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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Mr. Gore ignores the Elephant in the room (if there are any Elephants left alive as poachers killed almost all the Elephants in Africa to accommodate Chinese market demand) while focusing on some insignificant incremental source of emissions. In 2019 (pre-pandemic) China produced 27% of net greenhouse gas emissions vs. the U.S. 11%. Is every former Democratic administration elected and non-elected official on China's payroll? Any Chinese agents or assets on here care to refute this?
  2. At work we have a slogan to deal with distractions and focus. BE HERE NOW.
  3. I think people are just tired of the left trying to force the preposterous notions and ideas they believe on everyone. Like there are more than two genders (show me the science on this one) or a man simply by believing he's a woman makes him a women (again science) or that all white people are racists (except the woke confessors) or all minorities are oppressed. My basic view is you can believe all the ridiculous things you want. But don't expect me to believe them and certainly don't try and force or coerce me into believing them. The push back came as a result of these zealots moved from believing to trying to forcing others to believe. That's when the majority said I've had enough.
  4. Invasion is unnecessary. Air drop a couple hundred thousand cases of those big cans of Fosters on major population centers which will overwhelm government security forces, bring heavy drinkers into the streets, and along with drunken police and security everybody will soon be playing rugby and having a good time again rather than enforcing or protesting against government edicts.
  5. If I get it right you're making the argument for what some refer to as "productive activity". But why do anything productive which requires a time commitment to work when you can get foreigners to make everything for you and all you have to do is give them is paper IOU's in return for real stuff. You can allocate all your time to leisure activities like playing video games, staring at your iPhone all day, or maybe sleeping in late. And let the people in other countries get up at 5 AM and trudge into work. How dumb are they? Everybody wins, right? Corporations make bigger profits while off-shoring jobs Americans apparently don't want, foreigners get jobs that produce wages for themselves, and American citizens can sit around and commit themselves to full-time leisure activities. And with nothing to do with all those dollars foreign central banks buy US treasuries to send all that "free" money back to America to fund more government spending. Its a perfect system. And we wonder why huge "caravans" of immigrants and asylum seekers are herding into the U.S. They'd be crazy to stay at home and work when they can join the leisure class of America. Add to this the generous compensation for doing nothing package that U.S. Federal, State, and local governments have put together on top of all that and its a condition that can only be described as euphoria. Even more free money and stuff for doing nothing productive. But what just might happen when all this free money that isn't "earned" by producing any additional goods and services in the economy get spent. The amount of stuff you can buy doesn't grow. So you're bidding for what is available. So there might be shortages or price increases as buyers are willing to spend more of what they have, but don't earn, on what they want to buy. I think that's called inflation. The fun part, which we haven't reached yet, is when those foreign suppliers that are so stupid they actually work at jobs to earn money to live on decide they don't want to send any more stuff to you either because they want it themselves or because they don't want or need any more IOU's from you because there's nothing they can redeem them for except financial assets or real estate that are already way-overpriced. When there's nothing to buy with all that free leisure time bankrolled by the taxpayers what will we do? If I had to guess I expect the fun part of it all is ending right about now and it will be obvious to all of us within the next 3 to 6 months.
  6. For these WP dirt bags nothing is more important than to protect their precious Dr. Mengele from any criticisms over needless animal experiments and torture. May they rot in Hell.
  7. Agreed. Its an ideological form letter. Dear <your_name>: You suck.
  8. Stick to the narrative that the far-left is pure of heart and mind and all other Americans are evil. Campaign on the contention you can insult and alienate everyone and tell them they all suck but now vote for me so we can re-educate and reform your behavior approach is definitely a winning strategy.
  9. I'll talk about it. You're full of crap here. Idiots like Joy Reid making excuses for losing in Virginia are saying “They’re dangerous to our national security, because stoking that kind of soft white nationalism eventually leads to the hardcore stuff. It leads to the January 6 stuff because if people are tolerant of it in your party, they’re tolerant of the soft racism, it’s a really short trip to get to the January 6 insurrectionists.” Joy and team left just can't get themselves to understand the problem is they are blind to their own ignorance. They suffer from a complete lack of self-awareness. Rather than continue to insist everyone that doesn't agree with them suffers from some major character flaw or behavioral issue the fact and truth is voters don't like the social activism crap that's being pushed down their throats by the left. Plain and simple. So stop it or suffer the consequences at the polls.
  10. If the leftist zealots are one thing its persistent. But unfortunately they are the only people that believe the lies they tell intended to deceive others. The problem is they get all whipped up into a frenzy about these imaginary conspiracies, demand all kinds of investigations, and then at the end of the day come up empty. This 1/6 event will end as another swing and a miss. The reality is that its not possible to prove a fantasy is real. But the political base is desperate for a win so they keep trying. The learning curve is steep here. And expect this whole thing to die a slow death as public interest in this trends down towards zero as the facts are exposed and the media dolts can no longer hide them.
  11. Historically awful. Perhaps that was Gruden's motivation? To show everyone he was the ultimate coach of this era. Better than Reid or Belichik. Better than anyone. A guy that could take a historically bad NFL QB and coach him up to an average level of performance. He's an innovator trying something nobody else dared to try.
  12. The new series or the original? I like Roselyn Sanchez!
  13. The message appears to be, hey I'm an out of my mind mentally unstable lunatic so vote for the other guy. Or maybe there are way too many liberal white guys, thinking they have some God given right to represent the interests of minorities that see the only way to score woke points is to bash people of their own race, that are running for Governor? Either way the guys a complete douche.
  14. You're living the movie The Russians Are Coming! from the early 1960's.
  15. I have to admit it. I would have also fallen asleep at the climate summit. A bunch of posers flying into a climate conference on 100's of private jets and large official processions spewing millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere assembled to preach and pontificate to the rest of the human race about how THEY need to be more environmentally conscious and stop polluting the atmosphere by downsizing their lifestyles while the elites buzz around in their private jets to their private islands and vacation paradises and private sanctuaries and live it to the max. Can you even develop a plot and drama that would be more comical and hypocritical than this real-life crap fest? Like Greta says "How Dare You!"
  16. You know what else might help? A more effective standard of care (SOC) treatment protocol for people that test positive with mild/moderate symptoms and are told to stay home. Right now the SOC as I read it is stay home and if you get better then great. If you get sicker then go to the hospital and we will start treatment and hopefully its soon enough to keep you from dying. Maybe, just maybe starting patient treatment at home as early as possible would keep a lot of people out of the hospital and also keep them alive? But I suppose we can't have anything that will impact the revenue streams of hospitals and doctors and providers of expensive drugs and MABs? Here's the link to the CDC guidelines. Maybe I missed something? https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/management/clinical-management/nonhospitalized-adults--therapeutic-management/ As I'm getting it, after 20 months no medications or pro-active treatment options are recommended or approved for people at home. For a country with the world's highest cost health care system this is simply unacceptable. But places like India they do have these options, a bundle of medications and vitamins. And they have worked. But mysteriously applying these same treatment options cease to work when you cross into the United States.
  17. See 2nd sentence: A group of lawmakers all believing a specific pre-conceived conclusion and not disposed in any way to proceed with any sense of objectivity.
  18. https://covid19.colorado.gov/data Could this be the fundamental problem? From State's COVID stat site. Number of facilities anticipating staff shortages (within the next week) - 38%
  19. Give me a starting OG in exchange and I might listen to the offer.
  20. That's how government works. True story. My brother worked in Homeland Security in the early 2000's. At a time when they were establishing all the airport security measures after 9/11. The first phase was to deploy these measures to all the major airports. The basic plan was to deploy the measures in a priority order with the most important and critical airports to be secured in order of importance that was established through the use of objective measures like hubs first and traffic volumes. But the idiots in the field had a different idea. They spent all the initial budget money to perform about 1/2 of the work at all the major phase one airports which resulted in spending all the money but securing nothing. As long as you understand the best and the brightest are not leading our government you won't be disappointed or surprised by anything.
  21. All the petty politician wanna-be dictators issuing edicts and proclamations demanding the plebs all fall in line and act obediently to their commands will find somebody else to blame for the consequences of their decisions. If you don't blindly obey and follow the dictates of authoritarians then you're not following the science. You're a bad, bad person. That includes all the previously designated "heroes" that risked their lives during the pandemic to keep everyone else "safe". But now need to be fired. By the way, thanks for your service. The message here, politicians are generally scum bags that will use and lose you whenever they deem fit to do so.
  22. I suggest at this point "The Committee" is less interested in the truth than they are in keeping the story front-and-center for as long as possible. What does anyone expect from a group of lawmakers all believing a specific pre-conceived conclusion and not disposed in any way to proceed with any sense of objectively?
  23. Allowed it to happen? I believe the truth will come out that various agency assets present on 1/6 made it happen.
  24. My confusion is that we already have millions of people in the US getting paid to do nothing that could do the work if they had the proper motivation. Why are we importing more people to pay to do nothing? Both scenarios sound like they're aligned with the administration's "human infrastructure" bill.
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