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The US is Heading in a Great Direction !!
All_Pro_Bills replied to T master's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
There's just so much different between then and now to make that comparison and expect similar results. Other than the Soviets being involved in a military quagmire in Afghanistan in the 1980's and in Ukraine today. What drove the Soviets out of business was oil prices falling to single digits. The break up had less to do with Reagan's tough talk and policies and everything to do with Alaska's North Slope and North Sea supply coming onto the market at just the right time to flood the market with oil which crashed prices and broke OPEC's grip on the oil market and drove Soviet oil revenue below a level that would support the regime. No money, the system went bust. Fast forward to today and there's no Alaska or North Sea (40 years of depletion have rendered these sources as marginal contributors) coming to the rescue and OPEC spare capacity is more on paper than in the ground. Right now the main beneficiary of Biden's sanctions is Putin with Europe being crushed by them. -
Perhaps what the person, whose identity is a secret, running the White House and the President's twitter account is referring to is the administration's "war" against reality? Like not understanding the retail gasoline market and the distribution network along with contracts and jobbers while telling gas stations to sell their product below cost. Now I know most of the people running the government never held a public sector job or ran a business but even for them it should be obvious this sell a dollar for fifty cents demand is a bad idea.
I'm just curious. As I see a logical disconnect in the argument. If its the party of big business why do they need to legislate corporate behavior? Shouldn't they just be able to use their standing arrangement with big business, pick up the phone, talk to the CEO, and its done? And conversely, if that's what big business wants to do shouldn't they just obediently go along with it? I think your argument needs to account for the existence of the uni-party and a reality that we have a one-party system with some fringe issues taking up space to create a distraction and perception that there's some choice to make between the two. Like a 20 ton truck the system keeps rolling along wherever it please to go no matter who's in charge.
I should have been clearer. I'm mostly referring to the endless list of rules and regulations issued by the administrative branch of government. The 4th branch of our government. The one that is granted no Constitutional rights or privileges but issues endless rules and regulations, restrictions and edicts all produced by an un-elected and unaccountable multitude of permanent and growing bureaucracies.
I believe the core of the problem is a concentration of power. Big government. The government is too powerful. At the Federal, State, and in some situations such as large urban centers. And when one side or the other gains control of this power they attempt to use it to push around people that have different views and opinions. Take away governments funding and they have no money or ability to push around American citizens regardless of their views. Everybody minds their business and quarrels are private matters to be settled outside of the political arena.
I think this reflects the lack of options. Personally, neither major party represents my views and interests to any great degree or to my satisfaction. If I could pick and choose from a list of positions and options on various subjects and issues from both parties it might create a third party that would align with my interests. One that I suspect would also represent the interests of independents and a large number of Democrats and Republicans that just are not on-board with the extremes of either. I expect some third party will emerge to represent just such a perspective. The seeds for that to happen are sown by the current level of chaos and conflict. And over time, as the current system of arrangements deteriorates, I think both political parties are doomed to minority status as their governance continues to become more and more ineffective and unpopular over time. It might take a couple decades or maybe just a couple years depending on how bad things get.
Agreed. My interpretation of SCOTUS rulings of late is they have almost nothing to do with the merits or legality of the specific issue or contention and everything to do with ruling against encroachments by the judicial and executive branches on the powers of the legislature granted in Article I of the US Constitution. Simply, not the rule but who has the authority under the system to make it.
I agree but I also believe any government financial commitment requires an evaluation and change in current spending priorities to reallocate funds rather than some "blank check" program of increased borrowing and debt. Many seem to think that along with natural resources, financial resources are also infinite.
How much did you pay for gas and groceries today?
All_Pro_Bills replied to Big Blitz's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Yes, thank God. Because we have a puppet with different masters. Biden dancing to the globalist and billionaire elite agenda spreading war and suffering across the planet with no regard for the welfare and interests of the American voters and citizens whom he told to shove it. So yeah, things are just peachy now that the evil one banished from Washington DC. As we pay double for everything. Things are so good I can't take any more! -
How much did you pay for gas and groceries today?
All_Pro_Bills replied to Big Blitz's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You know what I find funny and more than a tad ironic? Politicians across the political spectrum make all kinds of campaign promises saying they're going to do this and do that. They all claim God-like powers to do anything and everything. Cure the sick, save the poor, end all crime, educate every child, produce world peace and perpetual prosperity. And the whopper of them all, cut taxes and improve government services! I don't recall every seeing or hearing a political campaign ad and promise or debate where anyone said vote for me because I'm lying through my teeth, none of my proposed policies or programs will have any impact on your lives, I have no control over anything, and I will accept no accountability for any negative or adverse consequences during my term. But here's Joe saying just that. -
How much did you pay for gas and groceries today?
All_Pro_Bills replied to Big Blitz's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Biden has a big problem. Nobody believes that excuse. Just 11% of respondents in a recent poll believe his assertion that Putin is to blame. So when 89% of America disagrees with Biden's policy and his answer is tough sheet in what amounts to a government policy that completely ignores the interests of American voters and citizens what should we do? Suck it up and let the fool destroy what he hasn't destroyed yet? Or vote out his majority and neutralize the senile old fool for the remainder of his term? I say plan B. -
How much did you pay for gas and groceries today?
All_Pro_Bills replied to Big Blitz's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Yes, everybody that doesn't agree with you exists to fulfill their sole objective in life of destroying the republic. Congratulations on exposing this ever present menace. How wonderful for you! But maybe, just maybe, if you get your head out of your ass you might look around and see the reality that the people executing a real-time plan to destroy the republic are sitting in the White House and controlling Congress. Making up excuses and blaming everybody but themselves for all the problems. So far they're doing a fantastic job. The historically low job approval ratings they're receiving show it. You should be proud of the mess you're supporting that they've created in a record time of just one and a half years. Now we have a recession and with any luck and a little more effort they can turn it into a global depression. -
How much did you pay for gas and groceries today?
All_Pro_Bills replied to Big Blitz's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Or maybe they're part of the 2% of Americans believing the "all is well" narrative the administration is peddling? -
Mass Shooting at 4th of July Parade
All_Pro_Bills replied to ChiGoose's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You should know as poster boy for the concept. -
Mass Shooting at 4th of July Parade
All_Pro_Bills replied to ChiGoose's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You're sounding paranoid here. I'm getting worried about you. You've gone from disputing some opinions on this topic to accusing several posters of supporting the overthrow of our government through violent means. That's quite a mental journey -
Mass Shooting at 4th of July Parade
All_Pro_Bills replied to ChiGoose's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Can you just drop your political horse crap for 30 seconds? Nobody here is advocating a dictatorship. If you really believe that then perhaps you're not recognizing your own behavior and you're the person being radicalized? This violence is a systemic problem with society. We're creating a large number of angry and aimless young men with no goals or ambitions that take a hopeless view of life. Emotionally and mentally well-adjusted people don't commit these acts regardless of their political views. -
Mass Shooting at 4th of July Parade
All_Pro_Bills replied to ChiGoose's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
What's inspiring them is a non-functioning mind developed in a dysfunctional home and social environment. The fact we're creating so many of them should provide a clue. Our society is systemically sick and this is a mental health and social crisis. Stop playing politics. -
Mass Shooting at 4th of July Parade
All_Pro_Bills replied to ChiGoose's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Our entire culture is sick. Right away, the usual suspects in politics and the media go on the hunt to identify the shooters ideology. Which side can we blame? The left or the right? Did he vote for Biden or Trump? Is he associated with Antifa or maybe White Supremacist groups? Can this violent and senseless act help with our political and social agenda? How can our causes benefit from the suffering of others? Instead of just admitting we've got a generation of a lot of maladjusted and dysfunctional young men that appear to have little purpose or interest in life running loose in the country. And that for one reason or another they've gone down a wrong path that's transformed them into raging psychotics and we need to do something about it that goes far beyond talk about gun control. Whatever the politics, the system, whether its education or parenting techniques, or the legal system, or the economic system, or social media, or video games, or some other thing, screwed these kids up and the system better fix the problem. -
So you're good with urban gang violence terrorizing inner city residents and drug & sex trafficking cartels but a group of people "marching" around are the real danger to public safety? What I'm hearing is its okay to terrorize urban neighborhoods or sell women as sex slaves as long as your politics don't disagree with mine.
You are spreading misinformation. Lots of shootings, murders, robberies, assaults in the news all weekend. All kinds of violence. New York, Newark, Chicago, Philadelphia, and so on. Lots of video of these perps. But not a lot of white guys doing the shooting. Another progressive myth. Don't believe me? I'd be glad to drop you off at midnight in one of a number of US cities anytime you're ready. There you can count all the white supremacists threatening the public while you run for your life from urban street gangs.
You just can't let go of him? Can you? You're attempts to associate me with "him" in order to discredit my views through a false association are both preposterous and comical. It's a clever game you play. Because the truth is I don't even like the guy. And never voted for him (or Hillary or Biden either). If anybody can't handle the truth, it's you.
That's cute. So yeah. there's 1,000's of recent stories of people getting beat up by these characters! Stop spreading fake news created by professional misinformation experts that get compensated for spreading and peddling this nonsense. But what's your story? Maybe you just enjoy getting gaslighted for the fun of it?
This moron isn't even the person in charge of the executive branch, the President. He's a cartoon character that was trotted out and created by the party to front a phony "moderate" campaign and platform that hid an extreme agenda. And the voters fell for it. If you're saw this mess coming you've taken action to protect yourself as best as possible before this disaster was put in motion. He belongs in a rest home for the elderly mentally impaired not the White House in this nightmare scenario. The guys can't even hold a real press conference. They're all staged events. Scripted questions with scripted answers asked by pre-determined members of a press corps friendly to the cause. Want to know who is really in charge? Find out who's writing the questions and answers and deciding who gets to ask them? Find out who's writing the tele-prompter scripts. This is nothing short of a coup in plain sight. Everybody knows it but nobody in any position of authority, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, seem to care because the alternative is Kamala Harris. It's like Biden's handlers picked the worst possible VP as insurance to protect their scam from exposure and elimination. Most likely history will judge Biden as the worst President ever.