIP with the souls that lost their lives through this foolishness.
  21. And tell us about multitude of Democrats that cooperated with the Trump administration? DC is completely polarized and political. As of 1/6 there was no organized planning. The execution of the event proved that. But Rep. Robespierre and the Committee for Public Safety are very good as manufacturing all kinds of conspiracies and framing their enemies to enhance their power. So I'm sure they're cook up another enticing story.
  22. More like the definition of honestly. You should try it sometime.
  23. As the resources and materials necessary to replace every use of fossil fuels such as electrifying the entire world vehicle fleet don't exist on this planet in the quantities needed I think the big hoax is we can convert our entire civilization to renewable sources like solar and wind and continue on our way without changing the social and economic arrangements. This is going to be a really big surprise to green enthusiasts when they find out the elites planning out their future didn't save a spot in the lifeboat for them all.
  24. I say $1,000,000 for every "victim". Just to prove a point. Some people will take advantage of the windfall by investing in themselves resulting in the ability to become independent and self-sufficient while setting up their decedents for a future where they'll be better positioned to succeed Getting advanced degrees and starting businesses. This would be a positive outcome for everyone. But I'm willing to bet that something like 90% of the recipients will be flat broke busted in 3 years because they blew all the cash on buying lots of toys and goodies while living an unsustainable lifestyle that can't be maintained without a commensurate cash flow. So now what? Maybe the lesson will be people are just victims of their own bad choices and behaviors. And then its back to the public "wishing well" crying the blues that racism is holding them down in 2024 (now + my 3 year bet) when they were just plain stupid in blowing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
  25. Charges on Intent to distribute may come down to weight or quantity and how many "bags" the suspect is holding. One bag, no intent. Multiple bags, intent.
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