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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. The thing is this. These parents are obviously missing a couple cards in their decks but what the authoritarian media and left always do is take one extreme example and generalize the narrative to a wider group of people. Now it's all parents that have children with access to guns that are the problem. Some big and wide ranging action is needed to control millions. Maybe all black SUV drivers should be flagged? Which is absurd. But imagine the outrage?
  2. 'I've got some waterproof all-weather Bills gear that I've worn in cold wet weather conditions. Don't sit on wet seats is my advice. While it's too early to be precise with the forecast what I'm seeing on weather.com is the rain/snow is in the morning & afternoon and as the day goes on the precipitation is supposed to let up leaving the wind as the biggest problem. So the rain might mess more with tailgating than being something to deal with during the game.
  3. Testimony will reveal the Trump team used secret decoder rings found in breakfast cereal boxes in order to communicate clandestinely with protesters at the Capitol. Representative Schiff expresses no surprise as he prepares the committee's subpoena of Captain Crunch.
  4. Is this the same Andrew Wiessmann that actively supported Hillary Clinton and was in attendance at her 2016 election night party? Give it up already..
  5. Bills coaches finally realize when playing against offenses that run the ball effectively they should drop their base Nickle personnel package on defense and play a traditional and heavier 4-3-4.
  6. Either with seriousness or satire, connecting the dots and raising logical and obvious arguments which question the prevailing narrative is forbidden. Heretics that question the mystical and magical and sometimes stupid beliefs or engages in free or logical thought shall be stoned to death in the virtual cyber world town square. This isn't a feature of liberalism or conservatism, it's authoritarian.
  7. The reporters were told not to ask about it by their media bosses after Obama asked them not to ask him about it.
  8. Now there's 5 Omicron cases found in NY and the media is amping up the fear porn is suggesting it's a cross between Ebola and the Black Death. So far sounds more like a bad cold from doctors reporting on a couple other cases in California and Minnesota. If that's what it turns out to be I'm passing on a booster.
  9. One of woke religion's core commandments and supernatural fantasies. A man "wishing" to be a woman shall be a woman. And magically through self-identification he becomes a women regardless of the facts that science and biology contradicts this belief. Mysticism such as wokeness is not built on a foundation of facts. But, it is forbidden for a white man following the same practice of self-identification to believe he is a black man. Regardless of the fact a white man is genetically and biologically more similar to a black man than he is to a white woman. This is the kind of lunacy these women swimmers have to deal with here.
  10. The bigger question is are the current vaccine formulas effective against Omicron?
  11. Another Omicron case found in Minnesota. "The person with the Omicron variant is an adult male, is a resident of Hennepin County, and had been vaccinated. The person developed mild symptoms on Nov. 22 and sought COVID-19 testing on Nov. 24. The person’s symptoms have resolved."
  12. Why are Congress and the DOJ withholding information from those they prosecute who have every right to this information? Because as always, the lying scrum bags are bluffing their way through most of it and when challenged attempt to "invoke the cone of silence" if they get called out.
  13. Okay. And maybe I have a completely different question. So how does a clinical researcher supporting a vaccine trial determine whether or not an effective immune response was generated by the vaccine in the subject? Unless you can measure some biomarker or antibody level before the trial to produce a baseline for the subject and during or after the trial how can you determine the effectiveness of the vaccine in producing an immune response?
  14. The Buffalo region is reporting a 7-day rolling average of 69.66 cases per 100K residents. That translates to 785.72 total cases per day. Elevated not approaching anything critical. I question if there is a capacity issue at hospitals as a result of being overwhelmed by hospitalized COVID cases (12% of NYS ICU beds are COVID patients) or if its a staffing problem resulting for the government and hosptial mandated policy of dismissing or firing un-vaccinated health care workers.
  15. Link I posted on another thread from Johns Hopkins on hospitalization numbers and rates for ICU and Inpatient care. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/hospitalization-7-day-trend/inpatient-capacity
  16. They can just say the Presidents condition was a "national security issue" which supersedes any guidelines or rules created by the FDA. That excuse always works for everybody else whenever the government gets caught doing something without any exceptions and they always get away with it.
  17. I'm not a virologist but what I've been told is that as viruses mutate they typically become more contagious and less severe. The initial assessment from South African doctors treating the first cases discovered appears to support that premise. Symptoms were fatigue, muscle soreness, and cough. With no elevated fever, respiratory distress, or loss of senses of taste or smell like found in previous variants. Cases were characterized as mild, very mild. So before running out an giving 100's of millions of booster shots it might be a good idea to do some risk assessment and some due diligence on the cases being found and tracked. If the mortality rate is trending towards zero it would be better to let a mild strain run its course, produce natural immunity, effectively treat the more severely sick, and end pandemic phase here in the next 6 to 9 months give or take.
  18. It's an interesting question. What level or threshold of anti-bodies or some other biomarkers provides protection or immunity? We could review the criteria used in the P3 trials results for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines to understand and identify what criteria they applied, anti-body levels or other metrics, to determine efficacy. Pfizer claims an efficacy rate of 95.1% and Moderna 94%. So how did they measure this? I suggest the answer to this question is the answer. But I'm not sure all the actual data from the trial or control groups are available as the FDA has met requests from researchers for access to the raw data with the reply that the public disclosure of the application and trial data submitted to the agency will be completed in the year 2076. And some wonder why there might be a tendency to generate conspiracy theories and other concerns? I mean, this is preposterous by any measure of preposterousness. The first question that comes to mind is "what are you hiding?"
  19. I'd suggest Fauci burn in Hell for all eternity but how can that happen to the Devil?
  20. This is an attempt to invoke the cleanest pig in the mudhole argument. Okay so Biden is dirty but Trump is dirtier. Whether true or not the problem with the argument is the previous pig is no longer making any decisions or setting policies. So almost a year into the Biden administration anything Trump did or didn't do is irrelevant. And the only purpose bringing him up serves is to deflect or avoid the direct discussion of Biden's record to date, policies, and decisions.
  21. First case shows up in California. A vaccinated traveler recently returned from South Africa quarantining with mild symptoms.
  22. My point isn't that its tough or not tough. My point is its impossible following the current strategy. Renewable sources will not replace all the energy output for applications that use oil and gas while supporting current living standards at current scale and capacity. I'm not sure all the resources needed exist on the planet. And most people have no comprehension that the physical world has limits and constraints. Just checking the mining industry that produces the necessary mineral inputs will reveal how resource grades and quality have fallen, and continue to fall over time while needed to go to more remote places. That means more expensive and energy intensive operations are needed. Maybe the Greens think mining for inputs to build EV's and solar panels doesn't consume and use energy. They're in for quite a shock! Where do they think plastics come from? Don't worry, There's plenty of metals and minerals because we're going to send missions into space to mine asteroids beyond Mars! Its almost delusional. So not tough but impossible and the path to least resistance is to downsize everyone's energy footprint. That's the future path here. Downsizing. I don't think people are either prepared for this outcome or willing to accept it. Maybe that's why nobody ever talks about it? Somebody build a demonstration project of scale at 100K city or community and run it solely on renewables without any oil or gas. Proof of concept level stuff before we go all in on a potentially dead-end strategy. When I drive down the street I see signs like "Climate Action, NOW!" on the front lawn of some houses. Then I think to myself, "Yeah, climate action now. Says the guy down the street in the 4,000 sq ft. house with 2 zone heat and AC, 3 SUV's in the driveway with a landscaping crew that just cut down 1/2 of all the large trees absorbing CO2 on their property. Sure this is going to all work out great..
  23. Official narrative: Un-vaccinated patients are overwhelming the US hosptial system. True or False. Check the numbers from Johns Hopkins hospital ICU and Inpatient numbers and rates on any State you'd like to see. ICU capacity, overall occupancy rates, COVID counts, non-COVID counts, And draw conclusions. (Spoiler alert: nationally COVID patients occupy 16.8% of ICU beds & 8% of total inpatient beds) https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/hospitalization-7-day-trend/
  24. I want to see how Jones handles the expected cold and wind conditions Monday night. I'll be surprised if it doesn't give him some trouble. With Allen the Bills don't have that problem.
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