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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. If you believe I am in any way expressing anger then we're just not communicated effectively here. I would support exemptions if proof was presented that the participants in the event posed zero threat to each other but that simply isn't true. Officials are making a wild and false assumption that vaccinated people can't get sick and can't transmit the virus and that is medically known to be false. So exemptions are bogus.
  2. The fundamental problem is proof of vaccination is not synonymous with being immune to getting infected or being incapable of transmitting the virus to someone else or incapable of carrying the virus in your system. As long as this unqualified potential is ignored by people making public policy that policy will be flawed. People will continue to get sick and transmit the virus to others vaccinated or not. And sure anybody that wants to can make the argument the shot provides "protection" and lowers the risk of both getting sick and transmitted the virus, which I have little doubt is true. But I also suspect the data is muddled and these "breakthrough cases" happen a lot more often than vaccine proponents would like to admit and the preference through the official message is to ignore the topic rather than to find out the answer.
  3. So if its not the President directing his subordinate aides to cut off questions then what is the name of the person directing these WH staff members to cut off questions? And who defined the policy of cutting off questions that these people act under? If the President isn't "allowed" to answer questions from the press at his public appearances then our government is being run by somebody else. Somebody else that is not elected to do so. The President is a figurehead, a puppet, a front man, take your pick of terms. This should concern every American whether you support Biden or not or whether or not you voted for Biden. Ultimately I'd expect Biden voters should be outraged that the person they elected is not running the country. But rather some other actor behind the scenes. If this doesn't meet the criteria of a coup or subversive takeover of our government then what does? I would think this is the biggest story of the present time yet it gets little to no air play. Who is calling the shots in the White House?
  4. https://nypost.com/2020/10/14/email-reveals-how-hunter-biden-introduced-ukrainian-biz-man-to-dad/
  5. Amy's resume checks all the social justice and virtue signalling boxes but she appears to be gaslighting here or just simply oblivious to the current authoritarian threat now seated in the White House and Congressional leadership while focusing on imaginary and fabricated threats. Smart people, dumb thoughts.
  6. This just in... An FBI investigation of itself uncovered no evidence of any improper conduct or actions.
  7. Once again my friend. Absent empty symbolism. Where are the searches, seizures, and evidence? Where are the grand jury indictments? Where are the charges? Where are the arrest warrants? Where are the trials? Where are the convictions? Where are the sentences? Where is anything residing in the reality of the physical world that supports your case? Bottom like: Russian collusion narrative = Mis-information = hoax. So says the evidence.
  8. Like a miser clinging to his last penny you must be the last living person on the planet that still believes the entire Russia narrative is real rather than the cooked up conspiracy of false statements, hearsay, mis-information, and outright lies. The entire conspiracy and collusion narrative has been blown up. And sorry to spoil your fantasy but all your little symbolic pictures, TDS inspired tweets, and made up stories from uninformed sources are no substitute for proof and evidence. Its all political fiction. No legal actions or investigations to date have resulted in any real evidence, charges, or connections. In over 5 years. Because such evidence simply does not exist. Because none of it is real. I repeat, none of it is real. Now I have no expectations that you will come to your senses here. Rather I expect you will provide your obligatory response by telling me your fantasy is real and I'm a brainwashed cult member while you're a rational and objective critical thinker.
  9. Masks are for the peasants and the servant class. Nobles and royalty need not cover their faces. Wear you mask and bow accordingly when your "superiors" enter the room. The gut wrenching laughter thing about AOC's stunt. Her dress designer has outstanding warrants for, wait for it.. tax evasion. Her company has been hit with 15 tax warrants since 2015. Two phonies come together for their common cause of hypocrisy. Total douche.
  10. Perhaps a nationwide strike where sympathetic essential workers that are allowed just enough freedom to drag themselves to work in order keep the lights on and the services flowing for the government and social elite decide to just stay home for the week. That should bring everything to screeching halt in a couple days. And when the government responds, which you know they will, by assigning the military and other enforcement personnel to do those jobs there will be nobody around to guard the peasants.
  11. Also interesting is the Bills play consecutive home games in weeks 3 and 4 against opponents coming off a 10 day rest following a Thursday night home game.
  12. A known concern about Tua is durability and with multiple first rounders in this year's draft Miami had the opportunity to eliminate that risk and pick a QB. But they choose to roll the dice and use the selections in other areas. That said, no QB is going to survive that type of punishment unless they fix the blocking issues exposed yesterday. Great aggressive defensive game plan and play calling from Frazier here too. And maybe the Dolphins O-line issues are just because the Bills defense is the real deal this year?
  13. Here's the fun part of it all. Every single narrative the left has been pushing has fallen apart or is in the process of disintegrating. I get the vibe the SHTF moment is close at hand. Where everything falls apart. Political, financial and economic, and social. When all the hustles and con's of the left are laid bare and exposed. When that happens being a far-left activist, proponent, or media mouthpiece is going to put a big fat bullseye on that soon to be endangered sub-set of humans. Get the popcorn ready and watch as all the rats jump ship.
  14. Good level-headed perspective. Its a long season and every game has a different vibe. Week to week team and player performance can vary. Hot streaks and cold ones. Williams has struggled, as has our franchise QB, but after two games I'm not going to worry, especially after a 35-0 W. Keep stacking up the wins early and get everyone peaking in December. That should be the target..
  15. Much like other manufactured narratives the left has no choice but to continue to run with this one. Insisting some imaginary domestic terror operation exists and poses a threat. Only the most delusional would believe in their minds any of this is real. Meanwhile real and active threats and conditions go unaddressed as the fantasy agenda is front-and-center. Truth being the plan is to seize on the opportunity of the moment and weaponize the intelligence and law enforcement assets of the country against their political enemies. This is obvious to everyone at this point. What the left has yet to realize is deception only works when nobody knows they're being deceived. But that ship has sailed. This weekend's dud of a rally, organized by the government itself, with more government agents in the crowd than actual protesters is nothing short of comical.
  16. FBI agent rally for 1/6 detainees on Saturday ended without incident. What a goof. The flaming A-Holes running this administration are a big-time joke. It beyond surreal. Their stupidity pushes the boundaries of absurdity.
  17. Hey, I'll check the CDC for mask data/study. Also understand some states foot the bill for MABS. I've been researching about COVID DNA vaccines in trials. Do you have any insights on how they differ from mRNA and what if any advantages they might have over what is currently used? Actually I've never taken any COVID test but I have a routine to evaluate my condition every morning along with taking certain vitamins and supplements plus moderate exercise every day. And while I don't know specific instructions on all the instant tests the one I referenced doesn't have those complications. As for drunks at Bills games being able to comprehend simple instructions I've always believed obviously intoxicated ticket holders should be given a breathalyzer test and if they fail be refused admittance. They are annoying trouble-makers inside the stadium and a nuisance outside of it. Getting totally wasted when you're younger can be part of growing up but when adults with alcohol abuse problems that knock 15 to 20 years off their life expectancy show up staggering in public they just look stupid. My fondest memory of my last Bills home game was of some staggering drunk spilling beer all over my buddies 10 year old daughter. And I'm thinking "what's the deal with these idiots"?
  18. What hasn't natural immunity been recognized and acknowledged? Good question. Why haven't effective MAB treatments been publicized and distributed more widely and effectively? Why haven't "instant" COVID tests like InteliSwab been deployed and utilized for events, public gatherings, schools, and perhaps sports teams? Tests that can generate an accurate positive/negative result in about 15 minutes. Why hasn't a policy of pre-emptive treatment of family groups when one member tests positive been promoted which were successful in places like India? Rather than the go home and infect everyone else in the household and go to the hospital when you turn blue. Why haven't any definitive FDA/CDC studies on mask effectiveness been conducted in 18 months?
  19. Truth, honesty, integrity. Other novel concepts like service and duty. Making decisions based on facts and not politics. Leadership that believe the role of government, and the sole reason for its existence, is to serve the needs of its citizens.
  20. And that's because the government in all phases is systemically corrupt and incompetent and pretty much lies about everything. Confronted by that reality why should anyone trust them with their health?
  21. From what I have read and understand Trudeau and his party are in serious jeopardy of losing their majority collation. PS: Is ID required to vote in Federal or Provincial elections? Just curious.
  22. You're in a plane crash in the wilderness. With no chance of being rescued for 10 to 12 months. You can get on one of two planes. The first plane is full of red state people. People with hard life skills, farmers, hunters, military vets, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, and construction people, and other people with basic skills and more conservative views. The second plane is full of blue state people. Bankers, entertainers and artists, sociologists, women, race, and gender studies majors, web app designers, people on welfare and social assistance. You want to maximize your chances of survival. Which plane do you get on? See, the problem with Silvermans's idea is the majority Blue state people she represents generally have no life or basic survival skills or the knowledge or ability to keep the fundamental elements of civilization working. Most of them would die in the first 3 months. The rest might start to figure it out. Keeping things working like the water supply, electricity, the communications systems, roads and bridges, garbage pick up. All that stuff they take for granted that are performed by the deplorables. When your power goes out in the middle of the night I suspect its not a crew of hard core Biden supporters rolling out to get it back on.
  23. Really? I thought I articulated our current dilemma perfectly. And its not that simple. Is it? Not when uninformed officials are making unilateral decisions on health issues which conflict with known science and ignore facts that conflict with their edicts. I'm not concerned nor do I care about their motivations at this point. They are simply incapable of getting the job done and need to be replaced with people driven to make decisions with facts and science. Why is it so difficult to see and accept that we're heading down a path to failure without change in direction?
  24. Speaking of control groups. How many people aware that the Pfizer vaccine study control group was vaccinated for "compassionate" purposes? Which means the clinical researchers have no baseline group to measure and monitor the efficacy and safety of the vaccine over time. Whether or not this is a common practice I do not know.
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