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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. It was a deal with the Devil. The US consumer got everyday low prices at Walmart and the government created a market for buying US treasuries which funded deficit spending in exchange for enabling the strip mining thousands of small towns and cities across the country of businesses and jobs. Corporate America got to "globalize" their domestic operations by offshoring manufacturing to use cheap Chinese labor labor in exchange for sharing proprietary and business critical technologies and systems with the CCP. All in all a great deal until it wasn't.
  2. What all these accusations and memoirs lack is a definitive ending and any sense of finality. They're all like a murder without a body. Because there are never any "real" victims or tangible harm. Otherwise, can anyone provide the names of all the Democratic officials and Trump enemies that got their homes raided, their phones and personal possessions seized, along with being harassed, charged, and unjustly convicted of something as a result of the DOJ being corrupted?
  3. Everyone is getting older as a fundamental fact of life but as people do get older and gain experiences they view life and issues from a different perspective and generally that perspective is less idealistic and more practical.
  4. That I believe is called a lack of objectivity. But history shows when any single political ideology captures and controls the popular national media allowing it to broadcast and disseminate political propaganda at will that tends to be the result.
  5. When the Bills drafted Edmunds and he was advertised as a sideline-to-sideline LB with elite physical size and abilities I had a crazy idea the team would use him occasionally to match-up with those big and athletic TE's the defense never could never handle. At the time Gronkowski presented the biggest headache. And now its Kelce. But I was wrong. But my thought was get physical with Kelce by never giving him a free release from the LOS by putting Edmunds over him and cover him over the short and intermediate routes. At a minimum this might disrupt the timing between Mahomes and his star TE and cause the QB to throw to other options. Sub in another LB for the nickel CB with Edmunds more or less playing that nickel but covering the TE. Will it work? I can't say. Maybe not, but so far what they're doing hasn't worked well either and why not experiment on a couple plays?
  6. Well, border security is a Federal responsibility and conditions have demonstrated they've abdicated that responsibility. The border is not secure, the border is not closed, and the border is not under control. So with limited to no authority to enforce Federal law what does anyone suggest the States do here?
  7. Does anyone see any evidence that the Federal government has any desire to negotiate a mutually agreeable solution with the border States rather than pursue a unilateral objective of letting anyone and everyone that requests "asylum" to come into the county, get processed, and disappear?
  8. If you're the Titans coming into Orchard Park on Monday night, after a terrible opening week loss to the Giants, against a Bills team that's had 10 days to prepare and pretty much also had their way with the reigning Super Bowl champion, against a Bills team that appears to be on a mission. this week two match up is as close as you can get to a worst case scenario. Unless its some fluke, I don't see any reason to expect any other result than a Bills win here.
  9. Citizens of the state should collectively defend themselves and declare politicians supporting the measure as persona non grata.
  10. The fumble was a bad start and it's something to watch for, but I don't see any reason to declare a state of emergency over it right now. Obviously, the coaches consider taking care of the football important. Cook has a specific skill set the team targeted in the draft. I'm pretty sure we're going to see it in action during the season. As for his personality, all I've seen is a couple interviews where he's been asked the basic questions and given the usual answers back. From those encounters nothing too insightful about his personally. Maybe the guy's just not a talker? And for that matter, beyond a handful of star players and team leaders that get a lot of attention and do a lot of interviews and appearances, I know next to nothing about the person behind the player on the roster, say, 20 thru 53.
  11. How many NFL games have teams won by 21 points when committing 4 turnovers? That's a pretty obscure stat but I'm guessing its pretty infrequent. While Moss wasn't very productive the Bills showed a lot of offensive flexibility and the ability to move the ball against a pretty good defense. This offense as built now has the capability to beat a defense in almost every way imaginable and what Allen/Dorsey demonstrated last night was just as important. And that's a willingness to do it. The only stat I cared about was 31-10. At the end of the day its not how you win, its how many you win.
  12. 4 turnovers and the Bills win by 21? That's hard to do. But its only 1 win with 16 regular season games to go. This team has the feel of confidence and on post game interviews the players said all the right things. They kept their foot on the gas on both sides of the ball for the full 60 minutes. What I liked at the end is the defense didn't give up one of those garbage time scores that usually happen at the end to make the score look more respectable. Enjoying this but next up is the home opener against Titans next Monday night. The place should be rockin'.
  13. The establishment supports establishment candidates. People loyal to global corporate and powerful interests while paying lip service to the needs of Americans. The idea any President could put the needs of American's first, ahead of the interests of the Global Empire and the elite benefiting from that arrangement is unacceptable. Trump is an outsider. It didn't matter if he was a Republican outsider or a Democrat outsider. If the Democrats would have nominated Tulsi Gabbard or Bernie Sanders they would have gotten the exact same outsider treatment as Trump. The establishment was so scared of a Sanders nomination they dug up ole Joe Biden and positioned him as a moderate insider that would unify the country. What a joke and illusion. This is how the political system operates. While the elite thank the useful idiots supporting all their efforts to maintain control and demonize Trump and anyone challenging or questioning their priorities, they should know that none of them are in their long-term plans. At some point soon they'll be cut loose to fend for themselves.
  14. And that nicely sums up the current attitude of America's political elite running the country into the ground while mooching off the working and middle classes to the max.
  15. Hunter's partner provided sworn statements that the contents were genuine and he also had copies on his PC where he was To/CC on the e-mail. Its real and the payoffs were real. 10% for the "big guy". And the FBI buried the evidence. Another crime. The press buries the story and pretends it doesn't exist in an act of disservice to justice and outright lying. Those 51 former intelligence agency officials that determined it was Russian disinformation lied too. Arrest their asses and throw them in jail too. Lets have the law prevail. So all you posers and preachers demanding enforcement and your unwavering commitment to "THE RULE OF LAW" its time to stand up. Or are you only behind the idea when its convenient to your opinion or aligned with your hatred of the target. Lets see some resolve and commitment to that principal. Are you with me here? Or is it what I expect, just conditional virtue signalling and outrage only when the target is somebody you don't like? That's it, isn't it. So just accept the fact your a virtue signalling hypocrite and go on your way.
  16. You raise a good question. What did Trump get, if anything? I have a good question too. How much did the CCP pay Joe and Hunter in exchange for influence and information? I know where the answer to my question is which is on the laptop the FBI is hiding.
  17. The FBI will leak evidence to the Washington Post that the killer is in reality leader of the local chapter of super secret double-ultra MAGA and all the useful idiots will run with the "threat to democracy" story. While satire its also sadly close to the degraded state of how things operate.
  18. Your seal of disapproval just tells me my opinion is right on target. So thanks for that.
  19. His father was indicted and convicted of 18 counts of tax evasion, witness tampering, and making illegal campaign donations by then US District Attorney Chris Christie. Jared was instrumental in his firing when Christie ran the administrations transition team. It was the first of several major personnel blunders Trump made in bringing inexperienced and unsuitable family members into positions of authority rather than building a professional team around him.
  20. I'm going to have to make do with a heat lamp and a couple garden Gnomes. To augment this less than ominous ambiance, I'm adding some appropriate music soundtrack such as Megadeth's Symphony of Destruction and Judas Priest's Breaking the Law. Maybe close with Hells Bells. That should put the fear of the State into the malcontents.
  21. I pretend to be President of my home. But the peasants aren't buying it. I'm thinking of declaring them extremists.
  22. I don't represent MAGA in any shape or form. So that is no consequence to my view. I only represent myself. I provided my personal opinion on how the "rule of law" is applied in a conditional and inconsistent fashion. I've seen it firsthand in various court and legal situations. I've seen it demonstrated in cases that have been reported and followed in the MSM and online media and in the press. There is no absolute standard in the enforcement and application of the rule of law. The difference in how it is applied is governed by two factors, money and power. If you've got power and/or money the rule of law for you is different than the rule of law is for somebody with no power and/or no money. That's reality. Power and money tilt the scales of justice to a more favorable position. You can say hoax all you want until the end of time. That won't change reality. That won't change my opinion. That won't change the system where power and money matter. It just demonstrates your unwillingness to recognize and acknowledge it.
  23. Generally everyone prefers the rule of law but the reality of how its applied in real-life is filled with grey areas subject to the whims of the people interpreting the law and the identity of the people being charged along with key factors such as circumstances, motive, and intent.
  24. If I may, I think it comes down to what motivates people. My personal theory is that "what" is self-interest. Everybody acts out of pure self-interest. Even people that claim to act out of kindness and altruism are doing it because it makes them "feel" better about themselves. Or perhaps they have some ulterior motive? or some level of compensation tied to what they believe or don't believe. If you examine those self-interests you'll understand the motivation a person has to believe or view things in a particular way. There are a few exceptions to this theory. And as Football season opens tomorrow with the Bills setting off on what we hope is a Championship season I'd like to flag one of them. And one of those exceptions is anyone that officiates or judges any type of sporting event. Football, baseball, soccer, basketball, other sports, on any level. Regardless of what fans think at times, the fact these people manage to remain neutral and disregard their own interests or favorite teams is admirable. I salute you.
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