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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Good question. Some of it is a show of force to discourage Iran from taking action. And tactical support for operations. But it's not a good look to act as a mediator in trying to bring the parties together to negotiate a settlement while clearly taking one side over the other when things heat up.
  2. Don't let them foool you. It's all about maintaining "order," in the Middle East to keep the oil supply flowing at reasonable prices. Its all just business. This continued strategy communicates the government analysts conclude oil and gas are going to be around for much longer than the renewable story being peddled to the public. Otherwise, we'd just get out of this snakepit. Just watch what happens if Iran tries to close the Straits of Hormuz. The US Navy will arrive with guns blazzin.
  3. Nobody that's clearly winning any conflict or fight has any incentive or reason to negotiate. The solution here is obvious. Hamas and Hezbollah should surrender. Because @Joe Ferguson forever brought it up. Ask him that question.
  4. About $200B (US & Europe) has been poured into Ukraine which is something like 4 times bigger than Russia's entire annual military budget. It would appear money spent and weapons supplied are not an issue. Lack of execution, availability of well-trained soldiers are the main problems.
  5. Simply "America First" does not equate to "America Alone".
  6. Waltz and his ranting remind me of my buddies fat and out of shape alcoholic dad when we were kids. A real douche.
  7. Maybe because it was a lousy deal with $60B for Ukraine, about $10B for Israel, money to process people thru the border faster, and a few pennies for security. Why don't they just shut the gates Biden ordered open and stop going to court to block security measures instituted by the States?
  8. That was a mistake. But electricity and natural gas and other fossil fuels are not 100% interchangeable sources of energy for things like industrial use and home heating applications. Their mistake was not saying boo when NordStream2 was blown up. It was an act of terrorism and war against Germany. And it wasn't some Ukrainian diving team working off a yacht ill-equipped to handle such a dive that carried out that operation. It decimated industry dependent on low cost gas that has been replaced by 3-4x more costly LNG. The reality is Germany operates as a vassal state to Washington, as does most of Europe. American's think they're our allies, they're our servants.
  9. Germany's mistake is putting the objectives of US policy ahead of the needs of German economy and its people.
  10. You touch on the issue I have with the climate change debate. My concern isn't whether or not climate change is man-made or some cyclical functioning of the Earth's climate. My focus is on the chosen solution. Oil and gas are high density, highly efficient, more reliable, and lower cost energy sources than the renewables such as solar and wind. And EV's have issues with cost, charging times, and range. Add in the carbon produced through the process of mining and manufacturing parts for the vehicles and you get next to no carbon reduction. Its a game of out of sight our of mind. Maybe these things work out over time with technological improvements. My assessment is you can't run civilization at the current scale and living standards with these alternatives and the experience in Germany supports that conclusion. Its just one example. If you want to go renewable than you should accept that you're living standards supported by energy consumption, are going to have to downsize.
  11. They say diversity I say its their version of colonialism where the traditional European based American culture is replaced by a 3rd world downgrade in living standards and norms. This is not progress unless you long for the lifestyle of cavemen.
  12. Waltz will do what Democrats do. Push income redistribution schemes to buy votes of people that pay no taxes while saying the wealthy need to pay their fair share then blame rich white people for all our problems while taking millions in campaign donations from rich white people. Oh the games they play and the liberal suckers won't question the contradiction of it all.
  13. I don't know what you're observing in your area but there's not a lot of farming going on in midtown Manhattan migrant shelters and hotels where people are just hanging around collecting public assistance checks and free housing while complaining the food menu doesn't include enough "healthy choices" or "cultural alternatives". And remember... The majority came across the border claiming asylum status. That was the loophole in the system the NGO's and human traffickers with a big assist from the Biden administration have exploited to flood the country with immigrants. If they in reality came here for economic reasons and to "work" then they arrived under false pretense.
  14. They just play bigger. When I watch the Jets D they more often than not correctly read and react much quicker and they arrive at the ball carrier or receiver with a lot of intensity.
  15. Look around the league and check out how much bigger and stronger linebackers are on most defenses. I was watching some of the Jets/Broncos game and while it was a snooze fest for most of the game their defenses are so much bigger, faster, stronger, and at the point of attack than the Bills defenders. The Bills LB's are more physically suited for safety. Add in playing the nickel and bringing in a smaller DB. The Bills will always struggle with offenses with good physical running games. The way they've won these games has been to get out to a lead and force them out of their game plan to run the ball. That strategy was over on the Ravens first offensive play. The Bills will make the playoffs as long as Allen stays healthy but I'm not fooling myself into believing they're going to beat the Chiefs in the playoffs until they get more size and speed into the front 7.
  16. What we have now by importing all these unskilled masses is lower wages for Americans and higher unemployment among the poorest. Because employers are taking advantage of the situation and hiring immigrants that will work cheap at the expense of Americans. Undercutting a living wage. Aren't your leaders touting a living wage for American workers and decrying the exploitation of workers by evil conservative business owners and price gougers? Yet their policies produce the exact opposite result to depress wage levels and lead to higher unemployment among citizens because of a system that puts downward pressure on wages. And bigger profits for businesses. You're cult needs to get their story straight. Do you want to import millions of unskilled immigrants or guarantee Americans a living wage? You can't have both at such high volumes of border crossings. And sure we need immigration. But not uncontrolled and unskilled masses dependent on social assistance for years. My neighbors are Asian immigrants. As are many in my neighborhood. But they're highly skilled, productive, well compensated by private employers, and educated professionals with advanced degrees in areas like medicine and technology. They add to our economy and don't rely on taxpayer money to support their families. This is the kind of immigration we need more of to make our country great. Not millions more dependent on assistance from the taxpayers. High skilled and highly educated immigrants, yes. 10's of millions of unskiled to depress wages of the poorest among us, no.
  17. Its not a question if immigration or no immigration. Its a question of balance, of sane and rational policy. Of balancing the needs of the country with the the desire to help. Of doing things in an orderly and secure manner. This administration's immigration policy is complete chaos. And leaving our border open and insecure is lunacy and something that will produce a lot of negative consequences for many for a long time. And importing 20 million people that will be dependent on public assistance and resources diverted from other pressing needs for years and years is shear insanity. Maybe 90% of the Earth's population would improve their condition by migrating to the US but bringing 4 or 5 billion people here won't make the country great. Like I said its a question of balance. You only look at the benefits and ignore all the costs and consequences. Which is completely irrational.
  18. Based on the evaluation of their asylum case. Either they: Show up and win their case Show up and lose Don't show up 2 or 3 issue deportation judgment. If the don't show up for deportation take the appropriate action. If none of this works tell DOJ/FBI they participated in J6. They'll definitely find every single person.
  19. Using a term tech people are familiar with, the claim this bill was needed summarizes the adminitrations view that the current immigration system is "working as designed". And new legislation is needed to fix it. Another familiar term that describes the proposed fix is "going right to solutioning without understanding the root cause of the problem". This is not a situation where random people show up at the US border and request asylum status to enter the country. A complex web of private and public organizations support this effort. Who are they? What are the names of the people running them? Where do they get their funding? How do they spend the money? It's an operation with a complex organizational structure. Let's find out how this business works to bring people in and the identities and motivations of the people running it before we start proposing solutions that don't address the factors supporting the flow and movement of people. That rejected border bill would do nothing to impact the trafficking system or stop the flow of people. I expect what we're up against is the world's biggest and best funded human trafficking operation. And nobody other than a few alt media investigative types are looking. My guess is the US taxpayer is directly and indirectly funding this operation and the administration's fingerprints are all over this mess.
  20. Didn't that border bill have something like $60 billion for Ukraine? And money for Israel? What did that have to do with our border? And money for processing people into the country faster but little to nothing to keep them out? And money for organizations that help migrants inside the US and more for those helping them cross? Truth is for anyone wanting border security that bill just plain sucked smelly ass. So whoever killed it, good for them. And the lying douche is at the border claiming she'll fix a problem they created. It's like she's not running against Trump but rather the record of this democratic administration and its policies. The same polices she"ll be given by the party. Big fat liar.
  21. I would agree but I'm not clear what ethics violation have impacted any case the court has heard recently that would warrant any drastic measures.
  22. Look out Kamala. Putin is right behind you! " To hell with that" she said. "I'm more worried about having to answer policy questions from the White House press corps that's right behind him! I keep yelling "a future unencumbered by the past" and "I was raised in a middle class family" but they're still chasing me. Where's my show director, yell cut, cut, cut..
  23. I'm thinking we could hire the IDF to get rid of those Mexican drug cartels. It might take them a week or two. Our current government is certainly not up to the task.
  24. Which branch of government should the authority for SCOTUS oversight sit?
  25. When does the Russian lawyer employed by FusionGPS and Perkins Coie show up and offer a deal from Putin? Now that I think about it, they most likely falsified business records to hide the payments to her. Calling it "legal expenses". I understand in NYS that's considered a crime depending on the ideological affiliation of the perpetrator.
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