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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Dr. Fauci said their studies show that vaccinated people can have the same high viral load in their nasal passages as unvaccinated people so they are not protecting anyone as long as the viral load is high. So that protection you cite isn't generated by vaccination.
  2. And how does that change the fact that vaccines are supposed to prevent infection and not just severe infection and the COVID vaccines don't meet that criteria? And I'm 99% certain that every child hospitalized in Florida has one or another co-morbidity or pre-existing condition that puts them at high risk.
  3. Yesterday I was watching Fauci being interviewed on one of the Sunday morning news shows. He said a few things I found curious. I'll focus on one of them here. This is his recommendation everyone should get vaccinated to prevent a serious case of COVID. That just doesn't sound right to me, Because the messaging up until recently has been the vaccines are "safe and effective" in preventing COVID, period. No qualification about the severity of the illness which can be asymptomatic, mild, moderate, severe, critical. But when somebody gets an HIV, or Flu, or Polio vaccine the justification isn't the vaccine will prevent a severe case of the illness. They get them because they will prevent any infection, end of story. That's the purpose of a vaccine, to prevent the target illness from happening, period. But now the messaging on the COVID vaccine is that "it is intended" (his words) to prevent a severe case. But so do a host of approved "treatments" and others awaiting approval from the FDA. They prevent a severe and critical case of COVID too. So for a healthy, young adult in the low risk category it makes no medical sense to get vaccinated because it will not "prevent" COVID, according to Dr. Faucl's words and expert opinion (not my words). Because if you do get infected its almost a certainty your case will be asymptomatic or mild anyway. So the vaccine has little to no benefit but poses some unknown long term risks that matter more to young people than older one's. And even if you buy into or want to make the social responsibility argument he also said vaccinated people can have a viral load as high as un-vaccinated people so it makes no differences if you are vaxed or not regarding the potential to spread it. If the government's goal is to get the public to get the shot they are doing themselves no favors with their messaging.
  4. But, but I've been assured Twitter does not allow mis-information. So it all must be true! Even though in my state hospitalizations are around 15% of what they were last April. And my county has not reported a death since June 8th. And the local hospital has 4 COVID patients.
  5. Just an example that the political class is so corrupt and its so obvious that they no longer feel the need to make any effort to hide their corruption. Regardless of your social views if you support the Biden administration you support government corruption. Lying, cheating, and stealing is dragging us closer to 3rd world status.
  6. You might want to find better role models. Given this guys resume as a defender of big and powerful corporations I am beginning to question your allegiance to the causes dear to the left. "In the last 20 years, Boutrous has carved out a practice focusing on limiting punitive damages for corporations and defending 1st Amendment rights for media companies. He has represented Ford Motor Co., DaimlerChrysler, the Wall Street Journal and Time Inc. as well as big media coalitions of which the Los Angeles Times has been a member."
  7. The Governor is a member of the protected political class. That's how. Plain and simple. We all know what would have happened to the rest of us under similar circumstances. They are comprised of members of both parties and have no legitimacy to rule. The hypocrisy of law breakers preaching to everyone else about following the law and emergency mandates! The appropriate response to them is go screw yourself. The other thing here I should have originally pointed out was the silence coming out of the MeToo movement. Where are all the women's advocates on the left that pronounced guilt on anyone "accused" of sexual misconduct but here they're out to lunch. More false outrage. Their lack of support for the victims here reveals their true intentions are social virtue signaling.
  8. Thanks for the link. I don't think its up to contributors here to "prove' or "disprove" the validity or conclusions of some medical study by searching the world for "evidence". That's a function of the research process. One such function is "peer review". Typically when medical researchers publish a study it goes through "peer review" prior to publication. Articles in places like the New England Journal of medicine. Or posted by organizations like the Mayo Clinic or Johns Hopkins. This provides a layer of confirmation and analysis among the medical community of "experts" in the field of study. Validating study design, assumptions, conclusions, etc. Weighing the opinions of those that agree and disagree with the study's conclusions. What I don't know is what level of peer review the CDC studies have been put through? I suspect little to none but doing this would go a long way in providing more credibility to their conclusions. IMO the problem bigger than the virus is the credibility issues of government and "experts". Something a little transparency and honesty could easily solve. But that simple observations seems lost on the people in charge.
  9. I forgot. Who was the Bills player that quit the team at halftime a few years ago. Based on the prevailing opinion on Biles is he due a lot of apologies now as I recall he was endlessly reamed out for bailing. But seriously, with Biles I wonder if the absence of family and support because of the COVID restrictions left her isolated and in some way unfocused? I have no strong opinion on her decision and in my thinking the only opinion that matters is that of her teammates.
  10. I would recommend everyone regardless of their views to examine COVID stats found at cdc.gov rather than relying on anecdotal stories.
  11. American socialists are mostly upper class intellectuals, children of a wealthy upbringing, unemployable college graduates, or others living off some trust fund. You won't find many people that have real jobs among their ranks. Most make a living in the imaginary world of academics or from some grant or government program. What a lot of us might refer to as moochers that get paid a lot but produce nothing of any value they could offer others in trade for pay. The fact they have no comprehension of the concepts of producing some product or having some skill that somebody else is willing to pay for in a market type economy reflects their views and ideas which seem so preposterous to those of us that need to earn a paycheck or run a business to support ourselves and our families. The core of their ideology is a belief in their moral, ethical, and intellectual superiority of themselves and their peers. This drives everything. Listening to their arguments gives a clue. As they are so smart it makes no sense to believe anyone else is capable of thinking for themselves or producing any ideas that can possibly and under no circumstances be better. As they are superior it makes sense they should decide everything about how society, politics, the economy, and culture should operate. And how everything is divided up and shared. A system where their share is bigger than everybody else's share. Questioning them merely proves how completely inferior the rest of us are to their omnipotence. The are mostly condescending and unhappy people living a joyless life.
  12. I'm starting to come around to the idea that there is no big conspiracy or nefarious intentions with the government. Especially after this weeks crap storm performance art suggesting more panic. Like Godzilla has been seen on the outskirts of town pissed off and heading this way. Its simply a case of complete and total incompetence. And how can we possibly expect politicians that lie about everything else to tell the truth about COVID. Or health agencies that claim to base all their polices and edicts on "science" when their commands to the public aren't even supported by their own data and research while they refuse to cite just exactly what "science" supports their conclusions. What the data for the past 1 1/2 years shows me is if you are under 50 years of age and in relatively good health with no pre-existing conditions that make you "at risk" for a serious or critical COVID infection you will not die. Or require ICU care or a ventilator. As about 97% of all deaths are in people over 50 in poor health. That's what the "science" says.
  13. The delta variant is more infectious but less lethal. This is typical of virus mutations. For example, the county I live in hasn't reported a COVID death in 48 days with the last fatality reported on June 9th. In a State with the highest death rate per capita since the outbreak began. So why is the government and the media spreading mis-information? Also, while I can't go into details because its proprietary, I work with researchers and statisticians that have developed COVID forecasting models and overall they project the latest wave will run 27 more days and before entering a steep decine in cases and that case volumes are at or near their peak right now.
  14. Tell us what do you know about vaccines that leads you to believe I know nothing about vaccines? And please provide detail. Enlighten us with your wisdom.
  15. This is coming from somebody that got the shots but I don't like the current messaging. The CDC is recommending even vaccinated people should mask up in specific areas where cases are high. But they've been out there pounding the table insisting the vaccines are effective in producing immunity. Immunity means I cannot get sick. And that vaccination is the best and most direct path to returning your life to "normal". So far so good. But the current message is saying I can be vaccinated and still get infected and get sick but the illness will not be as serious than if I wasn't vaccinated. Then the vaccine is by definition NOT a vaccine. A vaccine immunizes me from getting sick, period. It is really a pre-emptive treatment. A treatment lessons the severity and duration of an illness. And we already have some very effective treatments for people in at low risk and other protocols for high risk. So if I can still get sick and have to wear a mask and adhere to other social restrictions what's the benefit of getting vaccinated? I can get sick and seek treatment with a number of MAB's that are highly effective when it happens and I don't have to incur the unknown longer term risks of a genetically altered biologic "vaccine".
  16. I also think Beasley expressed his concerns in a clear and intelligent manner. They sound reasonable.
  17. Viruses mutate. Can we predict the specific mutations? No. I'm not saying that. But as a general rule the become more contagious but less lethal. And there are other variants already out there besides the Delta. And yes scientists don't all agree but the ones that don't agree with the official narrative get silenced, blocked from social media, have their you tube videos taken down, get criticized by media shills. Don't get to speak their peace. Which causes others to not speak out of fear. Which suppresses the process of scientific discovery we all depend on. And the CDC and NIH story keeps changing about the vaccine. First the story is COVID vaccines are safe and effective and provide immunity to the virus. So get your shot, take your mask off, and resume normal life. Now the story is vaccines will not keep you from getting infected but will protect you from serious and critical illness so even vaccinated people need to wear a mask again. The problem is that characterization doesn't meet the standards for classifying the active agent as a vaccine. That description applies to treatments. Equivalent to Tami-flu for influenza. So I guess its not really a vaccine. But we already have safe and effective treatments, approved and awaiting approval, for people that are at low risk of getting a serious and critical case. All without the unknown risks of adverse long term impacts of the mRNA gene therapy "vaccines". MABS from companies like Lily and Regeneron. Others awaiting approval from companies like Humanigen. And we know who is at "high risk" of developing a serious and critical case so we can customize responses and protections for those specific individuals. And there are effective treatments for these cases too, approved and awaiting approval. And we know children under 18 have as close to zero chance of death as can be measured. So we need some sort of policy "time out" or a big reset here. Because they're headed down the blanket lock down and restrictions path again. That didn't stop it before and it won't stop it now. So the choice is the virus is going to spread and you can screw up the economy. Or the virus is going to spread and you do not screw up the economy.
  18. The outbreak is predictable. Its following the same pattern previous viral outbreak have followed. Waves, mutations, everything. I've seen recent proprietary forecast models that suggest the delta outbreak cycle will be much shorter and lower in cases and a lot lower in deaths than previous cycles. And if scientist were actually in charge of this response I might agree with you. And if leadership was following the advice of experts across the scientific community I would agree with you. But they are not. They are accepting the views of those that agree with them and rejecting the views of those that disagree. Supported by science or not. That's not our best. All while sending mixed and confusing directives out to the public.
  19. Of course you added that as all roads lead to Rome. So is the government protecting us right now from the domestic enemies working from inside in the government?
  20. I can meet you in the middle here. You've got the party out of power always feigning concern over spending proposals of the other party. But when they get into the White House those concerns disappear. Visa, versa. They produce these wild projections about how the initiative "will pay for itself" but over time it never does. But I'm still not willing to completely absolve the voters totally of blame. If I ran for office against these free spenders of either party in Congress on a promise to restore fiscally responsible policies, cut spending, balance the budget, and over time bring the national debt down to zero I wouldn't stand a chance. And every special interest and money grubber addicted to government spending would be all over me. Calling me every despicable term and attaching every negative characteristic to me across the political spectrum. Heck, I can envision some big spending leftist saying "remember what happened in Germany when Hitler tried to balance the budget?"
  21. I agree. But you'll experience nominal gains with "hard assets" which I expect worst-case will keep you even with dollar depreciation. To lower dollar exposure in my 401K, which has limited options, I'm allocated funds to Large Cap Euro/Asia funds and indexes and emerging market funds. I think all the citizens allowing themselves to be bribed into voting for politician's that promises them a lot of "free" stuff are complicit. If I ran for any federal office on an agenda of fiscal responsibility I would lose in a landslide. Most Americans are going to experience a very large drop in their standard of living in the near future and in some respects they deserve what they're going to get. Free medical care, free college, free phones, free housing, free food. EV subsidies and tax credits which I never understand that subsidize EV purchases for a couple pulling down over $250K annually. I'm entitled to this, I'm entitled to that. As you and I know nothings free.
  22. And I win big because all this government spending will accelerate an already high and increasing inflation rate as I've structured my investment portfolio over the past 15 months to take advantage of those specific circumstances. And while all the clueless who cheer on expensive debt funded government spending programs, that will absolutely 100% guaranteed need to be monetized by the Federal Reserve, will suffer because the value of the currency and the falling purchasing power of their income will dramatically downgrade their lifestyles I will be in great shape. So thank you for supporting such foolishness. The good news is there is still time for others to do the same but that window is closing.
  23. "The government is not being transparent with us about what those risks are." And there it is, plain and simple. The problem here isn't that uninformed people are hesitant to get vaccinated, or that others are spreading mis-information, or that some political or moral beliefs are getting in the way of ensuring society is "safe" from the virus. The problem is a large percentage of the population has concluded the government and many public officials cannot be trusted to be honest and tell the truth. Even people choosing to get vaccinated share this distrust. The message and messenger lack credibility. They look around at all the hustles and cons being perpetrated on them and see this as just one in that series. The same people that are looking to "force" you to get vaccinated won't enforce the law against shoplifters in San Francisco or stop scumbags on the streets of NYC from beating and robbing 75 year old grandmothers in broad daylight. Obviously corrupt public officials are allowed to continue in the jobs. Political and social protesters that are on the "right" side of issues are allowed to rampage through the streets of cities burning and looting and causing physical harm. They let thousands of un-vaccinated virus carrying refugees into the country and are dispersing them throughout the country and become indignant when anyone questions this contradiction in policy where citizens are subjected to draconian measures while what some view as invaders can roam freely to spread the virus. But these same characters that turn a blind eye to corruption and lawlessness elsewhere are more than happy to send storm troopers around neighborhoods to kick in doors to make sure everybody is wearing their masks watching TV together or that nobody assembles in groups of more than 4 people standing too close together. They work to silence informed and "expert" dissenters but impose unclear and constantly changing and sometimes irrational proclamations they claim "follow the science" but can't even clearly explain or articulate just what that science is saying. And when questioned their answer is "just obey us". They parrot the safe and effective mantra about vaccines but impose public policy that suggests they don't work. They look like liars, and they are liars. If this was ancient Roman they would be crucified and displayed along road sides for the public to see the consequences these corrupt officials faced for their crimes. Why should anyone trust them to tell you the truth about the vaccines when they lie about everything else? Some posters support mandates and cite past mandates such requiring polio vaccines for school children but in that era the government had legitimacy. And the risks and dangers were clearly understood and communicated by trusted medical professionals and public health officials. The vaccine was safe and effective and time has shown that to be true. And while I wasn't around at the time I don't believe Jonas Salk became an overnight billionaire for developing the vaccine. Contrast that to today. Everybody everywhere is in on "the take". Public official, private corporations. And nobody was out there shutting down the entire US economy or suggesting you'll lose your job or livelihood if you refuse to comply. To get this done right we need a new group of public health officials and political leaders. People that can be trusted. And it ain't this current crew that's for sure.
  24. Committed to the myth vaccine hesitancy is concentrated in Trump loving white supremist's and not prevalent among communities of color which distrust, for good reasons, government?
  25. I get some of it and this might not be at the 5 level but of what I do comprehend the potential exists for the active agents in the vaccines to produce a condition that may over-stimulate the immune system in the event of some viral load which produces cytokine storm. This condition causes inflammation in the respiratory system and other organs which can cause them to function poorly and potentially shut down eventually leading to death. One treatment called Lenzulimab that's been submitted to the FDA for EUA showed statistically significant positive results in phase 3 clinical trials in suppressing cytokine storm for hospitalized patients. Its been with the FDA for two months and a decision is expected shortly. I'll defer to any virus experts here on anything I might have missed.
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