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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. But America is a weakling. A big spending weakling but a weakling nonetheless. We allocate almost $800B to the defense budget and all I hear is constant cries about things like the Russian threat and how we need to spend more. And that doesn't include all the funds for intelligence agencies that allocate more resources for spying on American citizens to identify "domestic terrorists" than they do gathering intelligence on our foreign adversaries. And what do these adversaries spend? Russia, about $50B. About the same as the Saudi's and I'm not staying up at night worrying about the security threat posed by the Saudi military. So the U.S. spends about 16 times more on defense annually and I can only conclude we're not getting our monies worth here. Look at the Pentagon brass that has been Woked-Up. Maybe instead of focusing on diversity and system racism these ass clown generals should worry about how to win a war against a bunch of guys wearing sheets with 40 year old weapons hiding in caves. You think there's any alignment in their mindset and the mindset of the fighting men and women on the ground in places like Afghanistan? Why any rank and file soldier would have any confidence in any strategy or battle plan devised by these "leaders" is incomprehensible. I'm not opposed to your idea. I'm just opposed to the idea of letting our current Pentagon leadership having any hand in defining the strategy for anything because their incompetence has already cost more lives than necessary and over $2.2 Trillion pissed down the hole for basically nothing to show for it. Except making a lot of defense contractors very rich and setting up their next job assignment after they retire from the military.
  2. Now imagine the neo-liberal outrage if there was celebration because there were less non-white people in the census?
  3. That's because the test isn't accurate enough and even vaccinated people can carry a high viral load as the mRNA vaccines don't kill the virus or keep it from replicating in the host. Which means all of us vaccinated people are human virus variant incubators. Its a danger several viral experts have expressed but their voices have been silenced as mis-information. Since that truth would more or less invalidate the country's vaccine program.
  4. Lets get real here. This message board is not equivalent to a court of law where there is some burden of proof requirement supported by submission and evaluation of evidence. And I'm not your research assistant. If you don't want to believe it then don't believe it. That's your choice. And if you want to go through contortions and handstands to "protect" this dysfunctional administration then have at it. As time passes you're find out that is going to be a losing battle. I gave a valid and true answer to your question. An answer you don't like. An answer that has been verified by the statements and comments from the administration and other people involved and aware of the program of immigrant re-location. Available to anyone through various news outlets in the country. If you want look them up.
  5. The problem is the people running governments and setting policy and making decisions on these matters are not what I'd call "decent people". They are generally sociopaths obsessed with acquiring and growing their power and wealth. And stepping on anyone that gets in their way. In fact, while there are likely moral and ethical leaders somewhere I'm hard-pressed to name any current head-of-state of any Western nation that I would consider "decent".
  6. Oh, I've got the answer to this one.. Is he re-locating 100's of thousands of COVID infected illegals from the southern border and distributing them across the country while intentionally withholding information from state and local officials on the impact and dangers to their communities? YES!!
  7. So tell me which States have election law statues that explicitly state "lets make sure Black people can't vote"? Because that's the basis of the entire argument behind the JC 2.0 on steroids battle cry.
  8. Well for Trump to have any influence with the un-vaccinated you have to believe the "Trump supporter" demographic is a major contributor to overall hesitancy. But targeted commercials I've seen lately that feature Black and Hispanic "Doctors" speaking to their constituencies makes me think these demographics are the heavy hitters on the hesitancy front. Also, thank you for remembering my post on the insurrection topic. I will give you a lot of credit here as you make a lot more effort at this stuff than I care to commit to here. But my "reported" reference came from a named reporter speaking to a named Capitol Police official. And to get an answer we just need to ask Rep. Pelosi and/or the House Sargent at Arms a few direct questions. Like why they denied requests to call in the cavalry that day? Questions that have important answers but which I expect will never be allowed to be asked in the 1/9 Committee forum. I'm not sure The Hill reporter would reveal their source but I'd be interested to hear who it was in the event I am wrong about the motivation and credibility of the Trump story.
  9. Why do you still obsess over Trump? And reportedly? At this point don't we all know that the definition of "reportedly" in the dictionary of political terms is "somebody just made up some BS they hope to pass off as a fact and if they are caught lying they've got an established alibi given they provide no real source for a story they made up".
  10. Well I've watched the local news the past couple nights and other than hot weather the talk is about Delta. With some stories on restaurant owners allowing only vaccinated customers indoors because "that policy makes customers feel safer". But feeling safer is not equal to being safer. Even a quick google search dispels most of the safety argument. So which group of people is actually the uninformed? https://www.google.com/search?q=do+covid+vaccines+stop+viral+replication%3F&biw=1651&bih=927&ei=ZHoVYa7tA5Pj9AO0657AAg&oq=do+covid+vaccines+stop+viral+replication%3F&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BwgAEEcQsAM6CggAELEDEIMBEEM6BAgAEEM6CAgAEIAEELEDOgUIABCABDoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6CAgAELEDEIMBOgUIABCGAzoGCAAQFhAeOgcIIRAKEKABSgQIQRgAUKpHWMaQAWDbkwFoB3ACeACAAYcDiAHeNpIBCDAuNDQuMC4xmAEAoAEByAEIwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwiur6XWn6zyAhWTMX0KHbS1Byg4FBDh1QMIDQ&uact=5
  11. I'm still trying to understand what these vaccinated neurotics are afraid of when its comes to un-vaccinated people. Because if you are vaccinated and believe the vaccine is effective and if you also believe the CDC studies that show a vaccinated person can carry the same high viral load as an un-vaccinated person then the logical conclusion is a vaccinated and un-vaccinated person poses an identical risk of transmitting their viral load given the same load level. And absent any specific knowledge of any specific individual's health situation both groups are an equal threat and both present the same level of "safety". So in a social situation where the health status of almost everyone is unknown the vaccine status of the people you contact doesn't matter to your "real" risk and safety. And there's a real disconnect here in the way people are making assessments of risk because the true risk presented is defined by the viral load of an individual and not on the vaccination status of the person. And also, what the vaccine does is protect you but it doesn't protect others from you transmitting the virus to them. And the only real way to be safe is to know the viral load level of everyone and drive those load levels to zero for everyone. Am I wrong here?
  12. All left leaning posters please read the best-seller "Life For Liberals After Trump: The Definitive Guide To Coping With Grief And Separation Anxiety"
  13. Socializing and context can be important to the story along with the perception of the people involved. Its been a long time since I've approached any woman because I thought she might be a good potential sex partner. But for me, I always found there were plentiful social "signals" about when to pursue and when to back off. So if a woman was or wasn't interested it was pretty obvious. My expectation here is the women involved gave off plenty of verbal and physical signals to the Governor that his behavior was improper, unwelcome, and not mutual. And most of these contacts were in official or work settings not some social situation. Which makes his behavior worse. But he ignored all of their disinterest and objections and instead attempted to impose himself on them through the use of the formal and informal power he held over them. So in my book he's a sleaze bag. Worse yet, I'd expect there are plenty of women that would be more than willing to get into a consensual relationship with the guy and yet he choose to harass and intimidate these other woman. That's shameful. I think all can agree they deserve their day to be heard.
  14. I advise calling your health plan to verify coverage prior to attempting any such maneuver!
  15. All said while ignoring the current administration violations of the Constitution through ignoring Supreme Court decisions and lawless immigration policy while simultaneously spreading the virus across the country. Get you're head out of Trump's ass and take a good look around!
  16. Working from home (WFH) censoring and deactivating the accounts of posters disagreeing with the views of management and tuning search engine algorithms to prioritize politically and socially correct "information" and block those articles and opinions deemed "mis-information" while coordinating company efforts with agencies like the NSA and the CIA seems like a great part-time job for a retired person or a stay at home parent.
  17. Well if they have time to teach CRT I would expect these school districts and their teachers have successfully produced a high level of proficiency in their students for core curriculum courses. And a basic test would measure and demonstrate that. And if the pass rate is 90% or above then they can allocate school time for CRT. And if its below 90% they are all fired. I think that's fair. Otherwise, all they're doing is sucking money out of the taxpayers to fund their paychecks while graduating a population of students that don't have basic skills while focusing on useless horse crap.
  18. I took a cursory read of this lawsuit and its incomprehensible that any court that isn't predisposed to a particular political view would entertain it. Frivolous is the word I think. What I find most comical is how oblivious they were of any real or potential consequences that might result from their completely voluntary decision to flee the state. Or perhaps for some reason they believed they were exempt from consequences? Or some entitlement of liberal privilege? Failure to comprehend or acknowledge consequences is a common theme for the liberal mind and agenda. Whether its ideas like letting biological men use the women's restroom (what could possibly go wrong there?), letting COVID-19 infected individuals into the country while pretending its not happening (while un-vaccinated citizens are subject to discrimination), or eliminating standard testing protocols in high schools because minority kinds can't pass the tests (because the scores expose the incompetence of the teachers and the educational system). Or getting rid of cops and not foreseeing an increase in crime. Simply idiots. And its all based on their belief in their intellectual, moral, and ethical superiority. Ask them. Ask them to deny this belief. I've asked many liberal people I know. You'll be met with silence. Its a false premise that is at the core of their entire ideology.
  19. I'm so glad educators are preparing students for life as a generation of multi-cultural diverse losers as they will be unprepared for the challenges and competition presented in the global market place against student from other countries that are proficient at every major subject. So what's the point of sending your kids to Oregon public schools other than have them participate in social indoctrination activities? The only people dumber than the elected officials are the people electing them. This is kind of the plot to Idiocracy.
  20. Fauci just suggesting mandatory vaccinations for public school teachers. I'm interested to see where this goes per the mandate crowd and actions for mandates to this point.
  21. Its all subjective. Too many? For one person too many is 10, for another too many is 100. The fundamental question is if I focus all my policies and resources on saving the life of every person and every child but in the process I would need to destroy the entire US economy and every institution and business in the process it would be the appropriate action? Or maybe the fatality risk needs to be balanced with other social and economic risks, consequences, goals, and benefits to define a systemic policy response that makes logical sense and can be communicated to everyone in a way they can understand and support? And in this process the CDC is one voice not the owner and definer of Federal policy.
  22. But the hospitals and doctors still report the main ICD10 diagnosis code as Z20822, "exposure to or suspected exposure to COVID" because of the higher insurance reimbursement rates. Like Steve Martin in the Jerk said "its the profit game!"
  23. I think a lot died from disappointment and boredom because the replacement product sucked..
  24. This is a link to CDC that shows death data by age group https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#demographics Most recent CDC numbers posted 0-4 6% of US population reporting 174 deaths out of 621,142 cases 5-11 8.7% of the US population reporting 128 deaths out of 1,191,163 cases 12-15 5.1% of the US population reporting 140 deaths out of 1,072,722 cases 16-17 2.5% of the US population reporting 100 deaths out of 736,879 cases 18-29 16.4% of the US population reporting 2,873 deaths out of 6,442,941 cases 30-39 13.5% of the US population reporting 6,452 deaths out of 4,712,602 cases 40-49 12.3% of the US population reporting 15,585 deaths out of 4,222,224 cases 50-64 19.2% of the US population reporting 78,016 deaths out of 5,713,127 cases 65-74 9.2% of the US population reporting 109,531 deaths out of 2,093,583 cases 75-84 4.9% of the US population reporting 138,492 deaths out of 1,077,464 cases 85+ 2% of the US population reporting 155,958 deaths out of 614,552 cases
  25. I think the answer is: 1. renounce your US citizenship 2. apply for citizenship in some Central America country for something like $50 3. take a flight to Cabo 4. enjoy a couple weeks of vacation time 5. head for the US border and declare yourself an asylum seeker 6. get picked up by customs and transferred to DHS 6. get released by DHS 7. go back home, enjoy life, pick up some free benefits, and then do whatever you want without any restrictions mandated and demanded of US citizens 8. you can still vote, work, drive, own property, get medical care and education for free as the administration has eliminated all benefits and rights of being a US citizen
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