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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Well, when the President comes out and threatens about 1/2 the country because they represent a political threat to the power and control of the party that sounds like fascism. Just the optics and tone of the event last night had the smell of intense evil. I really wonder what his handlers were thinking when they dreamed up this thing?
  2. People getting flushed out of mom's basement by higher cost of living. Individuals with multiple job at record level too.
  3. Childish nonsense from a limited mind.
  4. Our "Hoax" friend was formerly employed at Twitter as a censor and content moderator but was triggered into depression and quit in protest when Musk announced his bid for the company. And now on PPP, unable to censor, delete, or block "objectionable" comments the only option other than responding with some well-defined rebuttal or counter argument, is to type a mindless one word response, "Hoax". I think most of us agree the practice is, well, stupid.
  5. Biden hateful and fascist speech stopped just short of announcing plans for concentration camps and awarding Federal contracts for gas chambers and railroad cars.
  6. Triple, quadruple hoax!
  7. Wondered when he was going to go full-Hitler and warn the people of the Jewish menace.
  8. Every great leader in history has sought to divide his country as a path to achieving great things. People in the future, sometime next year after the next great depression has started, will conclude Biden was a walking disaster.
  9. The great unifier is going to read a script written by that teleprompter guy where he's going to tell us how anyone that didn't vote for him in 2020 and the majority of Americans that disapprove of his performance now are evil people and from now on any political opposition to the Democrats and his administration is a criminal and unpatriotic act.
  10. The sacrifice point you make is real. But I have a slightly different perspective. I acknowledge the climate is changing, as its always changing, and along with this change are man-made changes on top of the "natural" cycle of the climate. The problem is the solution to replace fossil fuels with renewables like solar and wind. They simply don't have the same level of energy efficiency and cost. In short, its a step backward. And one that will lead to overall lower productivity in any area of the economy that uses a lot of energy. Which mean sacrifice. A lower standard of living for almost everybody. The problem with policy is it hides this outcome. So as long as you're willing to accept a much lower standard of living and give up some of life's conveniences all is well.
  11. From Selena's new Top Secret clothing collection. What's secret is the price. Ladies don't let your husband know how much you spent. Tell him it's a national security secret which if disclosed will expose her shopping methods and procedures to danger. Don't let him fool you by his pronouncements that he declassified it.
  12. You simply proved my point by less repeating what I said. But refuse to apply the same standard of "proof" to yourself that you insist from others. You have no idea whether things are true or false either. So hoax to you too! You're just willing to buy every story the government is selling because that's what your thinking requires you to do. Let me guess, hoax!
  13. Like Dr. Evil's flame pit. "If there is one thing I will not tolerate it is failure." Another hospitalized un-vaccinated COVID death, right?
  14. Dwight is some political hack just like all the opinion and propaganda hacks you constantly quote out of twitter.
  15. Comey admitted that he sent classified government documents to an acquaintance at the NY Times who then published the information in the paper. He acted with clear intent to disclose and by any standard being applied in conversations here for supporting an argument for Trump's guilt, he should be serving time for exposing "secrets". Hillary had unapproved servers at her home that got hacked by Russian and Chinese operatives, and most like Mossad too and perhaps other State actors. When busted and subpoenaed she ignored legal requirements to preserve evidence and destroyed and erased files and e-mails and obstructed the investigation. She denied the FBI access to the servers. Why didn't they raid her as she was uncooperative? She should be serving time for exposing "secrets". Both got a pass for far worse given we have proof they exposed secrets. To this point we know Trump had documents but there is no proof Trump exposed anything. It's all conjecture. Unless anyone has some inside information or firsthand knowledge, which I doubt.
  16. I understood they were shutting them all down. I think the plant is Diablo Canyon they want to shut down next. Maybe they'll mandate powering the State by strapping solar panels and propellers to a space camp helmet with I Luv Gavin decals they'll force everyone to wear when they shut down civilization and direct the State's citizens to return to living in the woods where they can compete with squirrels and woodchucks for nuts and berries? I'm betting on the squirrels here as they are a lot more intelligent that most give them credit for, and certainly much smarter than the average neo-liberal climate enthusiast.
  17. Medical community gone rogue addressing a psychological self-identity issue with a surgical solution preying on children that have not fully developed physically or mentally. In the old neighborhood we used to deal with such child predators with baseball bats and tire chains.
  18. If the DOJ claims these documents are classified, then they violated handling rules and procedures for classified materials by taking and releasing photo(s) of classified and secret documents. So arrest Garland and anyone involved! Ha, ha..
  19. I expect Singletary will have a productive year. Meaning he makes the most of his touches. Whether he accumulates the stats to break the 1K rushing yards level I'm not so sure. With the addition of Cook and what looks like a healthy Moss the Bills look good at RB. Add in what should be better performance from the offensive line group and improvement in the yards per rushing attempt stat, I think the Bills will meet one important goal. Being able to run the ball effectively when they "need" to run the ball. Whether that's getting the tough yards in the red zone, running some clock when required, or going to the ground game if the passing game stalls out. The other thing I want to see with the backfield of Singletary, Moss, and Cook are less Josh Allen designed runs.
  20. You're finally getting it! That's exactly what he's doing. Its always the people that accuse somebody else of something that are doing that something.
  21. Maybe you can explain something for us simpletons? What firsthand information or facts do you have that allow you to state with 100% certainty that you know the truth and the facts and posters that express views that conflict with yours are a "hoax"? Did you personally participate in the planning and execution of the search? Did the White House, FBI, or DOJ consult you for your input or provide you with a detailed report of the operation? Maybe somebody that participated in the action gave you a call and brought you up to speed on how it all went down? I'm guessing probably not. So you're in absolutely no position to label anything others say as a "hoax" because you have no capacity or capability of knowing the full truth at this point. It's just your opinion. No better, no worse than anyone else's given the situation.
  22. The FBI operated here without WH input or consent? That's what the rubes call a whopper of a good story.
  23. Rather than take Biden's much more effective and traditional approach of authoritarians and use the apparatus of State power to target your enemies with violence and threats.
  24. Carlson's assessment that Putin is winning the war is pretty close to the target. While Russia might not be "winning" they are certainly not losing. Europe is losing. The EU is losing, The UK are losing. Their economies are being destroyed. Inflation is running out of control, The value of the Euro is plunging. Prospects for Winter look bleak. Gas and electric bills are out of control. The "green" agenda is proving a disaster. Food costs are rising faster then here in the US. Sitting governments are unpopular. Policy is clearly out of touch with the demands and needs of the public. The rule of the current order in Europe is crumbling. Its only a matter of time until some country folds on sanctions and defies Washington. Then what? On the other side financial restrictions and sanctions while harmful have not dealt the intended deathblow to the Russian economy. The primary reason, they spent years preparing for it. That was always Putin's game. Not some territorial conquest to reacquire all the former Soviet States beginning with Ukraine as some Western intelligence and Russia "experts" claim. And while everybody's cheering on Ukrainian "counter attacks" the objective is and has always been to reduce or eliminate US influence in Europe. Add all the countries you wish to NATO. Bombs and missiles don't put food on the table or heat in the house. Today, another wrinkle as word the first shipment of Iranian drones to Russian forces has been sent. That should add another layer of complexity to the situation and the nuclear deal they're negotiating with the West. What's clear is where they stand and it seems politically unacceptable for Washington to agree to a deal with Tehran given they're supplying Putin and providing direct support.
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