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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. This is a lesson in the perils of the 10,000 mile logistics supply line and the virtues and benefits of self-sufficiency. Maybe the lesson will be learned and some of the productive capacity that was off-shored to save a few pennies and enrich large mega-corporations will be re-established if for nothing more than national security reasons surrounding critical components and materials? Our current shell of an economy is dominated by billionaire Silicon Valley tech oligarchs that produce nothing other than moving data and information around while skimming 5% off the top.
  2. The administrations execution to this point is hardly flawless. While the Presidents cabinet and key appointments check off all the diversity boxes its an extremely mediocre group. I can't name one person in his cabinet that I could cite as a high performance individual. Assigning tasks the the VP is an exercise in futility. Harris has neither the skill or smarts to pull off any of her assignments and is generally a no-show. A house plant would be a better lead. At least the plant would do no damage. And while the team is demonstrably incapable of solving any problems they have shown a high level of competence in creating them. Add in that the Congressional "majority" has done nothing to date. And the $3.5T "human infrastructure" bill that nobody knows what's in it.
  3. The standard of care in the US is test positive then go home and wait until you get critically ill and then go to the hospital.
  4. Because asking for ID will inhibit ineligible voters from casting ballots and leftist zealots believe any means to an end that supports their cause to stuff the ballot box and win all elections can't be controlled or constrained by any rules based system. Evil must be defeated and nothing can be allowed to stop them. Any laws or rules that stand in their way are viewed as mere obstacles to be eliminated. When they invoke racism its just a tactic to shut you down and get you on the defensive. So they can sneak up behind you and hit you on the head with a big rock.
  5. Why issue a rule? That way when it all backfires into a disaster (or another disaster) Peppermint Patty can come out to the White House press briefing and explain the President bears no responsibility for private companies and public service organizations like police and firefighters not having enough staff which resulted in a lot of undesirable outcomes.
  6. You can reference contact with officials from Mongolia and Liechtenstein too if you want. That isn't synonymous with collusion. You got nothing. Give it up. The investigation is closed.
  7. So your beef isn't with me here. Its with Mueller. If you think he missed something then call him out. Demand they re-open the investigation. Write your Senators and Congressional Representative. As of right now they completed their work without indicting anyone for collusion or any other crimes. Because anything you or I know they know too. They spent about a year and 1/2 investigating with a team of Trump hating lawyers and investigators. But the investigation and the matter are closed. Nobody has been tired, convicted, or imprisons for any crime. I am accepting that. You cannot. Let's just focus on the 1/6 "insurrection" which I expect will suffer the same fate.
  8. Given the figurehead President's approval rating has been in a descending trend since Inauguration Day and continues its plunge towards zero your view does not reflect the consensus opinion. I suggest a disconnect exists between your perception of what's going on and reality.
  9. Now Fauci has been exposed and busted for $1.8M funding some research on Beagle puppies in that hot-bed of clinical research Tunisia. Seems the NIH sent the money which was used to tie down the animals and expose their faces, which were apparently caged, to infectious sand flies which ate away at the flesh of their faces. Some had their vocal cords severed so the researchers did not have to tolerate and hear their barking and cries. I guess we can add funding the torture of puppies to the good doctor's resume. What else has this sadistic SOB done? Don't worry. You can trust the health and safety of your children to this prick. No worries though, the MSM loves and protects Fauci.
  10. You sound delusional here. The moment of truth has arrived. Present some evidence. Not opinions, not tweets, not subjective or anecdotal stories. Real, hard facts that have passed the burden of proof. Produce the specific names of Trump campaign and administration people and the names of their Russian "contacts" along with dates they met and what they discussed? All things the Mueller team investigated and research but came up empty. Because none of it ever happened in real life. Your contention there is some grand cover-up is irrational given the facts. Everyone is involved in a cover-up. Even Mueller? And his band of Trump-hating lawyers?
  11. Not that you'll believe anything I present but the Clinton campaign generated and FBI enabled Russian collusion hoax. Fake intell which they knew was fake, fake justification for FISA warrants that everyone involved knew was fake which is a crime the FBI committed, investigation into fake events and connections which everyone knew never happened. Something zealots on the left continue to believe is real regardless of a complete absence of facts. But that's what zealots do, believe their own lies. That's why they cling to 1/6 conspiracy theory and this illegitimate and undemocratic committee (Nancy rejected all the minority names submitted she didn't like and ignored House rules on committee appointments) as a do-over. The danger is that another failure and fatal blow here to their psyche will be too much for the faithful to handle. I suspect they should prepare for another loss as nobody is charged for anything remotely close to insurrection. So now the focus will be away from the actual event with an eye towards drumming up some "suspicions" and "circumstantial" type conclusions regarding imaginary insurrection planning conspiracies Facts do not matter to the Committee. They'll issue some fake report and attempt to enact more authoritarian restrictions on individual freedom and label anyone opposing their conclusions as a supporter of tyranny. Which is ironic. Tyrants calling other people tyrants.
  12. The libs embrace State authority because they believe it will be used to suppress and punish their social and political enemies. They will find much to their surprise the State is only concerned with the welfare of the State. And for their obedience they will suffer the same fate. Useful idiots..
  13. I always thought the "big lie" was "I'll just put the tip in".
  14. Its the breakdown of overly complex systems at work. And some light should be shined on the architects of the globalization policies that gutted US manufacturing capacity, killed millions of jobs and thousands of small towns and cities, along with enabling the rise of China as a world power. Professing a process of engagement would make the Chinese system more like us. Swing and a miss on that. Right now Xi seems worse than Mao. All this for saving at everyday low prices and producing mostly poor quality junk consumer products that break in a couple years. So I guess the rule that you get what you pay for still applies. If the Scarecrow had a brain the administration might generate an idea to maybe, just maybe, look at concept of making mission critical products and components domestically. And for a few pennies on the dollar avoid the 10,000 miles supply chain problems. And eliminate sending hundreds of billions in trade to our enemies.
  15. This piece by Glenn Greenwald on the left's objectives (hint: its not defending democracy) and obsessed mindset on the 1/6 committee. Among the insights of the left is this quote, "they have become the worst kinds of fanatics: the ones who really believe their own lies." A statement that will resonate with many here and trigger rage in others. Definitely worth the read: https://greenwald.substack.com/p/feeding-the-liberal-flock-the-real/
  16. What Trump did may have been morally questionable but it wasn't illegal. So what's your point? If you constantly suggesting Trump is some reckless law breaker and this is your go-to example of his transgressions then it would seem you don't have much of a case.
  17. This thing is, aren't almost all political campaign ads disinformation by definition? Candidate number one's campaign says he's a saint and candidate number 2 is the son of Satan. And visa versa. Here we have a Governors election in November. I swear there are four guys running and not two. Example being good governor Murphy that saved civilization from a deadly virus and looks out for everybody and bad governor Murphy that killed thousands of seniors and taxes the citizens of the state to death.
  18. Didn't we all see this coming from a mile away? If you don't comply and get your ninth booster shot then you can't go to the market or socialize in public settings. Lucky for you though. As most people you know have already died from heart failure or other complications after the 6th and 7th boosters.
  19. While in office they do favors for wealthy citizens and corporations then after leaving public service get $10 million book deal advances for a book nobody will read and 6 digit speaking engagement fees to talk about things nobody cares to hear about. And corporate BOD seats while getting generous compensation and stock options. Quid Pro Quo.
  20. Like the fantasy that anyone in the campaign colluded with the Russians in 2016. Russia is the Left's equivalent of the search for Bigfoot. Lots of unsupported claims, stories, and myths but no proof or physical evidence. So far the discovery of things Russian is limited to something they've discovered in the Salad Dressing isle of the Super Market. 5 years and nothing but the dream lives on!
  21. Neither of those combo's stand an ice cube's chance in Hell of carrying the electoral map given their place on the far left side of the political spectrum. In 2020 they trotted out Biden as the face of the moderate center because all the far-left candidates polled poorly in a general election contest. Then once the "moderate" won they pulled the bait and switch to a far left platform and agenda. Can they pull off the same trick again? A problem regardless of the Democratic ticket is that Biden will be blamed for what I expect will be a historic economic, social, and political disaster consistent with the experience of the Great Depression. But this time rather than a deflationary depression it will be an inflationary depression. Anybody can cry and moan and blame Trump but nobody blames Calvin Coolidge for the Great Depression. It was Hoover in charge and history will record it was Biden in charge this time. My view is certainly contrarian to what the majority expects but since when does the majority see any turning point or event coming? And depending on how bad it gets it might be a generation before they win the White House again.
  22. But he could have produced indictments and evidence against other conspirators both domestic and international, convened a grand jury to hear those indictments and charges, arrest warrants could have been issued, arrests made, charges brought against them, juries convened, evidence heard from prosecutors and defense counsel, verdicts rendered by juries, and the guilty sentenced by the courts. But nothing. Why? Because there was nothing. It was all fictional, circumstantial, or there was simply no evidence.
  23. Anything the minimizes or eliminate rational or irrational fear of severe illness and death is forbidden as that would inhibit the ability to control people. If nobody was afraid to die then the mandates and restrictions would be viewed as foolish. Power hates and fears truth and free exchange of ideas. Ivermectin is available, relatively cheap, and has an established history of use and safety for several indications. Of course you wouldn't know that from media reports and stories about veterinary use. Is it effective against COVID? I don't know. What I do know is various officials and "experts" don't want us to find out if it is effective.
  24. To facilitate an open border policy rename Canada to North Mexico.
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