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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. I read another fun fact today. Thanks to all the spending and borrowing facilitated by the Federal Reserve under Bush, Obama, Trump, and most recently Biden the annual US Federal budget's debt service cost will rise to $525B after the Feds next 50 basis point increase. If they're serious about stopping inflation, which I personally don't believe they are, and they keep raising rates servicing the interest on the Federal debt will become the biggest line item in the budget.
  2. Have you already seen previews of episode two? I hope there's some cutaways to the illicit affair during the Russia investigation between the lead FBI agent and the agency attorney. I also think the actress playing Cheney needs to be replaced. For one, her characterization of the role makes her unlikable. I'm thinking Renee Zellwegger!
  3. I think the network cancels the series after the first season. The acting is bad and the plot line is both predictable and pedestrian.
  4. All of this morning's data reported for May CPI figures, YOY, monthly, core and non-core measures above estimates.
  5. Because the Committee investigation is being conducted under the authority of Congress, specifically the House of Representatives and by virtue of the separation of powers has no formal relationship to any FBI investigation or activity which resides in the Executive branch. So this is not the FBI's investigation and they are legally free to act as they choose in regards to disclosure.
  6. What I think has no bearing on the event but a complete and transparent disclosure by the FBI of that agencies, and other Federal law enforcement and IC agencies, activities and involvement before and during that day along with a complete disclosure of the identities of their informants and assets describing their roles among the protesters would provide some clarity.
  7. The idea is the crime would never have occurred without the FBI being involved in the initiation and planning of the scheme. Its like you're in a bar and two undercover cops come up to you and start buying you drinks. You've had enough and decide to leave but before that they offer you the title to a new Corvette and the keys. All for free. No strings attached. You wonder how this could be but you take it. You leave the bar driving off in the new Vette and a mile down the road you see red and blue flashing lights behind you. You pull over and the same two cops give you a roadside sobriety test which you fail, take you to the station where you fail a breathalyzer test and book you for DUI. Did you do it? Yes you did. But would it have happened with them? Well there's the dispute. That's how the FBI works. Manufacturing crimes and then solving them. Like a window repair company breaking windows.
  8. What I love most about this debate is the talking point about how we can't allow nine unelected judges comprising SCOTUS to take away rights while failing to comprehend that it was a ruling by a different group of nine unelected judges comprising SCOTUS that provided those rights in the first place. So objecting to the judicial process seems a hypocritical and perhaps clueless.
  9. So part Chuck's new plan. If we can "pack" the court then we'll "wack" the court?
  10. The administration has the power to regulate interstate commerce and international trade. Issue regulations for refiners, pipelines, emissions standards, rules and regulations regarding transport of materials and products, rules and bidding for exploration and mineral rights. Issuing permits and performing environmental assessments and in most cases slow-walking the process. All kinds of things. Plus there are regulations at the State level. Regarding seasonal gasoline blends and standards like ethanol content. They also decided to ship large amounts of US produced nat gas to Europe in the form of LNG exports. They've issued sanctions, trade restrictions, and asset confiscation and freezing activities that have disrupted domestic and international commerce and trade. Putin did some of it but most of it is self-inflicted reaction and the result and consequences of sanctions. To top it off as soon as Biden cancelled Keystone on day one I knew we were screwed. So none of this is unexpected and its going to get a lot worse. If his approval rating is above 20% by the mid-terms I'll be amazed. He's letting climate activism dominate policy and he's going to pay to the extreme in November. I don't know anyone that's happy with this administration. The consensus is they just don't care and for that they're going to get run out of town.
  11. In those situations there's a clear acknowledgement of the arrangement among the parties involved. But in my back and forth with my friend Tibs there seems to be a refusal to acknowledge the truth. All I asked for is an acknowledgment that Nazi militias exist in Ukraine. And I curiously ask based on the original tweet posted why would Jewish Rabbi's side with Nazi's? These militias have been engaged in fighting against Russian separatists in Donbas for 8 years running. And this is hardly the absolute good vs. evil fight for a pure as the driven snow democracy story we're being fed 24/7. I mean you won't find many references to Nazi or white nationalist elements in the US press in regards to Ukraine even though those militias are likely the difference between winning or losing the fight here.
  12. I'm saying there are Nazi militias in Ukraine. Why are you so afraid to admit to the truth? Heck, even they admit they're Nazi's. Why can't you?
  13. Well in what version of reality are Azov fighters and members of other militias covered head-to-toe in tattoos of swastikas and Nazi SS symbols and Third Reich images not Nazi's or Nazi sympathizers? I mean, you've got to be freakin' kidding yourself here.
  14. Its not much of a choice given no third option, is it? Either support Putin or support a government employing Nazi militias.
  15. If indeed 80 police officers were injured that day then somebody needs to be held accountable for failing to send in reinforcements while hanging the officers on duty out to dry in the face of 100K protesters. That's something nobody is in any hurry to explain. If I put my skeptic hat on I'd conclude not sending in more forces to restore order looks like somebody in charge wanted it to happen the way it did. I think its called "false flag". Look no further than the Speaker's office where the House Sargent at Arms and other security officials report. But who is asking those questions? Certainly not the Committee or our free and fair press. Even the Republican establishment won't touch it. The other thing is its not that event was "different" from 2020 events but rather what's different is the application of the law. The message I get is political crimes against the establishment, the government, and the ruling party will not be tolerated and will be punished to the fullest extent possible. Whatever you want to call it the simple fact is almost every offense committed and pursued against individuals is misdemeanor trespassing or some other minor violations of the law. You can't keep calling something an insurrection without insurrectionist. There are no indictments or warrants outstanding on that charge. So its just word-speak. But perpetrators that commit economic crimes and crimes in 2020 against private citizens and private property or crimes in support of the establishment's political and social agenda will be ignored and in many places government agents and actors care more about the felon than their victim. No society that arbitrarily enforces the rule of law based on political and ideological interests can be considered "free". And as far as democracy in this situation its an illusion. Justice and the law cannot be conditional. Conditional on the whims of leaders and political activism. It must be absolute and it must be fair. What supporters here of the establishment and the party in power fail to comprehend is government control changes. Control of Congress is likely to change with the mid-terms in November. And when the other guy takes charge don't piss and moan when people you support get run through the rigger. When committee chairs and majorities shift we're soon have lots of hearings calling into question all kinds of things and people. Its how you want it.
  16. And the word "progress" defined as moving in the direction of a better or improved condition takes offense at being associated with any of this.
  17. Yes, political prisoners rotting in maximum security jail deprived of due process over simple misdemeanor charges. Your a great humanitarian and supporter of democracy. And I could care less what the FBI does or doesn't do with any of these groups. And I sure don't think the event warrants all the drama and intrigue of Committee hearings as almost everybody in the country has moved on from it all and could care less about what happened 16 months ago. I'm more worried about gassing up my car and feeding the family than I am about some dumb one-sided hearings about trespassing that politicians are looking to drum up hysteria in hopes of not getting vaporized in the mid-terms. Sadly, those people "rotting in jail" likely care more about this country than the scumbags on that committee.
  18. If your definition of "storming" is the majority of protesters entering the building, walking in the front door after being invited in, wandering around the Rotunda, taking selfies, and then leaving, sure. How about attacking and firebombing the Federal Court building in Portland for 2 months every night. Given how plainly more extreme that was shouldn't that be insurrection and under investigation too?
  19. My assessment is I highly doubt any society or civilization left on its own that is committed to this ideology would survive. I expect a subset of a society could exist inside a larger group only because their existence is subsidized and supported by the majority that is acting "rationally" and providing them with the necessary structure, social order, and goods and services for survival. Which allows them time and resources to play around with all kinds of assorted delusions. My guess is people committed to this ideology never had a "real" job and all this gobble goop is the purview of the intellectual class.
  20. This promises to be the Summer's smash hit made-for-TV mini series. I can't wait to see the final episode where the attackers meeting only token resistance from ill-prepared government forces in their quest to take over the seat of government power, rather than destroy and burn down the Capitol, suddenly decide without explanation to stop their assault, leave the building without accomplishing their mission, without getting arrested or detained, and then left to return home waiting to be arrested and charged with trespassing weeks later. And not a single person arrested pulled a weapon, offered any resistance, or fired a shot at the arresting officers. Yes, the world's first and perhaps only peaceful "insurrection".
  21. What I think is these gender studies professionals are very smart people. Because they've managed to take something that is completely useless and make it into a "product" of no value they can actually make a decent living by producing through the creation of an entire "curriculum". The gender identification racket. Because what's happening in my brain when I see a dude in a dress with a set of balls is I think this guy is not a lady.
  22. For starters, William J. Walker Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives. The person responsible for Capitol Security and the head of the office where calls for additional security were placed to that day. And either denied or not responded to. Why in the face of an obvious demonstration and known potential for violence was a "standard" officer detail deployed that day. And since the Sergent at Arms reports to the Speaker what was Nancy's role, if any, in withholding additional forces?
  23. I'm assuming the committee will only call witnesses that have opinions and experiences that are friendly to their case. Do you think they're going to call and interview and question the people that opened the Capitol doors and invited in the protesters?
  24. Assumption of bias? I'd say its a demonstrated fact. The most telling aspect of that is through the entire committee proceedings and hearings not a single witness has been called or has been allowed to testify that would dispute the "governments" (e.g. the committees) case. Add to that the majority chair deciding to veto the minority appointment choices. Which violates the charter defining and governing the committee's existence and all House rules of order in handling committee business and appointments. If the judicial system operating in this manner a defendant would not be allowed to call witnesses and their attorney would be chosen by the prosecutor. So we're going to hear a one-sided fictional account of the day along with some sobbing about "threats to democracy" and maybe a few PTSD stories thrown in by select Capitol Police coached up for the made-for-TV melodrama.
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