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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. That was a pretty good summary above. What I find interesting is the 4 SB's were against teams from the NFC East that from my memory employed similar schemes. Most prominently, the NFC teams won the physical game in the trenches on both sides of the ball. And kept the Bills high-powered offense under wraps. Given that I'm always curious why across the 4 seasons the Bills front office and coaching staff failed to make any major scheme or personnel changes to address the flaws exposed in SB25 that carried through to the 2nd encounter with the Cowboys. All while employing completely transparent and predictable game plans and schemes with no surprises in each SB appearance.
  2. I'd like to add the definition of what might be considered "evidence" in these hearings is quite different from a court room setting. A lot of the smoking gun testimony is inadmissible hearsay. Something like Bob testified to the committee that Sue told him that Kevin talked with Nancy and she told him that Evan was talking to Steve about something and Joe told him that Tom was planning on robbing the bank down the street. So there you go. Bob's testimony is proof that Tom is guilty of planning a bank robbery. Instead of Bob's testimony a court would need to hear from Joe, the person that actually talked to Tom.
  3. The core problem is the Colorado River system does not have the capacity to support 40 million humans along with the surrounding environment. So eventually either somebody identifies another source of water to restore a balance with nature or people move out.
  4. So what's the age limit proposal from these loons on this post birth abortion concept? Maybe 18 years old? Because on the surface the entire idea sounds a lot like plain old homicide to me. On another note, if your kids don't turn out to be like you expected then at least you have another potential option! 🙄
  5. I hear ya. While I've lived in the suburban car-culture for a while I've come to the conclusion that living arrangement is one of the biggest waste and mis-allocation of resources in history. You can't get much of anywhere without a car for one. And most of the land could be put to better use as farmland, forest or other natural states for wild life and nature preservation.
  6. One other thing to consider. American's, especially those living in suburbs and rural areas, are more dependent on the automobile, drive less fuel efficient vehicles, and drive more miles than citizens of other countries. US residents use more fuel per capita than people in other developed countries. So the impact of rising fuel prices is greater. The US consumes approximately 9.4 million gallons of gasoline per day. At 42 gallons per barrel. How much more gas do we use? 1.9 times Australia per capita 1.2 times Canada 4.5 time Denmark 10.4 times France 5.0 times Germany 7.0 time Italy 3.4 time Japan 4.6 time Netherlands 5.2 times Norway 3.7 times Sweden 5.0 times UK
  7. Meanwhile, hundreds of political prisoners sit in maximum security facilities in solitary confinement for over a year without due process facing prison conditions harsher and more extreme than they'd experience if actually convicted on the charges they face. But let's worry about turncoat Ray.
  8. If you can't stand the heat then don't become a government informer and operative while claiming to be a victim.
  9. Occasionally I'd take a ride over the Peace Bridge into Ft. Erie to fill up when US prices went through the roof at a time that was much longer ago than I care to remember. For the same money I would have spent on the US side filling my tank I filled my tank in Canada and had enough left over to buy a case of Molson's to bring home.
  10. Yes. Thinking and discussing, but not translating those thoughts and discussions into action is still synonymous with action. Ultimately from my perspective, what the committee can never explain and weave into their story is how, with their objective clearly unopposed by any adequately sized law enforcement presence, the most peaceful insurrection in history just fizzled out and ended? Critical thinking about this is forbidden.
  11. Have you ever heard of an investigation where the prosecutor was interested in finding witnesses, sources, and evidence that contradict or don't support their case against the defendants? There you go. And these people are not putting on this reality TV special and expending a lot of time and effort just to produce a final report that exonerates the previous administration from any wrong doing.
  12. Focusing on petty details is a lot easier response than inviting massive cognitive dissonance that would be produced by the likelihood that Trump will never be charged, never be tried, and never be convicted of anything related to the 1/6 political theatrics.
  13. I'd like to see the 99% of American's in the middle come to the realization neither of the two current parties, Republican or Democrat represent their interests. Form several new parties. Establish some common ground and an environment of cooperation. See the truth the political class is feeding off the rest of us like parasites which provide no benefit. Vote out all the legacy two party establishment representatives. And get the country moving forward again.
  14. Don't worry that you're paying more for everything and real wages have fallen for 15 straight months. Add in the Fed is too late and as a result is raising rates into a slow down, crashing financial markets, crushing housing, leading to mounting layoffs and business closures. While doing little to nothing to quell inflation. Oh, at least the job numbers are great. Until you look at the details in the data, compare it to the household survey, and discover its just people working more than one job because they can't afford to live on one job because of inflation and not new workers. But forget all that. Just watch the Committee hearings that impact your life not one bit and pay no attention to reality.
  15. History will associate this committee and its reality TV show atmosphere with the McCarthy hearings of the 1950's.
  16. A lot of idiots have said, "well we don't know if there were no weapons because they didn't search everybody", Amazing logic and great legal minds concluding that search and seizure without probable cause and guilty before proven innocent are cornerstone principles of the legal system. The facts are many got more than they deserved. Political prisoners. Solitary confinement 23/7 in maximum security, some denied medical care, chronic mistreatment, held without bail for 18 months on misdemeanor trespass charges. Not just cruel and unusual punishment. Because punishment comes after charges, trial, and conviction. Clearly violations of 8th Amendment. But who cares, right? Certainly nobody cheering on this Kangaroo Court clown show. What's ironic about people supporting this goose-stepping fascist behavior and abuse of power is they're all too dumb to figure out that there's nothing stopping these thugs from coming for them and they might be next when the enforcers get different marching orders.
  17. I believe it was James Carville working the Bill Clinton campaign that famously said, "it's the economy stupid!"
  18. Why would the committee call either of these witnesses to provide on-the-record testimony that would refute and contradict the second hand hearsay testimony of their "star" witness? This Spiro person must be mentally S L O W not to be able to understand that and another run of the mill deep state harlot.
  19. You're referring to the adoption rate which might be the standard "S" curve here. Sure adoption takes time. But a requirement for adoption is it must be viewed as progress. Cheaper and better. The problem is this conversion is not an advancement. What fossil fuel efficiency is to renewable efficiency is like demanding you replace your 65" 4K HD TV with a 19" black and white analog set because the government and environmental activists says its necessary to save the Earth. What's the adoption rate for that?
  20. If the government got out of the way the renewables would be limited to a market segment of people believing they're engaging in social good that would be paying a premium for their energy needs to demonstrate it, but few others. Given the economic fundamentals, force must be applied to get consumers and businesses to adopt them. And what better and more effective source of force is there than the US government? Force aside, the fundamental problem is these "renewables" do not have an energy density, reliability level, or cost efficiency greater than the output and cost effectiveness achieved through the use of fossil fuels. If they did then the conversion would be happening because the market would recognize the benefit. If you look at history one energy source has replaced another which resulted in greater energy output at lower overall costs. Which lead to "productivity". Adopting a practice that costs more to produce less which leads to lower productivity isn't a best practice in any capacity. If you want tor replace fossil fuels with an objective of keeping society running increased levels of growth and efficiency and productivity and increased standards of living then you need to find something more efficient. Like theoretical quantum fusion. I'm sure there are continuous improvements in the form of technological advancements in efficiency and cost for renewable generation but I fail to see any of that translate to market adoption.
  21. I think Trump could have won in 2020 if he staged a better campaign focusing on issues and policy differences and not use the debates as opportunities to engage in personal and petty attacks, insults, and interruptions. It came off as childish, which it was, and he didn't act or look all that Presidential. In 2016, he was totally unprepared to assume the job. He alienated a lot of key and potential allies early on. Many quit, some were fired because of disagreements or quarrels with his inner circle of associates and family from his private business ventures. Hoisting his son-in-law and other family members to positions where they did more harm than good for the administration. Lesson number one was missed, running the US is not a family business. I also thought he did nothing to neutralize or remove obstructionists, leakers, saboteurs, establishment spies, etc., from the agencies inside the Federal government. Fire the ones you could and if you couldn't, strip them of their security clearance and duties while assigning them to a desk in the basement of some Federal office building where they can sit and rot for 4 years. The fact he had no support system at the working levels and that Republican leadership was never really on-board with his administration didn't help either. After all, he was an outsider and regardless of party the insiders protect and support each other. I hope he doesn't run again because I can see a repeat performance if that happens. The country can't afford another 4 years of obstruction and conflict any more than it can handle 4 years of Biden's gaffes and his administrations''s dysfunction. All I can say is we sure know how to pick 'em.
  22. There's plenty of evidence. The need for cue cards, handlers and aides whisking him away after mental confusion appears, gaffe after gaffe. I'm no neurologist. But I have been around older people that have suffered from mental degradation because of Parkinsons and Alzheimer's. And watched them slowly deteriorate until death. I know it when I see it. A battery of mental competency tests will prove it. So you okay with that idea?
  23. Everyone knows that all great investigations and discoveries in history have resulted from coming into the process with a theory along with preconceived conclusions that only considers and accepts evidence that supports and confirms the theory while rejecting and ignoring potential evidence that may invalidate the theory. And then proclaim the theory is now proven fact. The antithesis of the scientific method. Or in layman terms a clown show in progress. Like the statement from one of the great legal minds of the republic that "we never call in witnesses to collaborate other witnesses." Then your investigation is a sham suck job and your conclusions are crap bucko and you should go back and watch a couple seasons of CSI to get some pointers on running an investigation.
  24. Right now we've got a fake President. Biden was duly elected but clearly cannot carry out the duties of the office because he is mentally compromised. To begin with, he should be required to take a mental competency test administered by an independent and qualified physician overseen by the proper officials. We can't depend on the cabinet of the executive branch to do anything. These duties are empowered to the chief executive by Article II of the US Constitution. if the President cannot carry out these duties they are then transferred to the VP. And the VP is promoted to the job of President. In this situation to Ms. Harris. Good or bad or like it or not that's the protocol. Right now there is a person or persons running the Presidency and the White House that were not elected. President Biden is no more than an actor reading a script and playing a role. If this arrangement doesn't meet the definition of a coup then what does? An unelected person or persons secretly assuming the duties of the President. The plot should be exposed and those participating should be arrested. The secret service guarding the President are aware of this sham. They should be arrested too. As should any member of the White House staff or any other government officials or employees with knowledge of the situation that say and do nothing to uphold the laws and Constitution. Members of the press flying cover should also be arrested. The American people must be told the truth. That all said, its a given it will continue until something blows up. Because these scum bags have no regard for the law or the consitution and lack any moral or ethical compass.
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