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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. I forgot this political charade was still going on but with all the other things this administration has screwed up, most obvious the chaos Biden's great decision making skills have caused in execution of the Afghanistan pull out, they need to maintain at least one diversion from their incompetence at governing. Thanks for keeping us posted on this nothingburger..
  2. If I was a Republican House member I would vote "No". Why let the Dem's off the hook and eliminate the #1 "tool" to regain House and Senate control... Joe Biden. Its the Democrats mess. They nominated him to present a moderate front to the voters. So let them deal with the consequences. And so far I haven't seen a chorus line of party faithful lining up and applauding the President's performance the past few weeks. So everyone is under "the cone of silence" right now.
  3. Its the only excuse they can play here in order to avoid the obvious reality that they support and voted for a complete and total F.Up.
  4. Because all this was completely avoidable if we had anyone capable of planning and executing a credible withdrawal plan for civilian and military personnel. But Biden F'ed it all up. That's what happened.
  5. Or from the Governor's perspective one dead Governor!
  6. New headline: Second Explosion Reported In Kabul; US Marines Injured, Americans Told To "Leave Immediately" This disaster just got worse..
  7. Absolutely and what's been elusive has been an effective virus killer. This looks like the real deal for that task. Let's hope..
  8. Maybe instead of dicking around with lots of expensive vaccines and treatments along with all kinds of useless mandates the FDA and the NIH can get in the game on a simple yet very effective treatment based on trial results to date. Its sounds too easy but clinical studies to date validate it. https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210708005228/en/SaNOtize’s-Anti-Viral-Treatment-Made-Available-in-Israeli-Pharmacies https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210315005197/en/UK-Clinical-Trial-Confirms-SaNOtize’s-Breakthrough-Treatment-for-COVID-19
  9. Here's one: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/08/26/afghanistan-news-kabul-evacuations-continue-pullout-deadline-looms/5592386001/
  10. Because studies show masks have marginal value and proponents of the mandate refuse to discuss or debate their use from a cost and benefit perspective relative to the overall health and well-being of children.
  11. Trump didn't declare personal bankruptcy. But corporations where he was the majority shareholder and CEO did. That's how he protected his personal assets, paid himself a nice salary along the way, and laid off all the costs and consequences for the losses to minority shareholders and creditors. But does any of this have anything to do with Afghanistan?
  12. All signs point to a recommendation by the experts soon for booster shots at 6 to 8 months. The recurring revenue missing from Wall Street's vaccine maker profit projections has now appeared on the horizon. And in a few months all the pro-vaxer's with 2 shots and a booster will still be ragging on everybody that's un-vaccinating and will start ragging on anybody vaccinated with just two shots. Then all the experts and creators of all kinds of restrictions and rules will have 3 classes of people to develop discriminatory practices around. Then with the 2nd booster 4 classes while adding in the element of timing and mixing in a whole range of classifications for a family unit. Like both parents vaxed with a booster, a teenager with two shots and an under 12 child without vaccination. How does a restaurant owner treat that table for four? I read elsewhere an interesting question that was asked. Are you better off being "fully vaccinating" and getting a booster shot or being "fully vaccinating" and getting and recovering from an asymptotic or mild case of COVID? Which would provide better resistance and immunity from a potential future infection? I have no idea what the answer is but its a good question for the experts. Also, lots of recent data suggests the Delta wave has peaked and is on the down slope.
  13. That the circumstances faced by Americans trapped inside Afghanistan would be expressed in a manner implying the decision to stay or go is some voluntary conscious decisions speaks volumes of the mental contortions the administration is going through to weasel their way out of taking any accountability for this disaster. So its as simple as walking up to those armed Taliban checkpoints and telling them "I'm an American citizen and I wish to leave". Okay then they'll say. Be our guest and pass right through and have a nice day. Scenes from the action on the ground look more like a Hotel California or the Roach Motel scenario.
  14. I'll wager all the obsessive personalities and political stalkers on the board know what kind of cookies Trump likes. And that he shoplifted them from the store while shouting racial slurs at the cashier!!
  15. With the COVID outbreak every expectation of privacy has been challenged in the name of the "greater good". This theme dominates all decisions with the goal of focusing on social needs and the relegating of individual rights and freedoms to the back seat. Some even taking it to the extreme that individual needs and rights are irrelevant. Somehow we've come to believe that medical and personal privacy rights need to be waived when it comes to COVID but nothing else, yet. So the only way to be "safe" is to demand everyone gets vaccinated and provide their vaccination and health status for all to see and view on demand. But its clear the next goalpost to be moved will be the definition of fully vaccinated. Now two shots, soon to be two shots plus a booster. And then another booster. Add in the element of time regarding with everyone was inoculated and it seems like an unmanageable mess to track. Today you're fully vaccinated and tomorrow you'll get an e-mail from the HR department saying you've got 2 weeks to get your booster shot or be subject to termination. From where I sit it doesn't appear the virus cares much about anything anyone is doing here. Its going about its way of doing what it wants, spreading and mutating at will.
  16. Don't worry about high motor fuel prices. The Democrats have a plan. They are going to replace the entire gasoline powered vehicle fleet with EV's. All they need to do is figure out where all that electrical generation capacity is going to come from without using any hydrocarbon based products to build out the infrastructure and maintain it and everything will be okay. Forget about all the input materials for those vehicles. They can mine space asteroids to get all that material. I hear that's working great so far! But hey, they have lots of plans. They'll all wonderful because every one of those plans have absolutely no risks or consequences. All of us mere mortals can't see how this is possible. Clearly something is wrong with us. As they appear to have developed all their ideas through a new and advanced way of thinking that only their superior minds can conceptualize.
  17. Perhaps they can provide insights on a couple other questions from clinical and medical professional perspective. 1. If vaccinated people are "safe" is there anything medically valid about being afraid of un-vaccinated people infecting them? 2. Given what I understand is fact, that vaccinated people can carry a viral load capable of spreading the infection, what is the difference in risk between contacting an infected vaccinated person or an un-vaccinated infected person?
  18. When you devote yourself to a career as a professional liar its not possible to accept and recognize the truth when your livelihood depends on ignoring it.
  19. I think the appropriate narrative is the execution of the administration's withdrawal plan doesn't have any concern for the potential level of casualties. If it did then logically you'd withdraw your non-combatant civilian population first and then withdraw your military forces protecting them afterward. Not abandon defenseless civilians, suddenly wake up from a policy coma and realize they're in danger, and then be forced to re-insert the military to face even greater risks once the hostiles took over the territory than if you did it the right way. Biden's strategy is closer to saving the minimum number of people than it is to saving everyone.
  20. Hey, I wouldn't dismiss that scenario. How about the administration enlisting the support of a couple hundred thousand members of the greatest threat to democracy? All those "white supremacist" guys they claim are running around out there. Send this "red neck army" over to Afghanistan and offer 100 bucks a head for every Taliban or ISIS thug and dirt bag they take out. And if they end up getting shot or killed then its just one less "domestic terrorist" to worry about! Kill two birds with one stone, no pun intended. Hey maybe even generate some revenue for selling them "Taliban and ISIS hunting licenses". It would be more sport than shooting unarmed Deer and Rabbits. This might be a win/win for everybody! Because what's needed more than anything to address this problem is some creative out of the box thinking.
  21. Don't worry. The LA county prosecutor will release the suspect, drop all charges, seal the case files, and instruct the police to drop off the recall ballots at the nearest polling place. In support of democracy..
  22. You might be right but it also may be a little too early to conclude that with any level of certainty. Let's say thousands of American citizens and Afghani partners were killed or injured in the coming days I expect nobody is going to forget Afghanistan. So right now the objective of the administration is pure damage control. Or or the weapons they left behind find their way to Iran and some of our gear gets "reverse engineered" by the Iranians. Like figuring out how drone technology ticks and establishing protocols to neutralize them. Or if ISIS launches terrorist attacks within the US and intelligence concludes they've used free ability to operate inside Afghanistan to plan and prepare these attacks. I don't think anyone is going to forget that either. Or if we find dozens of active terrorist cells have infiltrated the border as a result of a failure of the administration to operate within the parameters of existing immigration and US customs polices nobody is going to forget that either. Through careless and blatant arrogance and hubris along with a disregard for common sense the administration has really left their asses exposed to all kinds of trouble. Will they be able to dodge it all? We'll find out. We also need to ask what else are they going to F. Up leading up to next November? Also, out of scope for this tread is my expectation of a significant stock market crash followed by a severe downturn in the general economy. My perspective is that its unavoidable. Add in COVID impacts to the economy and it might be a very, very bad time ahead.
  23. I remember Gene Therapy being touted before and during the tech stock blowout. And nobody on Earth expected the FDA to deny the application so it was just a matter of waiting for them to go through the motions of the approval process. And the risk of long-term complications isn't something that just fell out of the sky yesterday. The goalpost in the process of being moved will be the definition of "fully vaccinated". Today that means 2 shots. Tomorrow, all signs point to 2 shots plus a booster. Then maybe another booster in 2022. The problem is the vaccine loses its effectiveness rapidly and I can't imagine there's any past study on the risks of being inoculated with the same exact formula over and over again 4, 5, 6 times. Are the boosters being "tuned" for the Delta variant? I don't know. Whether this rapid loss of efficacy is because of the nature of the vaccine or the reaction of the immune system itself isn't clear. But common sense might suggest this is going to be an ongoing problem.
  24. You'd think so. But I still have faith the Republicans will manage to screw it up anyway. Even if the worst possible scenario plays out in the next couple week. Other than becoming fiscally responsible when they lose the majority and opposing lots of social issues pushed by the left what is their platform? What vision are they going to lay out? I've heard rumblings about running on the "law and order issue" and now using this Afghanistan disaster but then what?
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