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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. If I recall the Benghazi incident, somebody ordered the rescue mission "to stand down". And we never found out who that was as the administration was less than transparent about the order. And President Obama, the leader of the most transparent administration ever and the father of the modern US surveillance state was okay with keeping that under wraps. A couple likely suspects were Secretary of State or the National Security Advisor. Now will some smart ass Trump obsessed fanboy tell me the comparable for Trump leaving American diplomats and embassy staff to die?
  2. So why would they need a BLA approval to mandate that vs. a EUA? Which was my original question. A BLA is certainty here given 10's of millions of doses have already been distributed and administered. At most the BLA might be returned for additional data such as more information from the clinical trials. But chances of denial on efficacy and safety reasons? Zero.
  3. So what attribute of a BLA approval will provide justification for a mandate? While a BLA approval will put the stamp of market approval on the shot and replace the EUA that limits its use to the duration of the emergency it does nothing to alter or modify the safety and efficacy profile. So you're just saying a procedural change in approval status is the justification? Please explain if you could.
  4. What the left doesn't seem to comprehend is how they're getting played by the establishment. In this case through their support of Biden in return for what is so far an empty promises. You can call it the political elite, or the deep state, or the 1%. This "ruling class" has not firm allegiance to any political party. There's just one party, their party. They are not Democrats or Republicans. If it was Bernie Sanders vs. Jeb Bush these same forces that are backing Joe Biden the Democrat would be backing Jeb Bush the Republican. Because both Joe and Jeb are members of the exclusive clue while Donny T. and Bernie are not. Its no more complicated than that.
  5. And effective. Effective in generating generous profits for shareholders and stock option grants for executives. Consistent with the quote, "its the profit game!" Steve Martin in The Jerk. I live in an area where Big Pharma has a large footprint. Lots of HQ, regional offices, and other facilities. This explains all the new Porches, Lexus's, Range Rovers, Corvettes, and even a couple Ferrari's I've seen buzzing around on the local roads the past few months. So Big Pharma says thank you America for your compliance and obedience to the program..
  6. No worries. Joe thinks he's at Disneyland going through the Hall of Presidents exhibit while singing "its a small world after all".
  7. From this point forward the capitol city shall be referred to as Floyd, Ohio. Elite virtue signalers, speaking from their well-guarded exclusive all white communities, shall proclaim this a great step in the right direction in the quest for racial justice. While politely asking people of color to please stay out of their neighborhoods and ignoring the fact the administration has done nothing in 6 months for minority communities except for token superficial gestures like taking down a couple inert statues and giving Federal employees another holiday. Nothing on the $15 minimum wage, nothing on education, nothing on crime, nothing on anything (Now awaiting some dullard to ask "what did Trump do for minority communities?" Those idiots just don't have a clue.)
  8. True story. Yesterday I received the explanation of benefits on a claim from June when a medical emergency sends my wife to the hospital ER. She spends 4 days in ICU and another 4 days in step-down care and is released in good shape. The EOB looks wrong to me. It says service type provided is "surgery". There was not surgery. It should be "emergency services". I'm somewhat of an expert when it comes to medical claim processing as I previously spend 8 years managing a technical group that supported claim processing systems at an insurer. So I e-mail my carrier suggested the provider submitted it incorrectly. They're checking into it. And when I ask them for the diagnosis and procedure codes the doctor submitted one of the diagnosis codes is as follows: "NA Z20822Diagnosis --- CONTACT W/AND (SUSPECTED) EXPOSURE TO COVID-19". Complete BS, as she presented not a single symptom of COVID and was vaccinated. No cough, no fever, no sore throat, no respiratory distress. So now she's counted as a "suspected case" and during the hospitalization got two COVID tests and both returned negative. Oh, and because of that diagnosis the charge got jacked up big time! There ya go...
  9. Oh, I won't answer the question. One of the people who won't answer a question is calling me out for not answering their question. Wow. That's the definition of irony. Another guy with a love affair with Trump that just can't move on. Biden most likely will be dead before November 2024. And you can take that to the bank.
  10. Do you think Biden's indifference to the gun violence and crime against people of color in inner city communities enhances his chances for 2024?
  11. Latest poll suggest support for Biden polices is dropping. And that 60% of Democrats are gun carrying illegal immigrants committing crimes! https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/news-polls/outside-covid-19-biden-receives-mixed-approval-ratings
  12. That was a George Bush I special. Getting a "random" Kuwaiti women to testify to Congress about she witnessed atrocities committed by invading Iraqi forces. Turns out she's related to the Kuwait ambassador to the US and is a plant to tell a good story to support justification for a US invasion. Kind of like all the committee witnesses we're going to hear from are coached up by Nancy. What pissed me off most about Desert Storm was how many times NBC interrupted the Bills AFC Championship game against the Raiders. Maybe one of the biggest wins in team history. Interrupted by some clown reporter on a roof of a building in Arabia ducking scud missiles. All the time I'm hoping one hits and blows him up to end all the interruptions! But in the world of military weapons the word Scud is synonymous with inaccuracy.
  13. I'd like to tell Roddan I've been given two US flags from military funerals of family members that served and sacrificed to protect his pathetic ass that I'd just love to shove down his throat when he gets back from the games.
  14. Who needs comedy central when we have this level of drama? Next there will be testimony about how protesters were ripping babies out of incubators. Remember that one?
  15. Every word i said was TRUTH. Schiff. Pelosi, Chaney. All true. All establishment players. All bag person's for the 1%. All phony posers pretending to care about justice. Frauds. I can go on. How can you defend them? And what's the deal with your obsession with Trump? Get a room already. You sound like a jilted lover or an obsessed stalker. News flash: invoking his name does not invalidate my point. It doesn't.
  16. Just like the American people have a right to know about every phone call out of Rep. Schiff's office made to the NY Times and Washington Post leaking confidential information or spreading misinformation during the 4 year long Russian collusion hoax. But the American people can wait until Hell freezes over before the corrupt sociopaths running the Federal government catch the honesty and truth virus. But Liz I'm an establishment tool, and my dad is a war criminal, Chaney never spoke a word on that one. And some love for Nancy Pelosi, I'm an agent for big corporate America like Raytheon and Goldman Sachs, too. And my husband is a big time hedge fund manager hiding from paying taxes via carried interest loop holes. And I'm a big time poser playing the virtue signalling game fooling the chumps who believe that garbage while we stuff our pockets with your tax dollars. ALL TRUTH!
  17. You can search for FDA EUA approval for Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines, press releases, CDC EUA announcement, or view the studies info at clinical trials. Or just google "how effective are COVID vaccines?" You'll find Moderna is 94.1% effective. Pfizer clinical study shows 95%.
  18. the results from the clinical studies. https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/home https://seekingalpha.com/pr/18129661-moderna-announces-fda-authorization-of-moderna-covidminus-19-vaccine-in-u-s
  19. Pfizer and Moderna shots do not even fall under the traditional definition of a vaccine. They're Gene Therapy biologic's using messenger RNA that program your cells to "simulate" that your body is being attacked by a virus to generate the antibodies. They fail to generate those antibodies at about a 6% rate. The only way to know for certain if the shot worked for you is to get an antibody test from your doctor. So what other unknown genetic instructions might the mRNA "vaccine" initiate in your cells? Nobody knows for sure but a lot of people who got those shots, myself included, have rolled the dice on that risk. Could be nothing to worry about. Does anybody know for sure? No. And while all the government experts assure you its all safe and effective what it all comes down to is a personal decision weighing the risk of the virus to your health vs. the known reactions to the shot and the unknown long-term risks.
  20. The majority of hospitalized COVID patients being 65+ are covered by Medicare and supplemental plans like Medicare Advantage and do not have Commercial coverage. So HHS would have to implement that policy. But ER services, hospital's and doctor's love the generous reimbursements provided by the government for COVID cases. So good luck getting that exclusion passed over the objections of powerful, big campaign contributing lobbies.
  21. I have decided to not respond to certain posters any longer as I find it pointless to debate topics with somebody that only questions my views but provides few to no insights into their own ideologically generated opinions. The biggest reason I say this is that I am 100% confident they will never agree to anything you say, or any facts you present, or any conclusions you reach. So its pointless. Plus they feel no obligation to reciprocate. Only to question. Never to provide any answers. So why bother with it all?
  22. Biden has been and is a "company" man for his entire career. So something like this is in character. While the social activist and the far left think they're going to get their wish list passed the joke is going to be on them and I wonder how long it will take for them to see that clearly. At some point even the left leaning knuckle headed apologists here will figure that our for themselves. While I had once viewed the left as using Biden's election as a vehicle to get the major items of their agenda pushed through I have revised that view to conclude Biden and his establishment and %1 handlers have used to left to generate the votes to get elected and get their agenda back on course after the 4 year Trump semi-interruption of their goals. Well done "deep state". Well done..
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