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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Everyone I know that has gotten the 3rd shot, the booster, has experienced adverse reactions much worse than what they experienced from the original two-shot dose.
  2. Where is Biden leading? He threatens Russia with sanctions. Serious sanctions. Anyone think this threat is keeping the Kremlin leadership up at night? So what will Russia do? They will respond by harming our "allies" in Europe. So what's the incentive over time for western European countries to line up in support of the program when they're consistently being negatively impacted and being told to subjugate their national interests in order to support US policy objectives? Putin's end game here isn't to invade Ukraine. The country is a liability and not a prized asset. His immediate concern is keeping NATO forces off his border. Biden has stated he won't commit US forces to the defense of Ukraine. He's already tipped his hand. Putin's ultimate game is to drive a wedge between the US and Western European countries by creating a divergences of interests between the parties. And over time creating the environment where Europeans see their interests more closely aligned with Russia than the U.S. Which will result in driving the U.S. out of Europe and uniting Western Europe and Russia into an economic alliance. And in the process marginalizing U.S. interests and power. That's the objective. Its the same game he's playing in the Middle East with the Saudi's and Iranians. Isolate and marginalize U.S. interests around the globe without firing a shot.
  3. I did think of Brady but didn't list him because I could not think of a RB he teamed with over time in the manner of the other examples. That's not to say Brady wasn't aided by a good complimentary running game. Of all the seasons they won the Super Bowl the team ranked in the lower half in rushing in just the 2014 season (18th) where Belichik's Jedi mind trick at the end of the game convinced Carrol's offensive minds to call a quick one-yard slant pass into heavy traffic at the goal line which was intercepted to seal the win for NE instead of handing the ball off to Lynch who was unstoppable on that drive. Of all his SB appearances Brady's best performance was against the Eagles where they lost. I could argue their running game and defense were as important to those wins as the QB.
  4. Also Allen should stop snapping the ball on the 3rd hut every time he goes hard count. it can't help that defensive lines around the league have figured out our snap count.
  5. The Bills are built around an offense designed to score a lot of points through the passing game and a defense that feeds off QB pressure and turnovers when all that works and the opponent is forced to play it the same way on offense. Most teams don't have the personnel to keep up. When it doesn't work they get into trouble. And this season it hasn't worked too well against better teams that have the personnel and the coaches that can adapt to different game plans an schemes. Flexibility. There's a clear deficiency on the offensive and defensive lines. We all see it and I'm sure Bills management sees it. They rolled the dice and assumed the risk it will work and it hasn't. They need to fix it but its too late for this season. its not so much what you want to do its what you can do that matters. Lots of teams have had great passing attacks they relied on but they've also had a ground game when needed. Jim Kelly had Thurman Thomas and a complementary running game Steve Young had Roger Craig and a complementary running game Kurt Warner had Marshall Faulk and a complementary running game Payton Manning had Edgerin James and a complementary running game Josh Allen has what? A running game with an offensive line and a running back group that's good for about 60 yards a week.
  6. That's something rich and powerful people like to say to distract from the fact they're screwing everybody else while they're alive. The message is the poor will get their reward when they die. But while you're here, just obey us.
  7. All while Bill DiBlasio is issuing mandates sending living people other places to live and work.
  8. NBC and ABC report a spontaneous tree fire broke out as a transsexual re-settled migrant leaving a diversity celebration was forced to climb the tree in order to escape one of the dozens of angry mobs of right wing militia members that have been plaguing the city and are suspected of triggering a crime wave they have been erroneously blaming on gangs of oppressed minority youths.
  9. Good point. Zelinsky should unleash the administrative super-weapon and proclaim a vaccine mandate that requires anyone entering Ukraine must provide proof of vaccination. That should keep those Russians forces out. It might take Putin several weeks to produce enough fake vaccine passports. I suggest we send soon to be former NYC Mayor Bill DiBlasio over there to act as an experienced adviser on how to get people to leave a political jurisdiction. Who needs troops, tanks, and assault weapons when you have mandates?
  10. Having a great passing offense and as a result an unbalanced offense is not a problem until you face a defense that stops your primary offensive weapons. At that point unless you have some proficiency at running the ball you're in trouble. That's what happens to the Bills. Maybe Daboll and the coaching staff don't want to focus on running the ball but when you need to you better be able at least show average ability to move the ball on the ground or you're in trouble. That's how it is with the Bills. Not that they don't want to run, that they can't and they're just not good at it.
  11. Lack of a single dominant defensive line player, little depth at LB, bad interior offensive line play, deficiencies at RB. How did the GM address them? By ignoring the problem in 3 areas and going all in on the other with the rotation strategy at the defensive line. Management addressed the defensive line by committing the 1st and 2nd round choices in the draft to the group. The defensive line rotation was a good idea in theory but not in practice. You've got 8 or 9 guys without any one dominant player. What good is that? Substituting players to keep them fresh and playing at an unproductive level. The fix right now is to identify your 4 best players and increase their snaps to about 75%. And on top of that committing a large portion of the cap to this under-performing group. Find a couple star players for this group and drop the rotation approach. Drafted two OT's. A position where the team has two established starters already. The problem is the interior of the line and other than a late round pick they did nothing. This was a gamble that failed miserably. Get some guards and think about moving on from Morse next season. Playing the nickel package they rely on Milano and Edmunds so this area was also ignored. They resigned Milano which was smart. Edmunds has all the measurable's and by all accounts should be an excellent LB but it just hasn't translated to consistent performance on the field. My prediction is he eventually goes to a 3-4 team and becomes a better player in that scheme. At running back the big move was to add Matt Breida. A move that looked good on paper. But he's rarely seen the field until recently and his fumbles have been costly. I don't see him or Moss on the roster next year. Singletary has value as a role player but the team needs a workhorse number one back. The other thing is game plan. I'd simply argue the Bills have almost the exact same game plan on offense and defense no matter who they're playing. And the same plays. It seemed like they spent the entire off season planning and preparing to beat the Chiefs and forgot about the other 30 teams. And once they beat the Chiefs it was mission accomplished and they seemed to sit back and declare victory. But their whole approach has become so predictable it doesn't take a top NFL coaching staff to figure out what is coming. They could play a team with the worst run defense in the league or the best run defense in the league. Doesn't matter. Run the ball 12 to 15 times and throw 40 to 45 passes. On defense the same thing. Play the base 4-2-5 and if it doesn't work wait until the 4th quarter to make any adjustments. Execution by the players is always the problem when the Bills play NE. Belichik played it ultra-conservative last night because as he always does he was counting on the Bills committing their typical dozen or so accumulated blunders. And as usual the Bills didn't disappoint.
  12. This team's entire philosophy is based on scoring a lot of points thru the passing game, playing with the lead, and taking the opponents run game out of their playbook. Forcing them into mistakes when attempting to match score-for-score. And using the 8 man defensive line to keep fresh pressure on the QB. When that doesn't work they're in trouble. Even following that blueprint you need to be able to slug it out and win a street fight every once in a while and this team just isn't built on either side of the ball to fight that fight.
  13. There are 8 AFC teams with with at least 7 wins and a 5 others with 6 wins close behind. Right now I can't see the Bills doing any better than finishing the season at 10-7. Wins against the Bucs and the rematch against the Patriots? Is 10 wins going to be enough in a 17 game schedule? And if they make it which of those other 7 teams is the odd man out? NE, Tenn, Ind, Balt, Cinn, KC, LAC? My guess is Bengals, Chargers, or Colts. Right now our best hope is making the playoffs and going on the road where they seems to play better. But all margin of error is gone. A win next week would be a amazing but I'm not running out this morning and laying big money on the Bills to win straight out.
  14. That was pretty much Belichik's plan last night. Limit opportunities for his team to make mistakes and count on the Bills to make enough mistakes on their own to lose the game. Which they did and typically do right on queue against the Patriots. I mean at the end of the game how many times do you feel they gave the game away vs. got beat? Sure the team has some talent ans physical issues but given the Bills game plan is basically the same thing every week regardless of who they're playing how hard do we think it is for even an average coach with a decent roster much less one of the best coaches ever with a very good roster to game plan against? Tell me one thing the Bills did on offense or defense that might have come as a surprise last night? Nothing. I had it all figured out the day after Thanksgiving. And you did too! Its way too easy for the other team. What do you think they're planning for next week? 40 to 45 passes on offense and most likely less than 12 rushes. I can see the stats already. 12 rushes for 55 yards, 26-40 passing for 260 yards a TD and 2 picks. Predictable. One more thing.. Last off season a lot of fans were worried we were going to lose our coordinators to head coaching gigs. That didn't happen. Anybody worried about that this coming off season? More like looking forward to it.
  15. How many woke social justice leftists do you expect have been concerned enough about the Russian threat to enlist in the corps the past week? Rather I suspect they are content to stay safe and peddle Russian collusion narratives far from the front. And provide the opportunity to do all the fighting to rank-and-file soldiers that generally disagree with their socialist agenda.
  16. I'm getting the same feeling I had before the playoff game last season against the Ravens. Similar weather conditions and a run-heavy offense with a talented and productive young QB and a top physical defense coming in to Buffalo that's going run the ball at will and stop a potent Bills offense. That one didn't turn out the way it was expected to and tonight might not either. From the latest weather reports this is sounding more and more like a wind event without any game-time precipitation. I think the Bills show up big time tonight and I expect the Patriots defense to do the same but I think the offense under Jones struggles with the wind conditions, the crowd, and the expectations of suddenly becoming the front-runner.
  17. Hopefully by then the Pentagon brass will have completed their study of white rage and social justice indoctrination of the troops in time to develop some sort of strategy and response..
  18. Yes, millions of American's are secretly rooting for Putin to succeed at the expense of their own interests. Another leftist myth. The US government's strategic interest is in supporting and installing governments abroad that are friendly to its interests. Period. If they're democracies well bonus points for that. If not our government can work with the dictators as long as they remain committed to US interests. If they are not committed to US interests or waiver in their support of US interests then out they go! If you believe our government operates on some divine principles of good and right above all other interests than you really don't understand geopolitical alliances and strategic interests and the basic concepts of the non-binary and relative nature of good and evil.
  19. The US government supports dictators when it suits the purpose and American foreign policy is full of contradictions and inconsistencies. This is easily verifiable by checking current events and the history books. For example, would you consider the Saudi Monarchy a democracy? Where's THAT strategic interest in that situation? Be-headings, torture, public executions, attacks and killings of homosexuals, abuse and subjugation of women. Torturing and killing dissidents and reporters and chopping them up to put in suitcases to bring home. Americans are concerned with supporting democracy? All I hear in this example is silence. And as you should be aware the Ukrainian government owes much of its support to Nazi paramilitary groups that do much of the fighting. As the regular Army is frankly pathetic and incapable. These groups owe their origins to their predecessors that supported the German occupation during WW2. We know how that went. I don't hear any calls from the left demanding President Zelinsky condemn his country's version of White Supremacists. To the contrary, cries for more weapons and support. People should learn history, right? The strategic interest in Ukraine is to physically isolate and encircle Russia. All transgressions and contradictions are to be ignored. What I marvel most about is how the left actually believes they support democracy. Its one of their many mythical and supernatural beliefs.
  20. Funny thought. Since when does the Biden administration care about national borders? But maybe if we change the name of Mexico to Ukraine our government will care about our border too? Or conversely, the Russians should disguise their troops as Central American migrant caravans, coyotes, and drug cartel members led by groups of children crossing into Ukraine and the Biden government's diplomatic corps will be welcoming them to Kiev with open arms.
  21. Your cult's entire belief system is based on mysticism and magic. Facts and truth are forbidden.
  22. Other than Sevastopol in Crimea Russia has no strategic interest in Ukraine other than discouraging NATO from expanding and housing troops in the country. It's all posturing right now. On both sides. NATO is trying to pretend it is still relevant and Russia is bluffing a build-up to assess the West's response strategy in the event something "hot" starts. Can anyone clearly articulate the US security interest here? Absent any patronizing talk about supporting democracy. Can you find Ukraine on a map without the country names shown?
  23. It's all about the money. Big Pharma has a stranglehold on the government agencies that regulate it and on the US drug market. A few treatments from the big players have been approved and dozens of others from small pharma's & biotech's have been stonewalled or rejected even in cases where efficacy and safety have been demonstrated in P3 trials. Already available medications have been met with outright hostility and ridicule. Most of it unsupported by facts and even in cases where success has been produced in other countries. Countries with far fewer resources available that have yielded better results with significantly lower deaths both numerically and per capita. HCL is roundly ridiculed and described as dangerous. Yet HCL accounted for approximately 20.4% of US prescriptions filled in October 2021 for Inflammation. Doctors prescribing a dangerous medication to their patients in great numbers where there are 20 to 25 alternative medications available for the application. Seems contradictory,
  24. Feeling threatened? And I believe you're just proving my point.
  25. Have you ever heard anyone on the right saying they need a safe space or they feel threatened? Only woke and leftists can be snowflakes. When they use the term snowflakes in reference to their political and social opposition they are projecting their own fears and fragile emotional and mental states onto others. So keep hiding in the basement but keep the lights on and don't be afraid of life.
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