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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. What's ironic is you seem oblivious to your own bigoted intolerant attitude and statements. Maybe stop and think that you're being more "judgy" than the people you criticize?
  2. Everybody's got plausible deniability and the media gives it the Sgt. Shultz treatment (I know nothing, I see nothing, I hear nothing) along with asking no critical or logical questions and you've designed the perfect process of systemic ignorance.
  3. The FBI claims the laptop misinformation warning Zuckerberg revealed was nothing more than one of the regularly issued warnings and messages communicated to media platforms about potential and actual disinformation. Let's say that's true. The problem with that is they knew the laptop was genuine. As there's all kinds of ways to prove authenticity. Serial numbers, warranty registrations, software update IP address logs, software purchases and loading, session logging, verification of authenticity from people copied and messaged on e-mails, verification of events, place, times, and participants, and so on. All these things provide proof to assign ownership. A legitimate investigation could include all these things and others. Did they do any of these things? Most likely no, They just buried the story for 2 years. And now change their story. So knowing it was genuine, the FBI made a conscious decision to lie and spread misinformation about the illegitimacy of the contents of the machine. What was their motivation to lie? And who ultimately signed off on the operation to suppress evidence?
  4. It was Bush/Chaney that lied to Congress and the American public to justify action against Iraq. They waved the flag, told some lies about connections to 9/11, and Congress rallied behind it with few exceptions. Because anyone opposing the program was unpatriotic. But no hearings, explanations, or time served for any of these whoppers which resulted in the deaths of 100's of thousands Iraqi's along with US service personnel. Now after 20 years of occupation under a puppet government the natives are growing restless. Most likely urged on and instigated by Iran. Add in the intrigue around the Iran nuclear deal and throw Russian and Chinese influence into the mix and its all quite a mess. Mission accomplished. Also, there's trouble brewing in Libya between various factions left over from the brilliant nation building exercise that removed Gaddafi. Another "bad" guy replaced by more "bad" guys. One thing for certain, the enemies of the empire see weakness and are pouncing everywhere. With hope the Biden administration can send some diversity trainers and deploy drag queen shows to distract the angry mobs.
  5. Because at the end of the day charging an ex-president for this "violation" is a flimsy legal argument and they know it. Charges would require the DOJ/FBI to reveal what they were really looking to retrieve and bury in the archive for 50 years. I'm guessing that's original copies of Russia hoax documents from as far back as 2016 implicating the agencies and specific persons in illegal acts of espionage and treason against the incoming administration before, during, and after the 2016-2020 term.
  6. Top of the woke pyramid are trans men that screw household pets on their lunch break while watching MSNBC. Just the mental image of that should get all the lefty perverts and child molesters excited about the next preferred victim group.
  7. Well, if you're not happy with my answer I suggest you go on for now happily cheering on the DOJ/FBI for what they do best. Setting up clueless Hillbillies in Michigan and executing SWAT team operations to drag senior citizens into the streets in the middle of the night. While I just wait patiently for the case here to fall apart.
  8. The crickets you're hearing are coming from the DOJ. Its been 3 weeks and they've done jack. They redacted almost the entire affidavit. If there was some smoking gun in there it would have been disclosed in yellow highlighter. But nothing like that. As time passes it will become obvious this was simply a political hit job executed by a desperate and failing administration. As for classified and secret documents, cry me a river. If it was you or me then no question, but no charges against a former President that had possession of documents while still in office and was cooperating with the archivist to process them per required procedures is going to happen. Like the 2017 Cleveland Browns the 2022 Washington Brandons are laying another big fact goose egg to add to their O-fer record. My guess is they called the Hail Mary play looking for something big a "credible source" suggested was out lying around the house and they failed to find it. Nobody has to make up anything. These fools will hang themselves. But for now its damage control time. That's all I've got to say for now. As I await the crying and shrieking from the weaklings when they realize "Satan" has once against escaped punishment.
  9. Frankly, I expect legal objections will be filling challenging the President's authority to "forgive" any of this debt. Sure you can issue any executive order he fancies but can he modify contracts and agreements governed by legislation? The argument will be this requires legislative action. It should be interesting. I don't think the Federal government "holds" the note on these debts. On the Federal governments accounting books and accounts. It could be large banks or some entity like Sallie Mae. The Fed provide "guarantees" that would kick in if there was a default to pay these institutions and banks. I don't know the specifics here, but I expect it would require the discharge of the debt through something like a bankruptcy filing. What Biden is doing is paying off $10K or $20K of loan balances from people that are judged to be solvent or credit worthy. So what's going to happen here? If I hold a student debt of $100K and Biden is forgiving $10K I'd have to be nuts to pay off the other $90K. I'll wait until they forgive the rest. Thanks Joe.
  10. The term moral hazard comes to mind here. People are asking fundamental and legitimate questions. What about me? What about my debts? And why should I subsidize people with degrees from places like Harvard and Yale? Why aren't these universities with multiple billion dollar endowments pitching in a few pennies for paying off loans students took out for the sometimes worthless and high priced degrees these places are peddling? Other questions about personal responsibility. All legitimate questions. And just why is student debt more worthy of forgiveness than other types of debt? What about home owners that are now underwater with their home loans? Owing more than the home is now worth, shouldn't they be forgiven a portion of their debt? Or car loan borrowers that are behind in their payments. Shouldn't people that depend on their car to get them to and from work or school or transporting the kids get a break? What about consumer credit card debt? Shouldn't consumers strapped with big balances and monthly payments at onerous rates above 20% have a portion of their debt forgiven? And while we're at it, why hasn't a presumed "progressive" majority proposed or passed legislation to cap obscene interest rate charges? Joe has created more trouble than its worth here. Because the freebie Genie's out of the bottle and there's no putting it back. He'll end up placating a small minority of his base but pissing off and alienating almost everyone else. Politically stupid right now, and economically a disaster. At this point I'm wondering why any of us should have to service any loans or payments of any kind? I mean, we "deserve" nice things too, right? Let the government and the taxpayers take care of it. Time to enjoy the good life for everybody!
  11. Facts are of little consequence to TDS victims. They believe all the crap and propaganda shoveled and handed out by approved mouthpieces. Even when it later proves to be false. They would have made great citizens during the Soviet era. Another flaw is their tendency to declare victory at halftime.
  12. If people in California are so stupid that they elect officials that issue continuous proclamations and regulations and pass laws banning all kinds of things and imposing one restriction or another on their choices and freedoms its their business. What will happen is people and business will migrate to other "free enterprise" friendly jurisdictions and states. And what's left of it, well I wish them good luck. While I've got nothing against the fundamental idea of electrifying the US vehicle fleet I think the idea as currently presented is a fantasy based on wishful thinking. I don't see "the plan" for producing all the additional carbon free electricity that will be required to charge all those vehicles. For now its mostly fossil fuel consuming power plants which begs the question what's the point if all you're doing is moving the CO2 production from one step in the process to another while incurring all kinds of additional costs and inefficiencies? You can issue all the edicts you want but there's got to be some associated actions and I just don't think these geniuses running policy have any credible plan to put in place the physical infrastructure to support it all. Why its not obvious to more people I don't understand.
  13. My concern isn't so much defending or explaining what Trump did or didn't do. And I have no idea how past presidents have handled this situation and how they were treated. I suspect there aren't a lot of posters here that have paid attention to the disposition of presidential records prior to this time around. My problem is most government documents and information designated as "secret" are classified in that way to withhold the truth about lots of events and activities from the American public. To avoid exposing the real actions taken by government that violate or contradict the official line. To assist in the continuous process of shoveling BS and covering us with it. Not information kept under wraps from all kinds of nefarious adversaries and enemies that would harm or injure Americans and American interests if they somehow got their grubby hands on the secret or confidential information. That aspect of it all is part of the mystique of the "national security" issue mantra. And when it's invoked the implication is it demands total and unwavering obedience to the excuse. Most times it's a lie
  14. What is unexplained is if these documents contain current "secret" and "confidential" information then why did the government fail to act with any sense of urgency? As we're all being led to believe these are important secrets, they waited 20 months to execute a search and retrieval operation. Agent executed subpoenas as recently as June and had access to the documents and removed a number of items and boxes at that time. And by all accounts the President's legal team was cooperating. What suddenly changed the tone of the engagement? Yet an answer to this simple and basic answer question is elusive. Its neither detailed in the affidavit or the warrant or any statements made by DOJ or the FBI. In short there's no talk on the motive of the former President to hold these documents or the motive of the DOJ/FBI to change their previous casual attitude to one of urgency. Nothing to this point has convinced me to alter my initial suspicion that agents executed a warrant in search of something else. Using the boxes of documents as pretext for probable cause to request a broadly scoped warrant. To seize and secure anything related to the entire term of the presidency found anywhere at the residence. It also seems an unlikely coincident that the judge that signed off on the search was previously assigned to the Trump civil case against Clinton and then recused himself later after the case began only to show up here again here. Given the contentious nature of the political environment I find it difficult to believe the events have no connection or the assignments of two critical cases to a specific magistrate were some game of chance random thing.
  15. With a sense of irony, I'd like to point out many posters exhibiting the same authoritarian tendencies and a lack of empathy that is typically assigned to "MAGA" people.
  16. Your first sentence was good. After that it was all baseless speculation and wild imagination. I've mentioned the Presidential Records Act a few times. I recommend reading it.
  17. What gives with Comedy Central. Every time I'm channel surfing there's always a commercial on. Maybe they can explore the hilarious concept that if I read a secret document, I know the secret and therefore no longer need the document so if we don't want ex-presidents spilling the beans then a mind-wipe is required.
  18. Chef, if you're ever interested that kind of "outside the box" thinking can land you a pretty decent gig as a high paid government official someday.
  19. What we learned from the released affidavit is the people at the DOJ have a large supply of black marker pens and they're not afraid to use them.
  20. The smoking gun! Now lets play name that crime. Today's topic. Potential crimes that can be associated with the act of having your picture taken with a 33 year old woman. Fire up the engines on those Blackhawks and load up the SWAT teams!
  21. I think a lot of people are just opposed to the government throwing pennies at anybody, public or private groups, individuals, corporations, etc. And they want nothing more than the government to get out of the income redistribution and social engineering racket. Especially those middle class and working citizens that for some odd and peculiar reason always seem to be on the "giving" end of the arrangement no matter who "gets".
  22. So how does this work? The state licenses retailers to sell legal pot. But is it still illegal to grow your own? And its okay to smoke pot as long as its from an "authorized dealer". The use of convicted drug dealers makes sense because they already have a full understanding of the business process absent the need to track down and harass, or work over, anybody they fronted to or trusted to pay later.
  23. Fauci testified that biological research at Wuhan funded by NIH that sought to enhance the ability of animal originated coronavirus to infect humans does not meet the definition of "gain of function" research. And its a mere coincidence that ground zero for the virus was located near the Wuhan research facility. And if you attack him you attack science. I am science, he proclaimed!
  24. I've been to Binghamton a few times and if you also have, I think you'll agree there's not much going on there.
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