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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. While this argument has some legal basis it is also a larger matter of judgement. And how the application of judgment may or may not affect actions or intentions. Like executing a broadly scoped search warrant instead of issuing a subpoena for the documents in question. Or allowing the legal team to observe the search to eliminate specific challenges to the search or allegations of misconduct. Garland, acknowledging a conflict of interest or a being aware of the perception of a conflict of interest, should appoint an outside special counsel, with no apparent ties or bias towards the DOJ case or a Trump defense, to oversee the case. Without this, my guess is the defense will continually hammer away that regardless of the circumstances, evidence, and facts, the entire process and potential outcomes are tainted by a compromised AG doing the work his boss (President Biden who has gone on record saying Trump should be prosecuted) ordered to take out his most likely rival for the 2024 Presidential election.
  2. Housing starts and permits crashed last month. This is predictable given the Feds interest rate hikes and how leveraged home prices are to interest rates. The question with interest rate increases is how much is too much?
  3. It would be rather simple to redact names and protect the identity of any witness and still release the affidavit to provide clarity around the justification and rationale behind the warrant. Such a high profile case demands more transparency given all the rumors and theories being generated. I could start with the magistrate. He steps down from his judicial position in order to take the job of defense attorney for a couple defendants in the Epstein case. Once that is over he's reinstated to his position. The Trump vs. Clinton civil case is assigned to him. But back in June he suddenly recuses himself from the case for reasons I'm not aware of and resurfaces last week as the magistrate issuing the warrant for the search and seizure operation against Trump. So an obscure and rather insignificant magistrate in Florida is involved in three high profile cases. Perhaps just a coincidence? Perhaps not. What I find most interesting is how so few appear to be the least bit curious about all of these events that when combined weave an interesting picture where somebody could easily conclude Reinhart is some kind of political "cleaner" that's called into action when somebody makes a mess of things.
  4. That's what the Nazi's said about the Jews that refused to be rounded up.
  5. Hillary got a copy of the whistleblower list and has invited the group out to her remote cabin in the woods of upstate New York for a weekend of rest and relaxation. The invitation said come as you are but please leave your service weapons home but remember to bring shovels, lime, and flashlights.
  6. Ironic that the building is named after the guy that created and defined most of the surveillance tools and weaponized methods of political oppression still in use today.
  7. I didn't say the "democrats" are stealing freedom. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/08/sperry-fbi-agents-involved-trump-raid-criminal-investigation-durham-abusing-power-trump-russia-probe/ Was the raid a CYA operation?
  8. Well I've voted straight democrat for decades before the party turned rogue. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020 but he isn't a traitor. But if you're comfortable with our government stealing more and more of our freedoms until we have none then keep up your support. And law enforcement? They're supposed to investigate crimes and identify people the committed them. What they're doing here is targeting individuals and searching for a crime to attach to them. Targeting people for political reasons. You're a chump for not being able to comprehend it and for going along with it. Fortunately for these authoritarian sociopaths there are a lot of mentally slow chumps out there. McConnell and Graham are establishment players that do the bidding of the Empire. They just went along with Trump as long it was politically advantageous for them to do so. It is no longer advantageous.
  9. You're conclusions are illogical. Because if Democrats and the Washington establishment truly believed Trump has no chance in 2024 they wouldn't be doing everything possible to disqualify him from 2024 the race. Truth is they're afraid and crapping their shorts over the possibility of him making their lives miserable again. If there's no worries let the guy, and even help him out, get the nomination and then go to the general election confident he's got no chance to defeat whatever mediocre candidate the Democrats put out there.
  10. This whole Secret Service "scandal" sounds to me like obsessive neurotics looking for "evidence" to create and simultaneously uncover an imaginary conspiracy to cover up an imaginary conspiracy.
  11. Sorry to burst your bubble but you're going to be disappointed when all of this results in no charges for anything. The President can declassify anything he chooses. Without permission or concurrence from anyone. Believe it or not, archive clerks cannot veto the President's classification actions. If he says they're de-classified, then they're declassified. Even assuming some or all are not declassified he didn't pack the boxes himself. And assuming some are not they would need to prove Trump knew they were not declassified but obstructed the reclamation of those documents. There's no evidence of that released or discussed by DOJ to this point. And the DOJ/FBI has previously established a very high threshold of intent and purpose is required to seek any conviction. One notable case when they let Hillary skate free and clear when it was obvious, she broke the law by hosting an unsecure and illegal home server set up that exposed State Department confidential and secret e-mails and electronic records to hackers. Go back and review Comey's statement.
  12. My observations of how the establishment functions and why it does what it does are based on a conclusion there are two Americas. One is the country. The other is the Empire. The country was established after the American Revolution. The Empire was established after WW2 when the US was the strongest and least impacted major country. This coincided with the Bretton Woods agreement that transferred the reserve currency role from the British Pound to the US dollar. The role of world empire was transferred along with the currency. This marked the origins of the establishment. While the official government serves the needs of the citizens the establishment serves to address the needs of the Empire. Political parties are irrelevant to the establishment. Being in one or the other doesn't automatically include or exclude anyone. But every 2 and 4 years politicians' campaign with promises and positions to sever the country but most of them when elected serve the empire and the establishment. As long as politicians serve the establishment they are looked upon as "patriots" and "virtuous". Anyone putting the needs of American the country before the needs of the Empire is labeled and isolationist or worse, an agent of foreign powers. The reason the establishment hates, and fears Trump is simple. It has nothing to do with a few boxes of documents and the forever excuse of "national security" or his role with 1/6. If he served the establishment these transgressions would be overlooked and brushed aside. But he's the only President to get elected since WW2 that has vowed to serve the interests of America the nation rather than the needs of America the Empire. America First. There it is! Not engage in foreign adventures not maintaining 300 military bases worldwide, not to defend the far reaches of the world and vital interest of elites and globalists. This American First threat must be eliminated through whatever means necessary. But the bigger threat to the establishment is the 80 million and growing number of citizens that view it as the problem. To address this threat the propaganda mill and the intelligence state run 24/7 demonizing anyone that dares to defy the empire. All Empires rise and fall and America's will be no different. My guess is what we've been experiencing the last 6+ years is the first couple innings of the falling process.
  13. When you're quoting dead bloodthirsty war mongers like McCain, that are responsible for initiating wars which resulted in the deaths of 100's of thousand and displaced millions of innocent civilians while causing untold suffering and miserly plus the unnecessary deaths and injuries to large numbers of America's armed forces to enable the profits of the defense industry for validation your argument is pretty weak.
  14. I always suspected the primary objective behind corporate stock buyback programs was to increase the value of option-based executive compensation.
  15. Why is this thread still open? Nobody stole any nuclear secrets. The Post story was a lie. As was likely the reference to informed sources. But what else is new? If there is a moderator here it should be shut because its misinformation.
  16. Not really. Recent polls show almost 80% of Americans, including a majority of Democrats, agree there is a two-tier justice system. We've seen an obvious demonstration of that during the week.
  17. A win for Biden is waking up in the morning and finding that he didn't piss his pajamas during the night.
  18. Lots of people view themselves as patriots and a lawless government as the terrorists.
  19. Most of it is religion on religion violence. My God is better than your God stuff.
  20. This is easy. Hillary is a member of the political establishment and serves those interests. That makes her "untouchable". Like a Made Man in the mob. In the two-tiered legal system she is exempt from the rules that apply to the other 99% of Americans. The current President and his family have been running an extortion and influence peddling racket. The details of this racket are documented on a laptop belonging to his son which is in FBI possession. The FBI has done less than nothing to investigate. The intelligence community pitched in with 51 former intelligence agency officials concluded the laptop was actually Russian "disinformation". This is a lie, and they knew it was a lie. As they serve the establishment, they did their job. To protect their fellow members. The less than nothing the FBI did was inhibit any investigation. If one of the 99% of other Americans did that, they would define that behavior as "obstructing justice". But as they serve the establishment, they are also exempt from the law. These are the same people that pontificate about the sanctity of the law and their high level of integrity and duty. They are the worst of liars and cheats.
  21. The FBI visited the house in early June and already had an inventory of the documents and knew everything and anything about them 2 months ago. If it was so urgent and such a threat why didn't they seize them at that time or soon thereafter. The judge issued a warrant last Friday and it was so urgent they waited several days before executing it. Not to mention its been 20 months since his term expired. That all makes little sense to me. My suspicion is they used the documents to establish probable cause to search the entire residence. For anything related to 1/6. Of course this is just a theory at this point but I expect as facts are revealed it will be validated.
  22. This continues to be the party faithful rationalization and excuse for why Trump beat Hillary.
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