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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. I'm not making anything up. Rather I suggest I am simply informed on the topic. You see, I pay attention to what all the players are saying and doing. Not just the statements coming out of the administration in Washington. You're misunderstanding my views or perhaps misstating them. I'm not cheering anyone on. Nor am I expressing want to happen or what I hope happens. Only my assessment of what I expect to happen. I think my assessment is a very likely outcome. Certainly more likely than some prediction of a Russian invasion over the weekend. That seems preposterous. If this is a true and honest assessment from our intelligence community we might want to get some fresh talent into those agencies. I'm curious. What do you think happens next here?
  2. Not a bad guy. Just an idiot pursuing a policy designed to make him look tough that's bound to fail in many ways while delivering German and French support to Putin. Soon enough Germany and France will announce they've reached a mutual understanding between their two countries and Ukraine and Russia for a framework for moving forward with de-escalating tensions along with holding future talks and discussion between the parties. Something which will leave the brain trust in Washington without a seat at the table. Germany wants Russian gas and closer economic ties. France and Russia want to weaken U.S. influence over European polices. Ukraine wants to ensure aid and support for tighter economic integration with western Europe. Everybody gets what they want except the knuckleheads in DC. Just watch.
  3. Latest poll finds that 6 out of 10 Americans are telling pollsters that there's literally nothing Biden has done during his presidency that they are happy with. The findings stem from a CNN Poll conducted by SSRS in January and February. What a mess indeed!
  4. The intent of the committee was never to prove guilt or involvement. Its purpose is to produce a finding based on an assumption of guilt by accusation. Using a few facts and filling in the blanks in between the plot line to produce a narrative and accounting of the events they believe the public will find "believable". Producing a story their followers will find credible based on their standards and something the media can run with through to the 2022 mid-terms. With every Democratic candidate then running a mid-term campaign with the "findings" demanding their opponent condemn and denounce the actions of the insurrection and their leader. If if they don't, well they're a threat to democracy and shouldn't be sitting in service of the nation in the very building that was attacked 2 years earlier. The problem is what I believe James Carville pointed out during the Clinton campaigns of '92 and '96. Its the economy stupid. If economic conditions continue to deteriorate nobody is going to give a hoot about 1/6 come November. See COVID restrictions suddenly being dropped in many States because the science has changed. More like the most recent poll results are in and they are not good.
  5. I believe the economic and financial conditions of 1980 and 2022 are completely different. But the answer might come down to a few simple question. Do you think Powell and the Fed can or will do what Volker did which was a massive increase in interest rates? Do you think the US economy of 2022 can handle interest rates of around 18% interest rates? Or even 8%? My assessment, without any doubts is NO. Powell will talk a good game, downplay the impact on prices, and not do much of anything. Especially in a year of mid-term elections. He doesn't want to be accused of playing favorites even though the Fed claims to be "independent". Nothing could be further from the truth. Yesterday there was a rumor in the markets of an "emergency" 50 basis point rate hike coming as early as today. Incredibly, there are investors and traders that still believe the Fed has some control over the situation. Maybe asking another simple question which is if a rumor of the Fed raising rates a measly 50 basis point panics the markets how are they going to actually raise rates high enough to address 7.5% CPI reported inflation without tanking everything? They can't.
  6. You seem to want to bundle up a whole bunch of topics with no relevancy to my comments. But I'm going to keep it focused on topic which is parental involvement is school curriculum. All I'm saying is attacking parents for involvement in school curriculum is a political and social landmine. You can call parents all kinds of names and accuse them of being domestic terrorists or book burners or any other negative label or tag you want to pin on them. It won't make any difference. Nobody's listening to that stuff anymore as the narrative is just old and worn out past its expiration date. Parents don't want their 4 year olds learning about gender reassignment surgery. And encouraging kids a few years older to entertain it? You've can't be serious? You think this is a good idea? They don't want their young kids being taught to stereotype and label their classmates. They don't want their kids to be taught in what presents itself as a divisive and hostile school environment telling some kids they're oppressors and others they're victims. 5 and 6 year olds are oppressors. Wow. You think all this crap is popular with the majority? Of any social or economic group of people? Its not. You think sicking the FBI and the DOJ on parents is a winning strategy? If Democrats run anywhere near your view in November they're going to get slaughtered at the polls. I think most are smart enough to see that risk. Sure, but why not stand outside the polls in November and call everyone voter entering the polling place a racist and trans-phobic book burner but also ask them to please vote for us because we're the good guys!
  7. Not clear to me how this response has any relevance to my comment. If you're supporting the lefts position that parents just need to shut up and let the experts teach their children whatever they please I think events to date indicate that is just not going to happen. Taking that approach to the situation is a losing proposition and while I'll give the woke extremists in education a passing grade for persistence they just don't comprehend they're going to get thrashed on this one if they continue to push. No matter how many pathetic cries for help they might make to the DOJ and the FBI about terrorist parents this battle is going to be lost.
  8. Or like simultaneously shutting down the vote count in key precincts in swings states, ushering out party observers, and wheeling in boxes of mail in ballots which turn the overall State count in favor of your candidate? Then using your control of election commissions and State government and media outlets to inhibit and dismiss any challenges. Corruption like that? You're right. Some just can't win without corruption.
  9. When you belong to a political party where the average age of their leaders is 100 years old (I exaggerate for effect!), adults protecting themselves against a virus that 99.997% of all children survive but many older adults don't (75% plus or minus a point or two of deaths are people over 65) that's going to be the prevailing theme. Old people trying to live as long as possible willing to sacrifice the development and lives of children in order to protect themselves. In other words selfish cowards.
  10. Another serious terror threat averted by quick thinking and aggressive police work.
  11. Or making you're own pipe out of spare household items? Tin foil, an empty toilet paper roll, and some tape might work. These drug giveaway programs simply do nothing to cultivate innovation and creativity skills and thinking. Although they do eventually kill a lot of people.
  12. Its like I've concluded the reason we have so many laws is because we have so many lawyers. Collectively working to make life more litigious to facilitate full employment for their compatriots.
  13. All these governments run their undercover teams through the same training and education curriculum. The main objective is to alter and modify consensus public opinion in their favor and eliminate or minimize public support for the protesters or their grievances. The media can bombard the public with images of violence and threats to public safety. They need to drill it into their heads that the government's main concern is the safety of the average citizen. Which is hysterically funny! That way when they move in with violence to crush the "terrorists" the public is okay with the idea. But the goons in Ottawa aren't there yet. They need to incite or manufacture some violent acts by the truckers. Storming Parliament? That sounds like the current go-to move. Like you said storming the seat of government power sounds familiar but I'm just not quite sure exactly where we've seen this recently! But I do recall the Reichstag fire. That worked out pretty well for the ruling party but not so much for everybody else.
  14. The lefties that followed her into the restroom last year are alleging she didn't wash her hands properly. Which is a violation of bathroom etiquette not to mention COVID safety procedure. Her careless behavior is putting people in danger and demonstrates radicalized thinking. Not to mention her complete disregard for their agenda and their inability to coerce her to submit to their ideology. And if that fails... did you know she's a racist?
  15. And asking prospective candidates to submit a hair sample so he can perform the sniff test which candidates are required to "pass" in order to move forward to the next round of "qualification" assessments.
  16. Me spinning? Okay then. Please point me to a source that might provide a listing of all the convictions for illegal activity in relation to contacts with foreign nationals and government agents during and after the 2016 presidential campaign. That should settle it.
  17. Your reading comprehension must be off today. Please turn over all your Russian collusion evidence to the DOJ today so they can initiate prosecution of crimes. Because for some reason after 5 years of investigation and accusations they don't seem to have anything solid for indictments and charges. That's not what happened. You're misinterpreting history. The bolded statement above is pure conjecture. As no U.S. law enforcement or intelligence agency, such as the FBI, was granted access to the servers by DNC officials and there was never any evidence or conclusions from law enforcement about how the e-mails were hacked or download or copied along with who had perpetrated the actions. So saying Russians gave it to Wiki is one possibility but that unverified. Another is somebody on the inside downloaded or transferred the files and then provided them to Wikileaks. How those e-mails found their way off the DNC servers and into the hands of Wikileaks has never been factually verified.
  18. Only under very specific circumstances would I expect Russia to invade Ukraine and right now I don't see those circumstances being present. The only party sounding the alarm here is the Biden Administration. Statements from officials in France, Germany, and even Ukraine express little concern for an eminent invasion. Watching ABC World News Tonight you'd be led to believe its going to happen at any moment. My read of Putin and an examination of Russian ambitions is he has two strategic objectives here. 1) Integrate Russia economically with Europe, specifically closer ties with Germany and 2) systemically eliminate U.S. influence in the Middle East. Both of these goals, pushing the U.S. out of specific spheres of influence in place since the end of world war 2, are supported by efforts already in motion, for example NordStream2 and OPEC+. Middle East relations with Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, etc. Neither objective stands to benefit by moving aggressively to attack Ukraine. In short, I think Ukraine is just a diversion. This is nothing more complicated than a game of Empire. Russia wants to extend their influence, the U.S. wants to contain them and maintain the current arrangements. And while we tussle with Russia, China is quietly and discreetly extending their influence everywhere. Essentially taking over and colonizing big swatches of Africa and extending their influence in other places like South America, the Middle East, and Greater Asia in search of procuring markets and securing resources. While we focus on sideshows like Ukraine. If we want to win this game there needs to be some focus on critical and key interests and not a reflex action to engage in every little dust-up around the planet.
  19. I thought I was pretty clear. Its DOA. Nobody cares about fake collusion stories at this point. Is that clear enough?
  20. You're right. Why do people persist in pushing these conspiracies? Such as a crackpot conspiracy accusing a 2016 Presidential election campaign of colluding with Russia to steal the election from one of the worst Presidential candidates ever nominated by a political party that still has faithful believers after 5 years of no proof of anything.
  21. The mistake of the left is getting between parents and their children and thinking they have some "right" to dictate to them what their kids should be learning. It's a fight they're not going to win. Want to test the theory. Go out into the woods and try hugging those cute little baby cub bears. And see what mama bear does next.
  22. Pure self-interest. They all had a vested interest in maintaining the system. What did you expect they'd be saying? Why do people that know much of the governments COVID narrative is false go along with it?
  23. https://babylonbee.com/news/trudeau-orders-all-geese-rounded-up-and-shot-for-honking-in-solidarity-with-truckers https://babylonbee.com/news/4d-chess-truckers-loot-nike-stores-burn-some-cop-cars-so-gofundme-will-reinstate-them
  24. What the simple minded don't understand about the cigarette example is history shows the people supporting the smoking is safe narrative was the establishment, big government, big tobacco, federal and state regulators. All working to protect the industry from harm. They all knew it was harmful but as they were all riding the gravy train (Pink Floyd reference) they were more than happy to play along. The people that brought the truth to light were whistleblowers, independent researchers, medical doctors, public interest advocates, social justice advocates of the era, all bucking the system to expose the truth. And being subject to harassment and attacks on their personal and professional character. Sound familiar? Their actions are consistent with the current experts being branded as spreaders of "misinformation". And the current actions by big government and big pharma follow the tobacco industry and government complicity to a tee. What's more simple minded is casually dismissing and not taking their COVID concerns seriously because your belief and support of authority and the official narrative will not protect you from personal harm to your health if they're conclusions derived from experience and subject matter expertise are correct.
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