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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. My point isn't that its tough or not tough. My point is its impossible following the current strategy. Renewable sources will not replace all the energy output for applications that use oil and gas while supporting current living standards at current scale and capacity. I'm not sure all the resources needed exist on the planet. And most people have no comprehension that the physical world has limits and constraints. Just checking the mining industry that produces the necessary mineral inputs will reveal how resource grades and quality have fallen, and continue to fall over time while needed to go to more remote places. That means more expensive and energy intensive operations are needed. Maybe the Greens think mining for inputs to build EV's and solar panels doesn't consume and use energy. They're in for quite a shock! Where do they think plastics come from? Don't worry, There's plenty of metals and minerals because we're going to send missions into space to mine asteroids beyond Mars! Its almost delusional. So not tough but impossible and the path to least resistance is to downsize everyone's energy footprint. That's the future path here. Downsizing. I don't think people are either prepared for this outcome or willing to accept it. Maybe that's why nobody ever talks about it? Somebody build a demonstration project of scale at 100K city or community and run it solely on renewables without any oil or gas. Proof of concept level stuff before we go all in on a potentially dead-end strategy. When I drive down the street I see signs like "Climate Action, NOW!" on the front lawn of some houses. Then I think to myself, "Yeah, climate action now. Says the guy down the street in the 4,000 sq ft. house with 2 zone heat and AC, 3 SUV's in the driveway with a landscaping crew that just cut down 1/2 of all the large trees absorbing CO2 on their property. Sure this is going to all work out great..
  2. Official narrative: Un-vaccinated patients are overwhelming the US hosptial system. True or False. Check the numbers from Johns Hopkins hospital ICU and Inpatient numbers and rates on any State you'd like to see. ICU capacity, overall occupancy rates, COVID counts, non-COVID counts, And draw conclusions. (Spoiler alert: nationally COVID patients occupy 16.8% of ICU beds & 8% of total inpatient beds) https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/hospitalization-7-day-trend/
  3. I want to see how Jones handles the expected cold and wind conditions Monday night. I'll be surprised if it doesn't give him some trouble. With Allen the Bills don't have that problem.
  4. I support the idea of clean energy and a clean environment but more than a lie the Green New Deal is a dangerous fantasy. They have a lot of people believing there is some simple, unplug and plug in, solution available if only it was just implemented. But the idea that currently available renewables and alternative energy sources can replace conventional energy sources while supporting a continued advance in living standards and "progress" is false. You can throw in all the assumptions and expectations of future advancements in technology you want but none of that is a certainty and most of it is far off into the future. An analysis of resource requirements, costs, energy efficiency, and other variables shows the math just doesn't work. Just taking motor fleet energy requirements as one example. You need the daily energy output of 29 standard 2by4 solar panels to equal the energy output of 1 gallon of gasoline. Not to mention solar power output is dependent on the amount of sunlight, the time of year, and the latitude of the installation. The US fleet consumes about 9.3 million barrels a day of gasoline. So how many solar panels do you need? The math is 9,300,000 barrels times 42 gallons per barrel time 29 panel per gallon. So show me the plan for supplying those panels and distributing that energy to the market? Or maybe just eliminate 75% of the vehicles on the road which is closer to reality than the plan they have right now. And that's just one small part of the Green replacement of conventional energy. Show me the plan for solar and wind powered commercial coast-to-coast aviation by something equivalent to jet aircraft. Or the plan to convert the biggest single user of conventional energy, the US military, to renewables. A solar powered fleet of F-35 jet fighters. I'll believe it when I see it.
  5. I doubt any of the Russia experts at the Pentagon or the intelligence services believes it. At the present time there is absolutely no strategic advantage or benefit from such a move. Its all just posturing for the moment.
  6. Because at the end of the day all the people claiming to be into social justice and other causes support the authoritarian political establishment. That's the end result of it all. The Bush's, Clinton's, Biden, and Obama, a junior Senator from Illinois that came out of obscurity to win the Presidency twice in what suddenly became a "racist" America when Trump took office. Bush was a war criminal to the left but now the media portrays him as some kind of hero for opposing Trump. Even though his administration is responsible for the imposition of the security state after 9/11 which eliminated the basic concepts of personal privacy. Trump was an outsider plain and simple. An anti-establishment, anti-globalist, pro-nationalist, America first guy that might spoil the party and certainly would interrupt it on the road to the globalist goal of eliminating the concept of the nation state. A global system which of course anoints the billionaire class as rulers. And the idiots on the left fall in, and support this objective. Are they really embracing rule by billionaire businessmen or just stupid? Maybe they can explain? Trump's views and policies didn't matter. Or the fact he was a Republican. It didn't matter. It could have been Bernie Sanders, it could have been Tulsi Gabbard. It could have been any outsider that pulled an upset. The establishment would be given them the same treatment. Whatever the left is thinking this objective achieved is not going to turn out good for the average person and whatever fantasies they want to believe they're not going to be exempt from any of it.
  7. Honestly, I'm pretty loose about the Monday night game. But I'm not out there playing. I think the Bills will bring their best here. I'm expecting a win. It happened quickly but they seem to be back to the underdog role with lots of experts and media jumping back on the NE bandwagon after a year off. The underdog role seems to get the team playing with an edge to their game. And not that uptight mistake prone type of performance. I'm not concerned about the number one seed or the division title because for some reason, maybe they get too amped up at home, this team plays a more complete and composed game on the road. For me, just make the playoffs and anything can happen.
  8. White House staff decided at the last minute to shelve the talking points around funding and training looting flash mobs to steal boats and other water craft in order to sail out to the harbor to directly loot cargo ships suggesting this will assist the ports in unloading the ships more quickly. While also praising the entrepreneurial spirit and initiative of the looters and criminal gangs. Media comments on the idea were extremely supportive as they praised the out of the box thinking culture that's been encouraged by leadership inside the administration. The administration also suggested international maritime law could be applied to avoid charging anyone with a crime under US law. Another big positive. All in all, a win/win idea.
  9. Marxists that are all obsessively in love with the Trump. Proof being they eventually steer every conversation in that direction. When they're not posting nonsense about the virtues of oppressive and authoritarian government policies, I expect they're joyfully master baiting to videos of Trump speeches.
  10. What's you definition of the common good? Is it something like The Borg on Star Trek? A collection of individuals assembled in some hive like society all surrendering their personal identities, opinions, desires, and beliefs for the "common good". Does anyone actually believe the government forcing people to act or not to act in a certain way is in any way equivalent to a scenario where the common good is the objective? You've got to be out of your mind to believe that.
  11. I think the Bills have a more talented roster on offense with the defense being close to a "push". But they don't always play up to their potential while the Patriots, with few exceptions, are well prepared and playing close to or at their best. If both teams bring their best game the Bills should win but it will be tight and into the 4th quarter before its decided.
  12. Commercial insurers provide coverage and policies based on the specific needs of their individual customers, private businesses and other organizations. Policy options, different premium, deductible, out of pocket maximums, co-pays levels which give members choices they can choose from based on their individual needs. The policy choices are determined by the employer. The insurance company while following legal and regulatory standards and guidelines will not typically impose inclusions/exclusions. If a customer wanted COVID coverage inclusions/exclusions of one kind or another and add or subtract some additional premium cost to it that would be their choice. On their own, insurers are not likely to engage in a policy of blanket exclusion of un-vaccinated members. For example, an uncommon thing my group coverage has is it will charge a surcharge if your "spouse/partner" is covered by their own policy and you select to cover them under yours. Not all plans do that. If you're talking about Medicare or Medicaid that's another story.
  13. Authoritarians and socialists don't care about freedom. And your solution isn't about freedom. Its about punishing non-conformers. That what America's left is all about. Hurting people that refuse to go along with the agenda.
  14. That's the advantage and benefit of having the media engaged as the propaganda organization of your political party. When the opposition does it they're evil. When you do it there's praise and all is good. And critics that dare to object are silenced, chastised, and ignored.
  15. Especially when anybody and everybody that wants to wade across the Rio Grande to enter the country can do so unimpeded. For some reason nobody in charge gives a hoot if people entering under those conditions are infected. Maybe Lord Fauci (aka "The Science") provided a waiver of some sort?
  16. I do wonder why a 91 year old capitalist billionaire who worked the current system to the maximum personal benefit is so obsessed with creating a dystopian socialist and authoritarian future.
  17. The term "snowflake" was originally used to describe the weak minded and fragile woke mindset and belief system of being scared of everything. Shadows, spiders, life outside the protected fantasy world in which they live. Needing safe spaces and protection from "aggression". They melt under pressure. Basic candy-asses and buzz kills at parties pointing out things like the rum and coke you're drinking is tarnished by a history of slavery and bloodshed. So when Billsy uses this term on a regular basis, when the argument is lost, to describe people like battle hardened veterans and working class Americans that support law and order its a case of cultural appropriation. Something I'm lead to believe the left frown upon.
  18. NE has gone through what looks like a one-year rebuild. While Jones is fully developed mentally and physically he's never going to evolve into Superman Josh Allen. But he's ready right out of a big-time college program to efficiently run the offense McDaniels and Belichik want to run. Once again their offensive line looks solid and the defense is playing extremely well. They'll come into Monday night and look to do what the Colts recently did against the Bills. Run the ball, throw out of play action behind the linebackers that bite on it, and on defense pressure the QB and keep Allen in the pocket. stuff the run, and take away the over the top plays. Its the same blueprint we've seen for a couple decades at the stadium. There's no secrets here. Unfortunately, the Bills rarely seem ready for it all. This time needs to be different. But for the life of me I can't remember a single game against the Patriots where I felt the Bills offensive line was not a liability of some kind. As lots of posters have bemoaned its time to stop ignoring the need to upgrade this unit. These are the tough match-ups that remind us of that issue. Getting Brown back would be a plus. And Star on defense. The Bills have superior weapons on offense. When Allen has time they're almost unstoppable. But on Tuesday morning if the stat sheet says the Bills passed the ball 45+ times you can be sure they came up short on the scoreboard. They need some effective balance run/pass. And the empty set is an invitation for disaster here. In order to win I think NE needs to dominate the line play, for the Bills to win they don't need to dominate the offensive and defensive lines of scrimmage. The just need to play even. They need to get creative and generate some pressure on Jones. My guess is he won't handle it too well. And of most importance, protect the football and don't kill themselves with penalties. They'll have 3 extra days of rest and preparation off of the Thanksgiving Day game plus another day because its a Monday night game so no excuses not being prepared.
  19. Brain dead zombies watching CNN and MSNBC and buying the white supremist angle must think the "victims" were all black. But they were all white professional criminals. The left likes to employ these street thugs on the payroll and the media portrays them as "protesters". These "protesters" typically assault and beat 75 year old's trying to put out fires or protect property or people at State sanctioned rioting and looting events so I guess they were quite surprised when somebody planted 2 of them and wounded a 3rd. Now that a jury decided State sponsored protection rackets can't stop private citizens from taking action consistent with self-defense they might think twice. But most likely these anarchists are too stupid because if they had an ounce of intelligence, they wouldn't be commie street thugs. It will be nice sometime in the near future when they are all gone.
  20. Once COVID fear subsides and rational science and thought returns to take control of policy and public health issues Fauci will need to return to the Josef Mengele Institute and focus his time on torturing and killing dogs and other small animals in needless and unethical research experiments.
  21. Given the initial science around the new variant from South African doctors and health ministry officials it suggests the variant is more contagious but the symptoms observed to date have been mild, fatigue, coughing, sore muscles. The official Western response seems forced and desperate to maintain a high level of public fear. Quote "the large number of mutations found in the omicron variant appears to destabilize the virus which makes it less "fit" than the dominant Delta strain". The implication might be more reported cases but fewer overall hospitalizations and deaths. So expect an emphasis back to case counts, specifically among the un-vaxed. And surprise, surprise, don't be surprised when the news that currently available boosters are effective is released in a couple weeks. So line up for your booster to protect you from the new variant that will only make you mildly ill and can't kill you unless you're old and fat. That said, if you are old and fat then getting the booster might be wise. For the rest of us I say game over.
  22. And the solution is everybody tell the SOB's to go "F" themselves. Just say no to fascism.
  23. Fauci's views align with the left's lust for authoritarian measures. So he's a popular figure on the MSM talk show circuit. I think this omicron is going to disappoint them. A "weak" variant is going to kill the enthusiasm for mandates. Watch and see.
  24. Contrary to the panic mongering among western officials and mainstream media, Barry Schoub, chairman of the South African Ministerial Advisory Committee on Vaccines, told Sky News on Sunday that while South Africa, which first identified the new variant, currently has 3,220 people with the coronavirus infection overall and while the variant does appear to be spreading rapidly, there’s been no real uptick in hospitalizations. “The cases that have occurred so far have all been mild cases, mild-to-moderate cases, and that’s a good sign,” said Schoub, adding that it was still early days and nothing was certain yet. Most importantly Schoub said that the large number of mutations found in the omicron variant appears to destabilize the virus, which might make it less “fit” than the dominant delta strain. So it seems COVID-19 is following the typical path of mutations becoming more contagious and less lethal. Which might lead to the less severe omicron variant will become the dominant strain and result in more cases but lower overall hospitalizations and fewer deaths.
  25. By nominating a "moderate" candidate to deceive the voters. Because running on their true leftist agenda would have resulted in defeat. A candidate that claimed to be middle of the road and somebody that would unify Americans after 4 years of conflict. And once in office flipping the switch to a Marxist agenda intent on destroying traditional America and transforming the country into some 3rd world crap hole. Basically by lying their assess off about their true intentions which has contributed to Joe's poor ratings. And here we are immersed in complete dysfunction.
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