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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Maybe all the ladies need to take a stand and decide they've had enough and all boycott all these events until the message is received? Nothing gets a message across better than to pull money out of the pockets of the pompous douches making these decisions. When they lose money and the events lose money and sponsors lose money and pull support they'll be a sudden change in direction. Cash will always win out over virtue signalling.
  2. There is no wrong or right side. War has always resulted in senseless killing of civilians. 400K Iraqi civilians were killed and millions displaced as a result of the US invasion. Japan committed atrocities against civilian populations in places like China, Korea, and the Philippines. Truman ordered the dropping of 2 h-bombs that killed almost every resident of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 40 million Russians were killed by the Germans. The bombing of London. On top of running extermination camps. The firebombing of Dresden killed countless thousands. Throughout history empires, the Romans, the Huns, the Aztecs, the Ottomans, the Crusades, and countless others. I could go on.. But sure, if you're a blood thirsty war monger then shame on Trump for taking actions and making statements that avoiding death and suffering in a place where people were already facing hardships. And kudos for Biden for shooting his mouth off and when the fighting started telling Zelensky he's on his own..
  3. How do you explain the fact that no actions have been taken by DOJ or any law enforcement organization to develop a legal case and pursue charges in the past 15 months? Rather it's left to a partisan Congressional committee that has absolutely no legal authority to issue charges. Nor for that matter any desire to determine the truth absent any political advantage. All they can do is forward their recommendations to the DOJ which to this point has expressed no interest to pursue any charges. I can only conclude the strategy is to keep this committee investigation on life support in the hope it can survive to impact the 2022 mid-term election cycle as the Democrats have few to no success stories or much else to run on. The sad reality for them is there's not much enthusiasm for the "insurrection" narrative anymore beyond the core constituency. Sure Trump might have discussed options and weighed them against Federal and State law and the Constitution but you need to really understand the difference between what might be considered inappropriate discussions and illegal activities and actions. Filing challenges to election results is not illegal and the courts appropriately ruled on whether or not to allow those challenges to proceed. It's over.
  4. The headlines sound promising that some end to hostilities can be reached or at a minimum dialing it back. U.S. markets are rallying on the news and the oil price is coming down but the reality they're ignoring is the sanctions will not be removed anytime soon regardless of any peace deal and relationships between the West and Russia are beyond repair. All these asset freeze and seizure actions have given a lot of dollar holders pause to evaluate what I've seen described as "un-hedgeable confiscation risk".
  5. You might be on to something. But let's not overlook the fact that the last names Biden and Putin both contain 5 letters and both have an "i" and an "n". This could be the evidence needed to break the case wide open. Dare I say a special counsel should be immediately named?
  6. You just refuse to see the big picture when it comes to alliances and arrangements in the Middle East. Like it or not you need to take into account how actions related to the Kurds will impact relations with Turkey. A fellow NATO member which "grants" the U.S. access to their airspace and bases to run missions and host U.S. forces. Pronounce and commit to undying support for the Kurds as you desire and Erdogan would have told the U.S. to get out. That threat was clear. And most likely signaling to ISIS forces under his "protection" that U.S. interests can be legitimate targets. Or unleashing more migrants into Europe. Its a balancing act where the U.S. isn't in the position to dictate terms and conditions unilaterally. That black and white world you wish for doesn't exist.
  7. Concluding Trump abandoned the Kruds is a simplistic conclusion to a very complex web of relationships. The U.S., Turkey, Russia, Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, UAE, and the Kurds along with other groups all have both competing and common objectives that come into play at one time or another. These interests very from issue to issue or from situation to situation. As do the alliances between the parties. And U.S. policy from Trump to Biden hasn't changed much. I'm not very clear on what those policy objectives are at this point other than to keep this balancing act from boiling over into some wider conflict.
  8. Experts! Any 1st year biology student can tell you the difference between men and women. The biological science is clear. It's also clear its generally ignored when convenient. Like it is with identity politics. He's how I see it. Somebody can hold what I conclude are all kinds of absurd and irrational beliefs. That's their business. I'll say my piece but if they disagree that's okay. But don't expect me to believe it. And don't try to coerce or force me to deny reality or believe it.
  9. There's a fundamental difference between gay and trans. Gay people have an affinity for people of the same sex. Overwhelmingly gay men do not identify with being a women and lesbians do not identify with being a man. I base my conclusions on gay men and women a personally know and through observation of real people in real life situations. Trans people "think" or "identify" with being a member of the opposite sex which conflicts with biological fact. The "mocking" is of this belief and feelings that you can decide what you are. Which in a world committed to and run based on facts would be absurd. That apparently isn't a world were many people reside.
  10. Hills is a great WR but much of what worked with Mahomes and Hill vs. the Bills depended on the QB's ability to improvise and buy time while Hill excelled at finding the open spots as the defense and coverage broke down. I can't envision Tua making that leap in his game. Add in a new Head Coach, different systems, and integrating lots of free agents so there might be some growing pains for that offense. I also wonder about the Chiefs motivations to make the trade and what they might know that the Dolphins don't and will soon find out?
  11. Wonderful, sounds like the makings of a new conspiracy theory. Justice Thomas is protecting Trump. When one crackpot hoax hits a dead end just generate another. So what's your question?
  12. Putin isn't crazy. That characterization is marketing and messaging. He's a cold, calculating, ruthless, sociopath. But so are most of the people running policy in the U.S. neocon & neoliberal war machine. Guys like Lindsay Graham. He's been almost invisible for 5 years and suddenly when a war gets started, he awakens from his coffin to advocate for war and violence. When I watch what's going on here, I sometimes imagine how the world would look without leaders? After all, I've got no quarrel with the average working man and woman in Ukraine, or Russia. or China, or Iran, or anywhere in Europe, or anywhere else for that matter. They likely feel the same way. It seems like it's the leaders that have problems with each other. Why not just let them do pistols at 12 paces and settle it without having the commit the lives and blood of the rest of us? Or just collectively decide to get rid of them all?
  13. Did it the day US exchanges froze trading on Russian debt/stocks but thinking its not too late because I expect funds are using market to model pricing vs. mark to market until things get sorted out.
  14. If you have any emerging market exposure in your 401K or IRA you might want to review the fund holdings for direct exposure to Russia.
  15. Given this was a situation where a virus was "politicized" we got some unusual outcomes and messaging One novel revelation was for the first time in history medical science discovered that sick and old people and others with compromised immune systems are more likely to die when they become infected by some viral or bacterial organism. Who could have expected that? That and for having the most expensive and complex health care system in the world the U.S. experienced more deaths per capita than 3rd world countries that had much less. Which either shows how inefficient our system was in addressing the pandemic or it reflects the overall poor health of Americans.
  16. Why is it always white people? Because leftist fanatics like these characters think black people are incapable of succeeding without "help" from white people. Which implies a covert racism presented in the form of a superiority complex.
  17. Anyone who is not 100% in lock step with the official US government position and western media reports is a Putin supporter.
  18. Yeah, that's the threshold of proof here. On this message board. Being in personal possession of critical evidence from ongoing investigations. You should be careful asking such a question because doing so provides others the opportunity to hold you to such a standard of proof. But fortunately the repair shop did. They gave the receipt to the FBI. What they did with it is anybody's guess. Now I suppose you'll insist the repair shop owner is a Russian asset they've groomed for 30 years waiting for the perfect moment to frame the son of a US Senator from Delaware that the KGB's time machine program from 1990 had forecasted will become President of the U.S. in the year 2020.
  19. As the DNC would not allow law enforcement or intelligence agencies to inspect the e-mail servers exactly how e-mails found their way to Wikileaks has never been proven or confirmed. We can only speculate on the reasoning of the DNC. Russian hacking is one theory. But not the only one. I should add this comes down to a case where the victim refused to press charges.
  20. Given the shop owner where the laptop was dropped off produced an authentic service order receipt authorized by the signature of the son of the current President and made numerous calls and left messages at the contact phone number on the receipt informing the customer the PC was ready for pickup, one can only speculate.
  21. The long and short of it is if the FBI wasn't involved to facilitate and manufacture a "conspiracy" this kidnapping plot wouldn't have gone any further than a few idiots sitting around shooting the breeze with each other. Instead agency assets got involved in developing plans and actions that moved it from some knucklehead idea to an active criminal plot. It's like to cops walking into a bar, buying you drinks, giving you title and registration to a new Corvette, and then busting you for DUI when you pull out of the parking lot. You can argue guilt for DUI but you can't win the argument that it would have happened without the contributions and involvement of the cops.
  22. As all of this is pure conjecture you're wasting your time here as you should be writing fiction for a living. Although it appears you might be writing fiction and historical revision here already as a full time occupation given the amount of posts you create. The majority of which are centered around your obsession for making Trump the focus of all existence. The idea Putin groomed Trump as his asset but waited until he was out of office and powerless to support his actions is both infantile and preposterous. Assuming some complex plan devised by some grand chess-master taking action while Trump was in power is simply more logical. Reality is Putin waited until the Biden administration came along because they disrupted the balance of terror in Donbas by increasing arms deliveries which resulted in Ukrainian militias taking the offensive in the East. Putin then attacked and concluded the administration was too weak and feeble to present any serious opposition to his attack. That better explains where we are right now.
  23. Why are all your arguments here binary choices? Either you're for us or against us? Its either Mother Theresa or Hitler. Nothing in-between is allowed. But the majority of opinion is somewhere in between. Its completely acceptable for anyone to have doubts and questions and criticisms about U.S. involvement, intent, and strategy and at the same time not be some kind of asset for Putin.
  24. Everyone needs to just shut up and go along with the neocon war narrative because their record of foreign interventions has been such a raging success! What are they, something like 0 for 8?
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