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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. I'm talking risk to specific individuals based on their personal attributes. Not a population level statistics. Younger healthy people without any pre-existing conditions. They have close to zero chance of a serious or critical infection and most likely will be mild to asymptomatic. Their risk of death is also close to zero. Why should they get vaccinated and risk side effects and potential unknown long-term adverse risks of the vaccine? Something we can't possibly quantify. Why take the chance on a "bet" you don't need to make? On something that will most likely provide no medical benefit to the patient?
  2. Generally agree with you here. But I think the concept of "medical necessity" has been lost in the mandate frenzy. If, for example, a person under 30 has less risk of dying or getting sick than they do of getting serious side effects from the vaccine then the shot poses a greater health risk than the virus. So why assume greater risk? Because the idiots imposing the mandates are ignoring the science and coercing them to get it.
  3. The left's obsession and refusal to move on from Trump is driven by the fact he is one of the few people they attack that has simply refused to submit and comply with their program while he openly criticizes and mocks them. This concerns them because they rule through fear and intimidation but that has no impact on him. They have no power other than what they derive from people they can intimidate. What concerns the Marxists is a single dissenter to their agenda and beliefs will embolden others to take a stand. When that happens en mass the party is over for them. Once people decide enough is enough and they figuratively and literally start punching them in the face they'll fold like a cheap suit. At heart, the majority are gutless coward who will never stand up and do their own dirty work. They support things like mandates but prefer somebody else pins their target to the ground and injects them and does the dirty work so they can stay clean and woke. So don't take their crap. What these idiots cannot comprehend is nobody cares whether or not Trump is bad or immoral or unethical or a crook. The only thing that matters is he won't take their crap. he gives it right back. This drives the left insane. There's even a name for it Trump Derangement Syndrome. They can post or say or do anything about him. Nobody cares.
  4. There you have it. Proof that one "white" guy all by himself caused the $2 Billion in damage from the BLM riots in several cities last year and the entire group is non-violent and cleared of any wrong-doing. Amazing twitter find!
  5. House and Senate leaders vowed to hold more hearings. Especially troubling the said was the involvement of "White" Horses in the uprising although plenty of Gray, Black, and Brown Horses were present. "Clearly there is some White Supremist threat in the Horse community and likely other livestock" said House leader Pelosi. Most puzzling to the Democratic Congressional group was how to address the threat from the Black and White spotted Cattle community. As they vowed to hold hearings in order to get down to just which side of the fence these Cows stood on here.
  6. The fundamental unaddressed question is who is giving the order to White House aides to forbid the President from answering any questions in public situations? As there is no official above the rank of President in the executive branch the conclusion is some rogue unelected element is in charge of our government. Yet there is absolutely no enthusiasm from anywhere to question or expose this troubling situation. It speaks to how much control and power these shadow figures hold.
  7. And yet the fact is more people have been impoverished, imprisoned, and murdered until the flag of left wing communism and socialism than any other political ideology. Nothing's worse than these leftist weasels that claim to champion the rights and issues of the little guy while trampling all over them.
  8. They were all out of the office attending Diversity & Gender Awareness training that week. While they can name 20 to 30 correct gender pronouns none of them have any clue how to execute a successful military operation. And as core competency in military tactics and strategy is no longer a requirement to be a US General their job performance rating remains excellent.
  9. Yes, if only everyone would obediently and blindly follow the politically driven directives and commands of the government that ignore all sorts of medical and scientific facts then everything would be just fantastic. But check the stats my friend. The most vaccine hesitant groups are blacks, hispanics, and PHD's. Generally not what I suspect are core Trump "supporters".
  10. And obviously you've also enrolled in a fictional writing class.
  11. Yet ironically, the great unifier, Biden is the one enacting policies that are causing people to lose their jobs and their freedoms while creating a class system based on vaccination status while coercing and forcing people to act against their will to get back the freedoms stolen by the government. Dividing the American people and pitting them against one another.
  12. To me immunity means I'm vaccinated and I can't get sick. Period. That is the expectation people have when they get vaccinated for some specific ailment or disease. And that is the expectation officials set with the original vaccine rollouts. Get the shot and life returns to "normal". Now the word used more often than not is "protection" meaning you might get sick but not as bad as if you didn't get the shot. Can you quantify statements like "do not stay infected as long"? Or point me to the source of data that I can access to find or calculate those figures for myself? My suspicion is the data on these kinds of metrics is a bit muddled. As for Ivermectin I would point to actual field use in India that is credited by officials and medical professionals there for significantly contributing to the suppression of the Delta outbreak. And while the drug gets bad mouthed to death here in the US because it is also used to treat animals (not really that unusual a thing) I find it interesting that Pfizer is in the process of trialing a protease inhibitor molecule that is surprising similar to Ivermectin in chemical make up and function. In some respects identical. It would come at no surprise if their new offering gains fast approval as a legitimate treatment at something like 30x the price.
  13. That all makes sense. And I generally agree with your posts. For me the main point of contention is the governments official policy that insists that only the vaccine can provide any protection from the virus. No exceptions. No natural immunity exceptions, no exceptions for low-risk individuals, no exceptions for treatment options, no exceptions for anything. Get vaccinated or else. Lose your freedoms, lose you job, lose your life. Do what we say. Anyone that questions this is called either stupid or uninformed. Even though the vaccine does not provide immunity. It provides protection as vaccinated people can get sick and in some cases die. Even though the vaccine does not stop transmission. Vaccinated people can infect others. Even though it does not kill the virus. Vaccinated people can carry a viral load. This policy claims to be supported by science. Science that is conveniently used or ignored as necessary. Much of the science is in obvious conflict with this policy. This policy is not medically driven. Its is politically and socially driven. Getting vaccinated is most likely a good idea for most people. But the government's official policy is dysfunctional.
  14. Trump did not collude with Russia. That narrative is a proven lie. That is an undisputable fact. I've asked you to provide proof of charges, indictments, evidence, trials, convictions, proof of any kind. Yet you have produced nothing because nothing exists. The Mueller investigation provided nothing. The media propagandists provided nothing but personal opinion, devoid of facts or evidence. You need to stop this. Its not good for your health and believing something that is a fantasy is unhealthy too.
  15. The American social justice crowd is okay with all of this. Just keep the Rainbow flag flying over the Embassy and they'll be happy to look the other way. And since they've got their heads up Biden's ass it all looks like living in total darkness anyway.
  16. From what I saw: Protesters casually walking around inside the Capitol building like a regular day at some Disney World exhibit. Real insurrectionist stuff. So far it appears the video contradicts the narrative and talking points. But the radical left has a real expertise in quickly pushing false narratives out to the public through their stooges in the media and assorted "experts" in order to get in front of the facts before they become available. And then pound away at it until they get their way or the whole thing falls apart and they move on to the next false narrative. It seems nothing they believe is real. This isn't and never was about insurrection or threats to democracy. This is all about a power grab opportunity. Plain and simple. It's about a political party using the events of January 6th as an opportunity and an excuse for restricting the rights of Americans to express their political views. And using a subsequent staged Committee investigation following it as a ruse to criminalize views they oppose. I suspect it will not go as well as they expected.
  17. I rest easier at night knowing that our government is on the job here allocating limitless resources and funds to pursue charges against petty law breakers while ignoring drug cartels and sex traffickers crossing the border unimpeded, as smuggled opioids kill thousands, criminals run free in cities processed under a catch and release experiment which provides them the privilege of committing limitless crimes without consequences, international terrorist groups operate undeterred, and our foreign enemies laugh themselves into a coma while contemplating the threat they face from our Mummy in Chief as he pursues a policy of pussification of our once tough and ready military. And with any luck the entire economy and the markets will be in the waste basket soon too. Thankfully the 2022 mid-term elections are coming to flush the foul stench of this dysfunctional regime down the toilet.
  18. Its been a while since I was in Texas but I remember there were a lot of great strip clubs in Dallas. In my assessment the women were all 8+ to 10's. So focusing on what's important the Lincoln Project can suck it. LOL.
  19. A few days before the Steelers game I had a dream the Bills lost the game. I had no such dream about the Dolphins game or any such dream about the Washington game to this point. I also had a dream about two tall blonde attractive women wearing black leather. Unfortunately I woke up before it went any further..
  20. Here's what puzzles me. Out of intellectual curiosity if it's so incontrovertible then why are many of what I expect are the most knowledgeable about the virus and the vaccination, health care workers, hesitant to get vaccinated? If all was on the up-and-up I'd expect there would be absolutely no reason or need to apply coercion and force to this segment of the population given their access to and knowledge of COVID information. Could it be stats like the FDA severe adverse events reporting of 7,899 deaths following vaccination as of 9/20/21. How does that count compare to other "safe" vaccines?
  21. I'd expect the infection rate of COVID "while hospitalized" is extremely low at this point of the pandemic. But I don't have that stat handy and while it sounds like a potential patient safety issue before knowing the 1 chance in X risk I can't say for sure whether or not having un-vaccinated hospital workers is an actual patient safety issue. The hospitals I'm familiar with have solid safety protocols in place for patients and workers along with visitors and there isn't any major concern about in-hospital transmission outbreaks. What I'm not sure about in a lot of these conversations is if posters have a "zero" defect objective or goal when expressing their positions. The one death is too many mentality. Generally here, the majority of hospital workers were the first group of people vaccinated and un-vaccinated workers infecting patients hasn't been an issue. Nursing homes with elderly high risk patient populations and less process in place are another story.
  22. Let's not forget the Federal debt limit vote where the majority in the Senate is looking for 10 Republican votes to reach a 60 vote minimum to pass. Otherwise they can go the reconciliation route which is expected to produce a 50-50 split with the VP casting the tie breakers but that vote along party lines would lay all the debt on the Dems. So lots of intrigue to go along with all the wasteful spending with borrowed money never to be paid back that will be monetized by the Fed while they also claim to be pursuing a policy of "tapering" debt purchases which by itself is another joke. Quite the tragic comedy we have going here.
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