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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Making decisions to preemptively intervene based on a million to one worst case extremist scenario is not a smart strategy. Because you can always invoke the comparison at any point and you'd be fighting somebody, somewhere, all the time. Which come to think of it, we are! Sounds like you've stumbled into identifying the basic doctrine of US foreign policy.
  2. All I want to know is the name of the person writing the teleprompter scripts so we can all give credit where credit is due.
  3. I thought Bill did a decent job but he does have a yet to be explained clearly documented relationship with the late Jeffery Epstein. Manifests state Bill was a passenger on Epstein's sex plane several times. Was he just hitching a ride? And the DOJ in their usually conditional application of the law, is sitting on the "Black Book" listing all the "Johns", dates, names, and places along with information on the abused young women. Rumor has it disclosing the list would take down a lot of high profile political and business players. But the silence from the usual demands for justice self-righteous social justice crew is deafening. Seems like they just act up when they're told to act up.
  4. The art of election denial was born in 2016. The idea being it wasn't the voters that denied Hillary the crown. It is to this day some general allegation rather than specific and documented acts of Russians misinformation tied to proof anything influenced voter choice. Hoax. And that had to be the worst insurrection in history. The idea protesters were executing an organized and planned attack to seize the Capitol and ordain their "leader" as winner of the election is absurd. There's no evidence of planning or premeditation. At the end of the day there's no evidence tying individual acts of one kind or another to some grand conspiracy. Some people were arrested for bad behavior. End of story. But an organized attempt at insurrection? That's a political argument, not a criminal or legal one. Hoax.
  5. Keep dreaming. How exactly does a 100-year-old senile and demented President understand and represent the interests of the younger generation? With an agenda guided by the slogan MASS. Make America Suck Supremely. He's doing an amazing job of it as evidenced by his abysmal approval rating which I'm guessing dropped a couple more points after his imitation of 1933 Hitler on 9/1.
  6. OPEC+ agreed to reduce output by 100K bbl/day starting in October. European oil and gas markets react with higher prices as US markets are closed for Labor Day.
  7. Some of our friends hear the dog whistle of "democracy" and immediately imagine some sort of utopia. That must be defended and supported whatever the cost. What they don't comprehend or what they don't want to acknowledge is the Ukranian oligarch system in form and function is much closer to the Russian model than it is the Western model of democracy. Corruption is rampant and embedded into the political and social system. They believe the US government is acting out of a desire to support democracy rather than the primary objective of supporting US policy towards containing Russia. It's a beauty is in the eye of the beholder situation. Most of us see a partner with flaws and faults. They see perfection. If you've ever had a friend in love with a seriously flawed person and tried to convince them of those flaws you know what I mean. They're just not going to see it. Much like many posters can't see the flaws that are Ukraine. And sure, we should help them, but we need to be realistic and see the place for what it is which is far from perfect.
  8. Either you're part of the problem or you're on the government's payroll or both.
  9. Biden and the establish simply wish to operate in an environment where criticism and questioning of their rule and actions are not allowed. Obedience is demanded. And so called "extremists" are not seeking to overthrow the Constitutional Republic in order to replace it with some authoritarian form of government by installing some supreme leader. They've had enough authoritarian crap under the current establishment regimes. There is no desire to live under a system of even more authoritarian oversight. If flag waving people holding pocket sized copies of the US Constuction while exercising the rights that document provides are extremists, then we should all be extremists. Biden's speech reflects his administration is afraid to run a campaign on real issues. The past 2 years have been a disaster. So they manufacturer an Ultra-MAGA narrative to distract and deceive. Intelligent and informed citizens of all views will not fall for this farce. The characters and parties running the government are corrupt by any measure. Their desire is to push citizens to take violent actions against the "government" as a pretext and an excuse to impose more restrictions and conditions on Americans. But the goal needs to be removing them from power and influence through the legitimate processes of a free and democratic society including elections and open and honest debate of issues and positions from all parties. No voice should be silenced, and all views should be considered. The corrupt need to be replaced by men and women of good moral and ethical character from all points on the political spectrum. This will happen dispute protests from insiders and lifetime griters like our President. Watching his disgraceful rant, you could smell the desperation through the screen.
  10. No. Guess again.
  11. Look up the word in the dictionary and there might be a picture of you right next to it. Mentally slow liberals.
  12. What has me laughing my ass off about this disgraceful affront to freedom, democracy, and our constitutional system from our insane and demented President is how the media and the usual libertards are fawning all other the entire spectacle. But imagine their horror if you sub out Trump for Biden, change out a few words and terms along with the targeted group of the rant. The left and the media would be triggered to Defcon 5. How could anyone disagree with that assessment?
  13. I see the issue boiling down to one concept: Productivity. The ability to produce greater output at lower costs and higher efficiency. Technology has reached the point of demising returns and renewable sources that are less efficient and more costly have western civilization headed in the other direction. The implication is a lower standard of living and a general social and economic decline. Big jumps in energy output and efficiency from the fields of physics and advanced technology like fusion are still decades, if at all, away,
  14. No worry. Just set props practicing for Biden's next speech.
  15. 70,000 Czech citizens gathered today in Prague to protest government policy and demand neutrality in Ukraine/Russia conflict. Calling for the government to resign or put the needs and interests of Czech citizens before those of NATO. As predictable as the Sun rising and setting each day, expect the government to fire up the propaganda machine and use "Deflect the blame 101" and charge that you-know-who is behind the movement. Also expect all the libertards to totally embrace the narrative.
  16. Romney, the late John McCain, and Bush are all establishment hacks that do/did the bidding of the Empire but little to serve the interests of the American people. As for Biden, his divisive speech was disgusting and inappropriate for a sitting President. The optics were full-Nazi. The tone dictatorial. He's a disgrace to the office. And his mental capacity should disqualify him from continuing in the office. The thing I find ironic and comical here is how much howling and shrieking we'd be hearing if you staged the same spectacle and only change out Trump for Biden? 24/7 media blitz with calls demonstrations in the streets. Full re-tard by the left. His good Republican, bad MAGA argument reminded me of times past of arguing with raging racists that would insist there are good Black people and bad Black people. The good one's being people that did what they were told and kept "out of trouble". That was Biden's message to the so called "Ultra-MAGA". And even though a good portion of MAGA is independent and disenfranchised Democrats, he warned them to be good Republicans or else. But how about we get a "good" President first?
  17. I didn't say they were Republicans. Karine, that brain dead WH Press Secretary said they only need to disagree with the majority to be "extremists". The problem with that "logic" is Joe's terrible approval rating demonstrates the majority are against him and by that definition he is the extremist.
  18. I've always suggested the Republicans are a bit slow when it comes to playing the game the way the Democrats have been so successful. They either don't understand the fight they're in here or don't care to get their noses dirty. I think the first step is stop bargaining and debating with the Devil. As for the Democrats, they have to do something because running on real issues would be political suicide.
  19. Well, when the President comes out and threatens about 1/2 the country because they represent a political threat to the power and control of the party that sounds like fascism. Just the optics and tone of the event last night had the smell of intense evil. I really wonder what his handlers were thinking when they dreamed up this thing?
  20. People getting flushed out of mom's basement by higher cost of living. Individuals with multiple job at record level too.
  21. Childish nonsense from a limited mind.
  22. Our "Hoax" friend was formerly employed at Twitter as a censor and content moderator but was triggered into depression and quit in protest when Musk announced his bid for the company. And now on PPP, unable to censor, delete, or block "objectionable" comments the only option other than responding with some well-defined rebuttal or counter argument, is to type a mindless one word response, "Hoax". I think most of us agree the practice is, well, stupid.
  23. Biden hateful and fascist speech stopped just short of announcing plans for concentration camps and awarding Federal contracts for gas chambers and railroad cars.
  24. Triple, quadruple hoax!
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