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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. I support the idea and don't doubt the technologies work because fuel cell technologies and burning hydrogen have been around for a long time but its a big leap from a demonstration project to supporting a motor vehicle fleet level of activity along with the corresponding support infrastructure. And its unclear what the economics of hydrogen production, distribution, storage, and use are at the fleet level. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_economy
  2. Generally hydrogen is found in water, H20, rather than free hydrogen that can be captured or drawn from the atmosphere. Have you seen anything about what energy sources are being considered to "charge" the water in order to separate out the hydrogen from the oxygen and store it somewhere? This is important because from a physics and economic perspective, to be an effective energy source the amount of energy input needs to be less than the energy output.
  3. Generally I agree where feelings are substituted for facts. One aspect is the participation trophy culture. Taunting penalties in sports. Sure you can beat them 55-0 but don't say anything that might make them cry. The left demonizes traits emphasizing masculinity, or as some say "toxic" masculinity. You see this all over the place. Woke mythology glorifies lesbians, generally women of color, and portrays straight men, generally white males, as villains and as people with low morals or ethics. Only men that can cry while sympathizing with and apologizing for the evils the oppressive system they have brought to bear on others are acceptable. Men are weak of character and ability. The left is generally focused on the traits of "strong" women and subservient men following their lead is the only acceptable male attribute. We're bombarded with this in current media, TV shows and movies, comics, other entertainment. My objection to it all as its presented is they have absolutely no creative skills or any original ideas. All they do is take existing characters and heroes and repackage them as something else. And constantly watching a 105 lb, 5 foot 3 inch women beat up 4 or 5 guys weighing in at 200 lbs in the prime of their physical abilities is a bit to much to believe. What the left appears to desire is a population of males we might characterize as "wimps". But wimps don't do things like fight and win wars? Are women going to assume that role? Have at it and they're welcome to it.
  4. If you we at Twitter, Google, or perhaps Facebook and were genuinely interested in supporting the truth, what would you have done when the NY Post story hit the wire given previous FBI warnings of misinformation? Automatically suppress the story based on some vague warning or do some leg work and investigation the story? Would picking up the phone and contacting the editors and reporters at the Post have been a good idea? Meet with them to review their evidence, due diligence, and sources? Then draw your own conclusions about the legitimacy and accuracy of the story before deciding if its genuine or false. That's something real media does on occasion. Employing some logical and critical thinking skills along with skepticism and understanding of motivations. Something we need more of in this country. Instead, they blindly accept a directive from the government to suppress anything that comes across your desk they for sake of simplicity "don't like". This fellow Jim Baker at Twitter for all intents and purposes still worked for the FBI executing party and agency policy by proxy. Our reality is there are lots of "Jim Baker's" embedded in social and MS media everywhere, left or right, liberal or conservative. Such as all these former "intelligence" officials employed by the TV networks. Professional liars still lying.
  5. In an interview Schummer said it came down to Democrats having "better candidates" and there is a lot of truth to that statement. As you cite Oz. A homegrown moderate Pennsylvania Republican would have probably won that Senate seat. A fundamental problem is what sells in the primaries doesn't always work in the general election, for one because of a very large independent vote that swings either way depending on the issue and specific district or State. Democrats have more or less recognize this reality while Republicans are, as usual, slow to catch on.
  6. Beyond talking to potential suitors, it appears most likely that OBJ can't be medically cleared by either his personal medical advisors or any team doctor's to participate in any workouts nor can any party give a clear and accurate target schedule of when he might be cleared to play. From all the noise coming out of Dallas, if Jones got assurances from his medical team that OBJ would be available at any time during the regular season or for the playoffs and he'd be in a position to be a productive receiver, he would have signed him already. Unless he's cleared to start running practice routes in the next week I say this PR tour comes to an end and Becham signs somewhere after the Super Bowl during the 2023 free agent period.
  7. If its an energy war we must ask where does Saudi Arabia stand and OPEC+in the conflict? As leader of OPEC+, the kingdom is hosting a delegation from China, notably lead by President Xi, where they'll attend a 3 day meeting starting tomorrow with Saudi leadership and representatives from other oil producing countries in the Gulf region. Everybody can wave the flag of democracy until their arms fall off but my view is while the US and its NATO allies are distracted by Russia in Ukraine and dumping vast amounts of resources into the conflict while destroying the economies of Europe in some collective suicide pact, China is purposefully and methodically pursuing mutually beneficial relationships elsewhere and stepping into the leadership role abandoned by the current US administration. And in the process securing key economic resources and inputs like energy into the future. While the Americans send lots of trade their way buying solar panels from Chinese firms!
  8. China, the party that will take most of the Russian oil production, wins again. The will get oil for consumption at a discount and sell the rest at market rates. They've done this previously with LNG purchases shipped to Europe.
  9. The truth is the enemy of idealists on the left. Do you think the peasants would have gone along with Mao and Lenin if they told the truth about the real objective of the communists to replace a system of servitude to a monarchy with one of servitude to a political ideology? Who among them want to admit: The Biden laptop is genuine The laptop was not hacked or stolen. It was left with a repair vendor under an authentic work order and signature. The shop owner attempted to contact the owner of the machine but received no reply. The property was abandoned by the owner per the agreement and non-payment for services. The shop owner contacted the FBI. They had no interest. The shop owner made back-up copies of the contents of the hard drive. Subsequent the FBI showed up with a warrant and seized the machine. The FBI secured the PC but did little else to investigate. The machine has been stored at the FBI for 2 years. Some private parties received copies of the hard drive. One copy found its way to the NY Post The Post examined the files, performed due diligence, and concluded the contents were real and legitimate correspondence of the people identified in the files. The Post published the story. Attacks on the legitimacy of the story and the PC began. Twitter was contacted and requests were made to suppress conversations and sharing of information. Twitter complied. Former members of the intelligence community concluded the PC information was Russian disinformation. They made these conclusions based on personal considerations, not from looking at the contents or the sources or the material. Some of the e-mails detailed payments from Chinese entities. The "big guy's" 10% cut was referenced. The big guy was identified as Joe Biden Joe Biden is now President. Biden being compromised by payoffs from China represents a potential national security risk that is being ignored by the press and national security officials.
  10. This looks like another husband/caregiver wife set up like Joe & Jill with the husband's body fronting as an elected official for the wife's brain managing the appearances and activities.
  11. It's a little early here for me so your multiple deflection response has me in a bind. Which question that you asked that avoids directly addressing my post do you want me to answer first? And honestly its not about what I believe as I'm not driving policy or making recommendations to leadership. It's really all about what the Democrats in charge believe. And from where I sit its perfectly clear they don't care about the Constitution or allowing it to get in the way of their objectives.
  12. Frankly, I would have expected any calls to "terminate" the Constitution to be supported by the Democrats and their allies. After all they're full efforts have been exerted trying to do that for the past 6 years. Just a few pesky items they're looking to eliminate: Freedom of speech A free press The right to bear arms The Electoral College Legal due process The Supreme Court They should be cheering loudly and carrying Trump on their shoulders through the halls of the Capitol.
  13. What is this guy smoking? From his bio it sounds like this chap Collins is a deranged reality denier. If I were you I'd avoid associating yourself with known lunatics.
  14. Professionally its defined as being a bull sheet artist. Counter that argument by requesting details. Names, dates, and places. Documentation, meeting minutes, action items and issues.
  15. Absolute truth is the authoritarian self-proclaimed liberals will use any situation that presents itself to attack Musk for the simple reason that he ended their monopoly to censor speech on Twitter. That's got them crapping their pants as for the first time they can't control the narrative on the platform.
  16. No doubt it was a matter of "national security" which cannot be discussed or revealed as that would risk exposing methods and procedures and put people in danger. 🤣
  17. A Russian lawyers that prior to that meeting held a discussion with Clinton contractor FusionGPS head Glenn Simpson. Somebody intimately involved in the Russian dossier funding and production. But I guess somehow the media left out those little details of the story and nobody in the press has ever asked Glenn Simpson or Natalia Veselnitskaya what they discussed prior to her meeting at Trump Tower.
  18. A genuine liberal spawned from the civil rights and anti-war movements of the 1960's distrusts corporations and fights for the average citizen against big government and big business. Figures like Humphrey, McGovern, and Kennedy would not recognize these people calling themselves liberals. These modern day liberals are posers, sellouts to the establishment many grew up fighting against, that sold their souls and beliefs for a big fat corporate paycheck. What it boils down to is they can lead a much more comfortable life lying for "the man" than they could by telling the truth. They all know things like the laptop are genuine but dare not speak those words for fear of being pushed off the gravy train.
  19. That's the point of it all. Whatever your views might be we all need to rally around and demand the truth. No more lies.
  20. Private companies cannot "do what they want". This is an invalid argument. There are thousands of laws and regulations on the books at the Federal, State, and local levels limiting and regulating private business. Mundane things like minimum wage laws, environment standards, harassment investigations, and worker and workplace safety regulations. And as for the businesses themselves, most have code of conduct, conflict of interest, and other personal conduct policies.
  21. For me its not just free speech. Its returning the American media to its traditional and Constitutionally protected role of holding the government and their rich and power allies accountable. Performing legitimate investigations and reporting the truth and facts without personal or professional bias no matter the consequences. That how a free press is supposed to function in a democratic society. At the moment, the majority of the media provides surveillance and propaganda services for the government and their powerful benefactors against mostly powerless citizens who dare to express an opinion or belief that might differ or conflict with views and interests of people and institutions wielding power. In short, you can tell a lot about the system just by how the press operates. Do they work for the people or work for the government. At the moment the majority of the American press operates at the bidding of the government in a manner consistent with authoritarian dictatorships like China or Russia.
  22. I'd say one reason for this is during segregation the community needed to build, and did build, the necessary support systems that facilitated an environment of relative self-sufficiency and culture. Locally owned and run businesses, community services, social support systems like churches and community centers. And strong civic leaders. Those support systems were damaged not by the end of segregation but by government social policies and corporate businesses that destroyed those support systems thriving in the local communities.
  23. Apple and Google are said to be threatening removal of Twitter from their app stores unless Musk restores some version of censorship which meets the approval of those two companies. One potential response might be ant-trust or anti-competitive lawsuits which would expose the inner workings of those corporations in a court setting. On Friday Musk also suggested one alternative would be for his company to "build" their own version of the iPhone minus all the spyware and snooping apps used by Google and Apple stating "how hard could that be?" An alternative device that offers the same features absent tracking your every move might appeal to a large percentage of the population.
  24. We can agree here. But alternative forms of energy that are cheaper and more efficient than oil and gas. Adoption of more effective sources of energy through human history have facilitated growth and progress which has improved the quality of life and living standards. But the point I've been hammering away at in this discussion is there aren't any more efficient sources of energy currently available. If there are, then what are they?
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