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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. I've used that time to figure it out excuse for 10 years about marriage with my wife but for some reason it never works for me!
  2. Its not about me its about you posting racist messages.
  3. I don't disagree. But IMO that's not what's happening here. And what business of the FBI or any other government agency to determine for me and everyone else what is information and what is disinformation? And how do they really know? You suggest the process of letting the companies decide. I'll take it a step further. Why not let the users decide? Let's be real. The goal of these operations isn't to protect the public from consuming or being influenced by "bad" information. The goal of all these functionaries embedded in companies like Twitter is to protect the ability of official sources to communicate whatever they want and protect them from scrutiny. That's the task all these former FBI guys were assigned.
  4. The scary thing is there are a lot of people that have more of a problem with the people exposing mass surveillance programs than the people running mass surveillance programs. For their sake I hope at least they're personally compensated in some way to participate or go along with the program because the alternative is to be a fool.
  5. Spot on. I vividly recall concerns over free speech rights being violated by social media sites employing 100's of former intelligence and other Federal government official assigned the task (exactly by whom we shall soon find out) to censor and misinform the citizens of the United States of America, suppress dissenting opinions and criticism along with blocking alternative opinions were met with statements such as "private companies can do whatever they want". But now a certain element of the political spectrum sees the tape being pulled off the mouths of their opponents while some of their voices are being subjected to scrutiny and suddenly they've discovered the 1st Amendment. Shocking, simply shocking. But surprising? No. But don't worry. I'm absolutely certain Uncle Joe's henchmen at the DOJ will concoct some excuse to investigate Twitter for some vague and undefined "national security" issue or pull in the IRS for some sort of personal undressing of Mr. Musk. Count on it. These creeps have no moral or ethical boundaries.
  6. Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, whatever they want to claim is their ideology reject God and religion because to embrace either would conflict with the primary tenant of their dogma. And that is the belief that there is no power greater than "The State". That being, God cannot exist. Because to admit to the existence and domain of God over everything would be to admit their ideology is flawed. They believe there are no natural rights granted to all people by God or any divine power of natural law. For them, the concept of God-given rights is a dangerous idea that must be suppressed and challenged. There are only rights and privileges granted by The State that can be revoked at the whim of The State.
  7. The odd thing is that almost the entire liberal/climate activist crowd, convinced about the threat of climate change and rising sea levels, live along the West and East coasts. The areas at the highest risk of tidal flooding and rising sea levels. How can that be rationalized? Are they engaged in a group delusion or incapable of planning ahead? I'd expect they'd all be headed for the hills, figuratively and literally. Instead of bemoaning higher insurance rates they should be moving to the Rockies and higher ground in preparation for the tidal deluge that will put the current coastline and its inhabitants below sea level about 10 years from now. Per AOC's timeline.
  8. More likely dismantling and selling off the furniture and fixtures of the country club-like workplace environment where the majority of the workforce coming into the office did nothing all day other than posting to their social media accounts and de-stressing from the ordeal of uploading pictures and videos of their life of doing nothing productive. That's why you can fire 90% of the work force and have no negative impact on productivity. A bunch of useless narcissists. Look at me, I'm important. I post lots of pictures of myself. All this is hard "work". I have to go back to the decompression room for the rest of the day.
  9. I'm amazed how media rats like the people running The Guardian that support the suppression of free speech and censorship of anything that conflicts with or threaten corporate and government establishment power centers everywhere has the balls to call out anyone else on the topic. But that's the game these folks play. A media outlet that's a supporter of corporate and government censorship judging and demanding an explanation from Musk about his "free speech" position? You just can't make up something more preposterous.
  10. I always thought it was a good thing to have a girlfriend/wife that liked to watch football and attend games but that view has changed over time. When I pointed out the offense failed to gain a single first down in their last three drives of the 4th quarter, any of which would have helped finish out the game, the wife concluded I was being too critical and insisted the Bills offense played a "great" game against the Jets on Sunday.
  11. Perhaps you should address your contention to the law enforcement, intelligence agents, and justice department officials that spent over a decade working to bring Bout to justice? People that are more qualified to assess the risk and danger this guy poses than you and your "dime a dozen" conclusion. I'd expect they don't share your casual dismissal of releasing him back to your arch-enemy Putin. But as always you toe the line on your Joe can do no wrong mantra.
  12. Your response has absolutely nothing to do with my post. But that's both no shock and nothing unusual. You might want to seriously consider using some of your free time for something more useful because you spend way, way too much time digging around the life of one Donald Trump. The word obsessions comes to mind. Get help.
  13. Not as long as the left believes a hideously looking bald guy wearing red lipstick and an evening gown that steals and sniffs women's underpants stolen from luggage at the airport is an acceptable cultural norm.
  14. Tendencies is a good word. OC's and DC's can telegraph a lot to the other team by their use of personnel packages and formations. But its nothing unique to the Bills. If you consistently watch another team or two you'll pick up the same types of "tendencies". I'd say overall its part of the cat and mouse game inside the game. Some of it can be done as a matter of how they run their offense and defense and sometimes for the purpose of deception. Teams that do a good job of scouting and analysis can gain an advantage. Not sure how the Bills rank in this respect but when teams are close to evenly matched from a physical and talent perspective it can be the slight edge leading to a win.
  15. Its understandable that you're uncomfortable addressing my contention. You're one of our posters here that invokes Putin against lots of other posters in attempts to discredit their opinions. You're doing it again here. Saying that if Putin would, theoretically I guess, agree with or approve of their views, that they're somehow carrying water for the dictator. That's your way of dismissing their views without having to put up any credible argument against it. It can be a clever tactic at times. But in the case of this prisoner exchange, its clear Biden is agreeing to an exchange that benefits Putin. If it didn't then the Russians wouldn't have agreed to it, plain and simple. You can't debate that, and Putin certainly approves of and agrees with the Biden administrations decision. If that's incorrect then I'd love to hear your explanation. As you've been dead set against any actions or views that might benefit Putin I can't imagine you truthfully approve of this exchange. You can lie to us, but don't lie to yourself. That gets to my point that no matter what you won't disagree or criticize anything this administration, or any Democrat for that matter would say or do. You're a company person through and through. A yes man for the man. I can't speak for everyone but I haven't given Trump a pass. I didn't like his tax plan and he lacks the capacity to understand details and specifics of policies. He's a flawed person and his personal behavior at times can be inappropriate and rude. I wish he would disappear from the scene. But everyone has some flaws. Biden has flaws too. I'd say his biggest are he's a lifetime mediocre politician that has been running influence peddling operations through his career. The latest involving countries such as China. But like "Home on the range" you will never say a discouraging word.
  16. Maybe so, but its obviously clear to everyone here that you give Joe a pass on everything. Don't you think Putin benefits here?
  17. The fundamental fact is this trade was a poor value for value transaction. If you like this deal how about the Bills send Josh Allen and their 2023 1st round pick to the Bears for Nathan Peterman? Its representative of the same disparity. Along with this is the general directive that the US doesn't negotiate with terrorists. Most posters gushing all over this deal and Biden's adroit handling of the transaction categorically classify Putin as a terrorist and war criminal. In regards to Ukraine they are adamant that no negotiations can be held with Putin the terrorist and all pre, current, and post war negotiating points considered important to Russia cannot be conceded or agreed to by the Ukrainians and their backers. Unconditional surrender by Russia and concession of all points of discussion is the only path to an agreement. But not this week. But by releasing Boot in exchange for Griener our government is certainly breaking their own rule reaching an agreement with a terrorist, along with aiding and abetting a terrorist. So how can that be rationalized?
  18. I think the bottom line is superior talent executing at a high level will always beat a great scheme executed by an opponent with lesser talent.
  19. You see, you lack all objectivity and perspective. Because these people, some carrying American flags and many who served, aren't dissing our country. Meanwhile our NBA star has turned her back on the flag but once detained in Russia and faced with different circumstance had a sudden change of heart. Sadly, there's just nothing this administration has done or will do that you criticize or object to here. And you certainly won't criticize this exchange. If Biden negotiated a deal to send Hitler back to Nazi Germany in exchange for a box of Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies you'd be singing praises to the deal to high Heaven. Proclaiming what a "great American President".
  20. Its simply a bad exchange on a value basis. An arms merchant that supplied terrorists and rogue governments with weapons for a WNBA player that previously dissed her country. So now terrorists can get weapons easier and a sport nobody cares about can get one of its stars back on the court. You like the deal? How about this. I give you $1 and you give me $100. That's pretty much the same trade Biden made.
  21. Perhaps you forgot, but these folks were charged by police and the local DA for having the audacity to exercise their right to self-defense. So different rules? Absolutely. If you menace organized mobs like BLM back in 2021 which are protected by Democrat administrations you're going to face charges. If you're an Antifa insurrection attacking and firebombing Federal buildings every night you won't get shot or arrested. You're right, different rules indeed.
  22. As its no big surprise, the US team is eliminated so nobody has to pretend to like soccer at this point.
  23. The lesson is when you're a person of color in Austin and your house is getting robbed consider the police rolling up to be hostiles and open fire on them before the get out of the car. You'll be saving lives! Your own.
  24. So they didn't catch the guy hiding in the bushes wearing a red baseball cap holding a book of matches at the other end of the 50 foot long wick ready and waiting to light the fuse when the VP appeared on the scene?
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