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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Yeah, that's the threshold of proof here. On this message board. Being in personal possession of critical evidence from ongoing investigations. You should be careful asking such a question because doing so provides others the opportunity to hold you to such a standard of proof. But fortunately the repair shop did. They gave the receipt to the FBI. What they did with it is anybody's guess. Now I suppose you'll insist the repair shop owner is a Russian asset they've groomed for 30 years waiting for the perfect moment to frame the son of a US Senator from Delaware that the KGB's time machine program from 1990 had forecasted will become President of the U.S. in the year 2020.
  2. As the DNC would not allow law enforcement or intelligence agencies to inspect the e-mail servers exactly how e-mails found their way to Wikileaks has never been proven or confirmed. We can only speculate on the reasoning of the DNC. Russian hacking is one theory. But not the only one. I should add this comes down to a case where the victim refused to press charges.
  3. Given the shop owner where the laptop was dropped off produced an authentic service order receipt authorized by the signature of the son of the current President and made numerous calls and left messages at the contact phone number on the receipt informing the customer the PC was ready for pickup, one can only speculate.
  4. The long and short of it is if the FBI wasn't involved to facilitate and manufacture a "conspiracy" this kidnapping plot wouldn't have gone any further than a few idiots sitting around shooting the breeze with each other. Instead agency assets got involved in developing plans and actions that moved it from some knucklehead idea to an active criminal plot. It's like to cops walking into a bar, buying you drinks, giving you title and registration to a new Corvette, and then busting you for DUI when you pull out of the parking lot. You can argue guilt for DUI but you can't win the argument that it would have happened without the contributions and involvement of the cops.
  5. As all of this is pure conjecture you're wasting your time here as you should be writing fiction for a living. Although it appears you might be writing fiction and historical revision here already as a full time occupation given the amount of posts you create. The majority of which are centered around your obsession for making Trump the focus of all existence. The idea Putin groomed Trump as his asset but waited until he was out of office and powerless to support his actions is both infantile and preposterous. Assuming some complex plan devised by some grand chess-master taking action while Trump was in power is simply more logical. Reality is Putin waited until the Biden administration came along because they disrupted the balance of terror in Donbas by increasing arms deliveries which resulted in Ukrainian militias taking the offensive in the East. Putin then attacked and concluded the administration was too weak and feeble to present any serious opposition to his attack. That better explains where we are right now.
  6. Why are all your arguments here binary choices? Either you're for us or against us? Its either Mother Theresa or Hitler. Nothing in-between is allowed. But the majority of opinion is somewhere in between. Its completely acceptable for anyone to have doubts and questions and criticisms about U.S. involvement, intent, and strategy and at the same time not be some kind of asset for Putin.
  7. Everyone needs to just shut up and go along with the neocon war narrative because their record of foreign interventions has been such a raging success! What are they, something like 0 for 8?
  8. Maybe when this is over we can get Zelensky to implore Biden and the Democrat controlled Congress to get some funds to fight the drug cartels at our border?
  9. The reality Democrats cannot seem to grasp is the messages from Peppermint Patty, Pete, and other figures do not resonate well with the voters. An afflication referred to as tone deaf. They've spent the past couple decades pandering to social justice and virtue signalling while ignoring real issues of substance. All that social justice bullsheet doesn't matter when economic turbulence hits. It only plays well when times are good and there's not much else to worry about. As such the core of their agenda has no relevance or meaning relative to life's real issues. Like how to feed and shelter a family? As they've proven to be completely tone deaf and unwilling to directly address the fundamentals, perhaps they can costume up (assuming its allowed per cultural appropriation guidelines) one of their TickTok "influencers" as Marie Antoinette and suggest to the peasants and serfs that Chipolte being pricey to "let them eat Burger King and don't forget to use a coupon" is the way to go!
  10. I'm expecting by 2024 what Trump does or says or doesn't do or say is going to be pretty far down on the list of things to worry about.
  11. The left is dangerous but very stupid. Their unrelenting support of substandard and unaccountable government led by weak and malicious leaders is testament to their lack of mental skills.
  12. At the time, Zelensky stated that Trump placed no condition of digging up dirt in exchange for aid. But back then nobody showed much interest in what he had to say. Contrast that with all the interest in his virtual address to Congress scheduled for tomorrow. Carlson is not a traitor. The criteria for that is well established. The entire accusation fails the legal test as there's no formal declaration of war with Russia. Period. Don't like what he has to say? I'd refer you to the 1st Amendment. Carlson is a consistent critic of the administration and the Democrats in general. That's pretty much the role he plays. A lot of people don't like that. So they call him a traitor which is a lot easier than actually debating and critiquing the points he's making about the Biden administration's handling of the conflict and ongoing humanitarian crisis. My take of the situation is that clearly knowing what Russia considered its strategic interests, the U.S., NATO, and other governments made all kinds of overtures to Ukraine, sent lots of weapons, provided lots of assurances, talked a good game, and when the crap hit the fan, they are split and hung them out to dry leaving them at the mercy of Putin and the Russian military.
  13. I have a couple theories but it seems pretty clear there's a lot more going on than the fate of Ukraine. From China's perspective they probably see Russia as a proxy probing Western responses and actions to aggression. I think the sanctions, asset freezing, and seizure actions have got them concerned. Concerned enough to take action and join this conflict? Doubtful. But concerned enough to poke around and feel things out. I don't see any immediate move against Taiwan. They'd need to pull off a complex amphibious and air attack without having any combat experience at that task. From Taiwan's perspective the idea would be to sink all their troop carriers in the Straits before they come ashore. With U.S. support China's move could be a military disaster and a source of embarrassment for a regime which treasures the projection of control and competence. Interestingly, though is China suddenly engaging in on again, off again high level discussions with the Saudi's over oil payments in Yuan. Saudi leadership appears to be unhappy with the Biden administration especially regarding its stance on Iran. A move to change the payment process for oil would put a major hurt on the Petrodollar system and anyone familiar with that payment system understand the implications. Something that might be scaring China is the term I saw thrown around regarding sanctions and weaponizing the U.S. dollar and that is "un-hedgeable confiscation risks". So I expect China's main purpose now is to erode U.S. financial control and dominance rather than taking any actions to engage in military confrontations.
  14. Well, I can't say with 100% certainty who is lying and who isn't because I have no access to intelligence and security information and data. And I suspect neither do you. So how do you know for certain who is telling the truth? It ultimately comes down to what you believe and not what you know. That's my point here. Other than I evaluate the validity of anything and everything said by all the players in this conflict with skepticism.
  15. China has called the US accusations baseless and stated "Some forces have kept smearing China on the Ukraine issue… and fabricated all sorts of disinformation". So somebody is lying.
  16. The test is not flawed. And the assumption is the objective is to detest active infections. The virus lives and is active in the host for 5 to 7 days. A true positive test would have to be performed in that 7 day window. But the PCR test identifies the existence of viral material in the sample nasal swab and it can be active or inactive. The test does not differentiate. But the sensitivity, or amplification rate, of the test can be altered either lower or higher to produce less or more positives. Setting the amplification rate of the test sample higher produces positives for viral DNA that can be fragments or dead viral material that is present but does not represent an active infection. This "flaw" was and is known by everyone familiar with the PCR test. So scientists or officials intentionally setting and insisting on the high amplification rate knew what they're doing and to me that implies intent. The government didn't follow the science. They ignored it. I've read articles that suggest up to 70% false positives. Many viral experts have brought this issue up during the course of the pandemic but of course they got shot down or were silenced. So these admissions of ignorance and hindsight now reek of CYA.
  17. It should be pointed out, foreign despots and regimes that our government has traditionally provided protection to as long as they go along with Washington's rules.
  18. Can't citizens of California steal up to $950 worth of stuff and not get charged with a crime? Or am I just thinking of San Francisco? Because put into practice that could translate to free gas and groceries! PS: I'll be lobbying my state government to adopt this inflation fighting innovation!
  19. Before we commit the existence of human civilization to this idea, which I see as a fantasy, why don't these dreamers build out a demonstration project of a community of 100,000 inhabitants running solely on green energy and show us all how its going to work economically and effectively? Without using oil or gas or conventional resources to build or run it. Hint: they know it won't.
  20. So what does censoring views from Nobel Prize winners and recognized experts on virology and COVID have to do with Putin?
  21. Let's be honest here. They just censor and block ideas and information they don't like. Propaganda, hate speech, and misinformation they agree with gets posted.
  22. No argument from me. I'm just pointing out the position Russia took in the negotiations with the U.S. delegation.
  23. I don't know about the radical left here, but my contention is the U.S. government is no more or less reliable than the Russian government when it comes to telling the truth and both are elaborate and sophisticated sources of propaganda developed and perfected during the Cold War era. Since almost everything they report on and say is unverifiable, unless you've got firsthand observations or information from being on the ground over there, how can anyone know for sure if they're telling the truth or just making it up? It's a matter of trusting the source. And I trust neither. Nor do I trust the mouthpiece networks that just parrot the story and ask no critical or probing questions. I base my assessment on a record of mis-information and bullsheet. For example, I'm still waiting for those WMD's to show up. That doesn't make me an enemy sympathizer. It makes me a concerned and engaged citizen that demands truth and accountability from the government. Neither of which they care to provide.
  24. Suggesting Carlson is pimping for Russia is like saying a Bills fan that admits Belichick is a good coach is rooting for the Patriots.
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