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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Julie? Was she a backup singer on the Eagles tour at one time or another?
  2. This Joe Walsh guy I keep reading about here. Rocky Mountain Way. I think he should be discussing more important things like the next Eagles reunion tour. When do tickets go on sale?
  3. Except in the case of J6. The DOJ assumed a take no prisoners, show no mercy approach to identifying and charging anyone and everyone they could. With Epps being an exception. An inexplicable exception in their quest to pursue and punish as many protesters as possible. One guy that should have obviously been arrested using the standards applied is spared. I still haven't heard or seen any logical or reasonable explanation why they let him go. Absent that the conclusion he was an agency asset is perfectly logical and clearly not disproven by anything that has transpired to this point. The government now or in future hearings can easily put the question to rest by simply saying he wasn't. But that may be lying.
  4. You seem to be very adept at "making this up". Given what is already publicly known defending Epps is a losing battle and certainly no hill to die on. But that's your choice. His entire story to date fails to measure up against basic common sense as no explanation to date jives with observed reality. But then again, as we all know reality is what progressives, and their fantasies seek to avoid. Because Epps is far from "some random guy". We've all seen the video of his activity. If nothing else, he's a clear example of the inconsistency of how the law has been applied against the protesters of J6. Just what was his role, as a government asset or not? I suspect we'll find out more soon enough. I expect Mr. Epps, and others, will receive some request to appear before a House committee to explain his specific role and will quickly lawyer up, shut his mouth, and plead the 5th to any probing questions concerning his potential association with entities inside the US government. Over time we'll come to know this as the American version of Reichstag Fire. Count on it.
  5. First Happy New Year. And with the New Year a new majority in the House. I wonder if the hearings held by J6 Committee 2.0 in 2023 will be on the national networks too? I'm leaning toward a "no" on this one.
  6. Its speculation both ways if he was or wasn't on the federal payroll. Was he or wasn't he an asset? Why won't the DOJ/FBI answer a simple question? There are lots of examples where people were arrested and didn't enter the Capitol. As for Epps he did more than incite. He was also observed removing physical barriers and encouraging others to pass through the police lines. And if I recall, he was on the governments "most wanted" list for the event but suddenly was removed. Wouldn't the agency coming clean and telling the truth be better than continuing speculation? Instead of labeling skeptics conspiracy theorists demand the truth of the government.
  7. Epps was on film encouraging others to enter the Capitol. Inciting others to trespass. So are you suggesting the video is fabricated or the DOJ has no interest in prosecuting this "crime"? Clearly he was not charged as others were with less evidence. So why is he off the hook here? The idea he wasn't arrested because he is a government asset appears to be one very plausible explanation. Maybe the government can clear things up by telling the truth and being forthcoming with the facts but let's not hold our breath waiting for that to happen
  8. Everyone should understand its always been this way. But before the internet and social media the communications process was strictly hierarchical. Top down news media from ownership, editors, reporters, researchers, and so on down to the audience and consumer. It was easier to control narratives and transmit propaganda as required. But with the internet came peer to peer and peer to multiple peers communications, And not just one way but two way. Everybody found out everybody else was thinking the same thing they were, that the official narrative at time had lots of holes and gaps in the story. Dangerous discussions to power. So while it took a while the government message keepers figured it out. And here we are with lots of censors and blockers distributed in a manner consistent with the distributed information web with a central purpose in a de-centralized media environment. But too many points of contact leave lots of potential for exposure which is what is being revealed by the Twitter files.
  9. What American politicians and media figures do you trust?
  10. A politician faking his identity and qualifications, and then admitting he lied! Being honest about lying, that's a first. I thought the lefties sensing the potential to recover a lost seat were good with everybody being allowed to pretend to be whatever they think they are. If this guy identifies with being Jewish shouldn't this be treated with equity and be just as good as a dude that thinks he's a woman? I mean really, you need to embrace the concept. LMAO here.
  11. I've explained what I mean as clearly as possible.
  12. The left isn't at war with the right as much as they're at war with reality and reason with a desire to replace those things with feelings and emotions is what I've seen it described as elsewhere.
  13. I think the US goal is simple. To maintain the uni-polar world order where the US calls the shots and makes the rules, and everybody follows those rules. Threats to that order need to be addressed economically, politically, and if necessary, through military force. Major threats to that order being Russia, China, Iran to name a few. Ukraine provides an opportunity to address one of those threats via a proxy country doing the fighting while our leaders play the democracy card in order to solicit domestic support for the program without informing an American public mostly oblivious to this Imperial arrangement of the true motivation. I think that's it.
  14. Liz Chaney was a bit of a puzzle. While she clearly had it out for Trump she did so while alienating herself from a large percentage of Republican voters as evidenced by her huge primary loss in 2022. And while Democrats across the party praised her for taking a stand against Orange Man and the MAGA segment of the party it's a certainty that absolutely none of those Democrats carrying her off the field on their shoulders would cast a vote for Liz against any Democratic candidate in any general election at any level. She played the part of hero well and sacrificed her short-term political ambitions to carry the torch for the establishment Republicans and Democrats against the upstart "populists" that threatened to interrupt the stranglehold they collectively hold on wielding power and control in Washington for some yet to be revealed reward. I say this with 100% certainty given that no contemporary American political would willingly sacrifice their personal ambition for the "good" of the country unless they profited in some way too. Agree or not no Washington insider is going to be the guy falling on the hand grenade in the fox hole to save their fellow soldiers.
  15. And other than the goal to feminize men what is the Democrats plan for America?
  16. Just plain old UGLY whether man or women or something else. Tell me that's misinformation!
  17. A trick previously perfected by the Clintons. The difference is you conjure up some fantasy attacking a political movement without evidence of any kind to make a preposterous claim while the Clintons legacy is littered with a documented trail of bodies from Arkansas to Washington.
  18. Good point. And Miami signs Chubb to a big deal. Guess the moral is impulse buying can be expensive.
  19. If the Broncos are in the mood to fire people, they might want to fully evaluate their GM and front office too. They got fleeced by the Seahawks in the trade for what looks like a washed-up Russel Wilson this season and saddled with a big cap-hitting contract with lots of term. A trade which will likely provide the Seahawks with a potential top 3 pick for a team that is going to be shopping for a replacement franchise QB. Well done, Seattle.
  20. I think it's more like sticking to the play call as much as possible and when improvising and going off-script is necessary being smart with the ball.
  21. If the injury report isn't intended to help Vegas set the line more accurately call me surprised.
  22. And explain please how your question is relevant in any way to my comment?
  23. Great assessment and appreciate you sharing your experiences and insights. I'd summarize my feedback by saying that while we tend to highlight technology as the almighty factor it ultimately comes down to competent, motivated, well trained people with critical thinking skills that make the difference.
  24. Some people choose to pass judgment based on the actor and not the act. Like a romantic partner might judge their lover's actions, Obama could do no wrong, so he gets a pass on everything regardless of the act while Trump can do nothing right, so he doesn't. I'd call it a lack of objectivity and I should add, emotion rather than logic and reasoning.
  25. In short, an abuse of power where they investigate a targeted person, attempt to build a case, take "evidence" and assemble it in search of a crime rather than the traditional law enforcement practices and procedures of investigating a crime, gathering and analyzing evidence, looking for suspects and motive, and identifying the perpetrator.
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