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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. So.. majorities of citizens exercising their legal rights over important issues at the local level is a threat to democracy?
  2. I'm not disappointed. It all happened as I expected. Truth is I don't care any more for Trump than I do Biden. But you seem to equate my aversion to authoritarian big government as an endorsement of his agenda. So be it then. I've said it a couple times in a few topics the Democrats did Trump a favor by defeating him in 2020. What they did is like taking over command from the Captain of the Titanic after the ship hit the iceberg. So Captain Smith says thanks its your problem now. The social and economic problems our country, and the world at large, is going to face in 2022 are much worse than what happened in 2021. This year was just a warm up. And at this point its way too late to blame Trump. Doing so will only anger the voters further. But the far left wing of the party running things now is completely tone deaf to the circumstances. They'll keep pushing their crackpot agenda which if enacted with only make it worse. Unless sensible moderates within the party take charge and move the agenda to the middle. Something I'd prefer over the Republicans taking control and then doing nothing much with it. But I don't hold out much hope the moderates will prevail in the short run. As it looks now the most likely scenario is a rout of the Democrats in November 2022. That's what this committee is all about. Not justice or threats to democracy but the hope that keeping 1/6 in the news flow will keep "The Devil" alive to hopefully impact the outcome next November. But it looks to this point to be a big fail.
  3. So... you're an experienced and "competent" professional in charge of Capitol security. Based on expectations of crowd size you know there's going to be about 100K or more pissed off Trump supporters on the grounds the next day. So as a matter of due diligence you: A) Assess the risk of the specific event? B) Determine that additional security is justified by the risk? C) Brief other law enforcement organizations and Congressional leadership on your assessment? D) Request additional security forces for the next day? E) Deploy additional security both inside and outside the Capitol? F) All the above? G) Ignore the known risk and do none of the above? Answer: G. Do nothing and let the Capitol be overrun by protesters the following day. Makes absolute and logical sense. But the dumbest part of all is nobody anywhere beyond some mis-information spreaders are calling you out or asking any questions about why you let this happen. Why is that?
  4. Florida real estate goes through boom and bust cycles on occasion. My brother picked up a nice condo right across the street from the ocean in Pompano Beach after the housing crash circa 2008. My parents used to have a place near Ft. Meyers that we used to vacation at on occasion. I thought the Sarasota area was nice and its close enough to Tampa if you want something close to a big city experience. But thank the lord for AC because for me its just too hot in the Summer. But I also found that sitting outside on New Years Day in sunny high 70's is a great escape and amazing experience compared to shoveling snow and freezing your behind off up here in the North. But before spending big money, you should be aware that the entire State of Florida is going to be under ocean water in 12 years if we don't stop all carbon emissions immediately. It might make more sense to move to western Colorado and build a nice big boat just in case!
  5. I love the saying when you "when you find gold, stop digging". So if there's all this evidence of wrongdoing out there right now as you astutely cite constantly why is there any need for this committee to keep digging? I mean day after day you come up with all kinds of quotes and opinions from assorted sources that seem to know everything there is to know here. Why aren't Trump or his loyal henchmen under indictment and being tried right now? Because its all a big nothingburger, that's why. At some point you're going to suffer a bitter disappointment the moment you realize and accept that none of this is going to amount to anything resembling a criminal offense but it's obvious you're not there yet.
  6. Patriot fans need to accept that the Bills now have Josh Allen. Super hero franchise QB. A QB I wouldn't trade for any other QB right now. If you wanted to genetically create a QB with superior physical ability, mental aptitude, toughness, emotions, and leadership skills you'd come up with Josh. No amount of Belichik kryptonite was going to stop Superman on Sunday. Surround him with a supporting cast of some very good offensive players (but still upgrade the o-line!) and its a lethal offensive group when it's working. Add in a coaching staff and front office that hits more than it misses. Add it all up to a worthy and potentially dominant adversary. That's what their fans will be looking at twice a year for the next 10 years. So back at ya. Deal with it. We had to. But that is over for us. Going forward they'll be licking the white dog poop! .
  7. And we have a winner! Stretch out the pandemic until after November 2022 to necessitate nationwide mail-in ballot rules for the mid-terms. That's the best hope to retain Congress in 2022. The fly in the ointment is Omicron as its not going to lead to jumps in hospitalizations and death counts. That's why the big interest in testing everybody all of a sudden. Boost those case counts. But its mostly asymptomatic (read: false positives) and mild cases. Vax or no-vax status people will be questioning the mandates and lock downs and these questions will grow louder and louder. Enough of this..
  8. Maybe the committee for public safety can also release the secret government files on the Kennedy assassination, expose the alien conspiracies with Area 51, and identify the hiding place of the Knights Templar treasure while they're at it?
  9. It would be a shock if the Bills didn't finish at 11-6 if they show the performance and effort of Sunday's big win in the final 2 games. If the idea is to avoid the Colts in the Wild Card round then moving up to the 3rd seed seems necessary given the Colts schedule the last 2 weeks. Raiders at home, Jags on the road. Can't make a good case they'd lose either. In week 17 the Bills need to take care of business with Atlanta but there are several important and competitive match ups that you can make a rational case for going either way. Chiefs/Bengals Dolphins/Titans Rams/Ravens Broncos/Chargers Browns/Steelers
  10. But the fun part of this committee set up as judge, jury, and executioner is they never really have to prove anything. They can take one or two "facts" (like there was an actual protest and some protesters entered the Capitol that day) and manufacture lots of conjecture and subjective interpretation of events to fill in all the blanks and leave out any nonsupporting details along with implying motive and just keep pounding away with it thru the media. They won't dare ask any tough and insightful questions like "can you prove any of this"? Which the answer would be "Well no, we can't prove it but we all really know what happened. Don't we?"
  11. That's a great conspiracy theory but it's a terrible plan.
  12. I thought it was kind of disrespectful but when you win on the road that's how you want the game to end. In complete silence.
  13. Don't worry. The idiots will find a ready and willing market for their stockpile as there is large and consistent demand for the medication which is popular with doctors, patients, and insurers as its cheap, safe, and effective for the indication. Yes. Opinions to the contrary are mis-information and unsupported by "the science". Fun fact: A review of history shows mis-information is almost always generated by the ruling class.
  14. I wonder how many Americans believing HCL is a dangerous drug are aware that a little over 20% of all monthly US written and filled prescriptions for the inflammation market are HCL? With no deaths reported. Safe for inflammation, dangerous for COVID.
  15. They don't have to prove anything. They never do that. All they need to do is generate a compelling and interesting story that's good enough to satisfy the idiots in the political base and push the whores in the media to spread it. And the bar is low for both those things to happen.
  16. Supporting the individual's right to choose and expressing disapproval of mandates and the use of government force and coercion is not anti-vax or a left vs. right issue.
  17. That a good hypothesis based on professional opinion and experience but there is no evidence presented to validate or invalidate it or prove it true or false.
  18. The Committee for Public Safety will just make up as much crap as they can, peddle it off as fact through the usual media outlets, and hope some of it sticks to the wall with the voters beyond the rapid political base while trying to keep these Kangaroo Court proceedings in the news cycle for as long as possible. As a congressional entity they have no judicial authority and as such have no official or legal obligations to prove anything or provide any evidence for inspection and verification. So they have the latitude and ability to lie.
  19. Here the State has reported record case levels over 15K where the previous Delta wave highs were in the 6K range. But I personally do not know of a single person that has tested positive. But I did feel like crap last week for a couple days, however, I didn't bother getting tested. What for? What are they going to do for me? Tell me to stay home and stay away from public places and if I feel worse call the doctor. I already figured that out for myself. Today all is well. As viruses go, Omicron looks like its arriving right on time with its higher infection rate and, so far, less lethal nature. My guess is this is the beginning of the end of the COVID pandemic phase which is great news for almost every person on the planet. But for mandate advocates, not so much.
  20. Interesting that Democratic pollsters and party leaders are concluding the continued Trump-centric focused messaging, while playing well to the core base, is having no positive influence or impact on moderate and independent potential voters based on recent polling numbers where the majority of respondents are blaming the Democrats for basically everything going wrong in the country. Voter dissatisfaction with the ruling party is foretelling a potential rout of the majority next November. Some in the DNC are expressing the need to shift the messaging focus to specific issues and problems to highlight the party's solutions and programs meant to address these areas voters find important.
  21. More effective than any mask and soon to be mandatory for utilizing public transportation and attending sporting events. The perfect holiday gift or stocking stuffer for friends and family. https://www.feldfire.com/Scott-AP50-CBRN-SCBA-2002-NFPA-Edition-Used-SCBA-4500psi_p_6615.html?utm_campaign=Apparels+|+Shopping+|+Bing&msclkid=8d702bf556f0195b3c784a309c6a0a76&utm_term=4579328493957291&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=Work+Safety+Protective+Gear
  22. If I'm vaccinated can I get my share of that public money back? All of it in Tens and Twenties would be fine.
  23. More testing = more cases but don't expect to see a corresponding increase in hospitalizations and deaths with Omicron. NYC says Time Square New Year's Eve festivities are still a go with a more limited crowd of 15K in the corral where all participants must be fully vaccinated and masked along with being required to demonstrate they can hold their breath for 3 1/2 hours.
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