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BREAKING: SCOTUS to overturn Roe?
All_Pro_Bills replied to Big Blitz's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
When you're dealing with health care in the context of generational poverty where infant mortality is the highest there are many more circumstances and factors to consider than access to health care. The obvious solutions all assume throwing more money at the problem will lead to improvement or resolution of the problem. In this case infant mortality rates. But viable solutions need to consider how to address the culture of poverty. The specific set of norms and customs that people operate under. There are many factors beyond financial resources such as personal behaviors, emotional, mental, and nurturing support of the mother and the home environment. A focus on the present and an inability to identify the consequences, sometimes to the unborn child of actions taken or not taken. As well as things like a lack of support systems available to the mother and what can be the hidden rules that dictate relationships and behavior inside these communities and homes. A fundamental obstacle in defining and implementing effective solutions to infant mortality and health care issues for people stuck in generational poverty is both an inability and an unwillingness to accept the fact that poor people do not think and act like middle class individuals that define solutions. So solutions that are defined with a middle class to professional perspective tend to fail. Addressing the needs of people in a manner consistent with how they operate, not how the providers operate could be more effective. -
Oh its happening. The idea is to release 1M bbl/day into the market for a period of 60 days. For the purpose of adding supply and bringing down prices. So far, so good. But the problem is 1M isn't all that much on the world market. And it doesn't seem to have had much impact as we move into peak demand season for gasoline. But here's the fun part. The US DOE has put out RFP's for the purchase of 60M bbls at some point in the Fall. Or most likely after the mid-terms. At which time prices may be lower. Or they may be higher. My guess is higher. But there's more. Here's another brilliant idea. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-NOPEC-Bill-Could-Send-Oil-Prices-To-300.html From the very same political class that has no problem with the Treasury department intervening and managing prices in all kinds of markets via the Exchange Rate Stabilization Fund or the President's Working Group on Markets. Or what people in the markets call the Plunge Protection Team. Which authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to intervene in any market at any time without notice or disclosure. This isn't a Biden creation but rather something that's been official but unspoken US government policy for a few decades. It just points out the duplicity. We can manipulate prices and markets but you can't.
When this misinformation gig flames out and fails because its both comical and ridiculous along with being a completely transparent and unconstitutional attempt at government censorship that only the most dim-witted will fall for, I suspect the only job offer she'll get is as some sort of S&M dominatrix beating the "johns" with a ridding crop until they're forced to tell the truth and denounce their allegiance to Putin!
Truth is they'll the one's that are afraid. Afraid of what is going to happen to them when a critical mass of the American public across the political and social spectrum figures out how they've been getting fed constant bullsheet by douche bags at the likes of the NY Times and the American Nationalist.
How will Trump’s tax INCREASE affect you?
All_Pro_Bills replied to BillStime's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Or have they? Higher property taxes due to inflated home prices. -
BREAKING: SCOTUS to overturn Roe?
All_Pro_Bills replied to Big Blitz's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Well, what we have currently is the law enforcement arm of the Federal government functioning as an extension of the ruling political party which gives a pass to legal transgressions by supporters but punishes the opposition for similar actions or speech. -
BREAKING: SCOTUS to overturn Roe?
All_Pro_Bills replied to Big Blitz's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
What's comical is that if the shoe was on the other foot clowns like Schumer and Pelosi would be demanding the President condemn the protesters and label them domestic terrorists that are putting people's lives at risk and along with rhetoric which equates to violence against the justices and their families. -
BREAKING: SCOTUS to overturn Roe?
All_Pro_Bills replied to Big Blitz's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I agree with you about control of your own body but we've already established the precedent and "right" of government to tell us what to do with the imposition of vaccine mandates through agency and executive orders and coercion of private businesses to threaten non-compliers with termination of employment. So that point might be moot. But read the COVID mandate threads and the same people posting here screaming about the right to choose also expressed the idea that it was okay to force people to take an experimental vaccine or else. My view. I think the women's right to choose should be protected but at some point on the 9 month continuum of pregnancy the "rights" of the child need to be brought into the conversation. At what point that is? I'm not medically or otherwise qualified to decide and I suggest neither are most of the morons and idiots yelling in the streets and harassing Supreme Court justices at their residences. -
Well, cancelling Keystone on day one comes to mind which would have provided 800+K BBL/Day of input to Gulf Coast refineries. From which product pipelines move finished product up the East Coast to mid-Atlantic and New England states. Where there happens to be a Diesel fuel shortage which by chance the Canadian oil sands heavier grade is perfectly suited to produce. I think all of this is pretty well known so are "links" necessary? Its a matter of record that Biden did cancel Keystone. 800K is the approximately the baseline throughput of the pipeline, gulf refineries are configured to process heavier crude, the Colonial pipeline and others do exist, and oil sands grade is of the heavier variety, and keeping that oil from coming to market supports higher prices of crude and refined products.
BREAKING: SCOTUS to overturn Roe?
All_Pro_Bills replied to Big Blitz's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The economy will be a much larger issue than anything else and will unfortunately for us all get progressively worse as we approach the mid-terms. The pain and consequences won't care what party you belong to or what ideology you hold. The Fed has set out on a rate increase policy which will be enough to break the markets and the economy but they're not willing or able to do nearly enough to stop inflation. Anybody think they'd go full-Volker and take rates up to 10% to put the brakes on inflation? The only question in my view is how much damage has to occur before they reverse course? I'd go so far as to suggest we could find ourselves in some type of inflationary depression if all the wrong kind of factors and conditions continue to align. The oddest this I heard this weekend on Roe vs. Wade was protesters expressing the view that "9 un-elected judges" should not have the ability to take away their rights. While not explaining or comprehending that it was "9 un-elected judges" that granted them in the first place and the irony of their supporting the process when it suits their fancy but opposing it when it doesn't. Or apparently having any basic comprehension of the function the judicial branch service in our constitutional system. But I guess when all that matters is you want what you want, politics and social causes of all kinds and of all views are full of contradictions and inconsistencies. -
Who's Running The Executive Branch?
All_Pro_Bills replied to Irv's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
If we had an independent press they would be all over this story of the century. Fake President elected while world's leading power being run by appointed bureaucrats inside the administration. My vote is Susan Rice from inside the White House under the direction of Obama is running the U.S. -
BREAKING: SCOTUS to overturn Roe?
All_Pro_Bills replied to Big Blitz's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Your point appears to be right on target. I've been watching some of the Sunday morning shows and most have highlighted the Roe v. Wade decision facing the court and the repercussions of the leak and subsequent reporting of the draft decision. One thing is there's a lot of ground between all abortion being illegal from conception to birth and all abortion being legal between conception to birth. A question I have is were exactly do these pro choice and right to life groups fall on that continuum? There's a lot of details to be worked out in between all the shouting and slogans. But my key takeaway from the events of the week and the Sunday show conversations among the hosts and their guests is that liberals are much more savvy and shrewd than conservatives when it comes to playing the political game. Through a leak of the draft, publishing the document, and the orchestrated response complete with demonstrators quickly hitting the streets and even protesting outside the homes of Supreme Court justices they've managed to manufacture an issue their base can rally around. And once again caught their opponents flatfooted and unprepared. And what is going to be the Republican and Conservative response? Well Democrats are counting on the same old same old. But there's a big difference in what they will do and what they should do. Most likely, they'll fight the fight. But politically it makes more sense to give the liberals what they want. I understand there's a women's rights bill in front of Congress this week. So what should conservatives and republicans do? Why vote Yes! And the reason is simple. Why fight a battle in the war for the mid-terms and total control of Congress which is the only battle in the war your opponent can win? Like a hockey player getting goaded into a fight by an instigator on the other team why get into a fight that might give them life and momentum when you're ahead something like 5-0? Give them this victory and just avoid the fight. Let it fade into memory, and move on to other issues that are important to mid-term voters. Crime & police & bail reform, the economy, education, the war, the border & immigration and other issues where they have a distinct and clear advantage over the left and the Democrats. -
Make sure to use a coupon which Burger King typically sends via flyers in the mail. Whopper for two offer is good. Two Whoppers, two fries, and two drinks for $8.99. Unknown to most is you can sub out onion rings for fries without additional charge if you ask. McD's also has buy one, get one for $1 offer on Big Mac and Quarter Pounder and a few other items. Another thing I'm seeing go up in price a lot is Subs from local shops and the big chains. Up about 20% in just about 6 months. And happy Mother's Day to all mothers and everybody's mom on the board here..
According to the story it was 60 voters in Clinton, Indiana for an election for the Township Board. It's a prime example of how little attention people really pay to issues and events. Its why the government gets away with things like the Homeland Security Disinformation Committee, the Russia hoax, endless wars, and other frauds and scams and hustles. And why they elected a zombie cast member from the Walking Dead series as President in 2020. But as I remember the late liberal comedian George Carlin saying politicians always push the sanctity of education when campaigning but "the last thing any government want is a population of critical thinkers".
BREAKING: SCOTUS to overturn Roe?
All_Pro_Bills replied to Big Blitz's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
If you read the Roe v. Wade ruling and conclusions its references the due process clause of the 14th amendment as covering a women's right to abortion but also gets into specific details such as specific treatment based on the specific trimester. Then in 1992 the court ruled again and modified the ruling by dropping the trimester approach for one of fetal viability. Doesn't that all sound "legislativish"? Because by the nature of our Republic form of government and the Constitutional powers of each branch the judicial does not make law. If the current court lets the previous rulings stand then fine. But if the court rules the previous decision was judicial activism and overreach and throws it back to the Federal and State legislatures then it should be simple to get a majority of representatives to codify the conclusions. -
BREAKING: SCOTUS to overturn Roe?
All_Pro_Bills replied to Big Blitz's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I could tell you about the wife of a co-worker that was 2 months pregnant when she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The doctors told her the treatments would hurt the fetus and likely lead to its death. But to save her life they were necessary. But she refused treatment and her condition worsened. She carried the child and gave birth. But by then it was too late to address the tumor and she died a few months later. Now that's conviction to a belief and the ultimate sacrifice. So she saved the baby. But she also left her husband a widower and two other children motherless. So there's a lot of sides to the story and lessons to be learned from it. As there is to the stories of countless other women faced with specific circumstances. But I'm not sure even read my entire post. I ended my comment with I expect, somewhere in the middle (of the extreme polar views) is the answer and the position of most women, and dare I suggest men too. So why are you arguing with me? Because there's nothing to argue about. I'm merely laying out the positions at both extremes. They are what they are. Are you unwilling to accept there can be an acceptable middle ground consensus the majority of Americans can get behind? -
BREAKING: SCOTUS to overturn Roe?
All_Pro_Bills replied to Big Blitz's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Let's do one thing at a time here stay on topic. Am I right or am I wrong? -
BREAKING: SCOTUS to overturn Roe?
All_Pro_Bills replied to Big Blitz's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
And that is why I don't understand all the fuss. If SCOTUS either overrules or modifies Roe v. Wade then Congress and State legislatures have the power and ability to pass legislation that can be signed by the President or Governors. And if anybody's got a gripe against a specific State then there's your lesson in democracy in action that lots of posters are pontificating about. Plus all the moral and ethical posturing with various scenarios is just avoiding stating what I think is obvious. And that is.. If somebody is advocating for abortion without any limitations or conditions then what they're really saying is they totally support the women's unconditional right to decide and they place no value on the life or potential life of the child. That's really it. And conversely, if they advocating "right to life" and no abortion without exception or condition they value the life of the child and prioritize this life above all personal, medical, or otherwise concerns or desires of the woman. That's really it. I expect, somewhere in the middle is the answer and the position of most women, and dare I suggest men too. -
NBC news also reports US involvement in the sinking of the Moskva. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/us-intel-helped-ukraine-sink-russian-flagship-moskva-officials-say-rcna27559 Which I don't find at all surprising as I originally didn't believe the Ukrainian military had the ability and know-how to pull that off. My guess was US Intel and military did everything but push the button.
All I can say is standing up there day-after-day having to lie and cover for this inept President and his administration has got to take a toll on you mentally and physically. Maybe a couple jobs like professional horse inseminaor or porta-potty cleaner are worse. But then again they're pretty much the same thing. As the current assignment under Biden as WHPS is to screw the truth and pump out sheet.
And all I hear is from the green energy crowd is how solar panels and windmills are going to enable a future of endless prosperity and abundant and reliable renewable energy. Also a headline from today's stock markets: Sinko de Mayo. More good news for Joe. Expecting next accusations from the President's few remaining supporters that Jerome Powell is working for Putin too.
Critical Race Theory
All_Pro_Bills replied to Trump_is_Mentally_fit's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
My dad used to say if don't have some degree of financial independence and your livelihood depends on the opinions and good graces of others you'll never have any real freedom. So keeping with that theme, I suspect Musk doesn't give a rat's ass what the NYT's writes or thinks.