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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. I expect over time the biggest casualty of the pandemic will be the credibility of medical profession.
  2. For me the issue is relatively straightforward. Its got nothing to do with the rights of private entities to act with impunity. The law is clear there are limitations to private freedoms and their ability to disregard customer agreements, contracts, and regulations. So all these hypothetical comparisons are just that, hypothetical. It distracts from the real issue. Which is demanding the truth and making fact based decisions. Whatever your political, social, or economic views everybody should be demanding that decisions be made on sound facts. Not on politics. But when you mix science with politics most times you get politics. And the example I used is Dr. Robert Malone. The guy that invented mRNA technology and holds all kinds of patents against the technology. He gets banned from Twitter for spreading "mis-information" based on an almost 3 hour Joe Rogan podcast. He raises all kinds of issues and provides what sounds like clear and rational science. Whether you like Joe Rogan or not doesn't matter. Whether you like Robert Malone or not doesn't matter. What matters is the truth. And if he's not qualified to express views on the mRNA vaccines then ask yourself who is then? So how does Twitter determine this guy's views are not sound science and it's mis-information? Who are the experts employed by Twitter that decided Malone is spreading mis-information? What are their qualifications as scientists and medical experts? What are the names of these people? Does jack Dorsey see himself as an expert at mRNA technology? Does Twitter employ or consult with anyone that has these skills and knowledge? The truth once again, is that Twitter or anyone at Twitter has no qualifications to dispute anything this guy says. If they do then come out and show us. Who are your experts? They stay hidden and silent because they're full of crap. So you won't get any answer to those questions. Nor will anyone with the ability to force them to answer to this do so. The censors hide behind a cloak of unanimity. Working in the shadows. It all comes down to we don't like what you're saying so you get blocked. The truth does not matter. How can any rational person support this? Suppressing facts leads to poor and incorrect decisions and conclusions. It seems the only thing that scares people more than the virus is the truth.
  3. And Dr. Robert Malone, the researcher that identified and developed mRNA technology in medicine provided his expert view expressing concerns about the vaccines. Rachel, a network commentator and untrained in medicine is allowed to speak about the vaccines. Robert, a distinguished and world-class expert in mRNA is not allowed to speak about the vaccines. What message does that send? That mis-information is a tool of power and control, not a weapon of dissent or objecting opinions and facts. And the establishments attempt to label dissent as mis-information is compete and total bullsheet.
  4. I checked all the box scores for the season and the Bills are 6-0 when RB's get 20+ touches and 4-6 when they don't. I realize its one simple stat but maybe there's a lesson in that somewhere for the OC that we don't need to throw the ball 40+ times to win.
  5. Don't miss the CNN special on 1/6/22. Can't miss TV expected to draw almost zero audience in its time slot! Commemorating the one-year anniversary of the biggest threat to democracy since 25 to 30 Bills fans protested at NFL headquarters after Superbowl 25.
  6. The real question is do you want a big powerful central government doing the bidding of special interests and fringe groups while pushing people around in one way or another? As there can be no autocracy without a powerful centralized government the answer to the poll question is C, defund Washington. No money equals no power equals democracy.
  7. The core problem with the redistribution racket is the law of diminishing returns. As incentives to produce are eliminated, productive people decide to produce less and less to the point they provide only for their own consumption and as a result you run out of things to redistribute. One economist reminded me by pointing out that demand at zero price in infinite but supply is zero.
  8. I expect it to be extended thru 3/1/22 because of Omicron.
  9. Equal opportunity proved to not be enough. It failed to produce the expected results. So enter Racial Equity. The mythical belief that everyone's outcome must be equal or consistent and any variance in outcomes is the result of racial bias. I say mythical because it ignores all other factors and circumstances that impact outcomes. When this fails because of the previously mentioned ignoring of other impacts what's next? To be clear, this is not a denial of racial inequities, its merely a balanced opinion that other factors are important, quite likely more important, and ignoring them is inconsistent with an expectation of success.
  10. The other side of the issue is Democrats doubling down on the assertion that parents should have little to no say or input into the teaching curriculum being taught to their children in schools. It should all be left to "expert" educators, academics, and administrators. Polls show that position is an epic fail across all demographic breakout from race, to income, to education levels. But yeah, the Republicans have it wrong suggesting parents should play a role in their child's education. I can't imagine there is any parent of a child in school on this message board that agrees with the Democrats position that they should just shut up and leave it to the pro's.
  11. I'm not holding out hope of that just yet. Twitter has suspended the account of Dr. Robert Malone, founding father of mRNA technology for posting mis-information about mRNA based vaccines. You can't make it up any better. So for now the smug little fockers just won't quit. What next for the censor twits at Twitter? Suspending God for posting about religion?
  12. This is correct. The available vaccine is the one used under the FDA EUA. The approved vaccine is not available in the USA. The reason for this appears to be legal liability for harm or death as a result of the vaccine. Under EUA the company is not liable but under full authorization they are legally culpable and open to lawsuits for adverse reactions and death. That tells you all you need to know about Pfizer's confidence in the safety of their product. If there's another logical business or medical reason I'm listening.
  13. So.. majorities of citizens exercising their legal rights over important issues at the local level is a threat to democracy?
  14. I'm not disappointed. It all happened as I expected. Truth is I don't care any more for Trump than I do Biden. But you seem to equate my aversion to authoritarian big government as an endorsement of his agenda. So be it then. I've said it a couple times in a few topics the Democrats did Trump a favor by defeating him in 2020. What they did is like taking over command from the Captain of the Titanic after the ship hit the iceberg. So Captain Smith says thanks its your problem now. The social and economic problems our country, and the world at large, is going to face in 2022 are much worse than what happened in 2021. This year was just a warm up. And at this point its way too late to blame Trump. Doing so will only anger the voters further. But the far left wing of the party running things now is completely tone deaf to the circumstances. They'll keep pushing their crackpot agenda which if enacted with only make it worse. Unless sensible moderates within the party take charge and move the agenda to the middle. Something I'd prefer over the Republicans taking control and then doing nothing much with it. But I don't hold out much hope the moderates will prevail in the short run. As it looks now the most likely scenario is a rout of the Democrats in November 2022. That's what this committee is all about. Not justice or threats to democracy but the hope that keeping 1/6 in the news flow will keep "The Devil" alive to hopefully impact the outcome next November. But it looks to this point to be a big fail.
  15. So... you're an experienced and "competent" professional in charge of Capitol security. Based on expectations of crowd size you know there's going to be about 100K or more pissed off Trump supporters on the grounds the next day. So as a matter of due diligence you: A) Assess the risk of the specific event? B) Determine that additional security is justified by the risk? C) Brief other law enforcement organizations and Congressional leadership on your assessment? D) Request additional security forces for the next day? E) Deploy additional security both inside and outside the Capitol? F) All the above? G) Ignore the known risk and do none of the above? Answer: G. Do nothing and let the Capitol be overrun by protesters the following day. Makes absolute and logical sense. But the dumbest part of all is nobody anywhere beyond some mis-information spreaders are calling you out or asking any questions about why you let this happen. Why is that?
  16. Florida real estate goes through boom and bust cycles on occasion. My brother picked up a nice condo right across the street from the ocean in Pompano Beach after the housing crash circa 2008. My parents used to have a place near Ft. Meyers that we used to vacation at on occasion. I thought the Sarasota area was nice and its close enough to Tampa if you want something close to a big city experience. But thank the lord for AC because for me its just too hot in the Summer. But I also found that sitting outside on New Years Day in sunny high 70's is a great escape and amazing experience compared to shoveling snow and freezing your behind off up here in the North. But before spending big money, you should be aware that the entire State of Florida is going to be under ocean water in 12 years if we don't stop all carbon emissions immediately. It might make more sense to move to western Colorado and build a nice big boat just in case!
  17. I love the saying when you "when you find gold, stop digging". So if there's all this evidence of wrongdoing out there right now as you astutely cite constantly why is there any need for this committee to keep digging? I mean day after day you come up with all kinds of quotes and opinions from assorted sources that seem to know everything there is to know here. Why aren't Trump or his loyal henchmen under indictment and being tried right now? Because its all a big nothingburger, that's why. At some point you're going to suffer a bitter disappointment the moment you realize and accept that none of this is going to amount to anything resembling a criminal offense but it's obvious you're not there yet.
  18. Patriot fans need to accept that the Bills now have Josh Allen. Super hero franchise QB. A QB I wouldn't trade for any other QB right now. If you wanted to genetically create a QB with superior physical ability, mental aptitude, toughness, emotions, and leadership skills you'd come up with Josh. No amount of Belichik kryptonite was going to stop Superman on Sunday. Surround him with a supporting cast of some very good offensive players (but still upgrade the o-line!) and its a lethal offensive group when it's working. Add in a coaching staff and front office that hits more than it misses. Add it all up to a worthy and potentially dominant adversary. That's what their fans will be looking at twice a year for the next 10 years. So back at ya. Deal with it. We had to. But that is over for us. Going forward they'll be licking the white dog poop! .
  19. And we have a winner! Stretch out the pandemic until after November 2022 to necessitate nationwide mail-in ballot rules for the mid-terms. That's the best hope to retain Congress in 2022. The fly in the ointment is Omicron as its not going to lead to jumps in hospitalizations and death counts. That's why the big interest in testing everybody all of a sudden. Boost those case counts. But its mostly asymptomatic (read: false positives) and mild cases. Vax or no-vax status people will be questioning the mandates and lock downs and these questions will grow louder and louder. Enough of this..
  20. Maybe the committee for public safety can also release the secret government files on the Kennedy assassination, expose the alien conspiracies with Area 51, and identify the hiding place of the Knights Templar treasure while they're at it?
  21. It would be a shock if the Bills didn't finish at 11-6 if they show the performance and effort of Sunday's big win in the final 2 games. If the idea is to avoid the Colts in the Wild Card round then moving up to the 3rd seed seems necessary given the Colts schedule the last 2 weeks. Raiders at home, Jags on the road. Can't make a good case they'd lose either. In week 17 the Bills need to take care of business with Atlanta but there are several important and competitive match ups that you can make a rational case for going either way. Chiefs/Bengals Dolphins/Titans Rams/Ravens Broncos/Chargers Browns/Steelers
  22. But the fun part of this committee set up as judge, jury, and executioner is they never really have to prove anything. They can take one or two "facts" (like there was an actual protest and some protesters entered the Capitol that day) and manufacture lots of conjecture and subjective interpretation of events to fill in all the blanks and leave out any nonsupporting details along with implying motive and just keep pounding away with it thru the media. They won't dare ask any tough and insightful questions like "can you prove any of this"? Which the answer would be "Well no, we can't prove it but we all really know what happened. Don't we?"
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