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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. We've devolved into a system of coercion and tyranny where elected and appointed officials issue mostly medically unsupported and unexplained edicts and proclamations, without public debate and conversation, that have taken medicine and science out of the hands of physicians, researchers, and scientists working in a cooperative environment to serve and balance the interests of society and individual patients. Add to that a bonus feature where unqualified social media platform managers officiate and monitor the public health conversation deciding which ideas, facts, and opinions (informed and uninformed) should be allowed to enter the conversation. A task that should be left to the medical and scientific communities and patients to freely evaluate to draw conclusions and set health policies. Its a mess at an entirely higher level that can not and will not produce the results necessary to manage and suppress the outbreak. Supporting officials issuing these mandates is supporting failure.
  2. Let me guess An upper middle class white college educated woman of privilege preaching about the plight of poor and oppressed blacks. None of which she's every personally met. Like all virtue signaler that believe admitting their sins entitles them to maintain there privilege and possessions.
  3. Because the ideologists use the excuse that Trump is extremely evil as justification to violate and break all laws and exceed their authority. Using that excuse they are performing noble acts of sacrifice and good above and beyond the law, invoking that excuse to break all legal, constitutional, ethical, or moral boundaries and limits without being subject to any adverse consequences. In other words, they're all sociopath scumbags.
  4. Not a dumb question at all. But rather something important. Because if the immune response generated by the vaccine is consistent with the immune response generated by natural immunity then the ability or inability to identify or use antibody level measures as an indicator of effectiveness should be consistent. And if you look at clinical trial outcomes measures (primary & secondary) like the Pfizer vaccine trial they list, for example: "Proportion of participants in Phase 1 achieving a greater than or equal to 4-fold rise from before vaccination in SARS-CoV-2 serum neutralizing antibody levels [ Time Frame: Through 2 years after the final dose ] As measured at the central laboratory." Which I read as the vaccine generates antibodies. So why can we measure these antibodies in a vaccine clinical trial but not from natural immunity? Maybe the FDA, CDC, NIH, etc. can explain? How you can not measure antibodies accurately in the case of natural immunity but you can measure antibodies accurately in the case of vaccination? Or maybe you can't?
  5. If the vaccine works consistent with how the definition of a vaccine states, which is to provide immunity, then nobody can get you sick with COVID. Because you are immune. End of story. So if you've gotten vaccinated and you're still worried about getting sick either you are acting out of irrational fear or the vaccine does not grant immunity. And rather the provide immunity it provides protection or pre-emptive treatment by either suppressing the symptom or lowering the severity of the illness.
  6. There's several issues here. Does the jurisdiction have the authority to issue the mandate with or without the consent of its citizens? And do masks have any positive impact on inhibiting the spread of the virus? By mask type, by social setting, etc. And if so, what is the objective measure of that increase in protection for the specific situation? And does the level of increased protection (if any) produce a benefit that exceeds any and all costs (financial, social, etc,) associated with the mandate? The first one is for the courts to decide, the next two for the medical and scientific community to provide, and the last for the communities and people involved to discuss and collectively decide. We're making all of this way too hard.
  7. If memory serves me well nobody was held accountable for Benghazi. It was all act. Also, we never did find out who in the Obama administration gave the stand-down order to the rescue mission that was in-flight during the attack. So no accountability there either. So beyond the ridiculous idea that Trump is to blame (and curiously that they could change everything his administration put in place except this) for there terribly timed and executed withdrawal "plan" who is or will be held accountable for the Afghan withdrawal disaster? How many people will resign or be fired? I suggest we put a pin back in the grenade on this one until this all plays out but my bet is nobody in the Administration, the Pentagon, or the Intelligence Community is going to be held accountable. The nobody could have seen this coming excuse will prevail. And the party operatives in the media will work overtime to bury the story until it fades.
  8. That' might be a good question. I don't know the answer. But I'm not hear to defend Trump. The problem is Democrats get judged by different set of criteria and so do others that serve the needs of their elite 1% masters. When a republican (unless they're Bush's or Chaney's or some other American "royal" family) lies or is involved in an act of indiscretion or some other negative situation they get exposed and have to deal with the consequences. And if that doesn't work it gets taken to the next level and the government and the media make up a bunch of stuff and push those narratives. When a democrat lies or is involved in an act of indiscretion or some other negative situation nothing ever happens. There are no government investigations or charges or hearings and the media whitewashes the story, suppresses any voices communicating or reporting on it, and ignores it until it goes away. That's today's reality. You can bet if somebody outside the protected political class screwed the pooch like Biden did on the Afghanistan withdrawal there would be House and Senate hearings already scheduled and talk of invoking the 25th or Impeachment. But senile Old Joe gets a full pass. Because he's protected. If this was a Mafia operation, a characterization which hits close to the truth, you'd call him a Made Man. So he gets a pass, for his "successful" withdrawal. I heard it put best. The administration's spin on the successful withdrawal is like celebrating the sinking of the Titanic as the most successful life boat rescue mission ever.
  9. Because the Democrats control the government and they along with their agents control the mainstream and social media. So the douche bag 1) wasn't arrested or charged, 2) the story of the attack received no airplay or coverage despite its clearly racial overtones. Now if the pro-Elders group would have retaliated and stomped the crap out of the attackers you bet your little booties the story would have grown wings and would have flown off front and home pages everywhere. So their reaction to the incident was both smart and restrained.
  10. I can agree on a lot of things but I'll admit. I'm getting lost here. I've listened to Biden, Fauci, the CDC, and all the mayors, governors, and other officials issuing statements and edicts on restrictions and mandates. I see the benefits of the vaccine but I also see the limitations of the vaccine. What I don't see is any admission of those limitations in official policy and goals. More or less Biden said he's issued mandatory vaccination orders primarily in order to protect the vaccinated from the un-vaccinated. That's seems to be what everybody is worried about. Keeping un-vaccinated out of the workplace, bars and club, shows, public places because they pose a risk to the vaccinated. So why is that even necessary? Because if the vaccine worked like a vaccine is defined to work an un-vaccinated and infected person can not get a vaccinated person sick. Period. So what the POTUS is implicitly admitting is the COVID vaccines do not work. Because if they did work I as a vaccinated person should have no fear that un-vaccinated individual pose any risk to me. End of story. Its more like a prophylactic treatment. If the COVID vaccine worked like a traditional vaccine it should: Grant immunity and protect you from getting sick, period. In any shape, way, or form. Prevent the virus from using the host as an incubator. Prevent the host from passing the virus to somebody else. Produces immunity without severe adverse side effects. What the COVID vaccines do is: Protect you from serious illness. Provide protection for a unknown period of time. So how is it possible to stop a viral outbreak with a biological agent that has those attributes? But public policy has gone "all in" on vaccines and at this point resorted to threats and intimidation to get their way. Which won't turn out to be very effective public policy.
  11. I think this 2021 Bills team is a very talented group and is the real deal here but I am also nervously watching. For a little historical perspective my mind wanders back to the Gailey/Bledsoe era. It was 2002 when the Bills acquired Bledsoe in a trade with the Patriots and the offense lit up the league for a while. Lots of 300 yard passing games and big point totals. Optimism was high. In fact I still have my number 11 Bledsoe jersey hanging in the closet. But after a while defenses figured out Gailey's offense, the big passing totals stopped piling up, the offense became ineffective, and the experiment ended in 2004 with a season ending loss to the 15-1 Steelers 2nd and 3rd stringers where Bledsoe threw for 189 yards and RB Willie Parker became a legend in Pittburgh. In the draft following the season the Bills pulled off a 1st round trade (I think with Dallas?) and the JP Losman era began and the search for that franchise QB that started when Jim Kelly retired continued until it ended with the appearance of Josh Allen on the scene. In 2005 Bledsoe went to the Cowboys put up a 9-7 season and in week 7 of the 2006 season was replaced by Tony Romo and never started another game there. A big reason the Bills lost on Sunday was they didn't win enough of the one-on-one battles. Beating the guy in front of you, that's what it ultimately comes down to in football. But Daboll needs to stop outsmarting himself, stop the cute stuff, focus on addressing the fundamental weakness in this offense last season, and put his players in positions to win those one-on-one battles. His game plan completely hung the offensive line out to dry against arguably the best front 7 in football. Given that strength of the opponent comes as no surprise that borders on insanity. Going heavy with 4/5 WR sets against a defense that has 3, maybe 4, pro bowl players on it's front 7 is not a good strategy. And saying we didn't execute is a cop-out. Your game plan sucked. Plain and simple. A lot of this is linked to the unwillingness to use the running game. I'll say it again, run the damn ball a little more with the running backs, not the QB. Now if I see 33% of the plays against the Dolphins in a 4/5 receiver set I am going to start wondering if there is something seriously wrong here.
  12. It will be the professional variety. The Summer games were a snooze-fest for me. Some of which has to do with the time zone difference. Some of which has to do with all the virtue signaling which is getting all too predictable and tiresome. Although I did like most of the track and field competition. But $100 says before the Winter games we hear from some social activist nut jobs that the Winter Olympics are racist because most of the events are things White people like. Sports like the intense game of Curling.
  13. Questioning things is not equivalent to denying the existence of the virus. But based on the hysteria being generated around deaths an objective observer would be led to believe its equivalent to the Black Death that killed 50% of the population of Europe in the 1300's. Its not. And if there was ever a wake up call to lose that extra weight, stop smoking, stop drinking, get in decent shape, add some muscle mass, cut down on your sugar intake, avoid fatty foods, and take some vitamins and minerals like vitamin C and D, and Zinc this is it. Then maybe you won't let fear of death control you.
  14. Yes all those things. But the biggest kick in the nut sack from yesterday was the Bills led in almost every statistical category. First downs, number of plays, passing and rushing yards, time of possession but lost the game because of critical penalties and the blocked punt.
  15. I think its more than that with Allen. During the 2019 season when fans were in attendance I thought he played better and was more in control of his game on the road (6-2) than at home (4-4). I think Josh just tries too hard to return the support and for lack of a better word the "love" the fans show him and his Bills teammates at home. Playing at Wyoming I don't expect he ever experienced an environment like a Bills home game before turning pro so it might still be a bit overwhelming for him. But I expect with some awareness and a little more experience and maturity he'll settle down.
  16. I hope this is a wake up call for the players and coaches that have listened to all the hype about this team going into the season. With this hard kick of reality in the face I expect to see a team preparing and playing to take no prisoners against the Dolphins next Sunday. We've been getting all kinds of experts jumping on the bandwagon and picking the Bills for the Super Bowl giving us the impression we should all start making arrangements for travel plans and a day off from work for the Super Bowl victory parade next February. If you're a long timer Bills fan I'm sure you were just as skeptical and cautious as I was leading up to the game yesterday. In the end we saw another Bills team that got over-hyped and came out flat. Something that happens way to often but also something you've come to expect. But all the hype and social media out there bombarding them has got to get into the players heads. its hard to ignore and its got to impact their mental preparation and mindset. This loss might be a well needed wake up call. Turn off the phone, cancel your social media accounts, put down the papers and shut off the devices and turn off the web, decline all the optional interviews, say all the right things, and focus on business and step up your game. That includes the coaches. The talent is there. Its time to deliver.
  17. As almost all of those "excess" deaths occurred in people with lots of pre-existing conditions that negatively impact life expectancy or among the old with immune systems compromised from the aging process we should expect to see several years of below average death counts as the pandemic passes and fatality rates regresses to mean. The pandemic isn't killing off millions of young and otherwise healthy people. Reality is old and sick people tend to die more often.
  18. After re-watching some of the game this morning and checking into the stats I think the Bills simply beat themselves yesterday. In the long run of this season this might be the best thing to happen to this team right out of the gate. The loss blasts away all the hype and forecasts of greatness and brings the team back to Earth to get down to business. In the 4 PM game I watched the Browns get the Chiefs on the ropes late into the 2nd half. But KC hung in and turned it on at the end and won the game. Eventually the Chiefs clicked on both sides of the ball and the Browns effective play just fell apart. I'm no Chiefs fan but they have that missing "IT" factor this Bills team needs to develop. And maybe this loss to the Steelers is the kick in the face kind of wake up call for this season that the Hail Murray was for last year.
  19. The most telling statistic for me. 4 red zone trips and 1 TD. McKenzie takes the opening kick off at the 1 and returns it to the Steelers 24. Bills go 3 and out and settle for the FG.
  20. After playing the regular season last year without fans in the stands I was curious how the Bills would come out today. Emotional, all business, something in between? I do think the sellout home crowd atmosphere gets Allen too amped up. When the home stadium is full and rocking I think he gets a little distracted. What I'm looking at is a guy that wants to deliver for the crowd a little too much. On the road I think he's more composed and steady. And last season without fans in Orchard Park he played lights out most home games. The other glaring problem today was the Steelers rush never allowed Allen to get comfortable. He was under pressure on most plays. And off target on many throws either from pressure or anticipating pressure. The play calling today did him no favors either. I think that's a consensus view on the board tonight. Way too much empty which narrows down the play options to the QB passing the ball or running himself. Daboll also needs to mix it up when it comes to formation and personnel packages. Just understanding those two factors it was pretty well telegraphed what the Bills were trying to do play to play. Even those designed runs by Allen were well telegraphed. If I can figure out a lot of what the offense is going to do you can bet your life the Steelers coaching group knows a lot better. A little deception with the play calls mixing things up with formation and personnel groups needs to be dialed up here. As somebody said in another post defenses eventually figure it out and playing a talented and well-coached defense like the Steelers group being predictable is death for your offense. Today it looked like the Steelers defensive coaches and players were siting in on the Bills offensive game planning sessions all week.
  21. 1. Expected a close game and that's what it was until the blocked punt gave the Steelers a two score lead. 2. Not going to argue whether they were good calls by the officials or not and there weren't an excessive number of penalties against the Bills but almost every one of them seemed to be key to helping keep the game close early and putting the Steelers in the lead in the 2nd half. Multiple holding calls killing Bills drives, defensive calls keeping Steelers in the game. 3. More or less no measurable improvement to the pass rush from last season and doubly bad given the Steelers line had 4 new starters. 4. Offensive play calling never adapted to address a consistent Steeler pass rush that pressured Allen on most throws. Maybe too much empty set? 5. The blocked punt. Questionable off-season decision to replace last season's punter with a guy with an extremely deliberate and slow punting form. 6. Steelers made half time adjustments and the Bills didn't respond. 7. Its an opening day loss but is this something to get worried about this early? For me, no.
  22. I also noted his punting motion and time to get the ball off is a little slow un the pre-season. Its cost us big here..
  23. 9/11 brought us the Patriot Act and DHS and the concept of the surveillance state. COVID will bring us elimination of medical privacy protections and public health mandates (don't be surprised in a month or so when calls for mandatory flu shots start to grow louder) along with permanent contact tracking and location apps on our phones and in our vehicles and homes. To track potential viral outbreaks of course. All of this for our "safety". Personally, I prefer to "opt out" of the government's protection racket because from what I'm seeing so far the deal is heavily weighted against the average citizen. I surrender freedom and privacy in exchange for some imaginary increased amount of safety. No thank you. The trade off is a clear ruse for the purpose of acquiring power and control. And its working. Resistance and refusal to cooperate is the only answer as frankly we're past the point where dialogue with the oppressors is productive as they simply do not care to listen. Our current "President" personifies the arrogance of this political and elite class pushing the agenda perfectly.
  24. So you go to the supermarket and they ask to see your vax card. You refuse to show it, even if you have one. My elected representatives passed no legislation that legally requires me to an obligation to share my medical history with every random stranger that asked to see it. What will they do? Just let it slide or call the cops? What are the cops going to do? Arrest you. So millions of citizens to do that. What's the government and its agents going to do? Arrest them all. As its obvious these would-be despots have no intertest in facts or science or reason the best way to deal with the mandates is to ignore the illegitimate mandates of an illegitimate administration. Resist but without violence because part of the game being played Fascists running the show here is to provoke a response they can use to exert more control.
  25. I was reading a story on a study that concluded young boys have a much greater chance of developing cardiac myocarditis. a serious condition commonly referred to as heart inflammation, than they do of requiring hospitalization from COVID. Link here to pre-print abstract: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.30.21262866v1 One of the comments posted was pretty insightful to me. Basically the poster suggested the risk to children suffering adverse side effects from the vaccine is worth taking because the vaccine will immunize them and stop them from being a carrier of the virus and potentially infecting others. That belief is medically false. The vaccine will not provide immunity from COVID. What it does is provide protection from serious illness and you can still infect others. All evidence points to my statement as true. (On a side not on investment site I subscribe to a poster stated the FDA has even changed their "definition" of a "vaccine" from something that grants "immunity" to something the provides "protection". I've yet to confirm that but an interesting re-defintion if true). My translation of that post mentioned above is you should be willing to assume all risks of the vaccine in order to protect me and others. That seems pretty selfish or perhaps somebody assuming the risk as selfless. You take all the risks so you and I can receive some level of benefits. You won't get sick and you won't get me sick. This is also a false premise. You can get sick and you can get me sick too. It caused me to zero-in on the ideology behind vaccine mandates. Its based on the unstated belief that we all have some social obligation to others regardless of the risks we might need to take or our personal assessment of our own needs. And this obligation supersedes all rights granted under our legal system and by documents like the Constitution. This obligation created by its proponents exists without ever discussing it or agreeing to it. You listen to people advocating for the mandates and that's what they're really supporting. So where you stand depends on where you sit on the idea that some newly defined and informal social obligation to act against your personal will supersedes your formally defined individual rights to choose for yourself. Frankly, I got the Moderna shots but I agreed to no such obligation and I expect few others did either. I got vaccinated because all the information available at the time indicted the vaccine would protect me against getting COVID. That's why anyone takes any vaccine. To protect them, the specific person getting the shot. That's where it all starts and ends. I or anyone else has no obligation to protect anyone else beyond their social circle and in a voluntary manner. But social obligation concepts aside the ultimate problem with the vaccine mandates is they aren't supported by the science as vaccinating the population alone is not going to stop the virus from spreading or mutating. Real life evidence out of highly vaccinated populations supports that conclusion. And the critical issue isn't the mandate, the critical issue is the mandate won't solve the problem. So why are all kinds of credentialed and uninformed idiots insisting on it and ignoring all facts and studies that present evidence that doesn't support their approach? I think its just plain old fashioned arrogance. Led by that old arrogant SOB at the top.
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