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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. OK. But I still think the one-size-fits all shot policy ignores the fact that "risk" is not evenly distributed in the under 18 population or for that matter in the population as a whole? So if the policy claims to be based on some sort of risk assessment it fails to account for a lot of specifics. Common fact is risk of death is heavily skewed towards anyone with specific co-morbidites and pre-existing conditions. My nephew for example, got COVID in the Spring of 2020, and had a tough go with it. But he has asthma. He's a prime candidate for additional protection from the vaccine at this time. But other kids without that or any other high risk condition are not. So the benefit of the vaccine and the mandate is of little to no good to them. And the risk from the vaccines some known and unknown both short and long are partially but not completely quantifiable. So if some kid has immeasurably close to zero chance of getting moderately, severely, or critically sick, and even less chance of hospitalization, and even less chance of death what's the benefit? Let's not ignore the fact the testing cycle here was extremely short and whether anybody wants to admit it or not its likely a lot of steps in the process got cut short or cut out completely. If the people in charge don't think the risk of longer term health problems from the vaccine are possible then why insist on liability waivers? Because you can site all the statistics you want until you're blue in the face but you still can't guarantee anything so don't insist on making decisions that risk other people's lives that are totally risk-free for you personally.
  2. What I don't understand about these injuries that get revealed 2 or 3 weeks after the fact is how that applies to the reporting requirements for and violations of the weekly injury report. Aren't teams obligated by the rules to report all injuries? And shouldn't the Browns have reported that partially torn Librium on the injury report prior to the week 3 games?
  3. Your entire argument for DC statehood, pursuit of democracy, is misleading. The objective is to produce two additional Democratic party affiliated Senators to provide a voting advantage in the upper house of Congress. Providing residents of the district with representation is of little concern and just a byproduct of the primary objective. If there was potential for the district's representatives to be affiliated with another political party you'd be raging against the idea. it makes no sense for advocates of the idea to be dishonest about the objective when everyone in the room knows what it is. To pad the Senate with politically allied Senators.
  4. Your position here is based on a political fallacy. That fallacy being that Republicans solidly support the wealthy and Democrats oppose the wealthy in support of the middle and working class "little people". But if you look at a list of the largest political donors the list is split pretty evenly between the two parties. So the truth is both parties are beholden to the wealthy millionaire and billionaire campaign and party donor class. And neither is likely to present and enact any tax proposals that do meaningful harm to their largest donors. No biting the hand that feeds you is allowed in the world of big campaign donors. This perceived difference in the party candidates is one of the illusions created by the 1% and the political class. it provides the voters a false option that there is some fundamental difference between candidates. Rarely is this true. The other truth is they continue to fool most voters of both parties the fight between each other 100% of the time on a 5% difference between the core interests the major political parties. https://www.opensecrets.org/elections-overview/biggest-donors?cycle=2020&view=fc
  5. So where do you draw the line on arbitrary withholding of care, medical ethics, acts of malpractice, and coercing patients into specific treatment options? It seems like a mean-spirited approach that says "if I hurt you enough I can get you to do anything I want you to do." And isn't that the basic weapon in the toolbox of mandate advocates? Sounds consistent to torture tactics to me.
  6. But its perfectly okay for you to do the flip-flop pointing out the fiscal excesses of the previous administration but now be wildly in support of trillions in wasteful spending because the other party is currently in charge now? If so perhaps you refuse to see it but you are guilty of the same ideological inconsistencies as the people you soundly criticize. Or am I reading you wrong and you're against all these trillions in new spending and fiscal excesses regardless of which party is in control? If you do indeed oppose both I apologize.
  7. Maybe if they spent less time thinking up ways to "game" the political system and more time in actual governance our country would be in better shape? Other than the Bills 3-1 start, everywhere you look is a raging dumpster fire..
  8. The District of Columbia is a district. By definition it is not a State. It is the seat of the Federal government. While it has a local government structure it was established in this form consistent with the concept and understanding of the need for political considerations. It was set up as such for that specific reason and to provide certain limitations and powers. These reasons still exist. Everyone that lives in the district or moves there knows this. To the best of my knowledge being a resident of the District of Columbia is completely voluntary. If anyone feels so strongly about needing Congressional representation they can move to Virginia or Maryland or one of the other 48 State jurisdictions of the Republic and vote for the Senate or House candidate of their choice.
  9. Until Dr. Fauci is no longer useful to the administration I expect he will stay put. This relationship seems similar to the consultancy model companies use when they go through periodic reorganization and force reduction activities. Management needs to make changes so they contract out to "experts" to assess and provide recommendations. "Sorry we had to eliminate your job or your organization but credentialed experts studied the situation and we need to act on their expert recommendations". Fauci provides similar cover as a credentialed medical expect. Sorry we had to lock you in your basement for 6 months but the experts told us that would be best and we need to follow the science. Plausible deniability. So they can say I'm not imposing draconian lock downs on you, its the science, as defined by experts. In truth what they are following is the subjective opinions of specific experts, while ignoring other experts and non-confirming facts that might differ, and not really science or medical facts.
  10. I think it boils down to most people making a rational risk assessment of the situation and concluding the lock downs, restrictions, and political edicts are a bigger threat and risk to their social and economic well-being and safety than the virus.
  11. I assume you are aware of this but the PCR test can also be inaccurate for identifying an active and transmittable case of COVID virus either. The result depends on the sample amplification rate or "cycle threshold" that is used in the test. A higher amplification level can produce more false positives. So when getting data on the number of positive PCR tests and new cases knowing the amplification level is necessary to interpret the data correctly but I understand most States don't require that information.
  12. Perhaps the problem is simply a complete lack of self-awareness? Or is the administration discreetly being run behind the scenes by the previously employed GM's of the Houston Texans and the Buffalo Sabres?
  13. The Deep State Establishment and the perpetual bureaucracy would insist you were a Russian asset, turn law enforcement and intelligence assets inside the government against you, plant false stories in the media which their agents in the press would run with 24/7, and hold hearings to uncover your misdeeds and the threat you posed to America.
  14. Please refer to step 12: Make sure to include lots of FBI and other Federal law enforcement agents and assets in your group for diversity. Allowing them to set you up for fake crimes can help their careers so be considerate of their needs. This is an issue I'm certain this fabulous committee comprised of various super-heroes and guardians of democracy will totally avoid. The FBI has informers, assets, and agents within all of this patriot organizations. Some in the leadership hierarchy of the various organizations. So if there was any "planning this thing well in advance" they would have known about it. And if law enforcement knew about plans to disrupt the certification of the election then they would have acted to prevent it from happening. And if they knew about it and didn't act to prevent it then they failed to execute their duties as law enforcement and let it happen. So that raises a lot of interesting questions. Like why would they want to let it happen? However, the FBI has already concluded and communicated their findings that no such plans to disrupt the certification existed. So that planning and conspiracy angle is DOA. The other thing is this 1/6 investigation has lost a lot of its political momentum. It was front page material months ago but now its just a footnote. And it just doesn't seem to be a high priority right now within the administration given all the other priorities and fires they are trying to put out. My guess is we're pretty close to the who really cares about this anymore point. A fundamental problem is this administration began to fail on the 1st day. Things are breaking down everywhere. Energy, stock, and debt markets, housing, food, all kinds of social and economic problems getting more serious all at once and coming faster and faster. Its just a matter of when and not if we reach the tipping point and everything comes crashing down. And it is well past the point to blame your lover-boy Trump for any of it. But here's a funny thought to consider in a few months when assessing the damage as the mindset on the left moves from activism to survival. I've said it before and I'll say it hear they did Trump a favor by rigging the election. They hoisted up Biden and Harris to take the fall for a host of social and economic damage to come. This is like taking over the captaincy of the Titanic after it hit the iceberg. In the end it might turn out the "evil one" outsmarted all the geniuses. A smarter strategy might have been to let Trump take the big fall and be rid of him once and for all. But now it appears he lives to fight another day. That's got to really piss you off. Me, I think its comical.
  15. As I suggested in another thread maybe Sinema should say enough of this BS and threaten to switch parties and total "F" over the communist parties agenda if they don't call off the dogs. That would be game over for Joey until at least January 2023. How entertaining would it be to see all the lib's scream and cry about that!
  16. I'm good with that but I have to say I like my chances based on what the Committee has come up with to this point..
  17. Perhaps PLA General Li Zuocheng will reciprocate and undermine President Xi by making a call to his good friend U.S. Army General and Chief of Staff Mark Milley and warn him in advance of any impending Chinese attack on Taiwan? But I'm thinking that's unlikely.
  18. 13 12 steps on how to carry out a successful insurrection. Make sure you have no plan. Planning is a lot of work and that should be avoided. Leave all weapons and explosives at home. Weapons are heavy and can slow you down. Use public entrances so its easy to spot who comes in and who leaves. Being as obvious and as visible as possible is important. Make sure your positions inside the building are completely un-defendable if any police or guards show up. Finding a room with only one visible means of escape that is blocked by security forces is the best option. When entering the building make sure almost all your people wander around aimlessly taking selfies and talking on their phones. Looking organized may raise suspicions that you know what you are doing. That might eliminate the element of surprise. Avoid any organized activities. Randomly move around the inside of the building and when bored leave. This will throw off all the guards. Try to stay inside the guide ropes so as to not cause any issues for the tour guides. Civility is very important when rioting. If you have questions politely raise your hand and ask only when called upon. Show them you were raised correctly. Casually and politely converse with building security and share photos of family. Remember they are people just like you. If asked to leave the building do so promptly. There's no need to stay somewhere that you're not wanted. Try not to leave a mess and clean up any trash or disposable materials you might be carrying. Don't litter. Make sure to include lots of FBI and other Federal law enforcement agents and assets in your group for diversity. Allowing them to set you up for fake crimes can help their careers so be considerate of their needs. Be prepared to spend a lot of time in jail on minor misdemeanor charges juiced up by an evil and malevolent administration that will attempt to score political points by exaggerating the scope and impact of the event.
  19. Typically I like to quantify things because its the only way to really assess something objectively. How do you know vaccinated hosts spread less? Are you a viral researcher or are you citing some study of transmission differences between vaccinated or un-vaccinated spreaders? I can't find any studies to confirm your hypothesis. Can you point me to one? Thanks in advance.
  20. Hopefully, along with billions in weapons and other gear, our Pentagon leadership has left behind plenty of diversity and inclusion manuals and documentation for the Chinese personnel. While I make light here it will be amazing to most people how all the woke movement's ideology will fade into obscurity and insignificance when the SHTF soon everywhere and in everything. The time is getting closer for all of that.
  21. Sure, let's sight two cases of the right vs. 1000's of incidents of harassment from the left. And let's call that even. I'll be honest I have no idea who Kinzinger is or anything about the guy. I guess I somehow let my "cult" membership expire and didn't get that e-mail or message from the cult HQ. I think it now costs $50 a year and with that you get a free hat and a subscription to the monthly newsletter plus invites to special events. At least that's the delusion you seem to believe. But doesn't get their way? Like the left does by threatening people if they don't comply? Like Maxine Waters said "get in their faces". If patriots and freedom fighters would show up and harass leftist officials we'd be seeing all kinds of stories about "white supremacist" threats of violence. Like school boards now complaining about "terrorist parents" challenging their authority to impose their will on the children of others. Or "the crew" getting called out on their anti-American positions and then saying they "feel" threatened. The media prostitutes put out the narrative but the harassment you claim is non-existent. But my original contention on switching parties is funny, right? Admit it. If that happened you'd blow a gasket and launch yourself into a tizzy. Keep trying? You too..
  22. I did read it. The vaccination provides limited to no medical benefit to the young and healthy and violates the concept of medical necessity. I think I've made my case on that clear. Death and illness from COVID in the young and healthy is not an issue. I see 80,000 young fans in college football stadiums over the past several weekends and they don't seem to be dropping dead all over the place as the Delta curve is in a downtrend. There are many more suicide and drug overdose deaths in the 17 and under age group than there are COVID deaths. Maybe we should start questioning the priorities of the political class and concentrate on those issues rather than forcing people that don't need the vaccine to get the shot. But safety at all costs I guess. Maybe we should mandate life vests for all beach goers and helmets for all people walking outside in case a rogue wave unexpectedly hits and sweeps everyone out to sea or a meteor drops out of the sky and hits them in the head too? As you can never be too safe. But maybe its me because I'm resigned to the fact of life that in the long run nobody gets out of this alive.
  23. How this dominance all translates to next week against KC isn't clear to me. A win would be huge. What sticks out to me about this version of the Bills is they are beating teams they should beat, excluding the poor showing in week one, rather easily. This is new to me. Previous versions of the Bills have always seemed to play down to the level of the opposition. That INT on the first offensive play yesterday would have created some loss of confidence and deflated the team in the past. But not this year. I think back to just last season's 6 FG game against the Jets where they barely squeaked by. I don't think this year's team let's that happen anymore. This team's culture has developed some "killer instinct" and its great to see as a Bills fan. Not so much other teams.
  24. So "activists" have begun to do what they do best. Harassment, along with telling the usual sob stories portraying themselves as victims. A well established routine. Going after Senators Sinema and Manchin over their opposition to the $3.5T infrastructure bill. Apparently neither has succumbed to the pressure. Not that there's a big chance of this happening but here's a funny scenario. What if one or both tire of the drama and harassment that causes their existence in the Democratic party to be unlivable and they decide to switch parties? The Senate goes to 52-48, all committee chairs are replaced, and the Senate blocks Biden's agenda until the 2022 election? How much chaos would that produce as the left would simply go out of their minds?
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