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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. I wonder what the analysts in the U.S. intelligence services, State Department, and the Pentagon that genuinely understand the motivations and objectives of Russia think of all this drama? And... I'm not complaining about anything but rather wondering how foreign policy objective began to be driven by the answers from The Magic 8-Ball?
  2. This message will be repeated every day until something does or doesn't happen.
  3. Outside of 401k funds which I don't mess with too much, playing the TQQQ and SQQQ, SSO and SDS. Plus holding long oil and gas sector since Jan 2021 and built a sizable position in Precious Metals shares and funds. Plus a few biotechs. Its pretty predictable. Today the prediction is "very high" risk of an invasion at any time. Market down today, nothing happens, market up tomorrow. But about 1/2 of the day's gain sells off before the close as traders hedge the chance of something happening over the weekend. When nothing happens over the weekend a Monday morning rally. Sometime, on Monday Trade Joe makes another prediction of Russian invasion any second. Then an afternoon fade into the close. That's my current playbook for the next couple days.
  4. That's a bit of revisionist history as Antifa and BLM protests that included riots, looting, and property destruction, and violence against others were indeed economically disruptive.
  5. Sounds like the emergency powers act is setting up Trudeau as dictator. The media in Canada and the US are not objecting to any of it. Rather they support it. So 2+2. What's the emergency? There's no widespread violence, or looting, or destruction of property or attacks on people. Some trucks parked in the streets and people expressing dissatisfaction with the government? This violates a fundamental rule of dictatorship Which is nobody is allowed to question the authorities. And in that political system anyone questioning the authorities is an enemy of the state. The fundamental problem with Trudeau and his government's position is that civil disobedience and criticism of the government is not terrorism. Its an excuse to subvert the fundamental principles of democracy in action.
  6. Now unemployed "social media influencers" are preaching about the virtues of inflation. Maybe pay a bill for the first time sweetie and figure out how life works before imparting your wisdom on everyone..
  7. Cost of living being relative to local conditions I'd say "wealthy" is pulling in $750K annually and having assets of over $10M. Sadly, I don't meet the criteria.
  8. The science from the CDC and NIH supports the premise that celebrities and political officials along with the wealthy, powerful, and elite have "natural" immunity from COVID. "Regular" people do not. Regular people need to be triple vaxed, wear a mask, social distance, and remain in seclusion as they can catch COVID very easily and most of them will end up in the hospital and die. It's not clear if this is because of some supernatural genetic trait or natural selection or just because they think they're better than everyone else but anyone questioning the omnipotence of celebrities will be censored and their questions and concerns will be regarded as disinformation. So just do as you're told and don't make trouble.
  9. Luckily President Biden and his senior advisors remember the fake toll booth ploy. The Russians will need a crap load of dimes to get all their troops over the border. And given they use Rubles they'll need to convert their currency to dollars and then get change denominated in 10 cent increments which will cause an even bigger delay in the attack plans! If successful this tactic will be deployed to all NATO countries as the first line of defense.
  10. Our government has devolved into pure and basic comedy. Today Sullivan revealed the intelligence community has verified proof that Hedley Lamar and his gang of louts and wranglers will be attacking Rockridge at sundown today. Sheriff Bart responded by stated he doesn't see any sign of an imminent attack.
  11. The major tools of intelligence agencies worldwide are deception and misinformation. In layman's terms professional liars. A critical thinking or skeptical public asking for details and specifics is the biggest risk they face. Typically all requests for "proof" are meet by concerns for national security, the unwanted disclosure of methods and procedures, putting people in "danger" by revealing the truth, and if all else fails questioning the loyalties of the questioner. All part of the deception. The exception of course is US intelligence assessments which always provide the truth to the public. And if you disagree with that then you must be an asset of some foreign entity or parroting disinformation narratives providing support to some nefarious adversary. Because trust us, we're the government.
  12. How long before the narrative "Durham is a Russian asset" gets cued up in the MSM? What's so very scary about establishment media operatives is that they're so, so predictable. Otherwise he needs to be careful as people with dirt on the Clinton's have a 573% higher than average probability of committing suicide.
  13. I feel much more optimistic and interested since the Bills have a genuine MVP player in Josh Allen. And a good supporting cast at most positions. Plus a GM and HC tandem, while not perfect, that is still pretty good. So for the next 10 years or so we've got a real good shot at the Championship every season instead of the hope and pray for a miracle of the past couple decades. Just get some damn pass rushers! What I don't like is the transformation of the game experience from a sporting event to some entertainment vehicle. And as for the Super Bowl I never watch the pre-game fluff and the halftime shows never interested me regardless of who was performing. For me its a good opportunity to hit the bathroom and take out the garbage for the Monday morning pick-up. I also stopped watching pre-game or weekday sports shows on the ESPN, NFL channel, and the other networks about 3 years ago because I just find them all to be monotonous and a waste of time. I'll tune in the game about 1 minute before the starting time.
  14. Announcements this morning that Russia is withdrawing troop from border areas. Conflicting stories whether its some or all. And as I suggested exit the manufactured narrative an attack is imminent and enter the manufactured narrative Joe Biden is a tough and effective leader that stared down Putin narrative. All CNN scripts and talking points in the process of replacement with the new theme. Let's get those approval rating up! Now there's an issue the Democrats can run on in November. Which is "if we lose the House or Senate Putin will be emboldened". I'll say one thing. These guys are good at creating illusions.
  15. That doesn't seem logical. Why float the boat in the first place if you're not going to take it out on the lake? And in lieu of any strategic benefit what good thing was there to ruin? I can't recall one major concession Trump gave to Moscow. He inhibited NordStream2 and initiated sanctions against the regime and close oligarchs and supporters of Putin. And for the Russians to take the time and effort install a puppet leader for a limited window of opportunity and never take advantage of it in any meaningful way? There's a lot of holes in that explanation. Itsuggests a lot of investment without any return. Its more plausible the theory connecting Trump to Russia is false. As we know now from the Durham investigation that "evidence" was fabricated. All to inhibit the functioning of the administration which worked very well. And as I recall Trump asked Zelensky to re-start an investigation into Burisma and corruption which happened to include Biden family interests. As we know Biden had previously killed the investigation as a condition for the delivery of certain US aid and assistance. We know this from video of the former VP bragging about how he got the lead investigator fired. That sounds awfully consistent to the quid pro quo arrangement Trump was accused of proposing. Col. Vindman who was a participant on calls between Trump and Zelensky provided impeachment testimony suggested they discussed a quid pro quo deal. Something Zelensky himself denied was suggested. But Zelensky for some reason was not called on to provide any testimony. I stand by my current contention the current Ukraine "crisis" is being magnified by the Washington establishment to make Biden look tough and effective in an attempt to resuscitate his failing approval rating and avoid a potential rout in November's mid-term elections. Defeat in the House and Senate would doom the progressive agenda, shift the majority and committee chairs to the opposition, and open up the potential for unwanted investigations and oversight. If war breaks out Biden looks capable in addressing Russian aggression and if there is no war then his tough stance forced Putin to back down. Win/win..
  16. What I'd like somebody to explain is if Putin desperately wants to absorb Ukraine into the sphere of Russian influence then why didn't he act during the Trump administration when, as some allege, he had a puppet in the White House that would not have lifted a finger to stop the Russians? Rather than waiting until a change in US administrations took place when a new President some claim is trying to stop a war and oppose Russian aggression is now President? Nothing fundamentally on the ground has changed. And Putin is many bad things but one of them isn't being an idiot.
  17. When playing the Chiefs I wonder if Any Reid has McDermott sync'd out of something? Andy's Jedi mind tricks from across the field! I hear the excuse about learning from the experience of failure but in real life you also need to be able to visualize potential outcomes and have some foresight into how your actions might play out. Like you don't have to pick a fight with an MMA champion to "learn" from the experience that engaging in that confrontation is going to result in getting the crap kicked out of you. Use your imagination, and think. That's all it is, Leslie and Sean, think!
  18. A more aggressive defensive scheme and a play maker or two on defense. Not even all-pro type guys. Just some marginal improvement. I thought Edmunds was going to become one but he's not. He has all the physical tools but his instincts just seem to run him out of the play too often. Maybe he'd be better or even excel in a 3-4 alignment defense? Draft a CB 1st or 2nd round opposite White. Maybe one of the 1st or 2nd year players transforms into a top player but the clocks ticking here and the window is open right now. Its hard to argue for improvements for an offense that scores 30+ points the majority of the game but interior line upgrades. The other thing is this. Josh Allen is a superstar. You might disagree with me but I think without Josh this might be a 6 or 7 win team. Just that means you've got to protect him better and minimize the hits he takes. Upgrade the offensive line for protection and dump those designed QB runs. That means get a big physical back to compliment Singletary.
  19. It's all political theater scripted to portray Biden as the tough and effective leader that stared down Putin in order to revive his dismal polling numbers. In contrast to the bombastic rhetoric, listen to comments from President Zelensky. Does he sound like a guy worried about an invasion?
  20. My problem with the Iraq war, for one, is Saddam had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks. Was it something like 15 of 17 terrorists were Saudi nationals? What does that tell you? Connect the dots and follow the trail. But even now our government keeps secret the reports into the investigations of Saudi government, royal family, and other official involvement. It's simply too politically and strategically important to not embarrass and call out our Middle East "friend". Better for every administration since then to hide the truth from American citizens. But the decision was to go after Iraq. Supported by manufactured "evidence" and uncollaborated stories. Saddam's brutal secular dictatorship while undesirable, was keeping Iranian aspirations of greater control and influence in check. This was demonstrated by the Iraq/Iran war years earlier which was fought to a draw. But US decision makers went ahead and attacked Iraq. Toppled the government and plunged the country into chaos. And unchecked soon after, Iran started extending its influence into many Middle Eastern countries, including Shia militias and other radical groups ironically in Iraq. What did US policy makers expect would happen by removing Iraq and therefore removing Iran's natural enemy? So today Iran is the big threat. And they don't like the US. Can you blame them? In the 1950's the CIA instigated a coup and installed the Shah for twenty some years after the Iranian government pursued the nationalization of foreign oil holdings inside the country. And backed Iraq in the war with Iran then a few years later turned around and attacked Iraq which the US supported, funded, and armed in the fight. The US it seems has had an obsession with controlling Iran for 70 years. I guess the lesson is sometimes you get what you deserve rather than what you want.
  21. The latest theory is Iraqi WMD's were buried and hidden on Oak Island by the Knights Templar along with their missing treasure that disappeared from Europe in 1307.
  22. I prefer somebody in charge that actually knows what they're doing. Bit that competency has yet to be displayed. What's comical is nobody seems capable of making a rational argument to support Biden's piss poor performance to date other than invoking the go-to comparison that he's doing better than Trump. By you own admission, that's hardly a ringing endorsement. Sadly, the argument boils down to a comparison of the relative level of failure between two Presidents. So is the idea Biden might suck but Trump sucked more so Biden is doing a better poor job so he's the preferred choice. That's hardly cause for a celebration.
  23. Photoshop?
  24. Confederate and Nazi flags? Really? Confederate Canadians in a hotbed of Nazi extremism like western Ontario? Who makes up this crap? Whoever it is they need to run their fictional accounts through the "Bullsheet and believability test. Why not throw in a few references to human sacrifices and Stanic worship to juice up the narrative a little more!
  25. This morning, the State Department is ordering an evacuation of US embassy staff.
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