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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. It's like US intelligence services are right there in the command bunker with Russian military commanders. What's beautiful about it all is none of these reports can be verified or falsified. So, if it's not today then its tomorrow. Or as the weather guy on the news said tonight. It might rain and snow on Tuesday, or start as rain and turn to snow, or start as snow to rain, or stay all rain, or stay or snow, or mixed precipitation or we might not have any precipitation, or the Russians might attack on Monday and if not maybe on Tuesday. Tune in Tuesday night for an update.
  2. With all due respect, what about Canada? Should the US invade Canada to restore democracy? Should NATO act? Should the governments of other democracies express concerns and outrage at the invoking of emergency powers? I mean, Putin puts one "activist" in jail and the entire world expresses condemnation but not a peep here from any democracy. Should a Navy Seal Team be dispatched to Ottawa to abduct PM Trudeau and bring him to Washington to stand trial for crimes against his citizens? Because after Trudeau's emergency powers order I'm hard pressed to articulate what the difference is between living in Trudeau's Canada and Putin's Russia. From where I sit Trudeau's actions are perfectly consistent with the way Putin or Xi would have handled it. Some person or group resist your rule invoke powers and send in security forces to crush them and destroy their lives in the process along with anyone you identify that has provided any kind of support to their cause. So why ask fellow Canadians or Americans, to put their asses on the line to protect freedom and democracy in various foreign lands when our governments are committed to doing neither of that when it comes to domestic policies.
  3. I'm no geography wiz but wouldn't it be a shorter path to drain Lake Superior? I expect international agreements with Canada over the "shared" resource of the Great Lakes would impede such an idea.
  4. Blitz, you're dealing with a mindset that loves authoritarianism. They claim to be liberal thinkers but that's just self-delusion. And I've concluded it's almost useless to debate anyone with that mindset. Simply.... Leftists want tyranny just like the globalists do and that’s a really hard stance to justify. It’s much easier to attack character than to attack the message, so names like toxic, racists, sexists, insurrectionists and now foreign collaborators. Anything to avoid an honest debate on fair ground based on facts and morals. Ultimately, leftists love globalism. They are mouthpieces for the establishment because they see the establishment as an ally in their quest for socialism. They are too stupid to understand that the program is being run by the very same corporations and billionaires they claim they are fighting against. They also don’t understand that they will be among the first people sacrificed to see true globalism achieved. Like children, they think the future is going to be just like Star Trek. In truth it will be more like traveling backwards in time to the serfdom of the feudal dark ages.
  5. Specifically, they imprison enemies of the party. The party is more important than the country, more important than the law. The party provides additional "rights" to its members and punishes and subrogates non-members. Citizens exist to serve the interest of the party and the government. In a democracy the government exists to serve the needs of its citizens. Critics of the government's policies here are not threats to the nation or the government. They are not terrorists. Terrorists seek to destroy or replace the system. In the trucker situation they are not seeking to revolt against and replace the Parliamentary system of government. Or alter the legal system. They are not a threat to the system. They're not looking to tear down institutions and systems to replace them with some other institutions and system to their liking. They are not motivated by or advocates of political change or social activism. What they object to are the people running the system and their policies. The protesters are a threat to the elite ruling political class. It's just that simple. That's how it is with all populist movements and protests. They're not a threat to Canada. They want social and economic restrictions that are not scientifically or socially effective or necessary removed. They want the government claiming to follow the science to follow the science and not the politically driven pseudo-science policies of the ruling class. But opposition to the political elite class is a danger. So unable to speak the truth deception needs to be employed to cite a threat to the nation to rally the population in support of the elite. It's quite a game and as long as the majority of citizens shy away from critical thinking and comply with blind obedience.
  6. That's a great law. The false comparison strategy and false choice strategy are common methods utilized to escape from an indefensible position when facts and figures contradict someone's argument and therefore requires a shift of focus to another topic. For bonus points can anyone name the 2 or 3 posters most likely to bring up Trump to escape a discussion of facts and critical questions on any topic? Topics ranging from CRT to potential 2022 season NFL MVP?
  7. So sounds like all Trudeau had to do to shut down the protests was just send some leftist anarchists into the crowd. Why didn't he think of that? Or maybe... he did? And while I'll admit to that being a conspiracy theory I take exception. Who knows, maybe he talked with the FBI this week? And why should my conspiracy theories be judged any differently than those created by government? As they never offer up any proof, facts, or evidence. What makes anyone believe them? Credibility? That's comical.
  8. I didn't ask a question. Do you know the difference between a question and a statement? Hint: that was a question..
  9. Asking critical questions of government officials about their statements when they are unwilling and unable to provide supporting facts is not synonymous to supporting your enemy. People use this smear tactic because they have no logical or reasonable arguments to present in the face of the facts.
  10. Well. you're biasing the quiz by giving them a big clue. And reasonable people should also be able to figure out when their government is feeding them a fairy tale.
  11. How about this? How about your buddies Biden and Blinken worry about the US border with Mexico before they go off to Europe and start pontificating about the sanctity of borders between two countries across the ocean and thousands of miles away? A situation where how many Americans are directly impacted? Almost zero. Or how about this? How about they apply their Mexico border policy to Ukraine and Russia so there would be no concerns about incursions or talk and threats of war at all. Because national borders don't matter to their political party. And the Ukrainians and Russians would be free to move back and forth between the two countries without any regard for things like border security or any citizenship rules, visas, or passports. So why would any reasonable person support a war effort to protect the borders of a country in Europe none of them could find on a map absent country names appearing in big block letters when our leaders can't seem to grasp the concept of protecting the borders of our own country with anything like the same level of enthusiasm? Maybe redirect those troops deployed to Europe to our Southern border rather then leave it unattended and under the control of drug cartels. Either way, they're waking me up 3 or 4 times every night with early morning flights either ascending after takeoff or descending for landing that I conclude are either flights from Texas secretly bringing illegals up into the North East or flights out of McGuire AFB transporting US troops and equipment to Europe. Please stop both and let me get a good nights rest.
  12. What exactly doesn't make sense? That Blinken is at the UN Security council? That Blinken made allegations of Russia in the process of manufacturing a false flag event? That Blinken provided no evidence of any such plot?
  13. You should be addressing that question to our secretary of State. Blinken was at the UN Security Council leveling charges that a false flag attack is about to be launched. All as is customary without providing one piece of evidence. We're in WMD territory now. What's next? Stories of babies being torn from hospital incubators? Its an embarrassment. And it merely reinforces the growing realization of Biden's incapacity to lead the west, much less America. Watch as allies distance themselves from this train wreck. Even the Ukrainians will be looking for a mutually beneficial negotiated exit from this mess.
  14. SDS = ProShares Trust - ProShares UltraShort S&P500 (SDS) https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/SDS?p=SDS
  15. I wonder what the analysts in the U.S. intelligence services, State Department, and the Pentagon that genuinely understand the motivations and objectives of Russia think of all this drama? And... I'm not complaining about anything but rather wondering how foreign policy objective began to be driven by the answers from The Magic 8-Ball?
  16. This message will be repeated every day until something does or doesn't happen.
  17. Outside of 401k funds which I don't mess with too much, playing the TQQQ and SQQQ, SSO and SDS. Plus holding long oil and gas sector since Jan 2021 and built a sizable position in Precious Metals shares and funds. Plus a few biotechs. Its pretty predictable. Today the prediction is "very high" risk of an invasion at any time. Market down today, nothing happens, market up tomorrow. But about 1/2 of the day's gain sells off before the close as traders hedge the chance of something happening over the weekend. When nothing happens over the weekend a Monday morning rally. Sometime, on Monday Trade Joe makes another prediction of Russian invasion any second. Then an afternoon fade into the close. That's my current playbook for the next couple days.
  18. That's a bit of revisionist history as Antifa and BLM protests that included riots, looting, and property destruction, and violence against others were indeed economically disruptive.
  19. Sounds like the emergency powers act is setting up Trudeau as dictator. The media in Canada and the US are not objecting to any of it. Rather they support it. So 2+2. What's the emergency? There's no widespread violence, or looting, or destruction of property or attacks on people. Some trucks parked in the streets and people expressing dissatisfaction with the government? This violates a fundamental rule of dictatorship Which is nobody is allowed to question the authorities. And in that political system anyone questioning the authorities is an enemy of the state. The fundamental problem with Trudeau and his government's position is that civil disobedience and criticism of the government is not terrorism. Its an excuse to subvert the fundamental principles of democracy in action.
  20. Now unemployed "social media influencers" are preaching about the virtues of inflation. Maybe pay a bill for the first time sweetie and figure out how life works before imparting your wisdom on everyone..
  21. Cost of living being relative to local conditions I'd say "wealthy" is pulling in $750K annually and having assets of over $10M. Sadly, I don't meet the criteria.
  22. The science from the CDC and NIH supports the premise that celebrities and political officials along with the wealthy, powerful, and elite have "natural" immunity from COVID. "Regular" people do not. Regular people need to be triple vaxed, wear a mask, social distance, and remain in seclusion as they can catch COVID very easily and most of them will end up in the hospital and die. It's not clear if this is because of some supernatural genetic trait or natural selection or just because they think they're better than everyone else but anyone questioning the omnipotence of celebrities will be censored and their questions and concerns will be regarded as disinformation. So just do as you're told and don't make trouble.
  23. Luckily President Biden and his senior advisors remember the fake toll booth ploy. The Russians will need a crap load of dimes to get all their troops over the border. And given they use Rubles they'll need to convert their currency to dollars and then get change denominated in 10 cent increments which will cause an even bigger delay in the attack plans! If successful this tactic will be deployed to all NATO countries as the first line of defense.
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