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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Hospitalized patients that die from COVID "complications" generally die from Cytokine Storm. Which is an overwhelming reaction to the virus by the immune system. There are treatments for this response. One of which is called Lenzulimab. Which met clinical trial endpoints and is also including in other trails being run by NIH. The company submitted an emergency use authorization request to the FDA 10 weeks ago. With no decision yet. This would dramatically cut the death count.
  2. Yup. in 2016 I disliked HRC. She was and is a dishonest grifter. Stuffing her pockets full of cash along with her husband. Such as taking political pay offs with that phony charitable trust. And leaving a curious trail of detractors and witnesses as "suicide" victims in their wake. For good reason she is one of the few people disliked more than Trump. The Dem's would have won the White House in 2016 but the establishment got their candidate. But I hold no love for Trump either regardless of how the ideologues try to pin that label on me as if guilt by accused association somehow invalidates my positions. He's a crude and obnoxious person. I saw him as a fake populist and a primary reason he lost in 2020 was the failure to deliver on any of the populist message he ran on in 2016. Draining the swamp, bringing back jobs, MAGA, all those slogans and rallies that were words that lead to no actions. But he wasn't wrong on every issue as the left is convinced. Or right on every issue as the right is convinced. I didn't vote for either Clinton or Trump in 2016. All Trump did for me was raise my Federal income taxes because of the SALT cap on his "tax reform" bill. I vote for either Trump or Biden in 2020.
  3. Because for reasons never understood, Trump is one of the few Republicans or Conservatives willing to stand up to the leftist ideologists and give it right back to them. As 99.9% of Conservatives and Republicans just roll over and play dead when it comes to providing any resistance to their agenda the left is not used to this push back. Trump's presence has caused the left to act like a spoiled child that suddenly doesn't get their way any longer from mom and dad. Look at how they're still obsessed with Trump. Tweeting all kinds of nonsense like Nazi references and the old stand by racist narrative, jumping up and down, pissing and moaning like he's still running the show. He's in their heads and they can't get hm out. Upon waking each morning they're thinking about Trump. In the last moments of life before death they are probably thinking about Trump. When they get to the after-life they are fearful Trump, and not St. Peter, will greet them. Finally, on the Russia topic, I've recently noticed the local supermarket is now carrying several different brands of Russian salad dressing in the condiment isle. This appears to be suspicious. I am concerned this may be an advanced guard covert operation to make sure popular Russian foods are stocked locally before their invasion begins. Contacting Rep. Schiff's House intelligence committee, the local FBI office, DHS, and the intelligence community may be warranted.
  4. Its a simple question, really. Drug makes do clinical trials, right. And vaccine makers being drug makers performed clinical trials for their COVID vaccines. With me so far. And trials typically consist of three phases, one, two, and three. One for safety, two and three for efficacy. For Pfizer's phase 3 study the reported efficacy rate of their vaccine was of 95%. Which means the vaccine generated antibody protection in 95% of the test subjects. But failed to generate the necessary antibodies in 5% of the subjects and didn't produce the required immunity. So far so good. Then this Oxford study looked at the vaccines effectiveness against the Delta variant and they published the results of their findings. Which showed the Delta variant is resistant to the vaccines. And I asked you if my conclusion of the reduction in effective is wrong then what reduction in efficacy is the "right" number. As the original Pfizer P3 failure rate was 5% and the Delta variant is resistant to the vaccine the effective rate of the vaccine must by definition be less than the 95% in preventing infection based their study. Are you saying the effective against Delta is equal to the original 95% effectiveness? Or don't you know? And if you don't know how can you be sure I'm wrong? So please, all I'm looking for is a number that is greater than 5% but less than 95% that represents the estimated vaccine effectiveness against Delta identified in the Oxford study.
  5. Okay smart guy. What do you think the efficacy rate of the vaccine is against Delta based on that study? Said another way what percentage of the vaccinated population did the study suggest is at risk? For a starting point the efficacy rate of the Pfizer vaccine in P3 trials was stated as 95%. Which means a 5% error rate representing a failure to generate antibodies and immune protection.
  6. Saw this earlier too which means the Pfizer vaccine is 60% effective against Delta vs. the P3 trials data which produced a 95% rate against the original strains. Just to set context that implies 66 million are at risk from Delta of the 165.1 million people the CDC reports as vaccinated. So 2 of every 5 of us that got the shots do not have complete immunity. Watch for the recommendation for boosters in the next 10 days.
  7. I certainly could cite sources and list them one by one but I'm not wasting my time documenting them as I'm 100% certain you will automatically dismiss them. The rest of it is called critical thinking. You should try it. It requires no involvement from anyone but yourself. Its how innovation and new ideas are created. Its the driver of progress. I see confirmed reports of 100's of thousands of immigrants being shipped around the country and combine that with other confirmed reports of high infection rates based on testing and you put 2 + 2 together. Then you see the administration ignoring the infections while pursuing reckless polices of re-settlement of illegals and I conclude they are intentionally spreading the virus. Either that or they are just plain stupid. Take your pick. Either one is bad, Intentionally spreading the virus thru acts of domestic terrorism that cause illness and death or being unfit to lead. And truth is, you have no interest in addressing my conclusions. Because admitting I'm correct, which I am and which you never will admit, conflicts with your ideology. And rather than accept your ideology is flawed you prefer to dismiss facts. Instead you just want to deflect and change the discussion to an argument over sources. Which I will not engage in. You're following 101 basic leftist debate strategy - don't directly address anything, ask questions to deflect the argument off the topic.
  8. What I find most interesting is incompetence of the Republican party leadership as demonstrated by their inability to take advantage of the administrations blunders and incompetence. Its a crap storm of incompetence vs. incompetence. Other then Rand Paul harassing Fauci at scheduled Senate appearances they seem scared to say or do anything. Have they not learned anything from the actions and strategies of the "progressive" left? You're in a gunfight dummies, start shooting!
  9. You know and I know you are never, ever going to admit to what I say no matter what. So what it comes down to is you support Biden, the white supremacist, biological terrorist. Sending infected immigrants into American cities and communities to kill people. Okay, we know where you stand on the subject. Thx..
  10. I asked "Can you explain that?". Let me rephrase the question. Can you explain why the President and those running immigration policy that are willfully and intentionally spreading COVID across the country through known carriers that is resulting in infections and deaths of Americans should not be considered as biological terrorists and arrested? Or forced to resign and if need be impeached from offices for crimes against the American people. Because their polices are killing people. And some wonder why half the country tells the government to go pound it.
  11. UK Oxford study on vaccines and Delta. https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/english-study-finds-50-60-reduced-risk-covid-double-vaccinated-2021-08-03/
  12. This guy is a UC Berkley/Yale educated Washington Post writer. A solid establishment player. What else would you expect him to express? Criticism of the Biden administration for violating and ignoring immigration laws while simultaneously disregarding their own COVID restrictions and edicts as they disperse 100's of thousands of infected illegals across the country resulting in more cases? And why they don't make vaccination a mandatory requirement to enter illegally but are more than happy to entertain forcing legal citizens to get the shot I can't figure. Can you explain that?
  13. The emotion of fear is a powerful thing. In this case an irrational fear of dying from COVID. Specifically frightened healthy vaccinated people that refuse to understand the actual risk to them is much less than the risk fear has caused them to assume concluding that they need to force un-vaccinated people to get the shot so they can be safer. Apparently they don't think the vaccine protects them from infection but forcing other people to get it will.
  14. I find it amazing how many people here are so consumed by fear that think its ethical and moral to force others into being injected with a biological agent they are hesitate to take because they think its going to protect their sorry asses. The real hesitancy is the unwillingness of the majority of officials involved to participate in the spirit of democracy in open and honest discussions of "experts" from the medical community representing all points of view. Because news flash! Not all "experts" agree with the policies and conclusions of people like Dr. Fauci. And most of them are a lot more credible than he and other government bureaucrats are on the subject matter. Like the researcher that identified mRNA functions and processes that gets censored on social media for expressing "mis-information". That's preposterous. Instead they prefer to suppress and censor any opposition to their view either directly or through their proxies in the main stream and social media. Which just confirms the feelings of distrust the vaccine hesitancy crowd has of the government. Maybe try something different. Honesty, facts, and truth.
  15. Assuming the courts have the courage to enforce those fundamental rights and courage is in short supply.
  16. We can't let fear be the motivating factor the controls every aspect of life here. And the issue isn't what restrictions we need or if you support or don't support them. The issue is demanding that the fundamental principals of democracy be followed. Simply, what gives the Mayor dictatorial authority to promulgate and legislate law and restrictions on who can and cannot enter a private business? What's next? de Balsio telling residents of the city who they can and cannot allow into their homes? I support common sense restrictions but I don't support the executive branch of government at all levels abusing "emergency powers" to so they can bypass the elected legislature where such actions can be debated among supporters and opponents in order to give the proposals a fair and public hearing. Is that too much to ask? That we follow the process of elected democracy and refuse to cede power to dictatorial edicts. That's pretty much it. We've got a bunch of petty wanna-be dictators that are drunk with power that are content with bypassing and ignoring the fundamental principals and mechanisms of democracy.
  17. If you have immunity already then getting the vaccine is an unnecessary medical procedure. And medical practitioners generally follow the practice of not recommending or performing unnecessary procedures. This isn't some decision that should reside in the realm of government bureaucratic dictates. My assessment of the first is based on the difference between perceived risk and actual risk. In this case I think I've got immunity but I don't. The second as I said "I suspect" is an "theory" that requires validation.
  18. What is frustrating to me is why health officials refuse to recognize the "natural" immunity that recovered individuals have through antibodies their immune system generated as a result of the infection. Some 35M recovered and likely a lot more that don't even realize they were infected and recovered. The overall goal should be counting and focusing on the number of people that have immunity not on how many shots were taken. This is not synonymous with the number of vaccinated. The other part is those with natural immunity. A simple antibody test will identify who has immunity and who doesn't. And trying to vaccinate people that have natural immunity is in contradiction to the principals guiding medical necessity. Plus given the effective rate of the vaccines we should expect about 5% of those vaccinated to have generated no immune response which means they are under the impression they have immunity when they do not. That's about 7 million people walking around thinking they have protection. Which is a worse situation than being un-vaccinated. I suspect the break-thru cases are situations when the vaccine didn't result in generating antibodies rather than the antibodies didn't work.
  19. The basic premise of your argument seems logical but incomplete. Which if I interpret it correctly is that if COVID has no impact because these deaths would have occurred anyway we wouldn't see a spike in the death rate and count during the pandemic. But as we see a spike that is evidence COVID is causing additional deaths than would otherwise not have happened. What I think needs to be considered is the variable of time and the concept of regression to mean. What COVID is doing is pulling forward deaths that would otherwise have occurred or be reported in some future time period. The additional deaths are being "borrowed" from the future and pulled forward and the reported death rate will be lower than "normal" for those future time periods. What is going to happen is these additional deaths will be subtracted from future time periods. Until the stat adjust back to trend. Which is regression to mean. More or less nobody gets out of life alive and everybody dies. Its just a question of when. One other thing. This isn't killing people with decades of life expectancy left. Its killing people with months to maybe a few years. Because old and sick people tend to die. Sure you can cite a couple examples that contradict that but they are rare and the exception.
  20. I've said it before the virus response is a crisis in confidence and belief that the government is no longer a legitimate and functioning institution. Why are you going to trust a guy that issued dictates that killed thousands of nursing home patients early on, fabricated statistics to lower the real numbers, and then denied any of it was his responsibility? And on top of it got away with it all which only reinforces the truth the system corrupt. And now is trying to get private businesses to do his dirty work so he can claim innocence if it all goes bad. These same dick heads that flippantly violate and circumvent the law think they have any shred of legitimacy to mandate what other people are to do? Then we've got a 1/2 dead president that works off scripted and staged media appearances that otherwise cannot string together two coherent sentences. The question to me is who writes the scripts? Everything is FUBAR'd. I saw that former President Obama has a big birthday bash planned this weekend. 700 guests. But I'm positive official will assure us this is in no way any kind of potential super spreader event. Some excuse like all guests are vaccinated and tested. Believe us! Try that yourself this weekend with 70 people. Assure everyone all guests are vaccinated and tested. The storm troopers will descend on your property like there's no tomorrow.
  21. The political class has a real problem because the rank and file active military soldier and members of the Guard come from the same social class as those armed 2nd Amendment proponents. And if ordered to open fire on "their own people" they may instead decide to bring back the popular Vietnam era practice of "fragging".
  22. Using business as a proxy to take advantage of private property arguments to circumvent potential Constitutional or legal restrictions on the limits of government power. Like the Pentagon and CIA leaving thousands of "contractors" (aka mercenaries) in places like Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan or the CIA/NSA and the Administration in Washington using Facebook and Twitter to censor free speech to avoid things like Freedom Of Information Requests. An extension and cooperative arrangement between of government authority and the private sector otherwise known as Fascism.
  23. Or it could be complete and utter incompetence. And it might be time for people pushing hard for un-vaccinated citizens to get with the program to accept the idea that it isn't some fringe conspiracy groups creating hesitancy but rather the mixed and inconsistent message being sent by officials and politicians. People want information, facts, and balanced and uniformed polices, that aren't obscured and drenched in politics and threats of discriminatory practices for non-compliance. And they want accountable answers from the so called experts who would rather deflect hard questions and refuse to provide any statistical or medical rationale to back up their proclamations and policies. Right now it all sounds like the Mushroom Treatment. Keep us in the dark and feed us B.S. Guys like Cuomo, a suspected sex offender preaching to the rest of us about following the rules and the law and some ethical standard. You got to be joking, right?
  24. I can't disagree. I'm just passing on what Fauci stated when making the recommendation that masks be worn indoors by vaccinated people in higher risk areas because their nasal viral load levels can be high and consistent with those of unvaccinated which could make transmission possible.
  25. You're point may be generally true but irrelevant to my contention. Which is the vaccine does not work as advertised and even if you are vaccinated you can still get sick and you can still spread it which contradicts the fundamental definition of a vaccine. That's all I'm saying. And that's what Dr. Fauci is saying too. It falls closer to the definition of a treatment. And some conclusion that having everyone vaccinated will completely stop the spread of the virus is most likely false. The thing is the government's policy and objectives are half-ass wrong and bordering on irrational ignorance of science. The efficacy rate of the vaccines are not 100%. Its 95% for Pfizer and 94.1% for Moderna. This is cited in their studies and their EUA applications. That means for the Pfizer shot 50 of every 1,000 people vaccinated fail to generate protective antibodies in a sufficient amount to provide protection. For Moderna 59 of every 1,000 people vaccinated fail to generate protective antibodies. So what, there are about 140,000,000 people vaccinated? Do the math. That means roughly 7,000,000 people that got the shot have no antibody protection. So what's the solution? Focus on immunity not vaccinations! By counting people that have immunity through the generation of COVID fighting antibodies. This can be determined through available and established antibody tests. This means counting people that have immunity through the vaccines and also counting people that have "natural" immunity (a big number of those un-vaccinated everyone is targeting) through previous COVID infection and recovery. This latter group is almost 35 million from CDC data on cases and likely more through unreported infections. Antibody tests will also "weed out" vaccinated people that got the shot but have no immunity and are likely completely unaware they have no protection. And allow them to take appropriate action to protect themselves with accurate information on their situation. It will also establish a more accurate figure on the immunized population than just counting vaccines. But the official push is that everyone needs a shot when medicine and science provide proof they are wrong. The goal should be immunity no matter how its acquired. So are they idiots or just intentional screwing up?
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