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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Hey maybe the driver left his drivers license and suicide note or some extremist manifesto statement on the front seat too? And a 8x11 glossy picture of Trump with a heart circle in red ink around it too.
  2. My immediate reaction was isn't this convenient. Something to take the focus off Afghanistan. Right on queue. A false flag event. A deep state specialty. And of course its a "Trump" supporter. Now all the media and talk can move off the topic of how Biden screwed the pooch on the withdrawal while stranding thousands of Americans leaving them in immediate danger.
  3. I disagree. Experts at assessing, managing, understanding, and mitigating risks should be in charge of coordinating and defining responses and proposing them to public officials. All risks. Not just the risk posed by the virus. Social risks, economic risks, other risks, benefits, and consequences. What expertise do pandemic experts have on issues of the economy, business, and commerce? None. Yet all their pronouncement impact those thing significantly. Sure public health officials should have a voice but not the deciding voice on every issue. But we're supposed to forever and obediently go along with them decreeing we all stay in our homes, get shots every 6 months, cover our faces, and stop all social interactions when they issue some edict? And then be subjected to government oppression, coercion, and threats if we don't comply? And yet with all this the virus still spreads and mutates? Meanwhile, these pandemic and health experts you cite at the FDA for example, sit for months and months on all kinds of treatments and medications that have been submitted to them for approval. So there's your medical experts at work with a business as usual approach. Somebody with a risk mitigation approach would push these overly cautious and slow acting officials aside and approve these things based on the likely outcome of death in people being deprived of these treatments. The hard ugly truth is nobody gets out of life alive. Some people are going to die. Maybe me and you. Who knows? But most people will live. If the goal is a zero casualty policy response that's a fantasy. The human race will survive and life will go on.
  4. Like all other viruses, the potential for severe illness and death depends on your personal risk profile including the presence or absence of specific co-morbidities and health issues. Even in younger people. So the 10x number might be misleading and COVID death rates are skewed towards the elderly on the age curve. Every person needs to make a sensible assessment for themselves and the members of their families with the assistance of their physician. But for COVID-19, the use of medical knowledge and facts applied by professionals like doctors and researchers has been suspended while scientific debate and discovery has been suppressed and discouraged. And replaced by credentialed idiots and politicians making mostly arbitrary and subjective decisions enforced by threats of violence and penalties. While not providing a lot of information or insights into the policy and then changing it at their whim again without any explanation. Not exactly a policy aligned with the concept of positive reinforcement. And not seeming to take into account the impact of these policies on any other aspect of life. A policy best described as "shut up and do what we say or else". I'm not opposed to vaccination or mandates or some form of rational public health policies. When they make clear medical sense and in the context of accounting for other factors, benefits, and consequences. But what I am opposed to is all the petty dictators that are popping up in Mayors and Governors issuing edicts and proclamations through self-provided authority. Rather than executive or administrative edicts this requires some open and rational debate among members of city councils and State legislatures (and the national level if needed) hearing all views and listening to medical experts from all perspectives rather than all these mini-Hitlers threatening anyone that doesn't toe their line.
  5. You're the last person left on the planet that thinks blaming Trump is an effective strategy for deflecting blame and excusing the gross incompetence of the current administration. Preaching to yourself at this point. It appears even the left leaning board posters have abandoned you on this. Some advice. Give it up already..
  6. Saigon 2.0 or Saigon "on steroids" to plagiarize the President's perspective on another topic. Worse than the humiliating optics of Revolutionary Guard "students" marching US Embassy personal through the streets of Tehran.
  7. Billsy continues to obsess about Trump. Probably for the rest of time. I can hear future generations of Billsy's speaking about how "200 million years ago Trump said mean things about people while White Supremacists pillaged and plundered the country once called the USA".
  8. Also might want to scrutinize the authors of this 20 year policy and strategy inside the US government. And look no further than the Neo-Liberal and Neo-Con players inside the State Department, the intelligence agencies, the DOD, and the Pentagon advocating and prosecuting all kinds of wars, nation building, and regime change operations. Like the war in Afghanistan. All failures. These elected but mostly appointed and career bureaucrats inside the government cross the political divide. They can be Democrats as easily as Republicans. Liberals or Conservatives. Their love for war and belief in imposing their ideals on the rest of the world provides a common bond between them. And they need to be held accountable and eliminated. But will they? Doubtful.
  9. And 90% of the worldwide supply of Poppy Opium (Heroin) that was mysteriously allowed to be grown under the watchful eye of US occupation forces..
  10. My assessment: I'd say the comparison starts and ends with their wardrobe choices. Not the best looks. Some major disparities are in their choice of weapons. M16's and AK47's vs. Bull Horns and Flags. Very dangerous those flags! Perhaps DHS should issue a terror threat level 5 warning for anybody with a flag pole outside their home? And somebody should tell that out-of-shape slob Michael Moore to lose some weight because if he really thinks these guys are coming after him he's going to be the first lefty they chase down and throw into the flame pit if he doesn't get into decent fighting shape quickly. The ironic thing and also very comical is these big-talker leftists like Moore and all the other Hollywood fakers and posers kissing each others asses while virtue signalling to each other will be hiding behind the people they spit on and despise if the shooting ever started against some real terrorist threats like the Taliban. Truth..
  11. CCP's propaganda machine already at work. "Afghan abandonment a lesson for Taiwan’s DPP: Global Times editorial". https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202108/1231636.shtml
  12. Maybe. But going forward when some US diplomat says "trust us" to a foreign leader being asked to stick their neck out and take on some risks what will they be thinking? As the Empire's power and wealth is fundamentally based on a complex web of protection rackets, demonstrating incompetence in holding up our end of the bargain is going to have some consequences.
  13. Years ago I took over a terrible project from another manager. After assessing the complete disaster I was persuaded by my manager and the project's business sponsor to push through with the original plan rather than pursue some other courses of action I proposed to them would give us a better chance of success. But they talked me out of it while making it clear that switching approaches at this point would be bad optics. So we proceeded as planned and ultimately the project failed miserably and was cancelled. I took "full responsibility" for the failure but when it came time to cut staff in the organization I still got fired. So Biden taking responsibility is not really important in my eyes because the results are what matters and the results of his decision to go ahead with this plan no matter the source of the plan is a failure of Biblical proportions. Also, from my perspective he threw a lot of others under the bus on his way to "full responsibility". My suspicion is he lasts maybe a couple more months as his incompetence on full display for the entire world has likely angered the Gods of the establishment/deep state. So watch for signs of VP Harris warming up in the Bull Pen.
  14. Except for the fact they've managed to "F" up everything else too!!
  15. I expect its all down hill for Joe Biden from here barring any unexpected outcome. And adhering to my theory we're heading for complete chaos I'm thinking at some point Manchin (WV) and Sinema (AZ) are going to change party's as groups like "the squad" and other leftist voices get more annoying and demanding (if that's possible). I expect that would be comical. Watching the total leftist meltdown that would follow. A switch throws the balance of power in the Senate out of wack and Schummer is out and McConnell is in and all the committee chairs switch hands. Even if they don't switch it would be unwise to under-estimate the power they wield as the swing votes in the Senate.
  16. Your boy owns this. It happened on his watch. Plain and simple. But you just don't know when to quit defending a losing argument. So keep digging a deeper hole if you wish.
  17. I'm sure there are still plenty of useful idiots that will continue to defend the Biden administration to the bitter end. Their hatred towards anything Trump looks to be their primary motivation for all actions. This latest screw-up is an utter embarrassment that history will rank right up there with other recent low points like the hasty retreat and the fall of Saigon and the failed Carter Iranian hostage crisis rescue attempt. Both events characterized those administrations and I suspect this will be one of the defining moments of the Biden presidency. On a lighter note, maybe if they parachuted in a few hundred diversity trainers into the country face and honor could still be saved? They could hold workshops and training sessions that would provide the environment for the Taliban to realize that "our differences are our strengths". And then everyone would just get along. Just like how the social justice movement has improved the tone and civility of American culture! My one question for the administration at this point is "where are you headed with all this Joe?" Because from where I'm sitting everything is FUBAR.
  18. What's your point? This doesn't even remotely resemble the unconditional surrender deal the Biden administration has executed with the Taliban. A complete and total disaster and a national embarrassment. You're just proving the current administration owns this withdrawal mess. And trying to deflect "blame" to Trump here is like throwing a rubber ball against a brick wall. Ain't gonna stick.
  19. I agree that educators should design the curriculum. But that doesn't imply educators should hold dictatorial powers while parents and other stakeholders have zero say and input into what ultimately gets taught and what doesn't to their children. But maybe if our educators and school districts would focus on producing students with a high level of competency in the basics like math and science where U.S. student performance ranks poorly worldwide before moving into social justice curriculums there might be less yelling and shouting? And while I don't endorse the idea that child indoctrination into any kind of ideology is a role the educational system should be assuming I'm puzzled why the left which has organized and controlled the education narrative unchallenged for decades is now raising the alarm that groups pushing back on them are "organized". A tactic they've used with great success.
  20. Some districts have re-branded CRT racist teachings as "anti-racism curriculums" while claiming educators are under attack from organized right wing groups. So change the narrative and when cornered play the victim which as we know is the number one go-to move of the far-left.
  21. The message on the lips of every American patriot for goof balls like this "Tea" clown and this administration this morning is simple. "Go F... Yourself".
  22. With the Afghanistan debacle out of the way and this humiliating defeat handed to them by Stone Age era opposition, US military leadership led by Gen. Milley can concentrate on creating woke reading lists for rank and file soldiers while keeping an eye out for white supremacist threats and ideology embedded in the armed forces. And we can all sleep better at night knowing the best and brightest civilian and military minds at the DOD and the Pentagon that our nation can muster are hard at work battling imaginary domestic terrorist threats while ignoring and avoiding the primary mission of the armed forces along with abandoning the patriots and freedom fighting soldiers in the field that have sacrificed and given so much to our nation.
  23. Relevant because his "team" are the people running the show at the White House. You look at Biden's career history and nothing in it matches his cabinet appointments, current views, statements, or agenda. He's a puppet. This administration has the fingerprints of Obama era officials like Susan Rice all over it.
  24. All that's well and good but if the vaccine is effective what then are vaccinated people afraid of regarding contacting un-vaccinated people? Other than people stating they "don't feel safe" what if any facts justify their fears? More importantly and seemingly lost on almost everyone is an insight from the the CDC director that a vaccinated person is capable of carrying the same high viral load as an un-vaccinated person. The unstated conclusion is troubling, vaccines don't kill or stop the virus from replicating. So every vaccinated person walking around is a potential mutation and variant incubator and the vaccination program as currently defined will not eradicate or control the virus. We still need a strong and effective anti-viral to gain any real control over the outbreak, vaccinated or not.
  25. Obama was a hustler from day one. An obscure and unknown junior Senator from the State of Illinois that came out of nowhere to secure the Democratic Party's Presidential nomination in 2008 and going on to win 2 terms in the White House. Groomed and hand selected for the part by the very elites and establishment that celebrated with him. And handsomely rewarded for doing their bidding for 8 years. Mission accomplished. The only thing worse are the idiots who cheer this on and fly cover for it all. They are selling out the rest of the country or just too stupid to see the obvious. Their protests and objections do nothing to change any of this reality.
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