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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. First, none of this has anything to do with what I want or what I don't want. We have family of Ukrainian descent (my sister-in-law) and we've pitched in to help at the church with time and money for aid shipments. So I'm hardly what others here suggest as some sort of Russian sympathizer or asset because I'm not buying into the propaganda about how well and great this war is going. And when somebody responds with some"Putin" reference I don't know whether to laugh or cry. There's a lot of needless death and suffering. That's my base case here. But this conflict started back in 2014. When the State department's neocon extraordinaire Victoria Nuland and the CIA engineered the coup in 2014. In 2016 Trump's in, she's out and a balance of power back-and-forth is in place. In 2020 Biden's in and she's back in the club. Under-secretary for Blinken assigned to finish the job. To fast-forward to today, in my view this war is already lost But Washington refuses to allow Zelensky to sit down and discuss peace terms. Europe is a disaster, It should be pointed out these are the same cast of characters that FUBAR'd every single one of these regime change operations over the past 25+ years and its almost a guarantee this one is also going to end in abject failure. If the US had clearly stated there are no plans to put missiles in Ukraine or to advance the NATO alliance towards their border none of this would have happened. But the US didn't say that because that's absolutely the objective. What you might be distracted from here is the big picture of changing alliances and transfer of power among the global players. Do you really believe the US is playing from a position of strength? Look at Biden's recent trip for clues. The body language and how he came off as weak and begging for the Saudi's to increase oil output. And he came away with nothing. They did everything short of just laughing in his face. This week Putin follows up with his visit. Don't be surprised if Putin along with Xi eventually broker an armistice or peace deal between long time adversaries Iran and Saudi Arabia. That will be a real kick in the toolbox for the US State Department. The balance of power is shifting away from the US and these weak and ineffective leaders and constant threats of violence and military intervention and sanctions are accelerating the process as the world is looking for the exit ramp.
  2. I think clearly knowing your taking actions that will lead to a conflict is equivalent to staring a conflict. And I'm not talking about the Ukrainians.
  3. I'm in a pretty energy efficient home and have cut back a lot on driving but I'm not sure exactly how big my direct or indirect footprint is but I expect its a lot smaller than the government officials, billionaires, and assorted activists telling us all we have to cut back on energy consumption and carbon emissions. My suggestion to them is, you first, and enough of this leading from the rear. So park those planes, dock those yachts, and cancel those conferences and resort destination vacations, and trade in those 40 room mansions and gas guzzling giants SUV's and sports cars for something more modest. My temperament is that until they put some skin in the game they can all F off.
  4. You know who else but its obvious you're unable to objectively view this conflict and as a result are against any peaceful compromise.
  5. The reality is no country is totally self-sufficient. Even if the US or Europe were "energy independent" they'd still be dependent on other countries for a long list of other primary inputs or finished goods. Maybe a system where a matrix of co-dependencies between countries would imposes the need for cooperation and a better path to peace and compromise? My assessment of the current insanity is there was very little effort from all involves parties to avoid hostilities because nobody around the table was willing to yield an inch and consider the consequences a conflict would bring and how it might impact their mutual and domestic interests. But here we are. The world is a mess and headed to getting messier. I say this as a subscriber to the Edwin Starr school of War.
  6. The high point of her time in office was chasing out Amazon's proposed East Coast HQ. Socialist hate people with jobs that make real products and provide real services. Potential for prosperity and improved living standards is dangerous.
  7. I agree that sex and gender identity are different. And people are free to identify as they choose. But I'm also free to believe that one is reality and the other is an illusion. And be free from the judgments of others that suggest my conclusions make me a bad person. You think what you want and I'll think what I want. That seems fair.
  8. Compromise while acceptable to the majority in the middle 95% on the specific "rules" is unexceptionable to activists mainly because that would result in the issue being resolved. Activists don't want issues resolved as that results in a loss of power or potential to acquire power. That's why crusades like end poverty, end homelessness, end racism, end illiteracy, end hunger, end un-perforated toilet paper, or end whatever never end anything because that eliminates the need for the group to exist.
  9. You're engaging in wild speculation. There's absolutely no evidence that any military units were waiting for instructions from Trump or anyone else to intercede with the election certification or to "take over" the government. Tell us from your many "credible" sources, what branch of the services from what base and what units under who's command were awaiting the go signal?
  10. Did it ever occur to you that Chinese influence peddling, what they refer to as "elite capture" is not the monopoly of any single person or entity? Spread across our country and society. And no single entity or person has the exclusive rights on shilling for China. Their influence is everywhere, both parties, in social media companies, Hollywood and entertainment, sports (particularly the NBA), national news organizations, in grant monies to universities, public and private research facilities and organizations. You can cite all the examples you want about Trump but that doesn't exonerate anybody else from being in on the deal.
  11. And I'm the one sniffing glue! Wow. Power to the people? Sure if you mean by the people the rich and powerful political elite and global oligarchs. Those people, yeah power to them. To the average citizen. Not so much. This administration is making life for "the people" far more difficult in every way possible. And what's the deal here? You're obsessed with Putin. Billsy is obsessed with Trump. Maybe you two should start dating?
  12. My savior? LMAO. You are the idiot. A delusional idiot. Look at all the comical and mythical beliefs you constantly defend. You should grow up, get a job, and find some purpose.
  13. There are way too many narcissists with an over-inflated opinion of themselves out on social media. Maybe this person scores a 3 out of 10 she might be able cook spaghetti. Serve up some decent meatballs with it and the score goes to 4. Make a decent homemade pizza and some wings?
  14. That's how the participation trophy generation rolls! Every time I read this topic title I laugh. Because it sounds like the name of some touring ice show.
  15. First rule of war. Don't believe your own propaganda. Lots of dead civilians and soldiers would disagree with your assessment of "winning". You should talk with some real life Ukrainians like I have such as my sister-in-law and her family along with people from their church we met while volunteering to help with aid packages and donations and get a different perspective than the ain't war great idea. They also have a lot of insights and opinions of their government which differ greatly from the "democracy" story you're swallowing hook, line, and sinker. You might want to ask yourself, "what do I really know?". Not much really.
  16. Putting your allegiance behind the Democrats here is like sitting in a room full of dynamite with the fuse lit so laughing isn't an appropriate response. Running as fast as you can away from it all would be a better course of action. But have at it. The economy is cratering and at the end of the day that's all anybody is going to care about. Poor Joe's mind is deteriorating at an accelerating rate so he's not going to last through the end of the year. He might be gone before the Summer is over. Before he causes too much more damage to everything. Kamala will take over. All the usually suspects will celebrate the coronationof a WOC to the top job. And then reality will set in. That's all going to be quite a hoot. I'll be prepared. Will you?
  17. Thankfully our new leadership is doing a much better job. You must be proud. Did you get your check from Xi this month?
  18. On Friday I listened to an interview with some political strategist, the name I can't recall, and their take on Trump was he isn't going to run in 2024 because there is no evidence of an organization or plan to develop an organization necessary to manage and run such a campaign. And until there are signs of this the smart bet is he isn't running. And rather than run, has decided to play the role of some power broker. In that capacity he'd be free to annoy the opposition, whether the Democrats or the Republican establishment, as much as is possible.
  19. I think the difference is perspective. Biden is seen as dealing from a position of weakness. Trump was not. Biden's earlier tough talk calling the Saudi's a pariah state in response to the brutal and savage Khashoggi murder that every Middle East observer knew was ordered at the highest levels while also knowing nothing would be done about it. And now due to high oil and gasoline prices, suddenly forced to go begging for an increase in oil output due to mainly self-inflicted damage caused by bad policy. And seeming to come away hat in hand. Not a good look. Trump expressing a desire to strengthen and renew relationships whether just optics or a true intention. Watch for further humiliation as Putin makes the rounds after Biden's Middle East visit. Its guaranteed his trip will be more productive than President Biden's. The fundamental problem we face is way too many countries are pivoting towards alliances with Russia and China along with non-US controlled organizations because for whatever reason they may have, they view the U.S. as an increasingly unreliable partner and an Empire in decline.
  20. Prediction: Like all good neocon or neoliberal members of the political class, Liz will go to some defense industry bankrolled "think tank" lobby that advocates for war and foreign interventions 24/7 pushing for action against the next "threat to democracy" and wait it out there for 2 to 4 years before jumping back into a run for some elected office somewhere.
  21. But that's not the same bill and 15 weeks is not a ban. Its in line with what almost every other western nation has in effect.
  22. it works something like this: Questioning any premise or principle of woke ideology in the minds of virtue signalers is equivalent to hate. Because if you don't unquestionably agree with woke views, regardless of facts or logic or reality, you're suffering from a lack of moral or ethical values while spreading hate. Which in turn requires hating on you because you are not worthy of being "liked" since you are an oppressor. Its a unique form of mental illness.
  23. I'm stating facts. This bill is 15 months old. Am I right or wrong about that?
  24. The video clip above is from February 2021. The twit presents it as something recently proposed after the SCOTUS ruling. That's a lie. HR 705 was introduced in the House on February 2, 2021. It was referred to a House committee on 3/22/21 and went nowhere. The introduced HR bill did not outlaw abortion. The Congressional record (https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/705/committees) states: This bill makes it a crime for a physician to knowingly perform an abortion (1) without determining whether the fetus has a detectable heartbeat, (2) without informing the mother of the results, or (3) after determining that a fetus has a detectable heartbeat. It provides an exception for an abortion that is necessary to save the life of a mother whose life is endangered by a physical (but not psychological or emotional) disorder, illness, or condition. A physician who performs a prohibited abortion is subject to criminal penalties—a fine, up to five years in prison, or both. A woman who undergoes a prohibited abortion may not be prosecuted for violating or conspiring to violate the provisions of this bill.
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