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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. If I'm McDermott I would have blown my cool by this point. I'd be doing more than whining. I'd be up there at the Monday press conference reviewing game tape of all the interference, holding, jersey grabbing, tackling, and obstruction fouls the official obviously missed or intentionally let go that were committed by the Tampa defense during the game one-by-one for the press in attendance and the national media watching the event. And asking a simple question for each one. Does what you see constitute an infraction based on the rules? How could the official have missed some specifically flagrant fouls when he's positioned about 5 feet away from the players? And call out the league office and force them to come up with one of their standard contorted versions of reality to explain the non-calls. From the perspective of a fan that commits some of my income and a 4 hour window of free time on a weekly basis to watch a team be consistently victimized by bias from the officials I've had enough and if they don't address it I have to question what's the point in me wasting my time and money on a bogus and flawed product called the NFL? Others might feel the same way I expect.
  2. What expectation? That the players should be expecting the officials are going to cheat and bend the rule in favor of their opponent in order to determine the outcome of the game?
  3. But it is about what the refs do or don't do. The players have an expectation they'll call the game fair and square. Whether they call it tight or lose. Call it fair and even. They shouldn't have to embellish or take a dive because the officials fail to do their job correctly. Last night the ref's failed the game and they poorly represented their profession.
  4. Ever see one of those medivac helicopters land on the highway to take somebody to the hospital after a bad car crash? Wonder how much that costs? It's all out of network. You can send your kid to college for a couple years for less than the price of one ride to the hospital. The US health care system is one big cost maximizing racket from one end to the other end of the care system. Doctors, lawyers, and administrators make out well. Nurses and other health care workers not so much. And somebody's got to pay for two Tesla's, a nice Summer time getaway home, those country club memberships, and tennis lessons for the six year old.
  5. And here's the problem. Is there anyone paying attention that didn't expect the Buc's defense to bring pressure on Allen because the offensive line has deficiencies and running game is non-existent? Every person following football had to know it was coming. There just doesn't seem to be any learning curve at play here. So where in the game plan created and installed during the week was that awareness? And if they didn't plan on it then why did it take an entire half to adjust for the obvious issues the defense was giving our offense? It should have taken McDermott a couple drives on offense, and defense to boot, for him to huddle up with Daboll and Frazier to direct them to make the necessary adjustments. Adjustments we saw play out in the 2nd half rally. That's what the good coaches do. You don't crap the bed on the field for an entire half and wait to get down 21 points before making adjustments. Now let me try to guess what the Carolina defense is going to prepare to do next Sunday? What o what could it be?
  6. The team claimed the idea behind signing Trubisky was a plan for addressing this type of scenario. We might be about to find out if that was a good plan or not.
  7. McDermott is likely here to stay for a couple more years. Last off season I was concerned we'd lose one or both of our coordinators to head coaching opportunities. This year I'd welcome that change. And this roster still has some holes in places we all know about already and the defense is simply over-rated.
  8. I propose removal of the sub-section of the pass interference rule that "allows defenders to interfere with, impede, grab, or hold Bills receivers and not receive a penalty".
  9. I can see Edmunds being a more productive player in a 3-4 on a team like the Steelers. As stated, he just doesn't have the instincts or visualization skills to "see" the field to anticipate and read the play. But if the Bills are playing a 4-3 (or 4-3-5) we need an MLB like CJ Mosley who is a real good player that signed a nice deal with a lousy Jets franchise. And trade this expensive 8 or 9 man defensive line rotation for a couple top-end players at DE and DT. Keeping ineffective players fresh isn't a sound approach. As others have said here there is something lacking in the defensive scheme. We need a couple impact players added here in the off season (which I don't really want to think about but am already!).
  10. More than missed calls my gripe with officiating is consistency. Consistency throughout the game, between the crews, and week to week. You watch 5 or 6 different games on a Sunday and you see 5 or 6 different standards being applied across the league. In one game they let everything go and in another game they call everything including stuff that's not even close to being an infraction. I know these officials have a tough job and have to make split second judgments, but they've got to be more equitable and blind to the names on the backs of the jerseys when making calls. Watching week to week and game to game you might be left with the impression these crews are playing favorites. And who got the idea to eliminate PI reviews? Like yesterday, you're putting the flag away then put it away. Don't let 2 or 3 obvious calls against one team go and then make one against the other when the games in OT.
  11. It's not a permanent solution but my red zone idea is to give Rousseau a couple goal line plays at WR. He's got good hands and experience at playing WR in his development years so why not? Find me one CB that's got the physical characteristics and height to cover him in the end zone? Throw the ball 3 feet over everybody's head and he just reaches up and grabs the ball, Could have been used in the last two game in late 4th quarter situations. Why not give it a try? Its better than coming up empty at the end of the game.
  12. Yeah, at least buy us dinner first. And thanks for stealing a great comeback and a gut it out performance by Allen with a PI call against the Bills defense they wouldn't make and obviously were afraid to make against Tampa's secondary with several opportunities to do so at the end of the 4th and OT. Like we've seen so many times before the Bills get hurt by inconsistent officiating at a critical point in the game. Was their anyone watching the end of the game here that didn't expect the ref's to screw the Bills at the end?
  13. Two straight agonizing losses. Monday night I felt they just got physically beat so while I didn't care for the result the way it all played out was pretty much fair and square. The ref's called a straight and fair game and more or less went unnoticed most of the night. Today is different. The refs just wouldn't take the flag out of their pockets when the Bucs defensive backs were all over the Bills receivers. Let go a couple critical calls late but have no problem throwing the overtime flag when the contact was consistent with what they were letting go against the Bills. And Brady just seems to lead a charmed life as a constant beneficiary of being on the "right" side of all the inconsistent and questionable help from the officials. Allen played his guts out tonight and both the offense and defense rallied around his effort and will. What hurts is the ref's took it all away because they just wouldn't call it fair. I think the team takes on a don't get mad get even approach over the rest of the season and plays their best ball of the year down the stretch to a play off spot. Frankly, I won't mind if they have to play on the road because for some reason they seem to play better away.
  14. Ref's ignore the PI on Diggs in end zone with seconds to go in regulation and Davis hold and grab in overtime then throw the flag against the Bills. Soon after TD and another BS loss. They just didn't have the stones to throw the flag against Brady and the Bucs but had no problem screwing the Bills once more. Sick and tired of it all.
  15. I say burn the scumbag "producer" and all his enablers at the stake in the public square.
  16. So now we've gone from consequences to serious consequences to massive consequences. What's next? Double secret probation!
  17. Vaccinated too until they officially change the definition to require boosters in that determination and make it time bound and no longer a yes or no question. When we had the mask mandates I cooperated but unlike you I caught a cold 3 or 4 times. And my activities were limited to just going out to public places for what's necessary. It led me to conclude masks not meeting or exceeding surgical standards, the type almost everyone is wearing, provide limited to zero protection against viruses and the amount of COVID virus floating around out there is much less than the common cold and therefore much less than the experts are suggesting.
  18. Hope you feel better as the day goes on. Maybe watching the Bills game and a win tomorrow will provide some additional relief? The majority of people I know that got the booster and have talked about it have said the adverse side effects were a lot worse than when they got the original two shot COVID vaccine. It makes me wonder if a 4th would be worse and so on. And at what point it might lay you up for a while? Is there some accumulative effect equivalent to toxicity going on here? When I got the two shots the first didn't cause anything but with the second I got a slight fever after about 24 hours and at the same time some "mental fog" which lasted about an hour. I'm on the fence about the booster and with what I've heard about the Omicron being mild and apparently able to circumvent the vaccines I'm waiting for more info.
  19. 1 year probation, some nominal fine, and 60 days of community service. That's my betting line here. Take the over or the under? And the left will be unhappy because that will leave the crybabies with nothing to beech about.
  20. An intellectual bullsheet attempt at explaining away the administrations self-inflicted failures to date. I hate the comparisons to Carter. Jimmy Carter was a sincere and honorable man faced with difficult circumstances but perhaps a little incompetent. I'd be hard pressed to attach those virtues to our current President who I believe is screwing up everything with purpose and malice.
  21. Have you noticed how authoritarian, pro-big government, anti-freedom, pro-war, left leaning media outlets, MSNBC & CNN in particular, have rendered comedy specialty channels like Comedy Central redundant? Put on either for about 20 minutes and you'll laugh so hard its a relief that frequent commercial breaks are available for you to catch your breath. The programming is hysterical. I understand with 2022 they're starting a spin off called "The Racism Channel".
  22. Handing out trillions in "free" money to spend does not result in an economic boom or an increase in productive activity. Or maybe you think it is? Perhaps proverty could be completely eliminated by giving every person living under the poverty level $10 million dollars each? Why.....its brilliant!! And what could go wrong?
  23. Well, if there actually was a hearing I'd expect everybody there would remember it.
  24. Maybe we should see the cell phone records of Schiff and Pelosi from 1/6 to understand who they were talking to that day?
  25. Along with all the support personnel and equipment. And then what? Start WW3 over Ukraine? Who do you think you are, Victoria Nuland? Even Biden's gang that couldn't shoot straight are smarter than that.
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