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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. You are just not capable of providing a straight-forward honest answer to a simple question. Because the answer conflicts with the ideology that apparently defines entire existence. What does that make you? So last chance. What stopped the "insurrection" given no capable force was on site that day? Was it magic? Devine intervention? Nancy Pelosi's breath? What was it?
  2. So Trump was behind the whole thing and he called it off? Then why do it in the first place? You're making this way more complicated than it needs to be. It all sounds like a lot of people went through a lot of effort for nothing. Maybe the answer is there was no plan for any insurrection and the events were either spontaneous or driven by agitators not associated with the main protest. Ask the FBI, they know who these agitators were. And the story the administration is pushing is a bunch of political witchcraft designed to score points with their base and use it as a pretext to punish their political opponents. There... I answered it for you. Are we finished here yet?
  3. Sorry but you have no answer. What stopped it? All I'm looking for is a reasonable and rational counter argument.
  4. Thank you for making my day. Your unwillingness and perhaps inability to address and answer a very simple question I have asked has enabled me to neutralize and invalidate your entire argument on this topic.
  5. There a lot of of holes in the insurrection narrative regarding the Capitol building on 1/6. The biggest one is a simple yet important question. I've scoured the media for anything that might provide an answer. I can't find anything that meets such criteria. In fact I haven't even seen the question asked. I've thought this through for a while. The question is this: What stopped the insurrection from succeeding on 1/6? To set the stage there was a crowed of approximately 500,000 protesters reported. Of that crowd about 900 were said to enter the Capitol. So a little less than .2% of the crowd participated in the lawful and unlawful entering of the Capitol. I say lawful and unlawful because reports suggest about 1/2 of the protesters entering the Capitol were "invited in" by the Capitol Police. So about .1% committed a crime of trespass. So the alleged idea was through any means necessary to: 1) stop the 2020 election results from being certified by Congress 2) stop the transition of power to the new administration So who and what stopped this from happening? It wasn't the military. There were no active units deployed or engaged. It wasn't the national guard. Congressional leaders informed of potential trouble ignored those warnings and declined the offer of the guard. It wasn't the DC police. They didn't have jurisdiction. It wasn't the Capitol Police They had a regular contingent of officers on duty that day and were ill prepared for the crowd or any potential trouble despite warnings. It wasn't members of Congress from either party. Reports suggest they were all hiding and running from the building. Given there was no organized resistance to this armed insurrection loaded up with AR-15s, hand guns, explosives, all kinds of weapons (that's the story being peddled, right?) what stopped them from locating, finding, chasing down, capturing, injuring, or killing any or all representative or senators that they were targeting? As there was little or nothing to stop them. Magically, with nothing in the way of achieving their "planned" objectives" it appears they just decided to turn around, leave, and go home. All without any reasonable explanation. From anyone, anywhere. That doesn't sound like the behavior of armed insurrectionists bent on "over-throwing" or disrupting the mechanisms of government. This is like the Greeks hiding in the Trojan Horse, stealing out of the horse in the dead of night, opening the gates of the city, then leaving and headed home. But we know that didn't happen. Or like Antifa breaking through the perimeter of the Federal Court House in Portland and then turning around to head back to their mom's basements. While we are all pretty confident they would have ransacked, destroyed, and burned the building to the ground given the chance. But these "Trump" insurrectionist" with nothing in their way to stop them from achieving their objectives just decided to forget about it all and just leave and go home. Simply excepting defeat after all the time and effort "planning" the attack and trudging all the way to DC just to leave empty handed. Logic would conclude the insurrection narrative is complete BS. But logic and Washington politics are mutually exclusive concepts.
  6. So lets say your employer requires you to get the vaccine as a requirement for keeping your job. And then you get it and suffer serious side effects. By demanding this as a requirement for employment have they assumed legal liability for any adverse outcomes as they've mandated you get the vaccination? For forcing you to get what some medical experts suggest is an "experimental" vaccine based on messenger RNA technology (mRNA) which is categorized under the topic of Gene Therapy. A vaccine being distributed under EUA and not an approved BLA. My advice to all employees of all these companies. Your no match against them on your own. Form a union and fight power with numbers. Look at the teachers union as an example. You don't see school districts pushing them around. So there's no reason private sector workers have to take any crap either.
  7. Can you pass these minimum physical requirements? The Ranger Fitness Test (58 push-ups, 69 sit-ups, five mile run in 40 minutes or less, six pull-ups), the Water Survival Assessment, and a 12-mile march with a 35-pound rucksack and weapon in less than three hours.
  8. How can vaccinated individuals spread the virus? If this is indeed the case the reason would be the subject that received the vaccine did not develop sufficient antibodies and essentially the vaccine did not work. Otherwise, this sounds like pseudo-science at best and most likely guesswork. Viruses and vaccines have been around a long time, like flu vaccines, and I never once heard anyone raise any alarm to the public that vaccinated people were spreading the flu. Making these kinds of public statements without providing any insights or reasoning behind them just raises the suspicions of the public. Another thing. The volume of cases no longer qualifies this to be a national emergency. And while clusters of cases are being found in localities trend suggests the problem is under control and slowly subsiding. While it may never disappear the need for extreme measures is over unless some huge outbreak rears up. That doesn't seem likely. When viruses mutate the generally become more infectious but less lethal. This seems true so far based on experience with is Delta variant in the US to date. Treatments have been deployed or are in the process of being approved that will more effectively treat anyone requiring hospitalization. And the risk of death will drop at least 50% and perhaps as much as 85%. So even if we see an upswing in cases the death rate is going to drop dramatically and the severity of illness will also subside. initially the idea of lock downs and a national emergency was to prevent the health care system from being overrun by cases and hospitalizations. This goal was met. Hospitals are almost empty now of severe and critical COVID patients. And we know quite a bit more now about what risk factors make people susceptible to serious cases. So precautions can be tailored to met the needs of specific individual risk factors. Applying some general rule to the entire population is no longer efficient or required.
  9. Well I don't think being objective about Trump, acknowledging the good and the bad, and calling it like it is should be viewed as me being some proponent of the guy. He's a detestable person but he's one of the few high-profile leaders that stands up against the establishment embedded inside Washington. Who do you propose I support? The current grifters and hustlers in the White House? Am aged President that obviously is not physically or mentally capable of executing the duties of the office? The Russian connection is a joke. Nobody, absolutely nobody, has ever, ever produced on single shred of evidence to prove any connection or association, Yet the fools continue to sell this nonsense. Are they just stupid? Or liars? They see some imaginary association with circumstances or events and use conjecture to draw some baseless conclusion of coordination or conspiracy. So who's peddling conspiracy theories here? Meanwhile, they ignore the China threat while they steal everything that isn't bolted down, bring it home, copy or improve it, with the intent of using it against us. Along with tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Twitter doing the bidding of Xi. Maybe that's a story CNN and MSNBC should cover 24/7? Either these people are helping or ignoring it but either way they need to step aside and let somebody that knows what's going on take charge. As for attacking CRT you may view my comments as attack and I see them as an honest critique of something based on illogical conclusions and misrepresentations of historical events. Its the subjective opinion of the authors. Nothing more, nothing less. But its being peddled as some kind of sound and thoroughly researched theory. I'm willing to listen if you could tell me what about it you find genuinely useful and objective? I don't see what I say as "downplaying" 1/6. I see what others are saying as over-playing it. What are the facts so far? Nobody has been charged with insurrection but that's what it continues to be called in the media. Suspects are being detained without bail in confinement for minor charges while suspects arrested for serious crimes of violence are released without bail in major cities across the US. These people are more like "political prisoners" than criminals. Its been 6 months and the government has yet to bring anything to trial. And the committee to investigate? Its a political farce. As far as election irregularities the jury is still out as audits and investigation continues in several states. And people that insist nothing is there to be found insist on trying to stop others from looking. But so far motions to stop a lot of these activities have failed. That doesn't raise any suspicions for you?
  10. All good except for the fact the deal was negotiated by the Trump administration prior to leaving office so all Biden did was execute on the agreement already in place. So can you redirect the praise and credit to Trump and give credit where credit is due? When Hell freezes over I expect. With this I say a good night to all.
  11. My beliefs align with personal freedom, respect for others, democracy, and a general civility and the rights of others to do the same. If you associate those qualities with fascism that says more about you than it says about me. How you could arrive at that conclusion is something I find curious. I guess that's your "go-to" move when cornered. And frankly, you are not communicating with me. You keep insisting on associating my views with some monolithic construct of the GOP. Which they are not. You are talking past what I say and refuse to directly address any questions I pose about your views as your responses generally are more about me and questioning my character rather than they are about the contents and message of my postings here.
  12. If she was somebody with criminal record, resisting arrest, and engaging in a confrontation with police during a traffic stop in Minneapolis or many other cities we'd know the identity of the officer in a couple hours along with getting views of body cam footage. And the officer would be immediately suspended and the bringing of charges would automatically begin being investigated and considered by the local DA. Tell me I an wrong? Please tell me I'm wrong? And please no phony racist accusation crap to avoid giving an honest answer. Somebody be the first lefty to tell the truth today! Face the truth. Our government at all levels sucks ass..
  13. First off its not my party. I'm a registered Democrat but they lost me over a decade ago when everything started morphing into the current extremest ideology. So please stop trying to slot me me into some preconceived category. You might want to consider the likelihood that you are the one that needs to assess fake news and getting gaslighted by the likes of CNN and MSNBC. As time goes on you might notice every narrative they've preached has proven false as more information gets out there. As I've stated a few times I am perplexed why people that consider themselves liberal are now worshiping at the alter of big government and monopolistic corporations? Traditionally liberals opposed government and the establishment and powerful corporations? Maybe that topic needs its own thread?
  14. The liberal plot is to meld the oppressive powers of the State with big corporate entities. You look at Google, Facebook, Twitter. They are simply extensions of the intelligence gathering capabilities of the State. That's their primary function. They do it for our government, they do it for China too. Textbook definition of fascism. Genuine liberals distrust government and hate big corporations. These clowns are not liberals. But nice of you post some another dumb slogan and avoid commenting on anything I stated.
  15. Correct. The idea some disorganized band of rioters without any capacity to hold or occupy or overthrow the government, with no logistical support from anywhere else, is frankly comical. Anyone that believes or pursues that narrative is at best a fool. Look how much trouble armed and violent rioters and anarchist had in attempting attacks on Federal facilities. Antifa forces sent wave after wave of their forces against the Federal Court House in Portland night after night and still couldn't take or destroy the facility. But the left wing fascists don't want to remember or compare any of that do they? Their game now is to play up the Capitol event and exploit it to the max. In order to use it as pretext for oppressing their political opposition through the passage of new "laws" criminalizing political descent. That's the objective and end game here. Gain more power and control. Law and order? They don't care about that as demonstrated by the number of nightly shootings and murders across the country. The fact everyone knows that's the goal and they still won't admit it demonstrates a high level of dishonesty.
  16. The thing is the government has accumulated a lot of evidence including thousands of hours of video and has so far refused to release or share any of it with the public. So unless you or I were there to witness the events almost every conclusion or belief any of us hold about the Capitol on 1/6 is speculation. We still don't know the identity of the officer or the probable cause for the shooting of Ashli Babbitt like its some kind of State secret. Now the "big" find is Lego Capitol kits. What's next? White House Barbie playhouse? Is this supposed to "prove" conspiracy? Wow. And currently most suspects have been detained without bail held in confinement for simple charges like trespassing. And how can it be an insurrection without anyone actually being charged for insurrection? The words used more as a marketing slogan than a real criminal act. So to the Fed's. Tell us what you know. What are you afraid of? Even the most loyal supporters of big oppressive government and corporate media propaganda outlets must have a sense they're holding back here. Because its most likely the actual evidence of the day's events doesn't support either the pre-meditated planning scenarios or involvement with the previous administration. If it did you can be damn sure it would have been already leaked and plastered all over CNN and MSNBC 24/7. Here's what I think. The governments plan is to hold everybody in jail for forever waiting for various legal procedures to coerce the suspects to agree to reduced charges in exchange for guilty pleas and "statements" implicating specific officials even if they have to lie to get out of jail. The Fed's don't care if the suspects make stuff up as long as they make up and say the stuff the government wants them to say. As for public communication the governments using the "Mushroom" approach. Keep us in the dark and feed us bull crap. Like it or not I'd argue my theory is as good a theory as anyone else's given we're not being told anything.
  17. Truth is the only color that matters is green. Most of what passes as social activism is just a money and power hustle with nothing much ever getting to the people in real need of help.
  18. Maybe shining some light on the large international banks that hold and move lots of cash for the cartels would be productive. There are also suggestions government agencies like our own CIA being involved in the narco trade, specifically for the CIA in Afghanistan. Something to watch will be how Taliban control of Afghanistan impacts the countries heroin output which has risen to historical highs under US "control". Anyway you want to spin it my suspicion is this is a protected racket in every meaning of the word. Politicians, judges, prosecutors, bankers, cops, all kinds of people on the take. Perhaps a study of how countries like Singapore deal with the drug problem would provide some insights? Or how the Romans dealt with administrative corruption?
  19. Yes, the left is more like Nazi's but they are completely consumed by symbolism and left/right ideologies to see it. Another way of saying that is they think its impossible for leftists to be Nazi's as they associate Nazi behavior with the right only. You missed a few: Preparing the stage for one-party rule. Attempting to criminalize political dissent. Encouraging citizens to snitch on each other. Mass surveillance and spying on citizens through Gestapo and SS type mechanisms with an upgrade in technology. Mass re-education of the population through "race" based ideologies. Trying to take away the guns of citizens so when they come after us we can't shoot them dead at our front door. I'd suggest the 2nd Amendment provides a unique and number one challenge for the "left" not present in other Western countries they are trying to subordinate.
  20. Like people that supported the COVID Lab origin theory for over the past year and all got censored and de-platformed? And suddenly it all seems credible and all these social media sites are back peddling. Why are all the liberals that used to distrust the government and big corporations suddenly their biggest supporters and apologists? Can you explain please?
  21. You can be sure the Chinese and Russian military leadership are laughing their asses off at this nonsense. The primary mission of the military is not to worry about and teach about historical racism. Or other social issues The primary mission is to kill people. And if you are not killing people they will be killing you. I'm happy not to be currently deployed anywhere. Our inept leadership has put a bullseye on the backs of our deployed troops around the world with this messaging. The problem the military faces in pushing this crap is the woke and social justice crowd just don't have what it takes to deploy into combat. I can't envision cry babies that run to safe spaces and become offended by a few careless words engaging in a fire fight or some combat operation. Their best option would be to immediately surrender their position and be taken prisoner by some benevolent opponent. Plus the idea the woke SJW's are going to put their life on the line for God and country is comical. And this is going to turn off soldiers of all races and backgrounds that do. If your goal is to destroy the most effective and efficient fighting force on the planet then mission accomplished.
  22. I love it when I hear somebody say we found no signs of fraud or misconduct in the 2020 election. I'm not saying they're lying. I'm saying you can't find what you don't look for. Maybe you should pay attention to audit efforts in several states that the DNC unsuccessfully tried to block. And now the DOJ is trying their hand at it using some very shaky premise that somehow civil right laws are being violated. The courts will likely reject this argument. And uphold the States constitutional rights to perform these activities. So what's next? Burn down the warehouse where the ballots are stored? Wouldn't put it past them here. When people tend to moan and groan about what somebody else might be doing I like to focus on motive. Because people are lazy and if they can avoid doing something they will. It must have some significance to them to expend so much time and effort trying to block any audits. In this case to block and delay any audits at the State level. And what is the motivation here? It all comes down to the answer to the question, if there's nothing to find then why stop anybody from spending their time looking? When they come up empty it will make you look even better. Right?
  23. I'm not sure what any of this means. But it seems to be a complicated way of thinking you think know what other people are thinking. Or projecting your thoughts onto someone else? Maybe its a lot easier to admit that in the year 2021 all this race theory stuff is a bunch of horse crap? And I might propose an alternative that we think about people as individuals with their own unique set of traits and characteristics to be judged solely on the basis of themselves and not stereotyping everyone into some rigid and structured group that shares a collective identity with common traits that are included and excluded without exception. If we all thought that way things like believing or not believing in CRT or its existence would be laughable topics. And our society would be better off and there would be a lot less conflict and more cooperation and civility. Maybe we all should agree that experiencing that existence would be a better place to live than were we are currently. And if we had any real leadership in the public or private sectors it might be possible. But we don't. The leaders we currently have seem evil and intent on hostility and divisiveness with a sole objective to enhance their own personal and professional power. And in my view anyone supporting them to this end is either complicit or a "useful idiot". That pretty much sums up my view on race and race theory.
  24. I think that's a legitimate question. "If they aren't teaching CRT, then why is the union defending their "right" to teach CRT?" And as previous poster pointed out a teachers union organization stated their intent to teach CRT regardless of what or who objects. So logic would require us to either: 1) believe in the credibility of the story about the teachers organizations stance and admit CRT exists in the school system at some level or 2) raise questions about the credibility of the story and do some investigation to verify or refute its validity. The truth can't be both or neither.
  25. The most incompetent President did pull off a coup. In 2020. He's in the White House now. Are you not paying attention?
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