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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. When they say "most secure election in history" I can't tell if they are practicing the comedy art of satire or just feeding us more BS. How do they know for a fact that 2020 was the most secure ever? Is that even possible to prove or know? Did they conduct extensive and detailed research into each and every Presidential election since George Washington? Analyze statistics and things like voting patterns and registered voter records, ran a bunch of audits and statistical models? And then out jumped all the insights and analytics that put the result of the 2020 Presidential election at the top of the list of all the Presidential elections in the history of our nation? Yeah I'm sure they've gathered all kinds of documentation to back up that statement with facts. As they have no self-awareness they don't realize how utterly stupid they sound making these statements of absolute fact. What it really comes down to is making up bull crap and then keep repeating it. The only people dumber than the people making such outlandish and unprovable statements are the idiots that believe them.
  2. Social media companies that do not editorialize or censor or regulate the content on their platforms are protected from legal liability governing content. But Google, Facebook, and Twitter operate consciously and methodically in a manner inconsistent with the business model those laws are intended to protect. They do censor and apply editorial license. Which is inconsistent with the types of companies the law is intended to protect. So the law doesn't apply to Google, Facebook, or Twitter as a key component of their current business model is censorship which is applied in a discriminatory way. More or less censor what they don't like, don't censor what they do like. Which is editorial license. Which voids these legal protections. I think that's a lot of the argument with the lawsuit. And it seems logical and provable. If so, Trumps case is sound.
  3. Given your view it would be wonderful to have you running things because the people at the DNC, the DOJ, and other attempting to stop or obstruct the inflight Arizona and Georgia audits and investigations into election misconduct and irregularities completely disagree with you. As they are throwing the entire weight of their organizations at the audits in attempts to stop the effort. Which raises another question. Why waste your time, energy, and cash attempting to stop somebody else from wasting their time, energy, and cash from looking for nothing? Are the counter suits some act of kindness? The answer to that question is so simple it appears many overlook it and can't utter the words or think the thought. I read a very insightful summary from a blogger that you can't really lie about something unless you know the truth. And I expect parties like the DNC and the DOJ do know the truth. And the truth is they don't care to share the truth about election night in these Sates with the rest of us. End of story.
  4. What about the two current audits in Arizona and Georgia? Based on preliminary release of their findings the audit teams cited irregularities. Invalid counts of batches that don't match the actual ballots. Mail in ballots that never were sent to or arrived from the USPS. And so on. Still admittedly a work in progress. Would it have altered the result? Too soon to say. So what's the response of the government to a situation where probable cause exists to warrant more inspection and investigation? Well to dispatch the DOJ to sniff around for "civil rights" violations. Are we really expected to believe that's their motive in getting involved? Or are they just trying to crush the audits before they get too close?
  5. Or are the people who flippantly dismiss those allegations, yet find it necessary to block and obstruct through any means available all verification and auditing of those election results and votes the threat to democracy? Which comes off as hiding something. Which lowers the already low opinion and credibility of government and their supporting cast in the media. The only thing Americans hate more than Congress is the Media. At this point for 1/2 the country it doesn't matter if there was election fraud. They believe the people in charge would lie about it if there was fraud. They would never tell the truth. And that seems like a reasonable assumption. And the government and media mouthpieces solution to this is to tell everyone to shut up and believe what we say and obey what we tell you to do. Otherwise you're disobedience to our omnipotent authority is a threat to democracy.
  6. And I should add got away with all of it without being subjected to any adverse consequences whatsoever, no arrests, no jail time, no bad press, no nothing. All while raking in big money donated by all kinds of fools and cowards. And getting smothered with hugs and kisses from all the usual players while the rest of the country watched these terrorists operating with impunity. All in all a nauseating and sicking display of terrorism. Leaving me wondering why any of us should be held to any standard of following or obeying the law given the tolerance for these dirt bags. Maybe all the guys arrested and held without bail for 1/6 need to do is put on a BLM tie shirt over prison garb and use that get out of jail free card? The guards seeing this will immediately release them!
  7. All BLM did was loot a bunch of businesses, burned down others, extort money and tribute, and beat and terrorize a lot of people in numerous cities while "peacefully protesting". All while disguising their Marxist objective with the race hustle.
  8. I hear you. The 5 mile run I might be able to do depending on what is chasing me!
  9. Dangerous order was telling the generals to go out and actually win a war this century.
  10. Bomb the Presidential Palace in Havana. But first invite BLM leadership to attend the event.
  11. My advice... Stop debating specific idiots here that never have a constructive comment or can't answer an elementary question on any topic.
  12. What's most comical, over and above the constant and blatant contradictions and inconsistencies they express, is how these media ass clowns have absolutely no self-awareness. They are so arrogant and smug that these ass clowns don't know they are ass clowns. Now that's funny!
  13. The problem is the truth and facts invalidate and conflict with their argument and at the end of the day all that's left is meaningless slogans and symbols which have no application to the issue.
  14. What research is necessary? First there's no burden of proof meeting any legal standard here. This isn't a court of law its a message board. I'm merely providing my comment on what the opposition will likely do to block any progress. That's my view, my opinion, plain and simple. Posting on a story about the audit and the findings to date. You can either like it or not like it. So what "research" do you want me to do? Fly down to Atlanta and interview the audit team and then give you a full report? It seems to me you're just looking to avoid addressing the very strong probability that some level of systemic fraud is going to be uncovered in Georgia. Why don't you comment on that specific story instead of blowing a lot of smoke here? And maybe give us your expert opinion on how the audit team's approach and methodology is flawed? Frankly, your thought process is flawed here. What you're saying is we cannot generate any original thoughts or have any opinions or views unless these views and opinions are confirmed and verified as "true" by experts. Then we will be allowed to discuss the topic. So no critical thinking or logical thinking is allowed. Essentially your looking to impose some sort of pseudo censorship on our discussions unless the posts meet some "standard" you find acceptable. Nice..
  15. There isn't a requirement for the left to "prove" or "verify" anything (which they never do) as evidenced by the continuous flow of false and misleading stories like the Russian collusion hoax. So putting out news on investigations in progress is a legitimate activity. And suggesting some reactions even if in jest to that news is well within my rights here to post. So let's see how this plays out.
  16. Likely to follow. US AG Garland to send another team of DOJ civil rights lawyers to Georgia immediately. "Fact checkers" deployed by social media to block and delete content about GA audits. Launch of intelligence community disinformation and smear campaign to discredit the auditors. MSM will block, ignore, and dismiss news stories and sources on any irregularities insisting it was the fairest election ever.
  17. What you're suggesting is conjecture and speculation. Your father would have been put in jail if he was black? I would frankly prefer to hear his perspective on that time and the events of it rather than his son's view. As per prison, although stats are hard to come by my best guess using available sources would put 1960 prison population in the ballpark of around 65% White. The existence of institutions such as separate but equal are well documented and are no secret to anyone. I learned of this in high school (and believe it or not we also learned about the Native American tribes that inhabited the area). And also gained awareness of social issues through involvement in the labor union and civil rights movements in my younger days. And as a result met and socialized with people then that lived under the system. But these social arrangements were outlawed with the civil rights acts of the mid-1960's. So its been about 55 years or 3 generations. Anyone under about the age of about 55 has no personal experience living under such a system, the oppressor or the oppressed. I could bump that age up to 60 to include anyone living at the time under age 5. That's about 2/3+ of the US population. The activists and protesters involved in groups like BLM citing these historical wrongs (which they were) have zero life experience in that system. Most are highly educated many with advanced degrees and grew up in higher income and middle to upper class households. They are far from oppressed. And strangely their confrontational approach to race relations and the pursuit of "equality" differ markedly from that of their elders. People that experienced blatant racism and fought for rights. So how can a system that hasn't existing for about 60 years that anyone under 55 plus up to maybe 5 more years has never experienced from any perspective have such a profound effect on the present?
  18. That's not what I'm saying. The argument I'm consistently challenged with from some other posters is focused on a continuous historical retrospective and historical references which insist that past indiscretions should be blamed for present problems. The idea being past racism explains all current problems. And there is no time element associated with this past racism. It could be 10 years and its still there. It could be 160 years and it's still the dominant characteristic of culture. Perhaps people in the future will argue its still there after a 1,000 years and more. Who knows? Look, my life is far from perfect but I'm not sitting around holding a grudge against the Ottoman Empire for what they did to my ancestors 120 years ago and blaming them for why I didn't qualify for that home loan 15 years ago or why I didn't get into a better college. At some point it might be time to move on from chasing the ghosts of racism-past and move on to resolving some resolvable problems like improving education and income levels and addressing the fundamental causes and consequences of poverty issues. If people insist on blaming racism for all that ails society its a certainty that nothing will ever, ever get fixed.
  19. Take your time machine back to the Trump administration and everybody in the media and the woke virtue signalers would be calling such statements from DHS racist. Can the irony and hypocrisy get any louder?
  20. The part that generates conflict and hate between races through classifications like oppressor and oppressed. That kind of mindset sets the stage for revenge. That's the part.
  21. Check out South Africa. Not a lot of media coverage. Because the optics are bad. Blacks looking to kill Whites and Asian Indians. CRT in action..
  22. Without knowing everyone's specific situation that all seems hypothetical and subjective and would require an examination of the past on a case by case basis. And there we no social services or safety nets back then. Like what jobs couldn't blacks hold in the 1920's? Farmer, laborer, cook? My question for today is what jobs can't blacks hold today? What social services can't blacks access today? What loans can't blacks qualify for because of their skin color? What laws exist that legalize discrimination against blacks? What formal discriminatory practices are stopping anyone interested from pursuing opportunity today?
  23. Privileges? There was no social service agency handing out free food, or housing, or medical care, or anything. You either worked, made a living for yourself, or you perished. If you want to call that privilege feel free.
  24. The left will not welcome them because they tend to be more conservative than immigrants from Central America. And Cubans come here for freedom not for hand outs. And the left doesn't want them here because you can't condemn communism in Cuba while advocating it here. That's why all the woke social justice human rights advocates have gone underground and are maintaining radio silence on the subject. Its a contradiction they won't face. My idea, all the American socialists/communists wanting communism can swap places with a Cuban citizen wishing to live here. A win-win for everyone. I'm 100% positive there will be no takers for that offer.
  25. My family did not. My paternal grandparents lost their farm during the depression and my maternal grand father worked hard and died in his 50's leaving his wife and 4 grown children. So I am completely free of any guilt or complicity in any oppression.
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