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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Truth is "fact checking" is a polite term for censorship. Anything that conflicts with the consensus view of experts or the censor's disposition on the topic is false. Which logically is absurd. It assumes they somehow know all absolute truth and facts. More BS. As most censors are clueless idiots motivated by politics or some ideology. The idea that critical thinking, discovery, investigation, and additional knowledge can change the known facts and conclusions is somehow lost. Go back several hundred years. The expert view was the Earth was flat, all objects in the Solar System revolved around the Earth, and the Earth was the center of the Universe. Somebody posts a tweet the the Earth is a sphere, all the planets revolve around the Sun, and the Earth is not the center of the Universe. The poster's account is suspended and labeled as "This is mis-information that conflicts with the prevailing expert consensus view".
  2. If you're an Australian just throw your iPhone in the garbage. Tracking problem solved. Buy a burner with cash and use that to communicate. All that should be legal, right? At least for now..
  3. What I'm eager to hear about is the thought process behind the idea that a Summer high school trip to Afghanistan was a good idea. Pandemic, unstable government, war zone, those kinds of things. I suspect its the "nobody could have seen this coming" excuse.
  4. Well, now that CNN has given Biden a severe tongue lashing they can get back on message about the real menace.. the white supremacist threat fantasy. With delusional statements like "White supremacist and anti-government extremists have expressed admiration for what the Taliban accomplished, a worrying development for US officials who have been grappling with the threat of domestic violent extremism." US officials meaning the imbeciles and idiots running policy. I guess if you consider expressing contempt and disgust at the less than stellar evacuation conducted by the administration then sure, let's call it "admiration". Of course the Prez cites the extraordinary efforts of the administration and the military in carrying out the mission. Some of which is true but given their own incompetence in creating the need for an emergency evacuation mission its a situation hardly worthy of praise. Like somebody started the house on fire and managed to put it out after just burning up the kitchen. By this definition they're a real hero..
  5. Good points. I need to remember to never under-estimate the value of bribe-able and corrupt third world political leadership (or maybe political leadership in general?).
  6. When I hear media calls demanding the House and Senate form select committees and have standing committes investigate the withdrawal, call witnesses, and hold specific people accountable and demand they step down I'll agree with you. I expect to be waiting until the end of the world for that to happen. Tell me I'm wrong? And if you want to play the Trump card. If Trump was still running the show its 100% certain they'd be calling for impeachment hearings already. And looking for collusion with the enemy. And the other usual BS. Can you honestly say that wouldn't be where we'd be right now? But lambasting? Not really the descriptive word I'd use. More like jumping up-and-down on the living room sofa than burning down the house. Token resistance for the purposes political theater.
  7. My expectation is China will fare no better than Russia or America here. The Chinese will "make nice" at the start with all kinds of investments and incentives which the Afghans will accept. Then they'll seek to exploit the resources of the country. But won't stop there. They'll embark on a mission to colonize the country similar to what they're doing, with few paying attention to what's happening, in parts of Africa. Moving 100's of thousands, millions of Chinese citizens into the country while building segregated and gated Chinese cities. Pushing the native inhabitants out of the picture. Eventually the locals, the Taliban, and the war lords will get sick of the Chinese and work to expel them. Give it a couple years. And to top it off I wouldn't be at all surprised if at some point the US intelligence services and the military through discreet and secret arrangements becomes a silent "partner" with the Taliban when it comes time to take it to China here. Part of the idea is that before taking on China directly the US will need to engage in a few proxy wars to assess and understand their capabilities in live fire settings and this might be one of those opportunities. As the US through its actions has already provided that recon info to China.
  8. So the Texas law is using the private sector to do the dirty work? Where I wonder did they come up with that idea? Sounds to me the thinking is along the lines of the way the Fed's are using private businesses to enforce vaccine mandates. Although I have no strong opinion on the abortion issue I disapprove of the use of the private sector tactic in both cases but I suspect a lot of people that are having fits about the abortion legislation have no issue with enforcing vaccine mandate in a similar manner or visa versa.
  9. This guy's a teacher? When I saw this I thought he was a meth addict. Standards have sure dropped since I went to high school. Seems to me just another "radical" poser spouting the same old slogans and speeches while enjoying all the benefits of public employment preaching about overthrowing and removing said government employer which doesn't make you much of an anarchist. More pampered white liberal intellectual and academic horse crap which is the core demographic for this nonsense. We need to stop breeding this idiots..
  10. Whether or not Trump did right or wrong during his time in office does not absolve Biden from taking responsibility or criticism for screwing up here.
  11. I'm sure that will comfort the families of soldiers and civilians that died because of the administration's incompetence. And frankly, a Monkey sitting in a tree scratching his balls could have done it better than Biden. On the execution of the evacuation plan I mean, not the ball scratching part. I expect Joe has him beat on the second one.
  12. Or more likely historians will point to the event as a "Waterloo" moment. The event catalyzing the loss of US power and influence in international affairs followed by a drastic transfer of world power and wealth from the West to the East.
  13. Trump left 2,500 US troop in Afghanistan for operational support for ground missions and air cover to Afghani government forces. While operating in-country air support missions from Bagram. At that point these US troops had no specific combat mission operations other than the above mention support role. This US force enabled the Afghani forces to keep the Taliban at bay, a sort of equilibrium. The biggest blunder of the Biden administration was pulling these troop out first and closing the air base. This disrupted the equilibrium and pushed the advantage to the Taliban which quickly took advantage of the opportunity. Within weeks it was over. You'd expect an average idiot would have seen that coming but not this crew. The fact they've got no self-awareness is another big problem. What's more galling than the complete failure of this withdrawal is the lengths the administration is going to by insisting it was some kind of raging success. So either they are lying or delusional. Take your pick. Neither is good. And the idea that "nobody could have seen this coming" is just unacceptable. Unacceptable. We spend something like $70 Billion a year on intelligence agencies of all shapes and forms. Its more than the entire Russian military budget. And that $70B gets us what? A "nobody could have seen this coming" excuse? I don't want to hear any excuses I want accountability. So where do all those resources and funds go? Surveillance operations on single mothers in the Mid-West expressing concerns on school masking policies? I'll wager some intelligence asset or analyst inside the CIA or some other agency assigned to Afghanistan operations knew exactly what was going to happen and was ignored. Somebody screwed up here. Somebody dropped the ball. Somebody wouldn't listen. Somebody wouldn't speak up. And people died and now the US looks like some kind of clown car operation to friends and foes. If they were worried about bad optics they've got bad optics. Biden's empty speeches about a successful withdrawal would be comical if the situation wasn't so tragic. Is he really that clueless? Somebody needs to go before they "F" up the next assignment and get more people killed. And if Biden won't pull the trigger and fire these incompetents then he's put the bullseye right on the problem. Himself.
  14. Completely incorrect. Just look at countries with high vaccine rates. There's no correlation to that and low case numbers. The fact that booster shots are being pushed at 6 months confirms the limited duration of immunity. 6 months. And there's a need for a viral killer. The current approach is never going to work..
  15. Well a large Israeli study did find that "natural" immunity was 13x more effective against the delta variant than the vaccines. And we know the vaccines don't kill off the virus so both vaccinated and un-vaccinated people can carry a viral load capable of passing on the infection. Which can make vaccinated people a seemingly healthy walking virus incubator and spreader. So yes, the fact you might have a vaccine passport is not equivalent to you being incapable of passing on the virus. Given the Israeli government seems to be ignoring this study I'm certain the US government will too. The effective way to ensure a person doesn't carry the virus is through testing. If you look at countries that have gotten the virus under control its because of vigorous testing, and contact tracing which seems pretty much non-existent here. And given there are tests approved through EUA by the FDA that are self-administered and produce a result in around 15 minutes we should be taking advantage of that and doing more testing. Like checking school kids at home in the morning several times a week before school to prevent school outbreaks and closings. And keeping a focus on utilizing virus killing treatments that are either available or in P3 trials. A few of which appear to be "game changers" but get completely brushed off and ignored in the press and officialdom. I can only presume its because such a treatment would disrupt their vaccine focused approach. And as we know questioning experts is now forbidden. I can't understand why its not crystal clear to everyone, especially the people running the show here, that just vaccinating everyone is not going to stop the virus or end the pandemic. You need both immunity and you need to kill off the virus. But the vaccines don't provide long-term immunity or stop infection. They provide limited protection against serious illness for a limited amount of time. The vax is really equivalent to a pre-treatment. I feel its dishonest that all the people in charge insist to continue calling it a vaccine. And ignore many "experts" that frankly have more credible arguments and logical conclusions than they do. And while its certain that these "vaccines" are useful and effective for what they can do they are not delivering what was originally advertised. Which is the idea that by immunizing everyone so we can return to normal.
  16. Governor... just a bit delusional, don't you think? For one Trump's "deal" with the Taliban was conditional. Conditions the Biden administration ignored. Second, a near perfect mission that was unnecessary given the presence of a valid and rational withdrawal strategy. Third, any suggestions that Trump bares responsibility for the disaster is preposterous given the fact the administration has not hesitated to overturn every other policy of the previous administration. Except of course this one they claim. If they didn't like the "plan" or the deal they could have changed it like everything else. They didn't. So they own it plain and simple, whatever they claim it was here. Sure Joe delivered. But what Joe delivered was equivalent to ordering a 20 oz, Ribeye at a five star steakhouse and having the waiter bring you a bag of dog poop. Right, Joe delivered. A hot steaming pile of a mess. A perfectly incorrectly executed withdrawal plan.
  17. "If you have the vaccine you can still spread the virus." That's pretty much it. What it implies is your vax status of "vaccinated" is not equivalent to posing no threat to others. Your viral load is the issue. And people either vaxed or not vaxed can still carry a viral load capable of infecting others. Just what the specific risk either poses is unclear to me. But there is a risk in either case. But all the government cares about is vaxing. A program on its own that is guaranteed to fail in stopping the spread of the virus and its variants. So in 2030 I'll be on my 19th booster shot wearing a mask at the supermarket. And the host at the local restaurant will greet you with asking "what would you prefer, COVID or non-COVID seating?" The problem is when you mix politics and science you get politics. And the objective of vaxing everybody is not equivalent of or synonymous with stopping the virus. That's where we're at here now. At some point we need to invoke common sense.
  18. What's tough about the Coronavirus is that it presents a moving target. Like the Common Cold virus. You get one strain of the cold today and then 4 months from now you get another one. Before this you might see maybe 10 or 15 thousand Coronavirus cases in the US per year. But none of those prior natural strain varieties had the severity or were as highly infectious as COVID-19. I say natural strain because I'm totally convinced this COVID-19 strain is man-made from one source or another. So I'm not at all surprised the vaccine has a limited shelf life and that its less effective against variants. I know a little about viruses but myself nor anyone else would never, ever consider me a viral expert. Far from it. But just like most of us what I do know how to do is read and do research and interpret statistics and data. So after looking at the nature of this specific virus and forming some conclusions I expected what's unfolding right now to happen. That the vaccine alone is not going to get the job done. Now here's the part that pisses me off. I'm 100% positive all the real "experts" knew this too. But said nothing (or got censored) other than things like if we get everyone vaccinated and reach "herd immunity" life can return to "normal". Either lying or withholding information. That's what aggravates me about this situation. It was clear as day and yet they fed the public constant BS about the vaccine initiative. And now its endless booster shot time and some convoluted tracking system and rules to identify the "status" of every person. More BS. Somewhere I saw it pointed out that almost all these experts depend on government grants and contracts to perform and continue their "research". And as it goes its hard to convince a man of the truth when their livelihood depends on not believing it. And socially all along we're asked to surrender our freedoms for safety and at the moment it appears we have neither. That's why I've been shouting out about things like instant testing, better treatments for hospitalized patients, and effective virus killing compounds and medications. Today these things are available. And nobody in charge of anything is pushing to augment the vaccine initiative with the other available tools that will make the response much more effective. And bring the outbreak under control through a common sense and achievable plan.
  19. Sure these deaths are preventable. Just get the FDA to approve treatments for hospitalized patients that have shown efficacy and safety in clinical trials, that show up to 85% reductions in deaths, sitting on their desks for month after month and accelerate trials on promising virus killers like Nitric Oxide nasal sprays that P2 trials have shown kill 95% of the virus in one day of use. Something these knuckleheads can't seem to comprehend is if the vaccine doesn't stop the virus from spreading, mutating, or incubating in the host you're not going to stop the pandemic. And maybe recognizing the value of naturally acquired immunity. But nothing that can help that isn't focusing on their vaxing obsession seems to matter.
  20. Actually by definition the suicide bomber got himself..
  21. On the Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco some suffer from a couple behavior afflictions. Cognitive dissonance and compulsive-obsessive disorder. Continuing to cling to the belief that Biden is competent and successful when the facts don't support that in any way. The result is mental confusion and an inability to process reality. And the second, continuing to obsess about Trump. Elevating his influence to some God-like level over all things and events which might be some subconscious love/hate psychological conflict. Refusing to move on with life.
  22. A few interesting studies. One on immunity specific to Delta. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2021/08/having-sars-cov-2-once-confers-much-greater-immunity-vaccine-no-infection-parties A second/third on clinical trials (India & Canada) of an inexpensive spray treatment that does what the vaxes don't which is kill the virus. This + the vaccine might be the ticket to eradicating or at least controlling the virus. And nitric oxide, a common supplement, is pretty cheap https://medicaldialogues.in/news/industry/pharma/covid-treatment-glenmark-gets-cdsco-panel-okay-for-phase-3-trial-of-nitric-oxide-nasal-spray-81200 https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210623005354/en/SaNOtize-Obtains-Health-Canada-Approval-to-Begin-Enrolment-for-Phase-III-Trials-for-COVID-19-Anti-Viral-Treatment
  23. All your cute pictures and tweet references from anybody and everybody with an opinion aren't going to change the fact Biden and his group of buffoons screwed up the withdrawal to a degree nobody would have imagined was possible and Americans are dead as a result. They need to be held accountable and suffer the consequences. And some advice... When you find yourself in a hole from defending an indefensible position, stop digging!
  24. For me its not the statements and questions Beasley and others are making and asking. It's the answers or the lack of answers. Questioning the inconsistencies that get explained away by "the science" without ever getting an explanation of what "the science' is that explains it away. Just shut up and get the shot! That's the answer to every question. Get the shot, and then get another shot in 6 months, and another shot 6 months after that, and for the rest of your life. And don't ask any questions. The shot will keep you from getting sick and spreading the virus to others. Oh, wait! The shot will keep you from getting seriously sick but you can still get sick. Oh wait! The shot won't keep you from spreading the virus to others but it will lower the viral load you pass on. Sounds great. So the bottom line is the shot won't eliminate the risk of getting sick but it will lower the risks of getting sick, and lower the risks of getting severely sick, and lower the risks of spreading it to others but its only good for doing that for 6 months. What he's saying is that's just not a good enough risk/reward trade off for getting injected with what many scientists and researchers consider an experimental biologic that might cause a lot of health problems later. Health problems that are worse than COVID would be. That's his point. And while I got the shot in my situation I understand what the guy is on to here. I had similar thoughts, and still do. But just do what these credentialed idiot experts tell you. What the experts don't tell you is they're making it all up as we go and they have no idea if any of it is going to work to stop the spread and allow life to return to "normal". I think that's another major theme in play here. If he was kneeling down for the Anthem or making a social statement advocating some social justice cause the media and the league would be falling all over themselves to get in on it. But since he's questioning COVID policy, a subject that requires everyone to just shut up and obey and do what you're told or we'll all die because of people like you its a different story. The fear of death, that's what drives it all.
  25. More like bored by this endless bull crap out of the "resistance" that never amounts to anything. Like this won't either..
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