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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. So people in charge of things not thinking it out all the way? What's in effect here is the "out of sight, out of mind" principal. Because moving some activity, in this case burning fossil fuels to power an EV, to a different point in the process does not eliminate the activity. An intelligent question to ask is how much different, objectively through measurement of CO & CO2 (its really carbon monoxide being produced through combustion and then the CO bonds with "free" oxygen" in the atmosphere to form CO2, correct?), is the carbon emission level from the power plant to power that vehicle than just using an ICE vehicle directly? None of the 97% of all scientists and "experts" getting paid to recite the climate change talking points appear ready to tackle that one.
  2. So, the identical ideological mindset as the American woke movement!
  3. The fundamental problem is all these government edicts worldwide have negative impacts on productivity. Higher productivity, whether through the use of more efficient energy sources or improvements in technology or methods, are directly responsible for social and economic progress and improvements in the standard of living of everyone. If you lower productivity you are going to lower the standard of living. Democracy aside, the only way you sell that to people aware of that linkage between these actions and lowering their standard of living is through force. How much force are these governments willing to exert? And what happens when the force against these initiatives is greater than the force the government can exert? A lot of bad stuff can happen. Because what they're pushing is a lower standard of living for everyone, everyone of course but themselves, the other political elite, and the ultra-wealthy. A return to Medieval feudalism and an end to democracy, When the light bulb comes on in the heads of the majority of populations around the world and they see their personal situation getting worse, and they decide my government is not my boss, there are going to be a lot of ex-leaders and their political cronies hanging upside down from lampposts.
  4. The only problem with your argument is that the media is heavily skewed to the left and for all intents and purposes the political left and the mainstream media are a single integrated entity.
  5. They just can't say sexually promiscuous gay men are at the highest risk of contracting and spreading monkey pox. And avoiding that behavior, at least for a limited duration of time, is the best method to avoid the virus. We don't need experts to know this, just a little common sense and observation of reality. The thing is, we can say it, think it, and know it. Which makes the experts look like idiots while they play their game of make-believe science driven by political science.
  6. More worrisome is that you must be watching Fox News. Don't let your friends know! Sounds to me like Fox News is quoting me and not the other way around. But perhaps you can enlighten us and explain the methodology behind the production of the BLS monthly jobs numbers? The small business birth/death model, the assumptions and variables. The distinction between full and part-time jobs. Adjustments and revisions to previous months. Just the basics.
  7. An interesting report. Over 500K jobs and wage growth of 5.2% Y/Y. That signals the Federal Reserve is nowhere near done with rate increases. And suggests despite negative GDP, hiring is still robust. All of which are bringing markets down pre-open. What's curious is the jobs report is in conflict with almost every other indicator of the job market which all suggest hiring has already rolled over. A huge divergence with the plummeting household survey numbers, falling job opening, increasing layoff announcements, all pointing down.
  8. The marketing department might characterize that as "monetizing a unique and creative inter-personal skill set"!
  9. I just finished reading chapter 1 of your new book, "1,001 Ways To Bring Up Trump In Any Conversation".
  10. Which with the liberal media is another way of saying their thinking is governed by confirmation bias.
  11. These media outlets manufacture stories and cite "anonymous" sources to give it an air of legitimacy. How do you verify an anonymous source if its anonymous? Well you don''t All you can do is take the word of the reporter of the story. Which other like-minded media outlets do to provide legitimacy. Then additional media outlets carry the story that for example, cite the Times story provided by anonymous sources. As proof the story is legitimate. Which then gets picked up by other outlets in a self-confirming loop of credibility. The public perception of the validity of the story is established and its now fact. A manufactured fact. That grows to become the lead story on ABC news tonight. "This just in, more revelations about misconduct inside the administration", states the news anchor with a hint of urgency. What then happens is every single person connected to the actual event or situation states the story is false or misrepresents the actual facts or events. But the damage is done. And since the source is fake there's never any action or need to uncover a "source" of sensitive of national security or privileged information. Because the story's fake there's nobody to identify. It's one very effective way the media disseminates and broadcast propaganda.
  12. I read they were letting people go too. Tik Tok social influencer sounds like a pretty sweet gig though.
  13. Maybe you should ask that question of all the people pushing the agenda that have carbon footprint 10 to 20 times what you and I produce? And yet they still live along the coasts which they claim are going to be washed away by rising oceans in 10 years. Why aren't they all moving to Wisconsin? And if you think the Earth is hot now just wait 2 billion years.
  14. Please stop saying "my party". I'm a registered Democrat dissatisfied with the party's direction, not a Republican. Its been taken over by fringe lunatics that don't represent the middle class and certainly no longer represents the needs and views of working class people. While Trump is in many ways detestable he's the first figure that's stood up to these nuts and expressed any willingness to crush them to dust. I've concluded they fear him more than they hate him. In order for our nation to survive in any form these cultural Marxists need to be eliminated.
  15. Funny that of the 18 groups/account listed in the OP which particular one did the neurotic obsessive-compulsive posters zero in on? Give them that ink blot test and guess what they'd see on each card? My advice to them, get professional help now!
  16. This US recruitment film is a joke, right? If its not either start taking Russian and Chinese language lessons or join a well-armed militia being necessary.
  17. You're back with this same list? See my comments.
  18. China has threatened swift and severe responses but so far all they've done is hold some live fire offshore drills and jumped up and down on the furniture. We're all waiting to see if they do anything of substance or if its all bluster. The US and China have many economic dependencies and arrangements and my expectation is we'll soon find out who most values and needs to maintain those arrangements.
  19. Or if what I'd expect because Nancy just beetch slapped President Xi and his commie stooges, China retaliates with specific economic actions which impact and harm the US economy which then allows the administration to use the "R" word (Recession) and blame it all on China going into the mid-terms?
  20. It must be true. As 126 economists dependent on government funds and grants to earn a living conclude that more useless government spending is the best way to subdue inflation. Next trick. Pay the dancing monkeys to say the sky is green. And presto, they will!
  21. Why you're absolutely......... brilliant! Highly articulate and insightful comments. Bravo! I await the next words of genius. The de Vinci of our times. The brightness of your mind is only exceeded by the Sun! Or you just couldn't find some snappy response from somebody else on Twitter to cut and paste?
  22. Deter? I'd argue the opposite. I'd say they facilitated the Russian invasion by arming Ukraine to the teeth and the current situation is exactly the objective Washington policy makers had in mind. And yes, the Russians threw the first punch but all the fights I've witnessed or have been involved in started long before the confrontation turned physical. My theory is easy to test. Just announce the start of delivery and deployment of $50B of advanced offensive and defensive weapons systems to Taiwan for the purpose of stopping Chinese aggression then wait to see how long it takes until China acts. Then blame China for starting it! 😀
  23. As Satan is typically characterized as red I expect being orange would make someone Satan's assistant. As for Ivanka, it might be easier to date liberal women. I've put some thought into this social interaction. For starters, avoid any conversation defining the term "woman". Getting into this is an immediate deal killer. Then tell them how evil Trump is. That should get their interest immediately. Tell them you believe in Russian collusion and 1/6 is the greatest threat to democracy since the wars between Sparta and Athens. Go on and on about how you're a victim of numerous acts of oppression and bigotry. That will get them to go full virtue signal and they'll do just about anything you want. Just be warned, you'll have to deal with their constant droning on and on with what I've read described as "a quasi-religious frenzy that compels the performance of moral atonement scripts". Getting rid of them is easy. Just say you considered gender reassignment surgery but decided that its just not for you.
  24. Its all conditional on the result rather than the means and methods of democracy. That would be when they win its all good. When they lose democracy is at risk. So they are therefore obligated to break any and all rules, ethical and moral limits, cheat as required, in order to win the election, in order to protect democracy, democracy must be suspended. All while rationalizing and blaming and finger pointing and saying the other guys are doing what they doing. But the liberals do it in the pursuit of "good", their opposition in the pursuit of "evil" and "hate". Its quite a fantasy they've created but I think the rest of the country has had enough of this crap.
  25. Do you apply this philosophy when you go to a Bills game with your buddies? Does the person making the most coin buy tickets and food and drinks and pay for parking for everybody? If yes, where can I sign up for that? Call me Finland and throw in a couple Allen jerseys for me too!
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